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Then point the RDP client to localhost:12345
@GuitarShoeDave It took like 20 secs to download. I then deleted the line ;)
Thanks a Bunch @Bob !
rah: yea you're going to want to set a server side check for length of messages.
rah: If i were to send like 5 messages like that, you'd probably have a REAL slow box (depending on the number of simultaneous sessions there are in chat)
@GuitarShoeDave As long as you're talking about that, you'd probably want rate-limiting too and maybe a short connection timeout.
anyhow back to work. good progress
Also protection against slowloris, etc..
One more little question, SSH Tunnels are mostly Non-Persistent, If i had to create a Persistent Tunnel to Access a Internal Network of a Particular Institute (Example: My College) From Home. Than what's the Best choice to do
@GerorgeTimber The tunnel lasts as long as the network connection is not interrupted.
I've had one up for a month.
Could be some firewall in the way terminating the connection shrug in which case you could look into keepalives.
But the same applies if you use a VPN, etc..
Great, so how do you Avoid any Remote Attacker kind of Connection to it, Have you whitelisted yourself in IPTables as a Line of defense for ssh ?
@qwertyuiop Which one are you? :P
@GerorgeTimber ...use public key authentication, disable password logins, and keep your private key file secret.
@Bob Anarchist
Yes, That's a good way indeed ! @Bob
@qwertyuiop Hm... I shouldn't be surprised :P
I'm probably the pessimist. shrug
@Bob opportunist - drinks everyone's water.
Anyone From here read the HackingTeam Hacked Manual ever?
(that or a dog in a dog park)
By gamma Group
@GerorgeTimber: Nope but I read phrack... speaking of phrack they are finally back.
Latest issue: 2016-05-06
Yups that's good sign :D
BTW you can read Gamma Group Paste Here about how they hacked "Hcking team" : pastebin.com/raw/0SNSvyjJ
This Paste by that Hacker is really Gold _
If you ever want to hang out with phrack staff they hang out on efnet in #phrack on irc..
Thanks for this @GuitarShoeDave , would be looking forward to that
Good to know
Yeah i used to hang out there ages ago when I used to provide vhost services to nerds on irc.
If you read the Pastebin Article link which i given above, You could see that the Gamma Group have attacked an Embedded System and Elevated to Hacking the Whole Internal Networks. That's mind boggling
im reading it right now
Yes, no issue buddy, After reading .ping here. we'll discuss some of that points.
@GerorgeTimber @GuitarShoeDave That's some really good ASCII art of a frog peeing...
Haha True that @RahulBasu :D
@RahulBasu heh, my computer security interests are somewhat on the other side of the fence ;p
@RahulBasu WTF?
@qwertyuiop ?
@RahulBasu Why are you talking about ascii art of a frog peeing
@qwertyuiop That link^^^^^
@JourneymanGeek All educational, I swear!
Apr 19 at 10:17, by HackToHell
Bloody detailed http://pastebin.com/raw/0SNSvyjJ
You're late to the party :P
@Bob All this has happened before... all this will happen again? ;p
@JourneymanGeek That should be our channel motto...
ah the bullshit recruiters have emerged now.
this guy said he could get me a 75k job with a car "no sweat"
Haha Bob :d
They wrote a Point in that write up About "Watch and Listen", So after breaking into a server, how did He listened over the Traffic
The Embedded System Exploit Part must be by Reversing the Firmware and Getting Previlege over Hacking Team's Network, but than He pivoted It amazingly to the Whole Network ...
@GerorgeTimber clearly they only used hubs and no switches ;)
Yes, That's what i thought, Maybe it was a root cause for Bangladesh bank hack too ..
But The Attacker GammaGroup Had Embedded Backdoor inside the Exploit which includes NMAP , TCPDump Which sounds amazing
And Coding it without making noise into server, is a good sign of Exploitation too. Because most people do error while doing some shell commands and gets logged.
