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> Google took over robotics firm Boston Dynamics back in 2013, and in doing so acquired all of its military robots. And now we know what it's been doing with them – teasing dogs.
The video is awesome
Is that a schnauzer too?
That's Andy Rubin's dog, and apparently the android mascot
Looks like a Welsh Terrier
They all look so similar to me
The Welsh Terrier originates from Wales and was originally bred for hunting fox, rodents and badger, but during the last century it has mainly been bred for showing. Despite this, it has retained its terrier strength of character. The Welsh Terrier has been claimed to be the oldest existing dog breed in the UK according to research. The Welsh Terrier was a latecomer to the British show-ring (being primarily a working dog) and was not officially registered as a breed until the 19th century. It is currently on the UK Kennel Clubs list of breeds that are in danger of dying out, having as few as 300...
Black and tan, So's an Airdale, but they're a lot bigger
They all look so similar, with the beard and the floppy ears and the weird stance
Most Minis (and other sized) Schnauzers are usually Black/charcoal
They also have pretty much the same role
Is it just a colour difference then?
Kinda parallel breeding
Not too sure what the last one is
Supposedly a white welsh terrier
basically people bred for the same traits
Welsh Terriers arn't common here
Never actually seen one
I've seen an airdale
THis one's a white schnauzer, which may or may not be another breed
The one at 00:56 that just backflips while standing still o_0
Shows how little I know about dog breeds
We were just a little crazy about dogs as kids
the parents didn't let us get one cause 'it was too much work'
Ash kinda got accidentally adopted
Ash's a white schnauzer mixed with something else
We suspect westie or silkie
or as we joke, something sneaky with short legs
(schnauzers tend to have 'long' legs)
I end up with cats more often than dogs, and they usually end up being feral cat offspring from the shelter so nobody has a clue what breed they are
> And it has to be said that the S7 Edge is the most beautiful smartphone I've ever held.
I placed it next to the iPhone 6S Plus – which also has a 5.5-inch display – and there’s a noticeable difference. Samsung’s device just feels better designed.
@JourneymanGeek do you have a spotters guide where you tick off the breeds when you see them?
@Burgi not really
@JourneymanGeek yes, well, apparently your whole (extended) family has dogs -_-
@Bob pretty much
But everyone in india lives in properish houses
Also, good for security
(and my gran's recently departed mutt was a accomplished ratter)
> Once a score of 1000 points is achieved, children can apply for an I-Spy Certificate.
i'm sure adults are allowed them too
And this folks, is the face of a stone cold (rat) killer
This is quite literally a puppy ;p
@allquixotic ^ Ash at ~3 months or so old I think
> According to Droid-life, the Samsung Galaxy S7 instantly portions off 8GB of its 32GB internal storage for Android, system apps, and the ever-weighty TouchWiz UI. You'll only have 26GB to play with out of the box, before you even start installing apps and media files.
And people were complaining about the HTC Desire's zero internal memory, or the Galaxy S2/S3 only having 4GB to play with out of the box
@JourneymanGeek So, one Daiso has epoxy. The other one doesn't.
Anyone here knows webhooks + git?
But I know Google!
@Bob dosen't surprise me
@JourneymanGeek Lemme elaborate: the smaller one does, the larger one doesn't.
Larger one's 2-3x the size.
Well, I suggested we implement it in our deployment process and the answer was "good, you do it".
@ThatBrazilianGuy And? That's not a bad response.
@Bob no surprise.
@Bob Except that I have no idea how to do it.
That would be like saying:
- "our offices are crowded, we need another office"
- "approved, go build one".
@ThatBrazilianGuy It helps if you know the what before worrying about the how.
I guess I can look at it as a learning opportunity
is there a way that I can specify the language in a markdown code block?
@Burgi IIRC there are various markdown "flavours"
@ThatBrazilianGuy how about the flavour that SE uses?
> PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.
i may have been misunderstood
i meant this:
<!-- language: lang-sql -->

    UPDATE urls
    SET url = REPLACE(url,".foo.",".foo-bar.")
    WHERE url LIKE "%foo%";
i found the answer here:
that looks like prettify
its all good, i'm sorted now :)
SO does that
not sure about everywhere else
DBA here for service.
Whats the issue?
oh god! Blink tag!
People still use it?
> It turns out that one of the engineers liked my idea so much that he left the bar sometime past midnight, returned to the office and implemented the blink tag overnight. He was still there in the morning and quite proud of it.
almost as cool as the <Marquee> tag, i wonder what the story is behind it.
I've read an article the other day about the guy who created popup ads. Or banner ADs. Or whatever like that.
Marquee as an idea has some useful applications.
@Dave if you google it google blinks all the occurances of the word "blink"
nice try
@Burgi: yeah i've done it =)
<marquee> is NEVER useful
Its a good tag for amber alerts.
what that you might have dino blood?
On the subject of dinosaurs, I saw a Ted talk the other night about turning chickens into dinosaurs by turning off specific genes within the eggs (since dinosaurs are birds) .. It was interesting.
> A 1982 Apple Computer manual for developers advised against using blinking text, warning that "flashing [text] should only be used to indicate imminent destruction of data or the program".
thats an old talk
Yeah, unfortunately i dont have time every night to watch Ted
:( kids
Hmmm. I spot suspicious behaviour.
Q: Understanding what a process is exactly doing on my Ubuntu VM

Hassan BaigI maintain an Ubuntu VM housing a postgresql database. Since a few days, I see a process running on the machine that I don't have anything to do with. There's foul play - but this isn't a post about security. Here I want to understand what this process is trying to accomplish on my Ubuntu VM. In...

Q: Unknown process on my ubuntu machine communicating over multiple ports with UDP proto

Sarah MicjI have a Django web application where the web app and the postgresql database are hosted on two separate Ubuntu-based machines. On my Database machine (and not my web application), if I run sudo netstat -4plunt, I get an output as follows: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Add...

@DavidPostill: Oh no's we better contact the flag police
Identical questions posted 1 week apart by different users ...
@ThatBrazilianGuy mainly: GitHub Markdown, StackExchange Markdown, Ghetto Chat Markdown, and whatever Atwood is doing that John Gruber hated
Gotta love-hate Ghetto Chat MD.
@DavidPostill Hassan Baig appears to be a legit user on multiple SE sites
Hassan Baig and Sarah Micj have identical rep
@DavidPostill Weird stuff. Check his other question
@allquixotic "Ghetto Chat"?
@Burgi I haven't done anything yet, other than pointing him to the other question.
It's the same user, but different name/avatar on SU?
@allquixotic There's also a sort of markdown used on reddit, I think
Perhaps they live together and use the same machine. And are both Infosec nerds with similiar minds and posted the exact same question on the site. (Match made in heaven)
1 min ago, by Oliver Salzburg
It's the same user, but different name/avatar on SU?
http://superuser.com/users/561168/hassan-baig => click "network profile".
http://security.stackexchange.com/users/100078/sarah-micj => click "network profile".
Similiar top tags..
@Burgi maybe someone trying to be clever when crossposting?
@OliverSalzburg Ah. Yes. Question was migrated an now appears with the other username.
web application, denial of service.. vs web application distributed dos
Or multiple victims of the same SQL injection attac.
@qasdfdsaq unlikely...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Chat uses a slightly different dialect of MD, aka ghetto chat markdown, the markdown is ghetto, not the chat.
@qasdfdsaq: same process id's in both quoted posts.
@Burgi The existence of humankind is unlikely too... Yet it happened
@Dave Just playing devil's advocate... meh
@JourneymanGeek English is confusing
But if they were living together... and were using the same machine.. And noticed the same behavior.. And posted the same question.. highly unlikely but possibility.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Ghetto (Chat Markdown), not (Ghetto Chat) Markdown
@dave they have the same rep?
