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I don't take this decision lightly, especially with the changes I've implemented since the suspension.
@qasdfdsaq Upon a closer look, it is clear that the command you entered never existed: chat.stackexchange.com/…
@bwDraco That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ;p
@qasdfdsaq Once again, please think before you post.
We do not tolerate insults directed at other users.
I didn't see the flags
anyway @qasdfdsaq I'd think that sort of language is flaggable.
also, not a very creative insult ;p
@Daniel when one truely becomes a master, one has nothing left to learn.
Of course, qasdf never saw my messages regarding the flag because he's ignored me.
As noted earlier, I was the first to flag that message.
Also, if you're in the same room and not ignored, its fine to politely tell someone a post is out of line
if you're ignored, meh.
...I'm too tired for this.
@allquixotic *poke* you there?
@Bob yeah
@allquixotic You still up for that game? (offline on steam)
@JourneymanGeek This is the kind of stuff I never understand. Yelling shit and fuck is apparently OK but "asshole" isn't? And calling an actual person an actual asshole is OK but joking a non-existent person is an asshole isn't?
@qasdfdsaq typically? Insulting a situation rather than a person is less offensive,
And I even ask a mod if swearing is OK but can't get a straight answer because apparently the rules posted on meta don't apply the same here
@JourneymanGeek I was insulting a situation, the situation of my :p having been mysteriously deleted
also, that is einstein's grandson
AKA mr pringles.
He's... kinda on the secret list.
35 mins ago, by qasdfdsaq
Someone must have deleted it
Also, just cause someone did it... a year ago...
The insult was directed at an unspecified person.
2 years ago?
Yeah but so am I so I still don't get what the difference is
and we're making fun of him?
Anyway, I was basically saying "If you're not happy with something, try talking to the person too"
@JourneymanGeek :O)))))))))))))
Chances are either I deleted it myself or it got lost when the bot went down, neitehr really gives anyone to talk to, and it wasn't serious
@jokerdino I will totally mock your stubby little dino arms.
@qasdfdsaq precisely why I'd rather go "Hey dude, not cool" over a sush
The context of that message was quite clearly indicative of a personal attack regardless.
But seriously how the hell am I supposed to understand the rules when they basically go like this
1) Swearing and worse words than "asshole" are okay
2) Calling certain people an asshole is ok
3) Insulting a situation is OK
4) But ... apparently isn't
And c'mon, this?
Jun 19 '14 at 2:32, by Bob
Fucking arsehole.
Imagine "In context" moderation, instead of blind flagging, what a concept. humans recognising herassment, spamming, and completly obnoxious, over textual assembly of specified words.
@qasdfdsaq This was directed at a user in a different venue who had posted a low-quality forum thread reply.
@qasdfdsaq quoting people cussing feels a bit like "But mooooooooom, @bob did it"
Well quite literally what am I doing that's different?
What exactly is the rule?
Don't post drunk #1 rule
chat.stackexchange.com/faq#nice this is the closest thing to a rule I guess
I already have a hard enough time telling what's appropriate thanks to my Aspergers but it's exponentially harder when there's unwritten rules that don't match the written rules that constantly apply differently depending on who's on at what time of day, when someone says the exact same thing
f flags
39 mins ago, by SirPython
You have 5 flags on that message.
@qasdfdsaq so, basically 5 people felt that was offensive.
The climate here has changed. You've racked up a significant history of willful disruption in this room. Hence, it's only natural for us to be more vigilant for negative content.
I'd rather have handled it differently
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, so what made that more offensive than bob saying "fucking arsehole" for example?
@qasdfdsaq "mooooooom"
@JourneymanGeek I ... don't see what that explains?
@qasdfdsaq try to consider each event in its own context
When you live on the edge, dont be suprised, or really worried if you fall off said edge , move over a few feet.
you don't know how that was handled.
Well it's in the transcript so it wasn't flagged and deleted, that's what I can see.