Best time to attack? During someones pentest
Means? @djsmiley2k couldn't get what you trying to say
@Burgi You should have taken him up on it
Oh look Visual Studio 15 has a smaller download size
Haha yes, i have been using Xamarin From some time of now
@qwertyuiop i asked him to send me a job description
"Bank robber"
"Getaway driver"
Coding can be so pissing off...
why evil?
I'm afraid some Root Access members may get pissed off if I disclose...
Only one member, actually
Oh okay !
lol, Most guys are now offline
@DavidPostill one of those agencies that tried to get me the same job has just gone mental at me on the phone
@Burgi Tell us more. Why?
@HackToHell either a typo or the intern has written it
will after the second one and that link you sent me, i told all the other agencies that the first agency had already submitted it
they've all been cool about it apart from this guy
he was shouting at me saying that he has an exclusive contract with this client, etc etc
@Burgi ah
really not my problem
just odd
really starting to look like i haven't got that job from last week, sadly
@Burgi :/
As they promised feedback today you could chase them up (via the Agency if there was one involved).
no, it was a direct application
i'll give them until lunchtime tomorrow then call them
Is getting a job really this tough?
@RahulBasu lol
Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect. << wut :/
'the trust relationship betwteen this workstation and the primary domain failed'
it's a royal pita
/me gives up
no clue where the physical machine is either. so screw it, I'm ignoring it :D
I've had enough of this job already :/
It's not like me to break after just 3 months but hell...
I'm a domain admin who can't access some machines... on the domain
Things be so screwy here
You're now watching the breakdown of djsmiley2k
Do not attempt to adjust your set
We control the horizontal and the vertical.
I've never heard of a domain admin breaking down because he can't access some machines...
You clearly never were the admin of a DoD system
If you touch the case you have to reboot it
Let's not get into the weekly reboots on RH servers and W2k12 servers
@qwertyuiop :D
I just.... don't know wtf to think anymore
@Ramhound We have monthly reboots of all servers
Cept, because no one knows how, my nagios machine has been up for some 600+ days
tho i worry what kernel it has, and if it'll come back up after a reboot
> Warning: this site is currently in private beta for at least 20 more days.

To log in, you must have commited to the Area 51 site proposal and received the invitation email. Click the invitation link in the email to log in!
@qwertyuiop I've heard a lot of people breaking down for various reasons. One of them could very likely be a domain admin. If I should guess, it must be the one that sounds like a walrus maniacally murdering an elephant in mud. Oh... you said "heard of". Nevermind.
@djsmiley2k Samba or Windows servers?
@RahulBasu dammit, I want in there. You guys do plan on making that site public, right?
ok, now I got hash from sam database, what is the next step
@Developer Next step to what? Please provide some context for your random posts.
@Nick it's really not the users' call - the SE team will review the private beta's progress and at some point decide whether to let it continue to public beta, or shut it down
there have been a few sites that never graduated out of beta
@allquixotic Wait, how long can stay in beta? Given the topic, deepweb SE can stay in beta for a very long time given its name and objective. SE team may do that as a joke...you know, since it's deepweb o-o
Q: How long is a site in private-beta/beta?

SwissCoderHow long will a private beta be up normally?

Board and Card Games is 1516 days in beta... Many others over a 1000 days in beta.. — CRABOLO Dec 14 '14 at 10:05
O_O Holy cwap!
That's like one..two....FOUR years!
Well, hopefully, deepweb SE will see light of day soon :) Here's to hoping.
I can haz hope?
did you know that I love cracking lame jokes?
no one can see it, lol
you can't even view it?
@Bob: More Samsung S7 shenanigans.
I, personally, don't think the site will make it...
Charging from 47% using a QC Quick Charge charger : estimated time 51 minutes. When using a standard 5v 2A charger: 58 minutes. When using any charger with "fast charge" disabled in settings: 3 hours.
With a 5v 1A charger: 1.5 hours.
Wireless charging: Using a 5v 1A charger: 1hr 35m. Using a 5v 2A charger: 1hr 35m. Using a QC Quick Charge charger: 1hr 10m.