@Dave Maybe they're a couple. And they are sharing a machine. And each doesn't know the other has asked about it.
@qasdfdsaq and an account
I don't see where this same rep thing is coming from, where do they have the same rep?
I wish I had a GF like that, if that was the case. A woman as nerdy as me with like minds..
they're the same account
The screenshot shows 106 vs 209
Oh wait, the lower bit. That was cut off the first time I looked
Couples totally share accounts all the time amirite? >_>
EU's have same Communities and similiar top tags.
pretty girl.... whoever she is
Last Online presence is pretty close too
How does one have a different account name on different sites :-/
I have it figured out.
You can choose not to sync account information IIRC
i call shennanigans
I got it guys..
confirming one second.
It's the same person.
@qasdfdsaq You fill up a name on one site and another name on another site.
then using a local avatar on one and gravatar on the other
or just different emails
why would you do that?
what is your problem?
This is a gender specific issue. The original poster likely posted with a female avatar to compare responses vs if he posted as a male.. For likely a social project.
its suspicious
and this is why my ava is a dog ;p
@Dave Well that doesn't mean you can crosspost and not get caught ;)
@qasdfdsaq If I change my name to "Brazilian Girl" and this avatar on SU, it won't change on SO.
Or perhaps the individual is part of IsIs and using a female avatar to recruit members.
@ThatBrazilianGuy you'd have to fend off @qasdfdsaq
@ThatBrazilianGuy Huh. Maybe cause mine's linked to my FB account it just autofills the same details on every site. Or I just haven't been paying attention.
Searching for "ubuntu gameover.so" was the giveaway. I was trying to see if I could answer the question :/
:27961617 Hey who deleted the totally SFW photo
@qasdfdsaq Not me!
@Dave I thought ISIS were trying to recruit more females over males
Then what about Gender Dysphoria?
i thought isis was a river goddess
@Dave What about it?
C'mone we're supposed to be speculating here
Oh. I thought you were accusing.
Lots of people I know IRL have gender dysphoria.
Stop speculating about the poor user, you cis-scum! He, sometimes, identifies as female!
Nah, not accusing. Just deriving possible causes.
Yeah, questioning a user's motives just because they changed gender is totally sexist.
@ThatBrazilianGuy, lol
Diskspace issue brb! :)
all that gender fluid stuff confuses me
@Burgi Protip: Stop caring about gender at all. Simples.
i could be rude there
Don't let me stop you...
@Burgi I have a few transgendered friends
Adjustment to it varies. And well, Its the same person. Just need a little while to remember the correct pronoun
me too, still confuses me
@ThatBrazilianGuy Been there, flagged that.
@qasdfdsaq Huh? Flagged what? What are you talking about?
@ThatBrazilianGuy That video was posted as an oversized GIF a few weeks ago and got flagged
That's why I posted it as a text link.
Dog braces :-/
@qasdfdsaq better than the alternative
"is a human who can't afford braces cries"
@JourneymanGeek Removing the teeth would hurt less in the short term. Dunno what impact it has on a dog in the long term, if it's fed proper tooth-not-required-food
Also wonder how much it costs, since a course of human braces can run over £2000 if you pay privately
@qasdfdsaq "Luckily, Wesley's Grandfather happens to be a specialist in veterinary dentistry and had the perfect solution: dog braces."
@JourneymanGeek It doesn't say he did it for free though. And even if he did, how much would it have been otherwise?
nooo idea
Yeah, that was my point...
@Dave same here
So, yea. If anyone is dumb enough to still have SSL 2.0 enabled, it's a good idea to go disable it now.
too bloody expensive
And hurts a lot .-.
I screamed and ran away when I was younger
It's got its own FULL CAPS NAME attack now (DROWN).