But even ignoring that, one mod says swearing is OK, another says decide for yourself, another says it's flaggable.
Thanks, clear as mud.
yeah, sorry about that.
but that's how it is.
And really most moderation here is really relative.
@JourneymanGeek I suspect that was 5 out of dozens of eyes, and I've known people to mark a flag valid without ever looking at the context. So, all in all, not much.
preeeeety much
@qasdfdsaq I suspect this is a case of "different times" :\
Since I seem to lack an inherent sense of what's "acceptable" that NT's tend to have I just try to go by how other people behave. And if I get treated differently for apparently the same thing that's just bloody confusing.
On its own, "Asshoes" (the complete text of the deleted message) is not flaggable. However, you had preceded it with "Someone must have deleted it". In that case, I had every reason to believe that the message was a personal attack and proceeded to flag it.
I'm just gonna go hide and only talk to Bob, cause he's nice.
I mean this entirely inoffensively but....
and different people, or different feelings of the people at the moment. Still applies if your always getting into trouble, you could always step back further, or enjoy the attention you are getting when they think you worthy of being banned.
@bwDraco heh, at this point, drop it please, you're somewhat overemotional about this issue.
I'll try to keep a cool head.
@bwDraco To be perfectly honest, and having forgotten about that previous two-year-old message entirely, I think it might have been directed at the MS Forum user. Maybe.
I really don't know anymore.
@qasdfdsaq people hate the concept but 'chat culture' to an extent, and ya, it depends on who's handling it.
@JourneymanGeek My word still stands on not making moderation decisions on emotion.
I personally favour light touch moderation
Unless you're a spammer
@JourneymanGeek Yea, mini discussion on that while you were asleep (I think)
I admit that the issues are not completely fixed. However, I'm actively working towards a solution and have been much more careful on whether to take a particular action on a post.
I don't think Bob's ever flagged me. Or at least hasn't admitted it. Have you? Have you bob? o_0
@qasdfdsaq Refer to said mini-discussion :P
@qasdfdsaq if I ever suspend you (which i have), I've tried to give you an explaination
@Bob linkie?
@JourneymanGeek Starts about here
Oh that.
Notice: My promise to not act on emotion now extends to all actions taken on Stack Exchange, not merely moderation actions such as flagging.
I sorta missed half of it cause I was playing agar and only half paying attention
@JourneymanGeek And especially here
@Bob that sums it up pretty well
Yeah that clears it up... not >_>
21 hours ago, by qasdfdsaq
!!learn ;) <>https://i.sstatic.net/GjpBK.jpg
Dec 10 '15 at 15:21, by qasdfdsaq
!!learn :-o <>http://i.imgur.com/el2EsVb.gif
Yeah, THAT I am curious about
Looks like I never added a :-p
!!learn ;) <>https://i.sstatic.net/GjpBK.jpg
@JourneymanGeek Command ;) already exists
Just a :-o
NOW it works
Yes, I say Ahh a lot
Ah well, managed to get nearly halfway through the month without getting flagged and suspended.
And while we're talking about talking to people...
Always think positive and look on the bright side right?
I mean if I had gone any longer, it'd just make it a harder record to break next time round.
I certainly don't think this is worthy of a suspension. This is more of a heads-up, a reminder that you need to watch what you say.
@bwDraco quoting yourself and making pronouncements about future behavior is annoying.
Right? Riiiight?
(and we're in full on psudo mod mode too. There's a mod in house, I can handle it!)
@qasdfdsaq some records are best not kept.
50 lashes with a wet noodle!
I've not been suspended in... oh, 5 years?
Don't stress yourself. Once again, I overreacted a bit.
@JourneymanGeek I dunno, if I didn't keep a record of how long I can go, what motivation do I have to beat it?
Ahh i have been suspended and banned from much better places than this :-)
@qasdfdsaq I didn't get suspended today!
And the day before
Actually I've only been kickbanned once
@JourneymanGeek Yeah but you're a dog
People like dogs.
