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I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
Clocks are set forward tonight for those that observe DST.
Notice that Google Clock correctly accounts for this.
It is 12 hr 41 min away, not 13 hr 41 min as naïve math would put it.
lets do the time warp again
this corsair RGB keyboard software is so complex, i keep falling asleep during the video tutorials :)
the users videos, would often be the "just like me" kind, but they seems really lost
Wassup homies, where all the sexy ladies at?
@Psycogeek The ROCCAT Swarm software is nearly as complex.
wrong room, SU downvoted all the ladies for asking questions, you want the Biblical Hermeneutics chat room. hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions
Well i have not studied the men to women ratios, but i assume cooking and there are hot with em.
When you have to be "the last man on earth" its good to be where less men hang out :-)
even if you have to eat cajun for a while, or make believe that you need a new religion
you could always try the DIY home repair and maintance site, but as soon as they have a boyfriend that work is done :-)
women are not strangers to tech, many of them (around here) can be seen on thier smart phones pushing buttons and reading stuff. Text messages? or Secret women only web apps , or sites :-)
millions of children see only the backs of thier parents , as they churn away on computers.
mommy are we going to eat? as soon as I correct this guy who is wrong on the net.
@Psycogeek No, that's the dad. Mommy would be using psychological manipulation to make the guy hate himself.
true it should have been correct this woman. Cat Fight
they will have a knock down drag out about loreal being better than maybaline
Hey guys.
I have happy news for yous
I'm going to ditch upgrading my current system
I'm getting the following:
LGA 1151 mobo, supports 32GB DDR4
LGA 1151 CPU, Pentium quad @ 3.3 GHz with turbo (some users report turbo up to 4.7 GHz)
1x16GB DDR4 2400

That's the list of stuff
It'll slaughter my current setup, since that Pentium is comparable to a 3rd gen i5
First you can't afford $10 extra, now you get a completely new PC...
Protip: There's no such thing as a Pentium quad, and Pentiums do not have any turbo.
This is a Pentium dual that has been hyperthreaded to quad
And this one exhibits behavior of turbo, so I'd assume it's got it
Hyperthreading does not make it in "to quad"
at all
Well, it exposes 4 cores at 3.3GHz to the OS
If exposing 4 cores would make it a quad I'd be selling single-core processors as 32-core just by exposing 32 cores.
And no, Pentiums do not exhibit behavior of turbo and do not have turbo.
pentiums have turbo
@Psycogeek Not the Skylake ones
Well it OCs itself under load
No it doesn't.
But you seem to enjoy being misinformed and misinforming us so I'll let you be
down boy
Hyperthreading != 2x the performance under ideal conditions
Well, either way it slaughters my current build
so it doesn't matter
also, dual 8gb might make more sense
and it's upgradable to a i7-6***, or a Xeon if I want it
So did half the shit we told you yesterday which you were keen to ignore cvause it cost $10 more
Why 2x8?
Because it's faster#
might be cheaper + dual channel
If I get 1x16 then I can use it in another mobo, or add another to get 32GB
unless you want to go 32gb
I don't need faster
4x8 is better for 32GB
I do want 32 eventually, and this mobo only has 2 slots
but on a budget build, 32gb is overkill, and you rarely end up moving ram
16GB only makes sense if you're planning to go to 64GB, which if you can't afford a $25 CPI isn't going to be realistic
I plan on upgrading this CPU in the future
and I do plan to go to 64 with a new mobo in the future
lets ask this question another way
What will you be doing that needs 64gb?
@JourneymanGeek To be fair, with DDR4 being still new, and nothing beyond it on the horizon, now is as likely a time as any for it to still be useful at the next upgrade
@qasdfdsaq true, but this is a budget build :(
I run VMs. Also, I plan on doing work requiring ramdisks.
Also UE4 development
(Granted I've moved ram around but that was a very different scenario. I had the right sort of ram)
And yet 24 hours ago you were insisting on a 5 year old CPU...
I know
I have been enlightened.
@Daniel there's a certain trick to getting the most bang for your buck
I have returned from the netherlands of the force.
Clearly not by us
what dat @JourneymanGeek
@JourneymanGeek What's that, "Don't do what qasdfdsaq does"?
Yes that ^^^^
the problem with your build is you're trying to cheap out in some places, and then throwing a ton of money on the one component that's likely to get cheaper over time.
(on average. If a ram fab dosen't catch fire)
That's why I'm only getting 1x16GB now, and not 2x8GB, which I'll then have to trash to get more than 16GB
Also, with Memorial Day coming up I think I can get a good deal
but the 2x8gb might work well, and if you're going to upgrade the motherboard anyway....
I'm patient when it comes to these sales. - sorry for delay, I talk too fast for SE's antispam
upgrade mobo and RAM?