Now the prices have gone up sigh
I tried screaming and running away too but was physically restrained.
But they were paid for by the NHS thankfully.
@Bob Hold up, I just opened my laptop and seen that about SSL 2.0. It version 2.0 the default version for the Apache2 HTTPS connection?
... ... u wot
@HackToHell I'd go ConEmu personally.
@Bob, also why does it need to be disabled? (I'm gussing there's a newer version, I'm not familiar with the particular versions
@AlexSolon Put it this way: disable SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0. Now.
@AlexSolon ...because it's broken.
It's also about two decades old.
ConEmu is not a shell, so it does not provide "shell features" like remote access, tab-completion, command history and others. ConEmu is advanced console window where you can run any shell of your choice. However, some of these features placed in RoadMap
And it's been broken for one and a half decades.
That's a deal breaker, it's more of a wrapper
And it's now even more broken than before.
@AlexSolon Why isn't it disabled in the first place
@HackToHell It's no more or less of a wrapper than Console2 is.
It also integrates nicely with Clink.
Woot reverse search mridgers.github.io/clink
want want
@HackToHell Hell, Cmder is based on ConEmu apparently.
Hm. Actually I might consider switching to Cmder. Seems to have saner defaults.
Ha, awesome lemme try it out
@Bob, what should I use in place of SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 for the HTTPS connections to my server?
@AlexSolon TLS 1.2 preferred.
@HackToHell HTTPS is disabled by default on Apache2
mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator <== enter your server and openssl versions, and select Modern. If you really need to support older browsers, use Intermediate.
@AlexSolon yeah, no one has certs, that's why
You should run an allowed list for protocols
I use
@Bob, so I guess it's a good thing I never finished configuring the SSL Certificate and Apache2 connections last night
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
Though that's from nginx
Sjees. Socket 1366 motherboards are still expensive
I've been toying with my old computer. It still needs to warm up and fails most boots.
I removed everything but CPU (and fan), memory and tested with a new graphics card.
No joy
I've tested with different DIMMs
in the right and in wrong sockets.
@Hennes How expensive?
with only 4 memeory sockets.
$35, ech.
I got 3x4GiB and 3x2GiB
I was thinking of selling mine but not worth the time for $35...
Decent new board around EUR 275
For that price I might just as well get a new board and new CPU
@HackToHell, I was going to run my server with a SSL Certificate that's free from this one place (I think @Bob referred me to it, right?), but I think the Certificate is - legally - only valid for non-profit sites, or sites with a certain income range (I haven't looked into that part quite as much yet)
You mean letsencrypt?
@AlexSolon No. Someone else linked letsencrypt.
Also, if some of my profile information isn't displaying right (Profile Picture, name, etc.), it's because I'm on my school WiFi that blocks Facebook
It's supposed to free everywhere
@Hennes capasitor issues?
Not sure.
It started 3 or 4 years ago
quick visual inspection for bloaty caps might help
the ones that could fail are through hole so replacing them isn't too hard
Then yesterday I took it out of the case. Cleaning it (carefully).
Added only 6GiB, the 'new' X600 graphics and the old SSD from the RAID array.
And it just booted
Apparently the HW RAID card does not do interesting stuff with a JBOD disk
And after being up for an hor it rebooted when asked without delay.
Which is unusual.
@Bob, oh well. It's a damn good service though. Any site that will give you a valid SSL certificate for free is a good one, especially seeing as the usually cost upwards of $50 for a private server. I think how they're funding it is through the standards companies (ISO, ANSI, etc) and large security corporations giving them funds (or the SSL Certificates themselves) in an effort to secure the Internet in a better way.
I entered the BIOS, turned off the extra SATA RAID from the motherboard (which was never used but delays booting by 5-10 seconds) and it got stuck in a power on-power-off loop
@AlexSolon ...nup. even the paid ones are only something like $9/yr on the low end.
So I got three options:
1) Live with it.