People don't like qasdfdsaqs.
and no one seemed to know why, and they weren't a very nice bunch.
Clearly cat people
@qasdfdsaq also, I try to be generally nice and slightly inoffensive ;p
@qasdfdsaq I think it's the santa hat
@JourneymanGeek sob Lots of changes needed on my end. I'm way, way, way too heavy-handed in my approach to moderation.
Apparently when people see the name they instantly think "spammer" or "chinese isk farmer" if you're playing EVE
@bwDraco overdramatic.
once again, tone down
@qasdfdsaq clearly you need a new username.
@JourneymanGeek But you've also used worse cuss words than "asshole".
@JourneymanGeek Well i did temporarily change it to DragonLord for a few minutes last year
@qasdfdsaq and no one cares ;)
and I tend to cuss in hokkien and clanner.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, cause you're a dog, people forgive you because they like dogs.
I've been meaning to get a more... professional username for a while now too, for job applications and the such
And business cards, etc.
@qasdfdsaq lol. My original username was "The Journeyman Geek"
Dropped the The about 5 minutes after finding chat, I think @studiohack changed it for me, cause it was odd to @the
At least @qasdfdsaq's easy
There's only one other @Q in here, and it's someone I've never heard of or talked to
That was the best I could think of :-/
I think @allquixotic had a tendancy of odd charecters in the past
and there was this guy whose username broke chat...
Yeah I linked it earlier:
Jul 23 '14 at 15:45, by ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ
@qasdfdsaq You can be [email protected] :P
Alright. It's really hard to not constantly seek attention. Any thoughts? (We might want to bring this to Ask a Super User Moderator for further discussion)
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Sep 24 '15 at 12:44, by balpha
@bwDraco you're doing it now.
@Bob Interesting... though I might get questions about the domain, which I would find tiring to answer
Hah what about [email protected]
That would be one epic injoke.
@JourneymanGeek This was an outside reference.
This is one of those hard problems, How does one deal with someone who is consistantly demanding attention?
But then I'd have a hard time claiming I'm not a tswift fan.
@qasdfdsaq sure you are. Its part of the unwritten rules of the channel.
Did I mention I hate unwritten rules? I hate unwritten rules.
And also Taylor Swift
I haven't listened to taylor swift in minutes weeks
@qasdfdsaq Maybe flip it around? Who knows, maybe the interviewer is a ts fan too
(Fun fact, I'd never listened to Becky Taylor Swift before here)
@JourneymanGeek You're the one who gave me that test FLAC :P
(Actually I have a song by someone called becky. Its a horrible earworm)
@Bob I did!
@JourneymanGeek Who me?
I only do it because my parents never gave me enough attention as a kid
@qasdfdsaq naw. You react well to occational smacks on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
Mostly because my parents were never around when I was a kid
s/rolled up newspaper/kickban/
same difference ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'm trying to solve this on my end.
@bwDraco I'd hope that being aware of the issue is a start
This is the same reason the open letter contained a promise to not make moderation decisions on emotion.
Hey, it's Sunday today.
I stand by my word.
Oh god it's 5am already
I needed to be in bed 6 hours ago :-/
I'm less likely to act out today than I was before the suspension, but the smallest emotions are amplified by the fact that all it takes is a little bit of formatting to add huge emphasis to posts. This makes it harder to keep emotions in check when online.
@bwDraco you're still taking yourself much too seriously.
@jokerdino yup. it is
were I at home, I'd be at the dog run ;)
@JourneymanGeek Wait you're still not home?
in india, at my granma's, hanging out with the enormous GSD pup
It's not my intention to act out. It's not my desire to cause disruption. It's my long history of fighting to keep myself well-behaved at all times, and it makes it really hard to not call attention to my struggles.
Urgh I was gonna go sleep before all this drama.
To all you haters:
I'm constantly fighting to avoid losing control of myself.
^ that big lug
He looks... stoned
naw, he's taking a nap
It's much harder to detect that I'm losing my temper when participating in chat online.
hmm, participating?