@qasdfdsaq I suspect you probably do smart builds for your budget.
@JourneymanGeek I used to, I've gone mad this year
@Daniel I tend to do both + cpu at once, on a roughly 5-7 year cycle.
@qasdfdsaq or your budgets went up
I bought a mid-range Skylake board and the most expensive Skylake processor knowing full well I plan on replacing it as soon as Skylake-E comes out in the next 9-18 months
(actually this is the first system I've managed to do rolling upgrades on)
(That said, I expect the 6700K to keep it's value fairly reasonably well)
Well, that's kinda what I'm doing. I just want the option to go more RAM without replacing the mobo. In the end I think it may be better/
@qasdfdsaq you do have a use for the old system/resale plans, right?
@JourneymanGeek No, but I pray I will? :-P
@Daniel your choice. just not the option I'd pick.
I had resale plans for my X58/980x system but that's just been sitting in the cupboard since I decomissioned it
6 mins ago, by Daniel
and I do plan to go to 64 with a new mobo in the future
But I'd like to go 32 with this mobo
So you want to replace the RAM, then replace the CPU, then replace the mobo, which negates the need to replace the RAM or the CPU
Makes sense
(technically the beebox was me going slightly nuts. Amusingly, outside the HDD issues, which I need to investigate, the brix has been fine so far)
@Daniel at the end of the day, its your build/money.
@JourneymanGeek Well my salary went up by 50%, so yeah... >_>
that would do it.
it is true he has a upgrade path
OK technically my salary is about the same, but I work 33% less hours to get it
So if I want to eventually go 32 with this mobo, would you recommend 2x8 now, or 1x16 now? It's only got 2 slots
I'd personally go with 2x8 unless you're doing the upgrades in 6-8 months
I very well may be ^
Also my social life has completely evaporated so my costs have gone down. Which I compensate for with more compuhtazzz
and if you're replacing the CPU and mobo eventually, it makes sense.
I recommend not cheaping out on a mobo with only 2 slots
Which I very well may do @JourneymanGeek
@qasdfdsaq going with 2x8 is cheaping out. Sensibly ;)
It saves me $25 @qasdfdsaq, and I won't need 4 slots now.
And I still recommend a 2nd/3rd gen second hand system as far better value for money.
@Daniel it really depends on how you build stuff.
i recommend not cheapining out on a motherboard with cheap caps that wont last :-)
@JourneymanGeek Lies, I'd purposely choose 2x8 over 1x16 for the sake of dual-channel
At 2400MHz, I don't need dual channel
(In fact I chose 4x8 because i plan on getting Skylake-E which would let me have quad-channel)
I'm running 800MHz now
@qasdfdsaq heh, my starving student builds are generally dumpster divas :)
@JourneymanGeek Lol, my starving student days are over... thankfully
Anyways, Star Trek is on, so I'm leaving. Be happy that I at least went all new Intel.
(I ran a c2d which I pulled from a dumpster. Added a hard drive, and a monitor and ran it for ~ a year or two before getting my ivy bridge desktop)
@Daniel it helps, dont know the facts about DDR4 & dual, but Dual is much memory throughput back in ddr3
Be happy for yourself, we're not going to do it for you.
We don't give a rats arse if you're stuck on an Athlon x2 or a Phenom.
@qasdfdsaq I tend to think shitty computers build charecter.
Also, makes proper builds more fun
@JourneymanGeek We're literally forbidden from putting computers in dumpsters, so :-(
@qasdfdsaq wasn't an actual dumpster
shakes fist at EU
We have this wierd social convention where we have bulk trash bins for bulky trash, and we leave usable stuff near but elsewhere.
So I have an idea what's usable.
programmers with crappy computers, make optomised software :-)
That said, I have roughly 8 usable systems so.... unless someone dumps something rediculously shiny, I don't dumpster dive any more
@JourneymanGeek Whats a c2d?
Core 2 Duo
Oldest machines I run, tho all are slightly upgraded
There's supposed to be a place that does really cheap pulled ram
If I can find them, I want to max out the ram on em.
The idea of getting usable, relatively decent hardware from the dumpster sounds almost alien to me
@ThatBrazilianGuy core2duos are barely on the verge of usability
They are new enough though that you can slap a cheap SSD on one and its decent
(Well I suppose, thanks to brazillian customs, the idea of a cheap SSD is alien too....)
@ThatBrazilianGuy amusingly, the box I picked up had a balky video card (I used onboard video) and no HDD
picked up a 500gb one for about 50 quid and called it good
@ThatBrazilianGuy it wouldnt be alien here, people putting thier computers out on the sidewalk with FREE signs, upgraded not because the hardware is borked, but because they just couldnt get the software going right, or its full of viruses. Just easier for them to buy new, like the rate people are tossing (perfectally usable) cell phones.