@Nick go to the other room
I really need the quick charging kernel patch for the latest android source
I hate it how this phone takes forever to charge
@RahulBasu You can give us an invite, I believe.
I can?
lemme see
The whole Samsung fast wireless charging pad is nice compared to the s5 one though cause positioning is easier. But it also requires a fan.
Does anyone know how I can invite people to private beta's?
My phone can charge at 3A using the USB Power Delivery standard, but it plays nice with pretty much any charger, charging as quickly as the charger supports. It's not Qualcomm Quick Charge, but it works the way I expect it to.
lol, I charge my phone over breakfast ;P
Motorolla's turbo charging is surprisingly fast
@RahulBasu Hmm. I just created an account and logged in ...
Plug it in when you wake up, fully charged by the time you leave for school...
@Nick ^^
@RahulBasu Idk, I just read somewhere that you can. I could be wrong but I hope I'm right.
@RahulBasu Go to http://deepweb.stackexchange.com/questions look on the right you will see " email a private beta invite to:"
@Nick I need your email...
how did I miss that??
@RahulBasu Apparently "Anyone can access private beta by simply clicking the link to it in the Area51 proposal" - that's what I did. It asked me to create an account.
@Nick I sent it anyways...
@Nick Click area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/87978/deep-web/visit then go to the bottom and click "Visit the site now!"
@DavidPostill that works!
@Nick You should remove your email ... or ask a mod to do it if it too late.
I'm thinking of making a windows shell extension...
It'll either be awesome, or fail utterly
@DavidPostill What's the worst that can happen? E-mail harvesting... some spambots... Chain mail...
@Nick Identity theft??
O_O @Bob, can you remove that email I gave!!
Monthly reboots is one thing but weekly?
@Ramhound hi
Back in 1 hour - going to watch the final episode of Marcella on ITV
i better sleep now
@DavidPostill Wait, you're an owner. Could you remove that before email you leave.
goodnight everyone!
@Ramhound oui
@RahulBasu Night!
weekly reboot of the desktops/laptops/thinclients
Hey, it's that old article.
agencies are STILL phoning me!
its 9pm!!!
i hope i get a job soon so i can stop talking to agencies >:(
lol wow
I need to update my CV again
I've just killed an automatic [i.e. self-initiated; WTF Microsoft?!!!] upgrade to Win 10 (from 7) by unplugging my desktop. Have anyone seen that?
This could be a real emergency.
you don't follow the tech news sites then
it's happening a lot
seemly mostly to games during the middle of their broadcasts
@Nick I can't delete messages.
I can imagine this going massively badly for people too
@Nick I flagged a mod to remove it.
@DavidPostill Do you work for Microsoft, or something?
@djsmiley2k It gave me whopping 2 seconds to save unsaved documents before booting me.
@djsmiley2k This shit should be stopped.
install linux.
@djsmiley2k My CAD stuffs don't run on Linux.
has anyone here used AMDGPU drivers with Arch?
@NickAlexeev well that's an entirely different issue
Microsoft should stop this aggressive push for Windows 10. That's the issue at hand.
they are pushing it so strongly to minimize costs of maintenance
Then stop supporting Win 7. That would minimize the cost of maintenance.
But don't force the upgrade.
I have work to do... NOW. I can not spend the next week figuring out which ones of my programs (some fairly old, and not cheap) can work with Win 10 and which ones can't.
you are talking as if developers at MS have any say, That decision was clearly made by marketing/sales.
@NickAlexeev No. Why?
I'm not a litigious person. But this time, I hope somebody sues Microsoft (perhaps for loss of data). That should teach them a lesson (that's the only kind of lesson they can understand).
@tereško It doesn't matter who had no say (no balls, no courage, no common sense, no consideration). It's all one company.
@NickAlexeev Just like the government is one unified team of leaders... It's not that simple.