This is an ongoing area of research for me, and I'm looking to respond faster to warning signs, even without outside prompting.
Of course, the best solution is to remain even-tempered at all times so that this isn't necessary at all.
Problem is that it would require fundamental changes to my personality.
@bwDraco well, constantly talking about it probably dosen't help much
First step would be to chatting with us normally.
Instead of analysing or quoting older messages. :(
rather than trying to steer chat one way, and failing
I'm always fighting to behave my best, every time, without fail, and I won't give up.
@qasdfdsaq 80 MB for that?
@qasdfdsaq woof
My net must not be so shit after all.
@jokerdino Hey at least I didn't onebox it
@jokerdino It's being played as HTML5 video there.
@qasdfdsaq that would be a flag worthy offense.
@bwDraco ah, no wonder
@jokerdino And yet I'ven ever been flagged for it :-/
^^ @Bob
I value my bandwidth, thank you.
(Note that Imgur does not allow links to video content without a referer or with a referer other than Imgur; they are redirected to the main content page.)
@qasdfdsaq I wonder what the 10%/hours were :P
That's about 21.5 hours in total, 4.5 hours screen on (well OK, 21.5 hours screen on, 17 hours of always-on-display though)
But even that's really impressive.
2 hours of GPS signal logging and wifi scanning
Ahh, that'd eat a chunk
bout half an hour of youtube videos
Hm. Now I just have to wait and see a G5 comparison.
Put another way, my S4/S5 would run out of battery after about 4 hours of signal logging/scanning (from a 100% battery).
But it's already looking pretty good for the S7
I am stepping out as a precaution. I was about to onebox the video.
The only thing is ... it's Exynos and not an SD820 :\
I think whatever hardware tweaks/optimizations they made for the always-on display has made it very efficient at always-on display
(as in, screen uses a lot less power per hour than previous phones, when on and not taxing the CPU)
@qasdfdsaq I get some 4 hours of SOT with my G4, just web browsing. 3 hours if doing something CPU intensive
2.25 hours of CPU use from Android OS/System o_0
@Bob Hmm. I thought most phones did 6-8 hours of web browsing these days
8 hours web browsing, supposedly
@qasdfdsaq Huh. Really?
Though tbh I've never really timed this
(The S6 got 11 hours on the same test)
Maybe it's also to do with brightness? Use outdoors? :S
> We kept the brightness slider at 50%, which results in around 100nits. That’s just a fifth of the screen’s max brightness
Mine's auto, weighted towards lower
I know my phone spent about an hour at max brightness today, as I was outdoors for biking lessons
But even indoor use I'd only expect 50% to last maybe 2-3 hours
Weird. Wifi or LTE?
@qasdfdsaq wifi
To be fair it seems the LG G4 doesn't do particularly well on battery life.
I should property time it sometime
@qasdfdsaq To be fair, that's the last 50%
As in, when I expect to use it for browsing for 3 hours I'm nor comfortable with just a 50% charge
I think the actual discharge measurement isn't linear
It spends a whole lot longer on 100%, for example
> The overall Endurance rating is 54 hours, which is about average. It’s well below the Galaxy S6 though and it’s not just because of worse individual scores either – the standby power draw was pretty high, which further lowers the final score.
So maybe I can squeeze out 8 hours indoors on wifi and low brightness
@qasdfdsaq Also apparently there's a hell of a lot of variance.
Heh, Galaxy S6 active gets >16 hours web browsing
I've heard of some getting only 1-2 hours SOT
And I can leave mine on standby for 12 hours with literally no drop in battery %
Yeah, it depends a lot on what web pages as well, and I guess they're doing synthetic tests with no actual finger-on-screen contact
@qasdfdsaq That too. And I'm using FF mobile which probably uses more power than Chrome
...the 400 tabs probably don't help :P
(My old S4 boosted CPU from <400Mhz to a minimum of 1.2Ghz whenever the touchscreen was being touched)
On the other hand, I'm on mostly text pages
Generally no videos, not really any pictures, not even interesting scrolling side-to-side. Almost text-only mobile sites.