Amusingly I have away the system to a friend and.. it promptly died.
@Psycogeek we're geeks. We'd wipe the boxes anyway.
Interestingly (?), people here do keep buying new phones, people even get in line for iPhone releases...
...they just sell 3 kidneys pay $2000 in many, many months to buy one.
I have no idea what people do with old smartphones, laptops and PCs.
But I strongly suspect most people get new phones every couple years, but keep the computers running until they die of old age.
much like an answer for broken computer on SU, replace the psu then the motherboard, then the memory then the processor, then the GPU if that doesnt work it is probably the OS :-) I have to keep one older parts set leftover for testing.
1 old flip phone for sliding in the sim card, for backup. that if ever used it would be for 10 days max while quickly replacing the borked one.
> replace the psu then the motherboard, then the memory then the processor, then the GPU if that doesnt work it is probably the OS
Theseu's computer?
"The title of the film alludes to Theseus’ paradox, most notably recorded in Life of Theseus, wherein the Greek historian and philosopher Plutarch inquires whether a ship that has been restored by replacing all its parts remains the same ship." ??? closest thing to that i could find?
@ThatBrazilianGuy that's likely the case
Well at least the ship still activates with microsoft :-)
@ThatBrazilianGuy in theory, in that sense, my current ivy bridge/980ti/dual UHD system was a dell 530 once.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I think people use phones more and have the idea that they need to keep up
old PCs are perfectly good for a suprisingly long amount of time, especially if you're willing to maintain them and replace parts as they fail
I think there's a similar paradox called the grandfather's axe...
!!wiki grandfather's axe
The ship of Theseus, also known as Theseus' paradox, is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Life of Theseus from the late first century. Plutarch asked whether a ship that had been restored by replacing every single wooden part remained the same ship. The paradox had been discussed by more ancient philosophers such as Heraclitus, Socrates, and Plato prior to Plutarch's writings; and more recently by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Several...
loop around
rest of wiki . . . . Several variants are known, including the grandfather's axe, which has had both head and handle replaced.
I think the grandfather's axe is more apt here
It's basically the same parallax smallpox.
Question: Why is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC so slow at generating print jobs (as in it takes an entire second per page)?
a whole second? my life passes waiting.
Hmm. Might be this specific printer (this is the first HP printer I've personally owned). Adobe Acrobat is slower to print to PCL printers, it seems.
@bwDraco so many ways to change (at least some) printer driver methods, a whole blog could be written about it. I just want the one with least compression, and works with everything always.
HPLIJ on Linux is extremely fast to print PDFs (using lp from CUPS).
I get tempted when in there to adjust things, i know nothing about.
uhh, is it working YES, 'k is fine
The colour scheme actually looks much better in dogvision (tm)
That's dogvision?
You dogs see weird
How on earth can paper get jammed in the service station?
@bwDraco well at least it is Faster now :-)
(wolfram alpha is cool. Also, dogs do see colour, and are apparently all shortsighted)
i strive to make my OS themed in Purple haze, never achieved it, and half the time its barbie pink :-)
they runied all that total customisation when they added in the total customisation 3D wizz bang best windows themes ever :-PPPP
win10 is even crasier looking, with black on black on grey for sidebar, and stark white explorers still.
You can change the color of the taskbar/sidebar @Psycogeek
And I'm starting to like this @JourneymanGeek fella. When is he going to get his master's license?
If you turn on show color on Start, taskbar, action center, and title bar, your title bars (build 10525), Start menu, taskbar, and action center background will have the color you selected below. The color of title bars for inactive windows will still be white.
bet you still cant invert explorer windows? black background white or colored text, without the rest of the color scheme messing up?
Hmmm, something tells me there's a way to do that. Stand by
oh, yea the Accessability high contrast options
It is possible.
grey on grey
And by the way, that episode of Star Trek was spectacular
This is par for many dark themes since they broke it, you can only adjust so far without having Black on black texts showing in some locations.
Eh, it's better than nothing
Or just do what I do and don't use WinExplorer at all
Command Prompt > Windows Explorer
which is sorta funny that the lamo non grafics CMDprompt is more customisable than the skinned gui
It is ^. I love white on black though. Unless I'm tying to look awesome, then I use green on black.
I believe I'm the only person in my neighborhood that uses ping to test for internet connectivity. #TheUltimateNerdTest
i use red text on black background (today) and add color changes to the batches to ID things.
Now, I must say that Mac's Terminal uses black on white as default, but it's quite comfortable to view.