@NickAlexeev that's exceptionally naive view
@JourneymanGeek My leaving had actually very little to do with elections (directly) - I chose to skip out a couple of days before elections were announced. Just weird timing. (and Richard's situation - as far as I know, which isn't much) - isn't directly related to elections either, although elections were partly caused by his prior demodding)
@JourneymanGeek The idea was... SO is for programming professionals. Physics is for physics professionals. But SFF was basically for fans. So I got curious if we had any professionals among the multitude of fans.
Of course for SFF that's kind of difficult - you don't have "general SFF" professionals who simply have far more expertise than dedicated fans... (the only expertise they would have would be either in 1 specific work they authored; OR literary kind that's offtopic for SFF and ontopic for Writers.SE)
... and the expertise of an author etc... who is posting from personal experience is a problem as we have no way to authenticate whether said author is a real person or a fake
@tereško Naive view, eh?
They are naively (and unapologetically) messing with my computer in the middle of my work. I shall treat them the same as they treat me.
@MichaelFrank If it's effective enough, then it's simple enough.
@NickAlexeev Microsoft didn't tick the "automatically download and install updates" box on your computer.
!! Caaaat
@MichaelFrank Actually, Microsoft ticked it. It's ticked by default. Microsoft had selected the default value.
(Shall I mention lost unsaved documents once more?)
@NickAlexeev While I make no excuses for Microsoft's actions, this has been ridiculously highly publicized, and there are multiple free and open source programs available for you to download (or manually execute the steps by hand) to prevent this behavior. You have to have been living under a rock to get hit by this.
It's like saying "Huh?! There are robbers that will go around and break into your house and steal your stuff if you leave your door unlocked?!"
This is probably the biggest story in tech over the past year. It's extraordinarily hard to miss.
@allquixotic I think this is about the 'convenience patch', which by the looks of the /. article, doesn't include Win10.
What MSFT is doing is wrong. Fact. However, it is trivial for users to prevent it, and every single tech community and news source known to man has been going out of their way to make it abundantly clear that this is a problem and here's how you can avoid it.
Wait. I'm wrong.
While I sympathize with you, I think you should make a bit more of an effort to stay informed on tech news in the future, to avoid being blindsided by this or any other problem that may befall you.
Anywho... I don't need to worry about this. All my computers are Win10 anyway. :P
The funny thing is, "real" businesses (large enterprises, at least... dunno about small biz) run Windows 7 Enterprise, and the Enterprise edition of Windows will never upgrade of its own volition.
I suppose the implication is that, if you are serious about sticking to a specific version of Windows going forward, the Enterprise edition is the way to go.
Huh.... YouTube Red launches here tomorrow.
That'll save me a few dollars on my Spotify plan!
Skyrim generates such big save files, and given that I have File History configured to take snapshots every 15 minutes, the stored data adds up fast, even with NTFS compression.
@bwDraco How big?
Huh... as big as 60mb at times. o.O
The most recent save (33 Altmer, nearly 70 hours in) is 8788 KB (6164 KB compressed).
Are you playing modded?
Two major mods installed, USLEEP and SkyUI; these shouldn't cause the save files to dramatically expand. This is the Legendary Edition, though, and the extra DLC data probably explains the large file sizes.
Nah, it's definitely the mods that cause the bloat. reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1cdvv3/…
These are bugfixing and UI mods. They don't add huge amounts of new content. I'm playing a near-stock game, but with an enhanced menu system.
Skyrim save data presently accounts for 9.03 GB compressed on my File History drive.
Got stuff to do, so see ya.
YouTube Red available in Australia and NZ
@MichaelFrank ^
Oh wait you already said that earlier :P
I already signed up ha
Well, scored my free trial, which locks in the cheaper rate until after the offer expires.
@MichaelFrank I tried to... Got an error :(
@Bob I got an error on the site, had to do it through the app.
@MichaelFrank Weird, I get an error in both. And the chat support guy I'm talking to is confused.
Dammit I need to get to work
i'm really not looking forward to this interview
i can't find any information on the company beyond their very basic website
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.

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