My S7 is being weird. Yesterday, I was actively trying to get the CPU speed to go up but it wouldn't go above 800Mhz
Today, it's sticking at 1.3Ghz when I'm touching the screen
@qasdfdsaq Is it overheating?
Also it seems cores #7 and #8 are always asleep when the screen is on
My phone can die quickly if I use it hard, but this isn't usually the case. Because I came from a really simple phone, I'm not quite tethered to my Nexus 5X; I have it on me and I do browse the web and do stuff on it, but I try not to overdo it.
@qasdfdsaq How do you view that?
@qasdfdsaq Again, thermal?
The app the screenshot above comes from
System Panel or something (it's chanaged names since I bought it)
@qasdfdsaq Oh, you just correlate usage with CPU speed?
Not some live overlay?
I've been using GSAM
Oh there's a live overlay but I rarely care enough to bother
Hm. I might try later.
I don't really want to ditch GSAM right now and running two system loggers would be dumb
Should point out the S7 has a lot of nice power-saving features - they've adopted a lot of tricks Sony had on the Z3 series
@qasdfdsaq ?
I try to keep my devices as free of extraneous junks as possible.
Well System Panel isn't the best system logger, it's just what i'm used to.
I don't run too many widgets or background apps. I just install the ones I need.
Also Samsung seem to be fairly accurate with the "1-2% per hour" that always-on-display uses
I have a lightweight CPU monitor and Velis Auto Brightness, and a few other apps with very lightweight logging, but nothing very complex.
@qasdfdsaq Isn't that the same claim LG made with the G5?
Which is all the more interesting because they're not using OLED...
@qasdfdsaq What tricks?
Hm... is there any way to run the display in 1080p? :P
@Bob Dunno, I wasn't paying much attention to LG
I think LG only has a small special part of the display on though, whereas the Samsung thing just uses the normal display.
@Bob It's got things like "hibernating" apps, and restricting batching background data for certain apps, and disabling apps from running in the background if you haven't used them for 3+ days, etc.
They also have the "Ultra power saving mode" which basically reboots the phone in "safe mode" with black and white display and only core apps (phone, messaging, calendar, etc.). Though they had that on the S5 too
What's weird is the detailed battery graph in Android seems to have gone in 6.x, it no longer shows screen on time, gps, signal, and wifi time, etc. like it did in 4/5
Y'know what? I wonder if they'll be making a Galaxy S7 active.
I'd be seriously tempted.
@qasdfdsaq IIRC the hibernation thing is a Marshmallow thing?
@Bob Maaaaybe?
Sony had it in the Z3. Samsung has it in the S7. That's all I know :-/
Oh, only when idle.
Hibernation does sound a lot like Greenify though.
It's basically Greenify, but better.
And I don't have doze (I think) and the battery details page is missing on my phone :-/
It seems as if super-aggressive advertising is the only way to stay afloat in today's hyper-competitive online publishing business.
Like it or not, online advertising is a competitive venture. If you don't follow your competitors in running high-impact ad units, you will eventually see lower and lower revenue (even if your number of unique impressions per day remains steady) as advertisers want to make a strong impact and therefore pay less and less for simple banner ads with time.
...and when online publishing is your business, less ad revenue = fewer resources to deliver quality content = lower impressions over time. It's a death spiral from the standpoint of the webmaster.
You have to advertise, and advertise aggressively if you're to survive in the business.
As bad as this may be to everyday content consumers, it's the truth.
and users will block them all more and more , the only banners i still see are the ones that just sit there, and dont bother me, i have even clicked on them oh 2 or three time in years. The more agressive they get, the more they tick me off, the more i block them, and wouldnt buy from them.
People are spending less and less. Costs are steadily growing. The only way for online publishers to keep up is to advertise more and more aggressively.

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