Hey could you do me a favor?
no one is foolish enough to answer that without knowing what it is :-)
Visit km4ayu.com and let me know what the load time is for it. I've been debugging my PHP/NGINX/WP trying to get the load time down from 45 seconds on lightning fast internet.
Give me time to type the request, willya?
2 seconds
I am a genius
PHP5 is now allowed to use 1GB of RAM, and nginx is using all kinds of compression, and IT DOESN'T TAKE 2 MINUTES TO LOAD ANYMORE
I get similar results as you did on load time.
i thought it was genius that plastered crap and scripts all over everything till it breaks :-)
Unfortunately it's a VPS so I can't change swappiness away from 60.
No, genius is the man who takes a look at a problem, and uses the weirdest (but strangely most effective) means to solve it.
Genius is Being both Intelligent, and being able to tap all one's intelligence at the right time.
"True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information."
True genius is knowing when to be horny.
Or if you want a technical definition,

if [ $IQ -ge 140 ]; then
Geniuses are the luckiest of mortals because what they must do is the same as what they most want to do.
Having a high IQ means nothing about knowing how to apply it
True ^
but some people who want to put a number to genius aren't exactly that smart
After all, I have a "genius" IQ, yet I'm a complete moron.
As do I, I just don't use my genius as much as I should (not as bad as you though :) )
Isn't this true: Genius always finds itself a century too early.
i think there are geniuses in many feilds, that do not have questions in the IQ testing.
I keep getting eaten, because I'm too busy being nice to the wrong people
This is true @Psycogeek, for instance, I happen to be a genius in the art of duct tape.
Again, also very true: "The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms. Very often it does not know what to do with genius."
Prove it.
Genius does what it must, and Talent does what it can.
How do you wish for me to prove it?
I can fix an incandescent light bulb with duct tape
Prove it
Usual art of internet proofing. Pics or it didn't happen.
I haven't done it yet
we no longer have incandescent bulbs
Well then there's no proof you can do it.
You just think you can do it.
we use LEDs. Muy efficioso
I have the capability to theorize a situation.
I could use a strand of duct tape as a replacement filament
now, it would only last a few milliseconds, BUT HEY IT WORKED
Theory doesn't necessarily match practice.
I mean, some elements lasted shorter than that
What happens if you had some form of allergy to the combined metaphysical signature of duct tape and glass and suddenly die?
I have proven that to be false ^
I have put duct tape on glass and I lived
Pics or it didn't happen.
I would, except dinner's going on here
which means I'll need to run soon
So in reality you can theorize and brag, but have no proof of anything. Mhmm.
mmmm tacos
I will prove anything you want me to prove if you're in person.
I can't be in person.
Feb 29 at 20:39, by qasdfdsaq
I'm a cat.
A genius should be aware cats aren't people.
That's a pity then. Because I am a cat-killing Jedi.
pic - it did happen
Anyways, food's on the table, so I need to eat. FOOD
Sorry, your theoretical unproven threats don't threaten me.
bye guys
Single-sided printing is very fast on this HP printer, but duplex speeds are noticeably slower. It seems the printer needs a lot of time to allow the ink to dry.
Have not tested maximum print engine speed. It's rated for 34 ppm maximum engine speed in draft mode, but I don't usually use draft mode on any printer because print quality typically falls off a cliff.
Blah torrents make my router hang up
Finally got around to redeeming all my Humble Bundle keys on Steam... Went from 180 games to 256.
Two basic types of printhead: thermal and piezo.
@HackToHell you need a less shit router.
@JourneymanGeek ikr
@JourneymanGeek That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ;p
My router is kinda okay, my modem is the shittiy one now :D
Wierd. I thought @qasdfdsaq added a :p
As in kinda okay I mean it's more than 20 bucks ;p
Thermal printheads use heat to cause ink bubbles to burst, spraying them onto the paper (hence Canon referring to the technology as Bubble Jet). They are inexpensive to manufacture and can be very fast as they can have many more nozzles. However, they tend to have a shorter service life and have very limited control over droplet size which can limit resolution. HP and Canon use thermal inkjet technology.
Piezo printheads use piezoelectric elements to mechanically force ink onto the paper. Although expensive to manufacture and often slower, piezo technology can readily print droplets of varying size for enhanced print quality and has longer service life because it avoids the high operating temperatures of thermal printheads. Epson and Brother use piezo inkjet technology.
@qasdfdsaq That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Someone must have deleted it
Is it just me, or are your chat messages always getting flagged @qasdfdsaq?
It's important to note that thermal printheads can fail if allowed to run dry because they will overheat and burn themselves out. Piezo printheads do not suffer from this limitation.
Ah yes, the flag troll has a twitchy trigger finger again.
You have 5 flags on that message.
To be clear, I was the first to flag it. Given the context, it read like a direct insult to whoever had deleted the command.

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