2) Try again and again. Remove CPU. Reseat CPU. Etc etc. Flex the board and see it it works if it is slightly bend.
3) Or give up.
No spare X58 boards, no spare CPU's
And plety of memory which would be a shame to dump
hmm cmder hangs a bit
Apart from that it's awesome
@Hennes, if your trying to configure a hardware raid setup to use something similar to JBOD, just use one of the standard setups that are provided by Raid (I think there's a configuration that works very similar to the Windows/Linux software "Raid" implementation).
Feels like node.js
Ha, you can run a prompt as another user
10/10 gonna use this
And damn, I didn't realize that SSL Certificates were running for that cheap. I must've been looking at enterprise certificates (or something of the like). Either way, my website isn't bringing in any profits (or any revenue for that matter), so I could declare it as a non-profit organization for right now, and just use the free SSL Cert. from LetsEncrypt. No reason for paying for something that I don't have to - yet.
Oh, I got two real HW RAID cards
I like using those.
I had one in use with 1sxSSD (JBOD), 4x 1TB (RAID) and 1x 140GB (15K RPM SAS)
I removed that card to make diagnostics easier.
Plugged in the SSD to the on motherboard chipset SATA port and was surprised to see it boot
@AlexSolon ...Windows dynamic disks and Linux md both implement common 'standard' RAID levels (amongst other things that aren't described by those levels).
Though, really, standard RAID levels are only general descriptions of what they do - every implementation is different and none are compatible with each other.
If you're going to have multiple RAID cards, make sure you only have one card in at a time when you configure them, otherwise there's a slight chance that the cards will get confused. Actually, I've also seen it where if you had two RAID cards of the same brand and model, the motherboard would see them as one card (or one as an unrecognized device). So you might have to change the model-ID of one and then force a driver install it
(you can do this in the Windows device manager, just click through the warnings that say it's not compatible).
Assuming he does, and he runs windows.
If I'm not old and senile memory serves, its an older machine. I seem to think it runs fbsd, but I'm not sure
@Bob, the way Windows write it's data structures for RAID is completely incompatible with most, if not all, hardware implementations. I think a few of the Linux implementations (keep in mind it's quite a bit more complicated to setup if you're dual booting and want to have shared software raids between two different types. In that case, use the Windows version of the RAID implementation, because Linux is much more likely to support it than Windows is to support the Linux implementation)
and ugh
So much stuff to charge for the trip
@AlexSolon ... ... "every implementation is different and none are compatible with each other"
It's not "software vs hardware".
spare phone (since our indian sim cards are full sized, not micro), kindle, spare laptop, battery bank....
It's "this brand of hardware vs that brand of hardware vs that brand of hardware vs that piece of software vs every other implementation out there".
Heck, you're not even guaranteed compatibility between different models within the same brand.
@Bob, the "Standard RAID Levels" are just descriptions of what the particular implementation must achieve with the configuration (whether that's data parallels, striping, or some other config.), most software RAID configurations are capable of loading the hardware configurations and reading from them (assuming your RAID card didn't do some fancy GPT or identification type stuff), but it will be slower using an
exact implementation of the hardware type. That's why software RAIDS do the same thing in a very different way - in order to gain optimization, and make a software RAID even slightly usable in terms of performance.
@AlexSolon ...isn't that exactly what I just said?
Is there an echo in here?
Also, no, software RAID implementations typically are not compatible with the hardware implementations.
Outside of specialised recovery and forensics tools.
@Bob, that's exactly true with the product identification, but usually it's more of a problem if you run two of the exact same cards. That's why I always use two different models unless the model I choose is capable of running along side a similar/same model
Urgh WTF. Amazon Germany won't ship the laptop I want to the UK
On the plus side, you can by the same laptop second hand on the same page from Amazon and they will ship it to the UK
@Bob, a lot of the software RAID implementations can rebuild a hardware raid config if your RAID card died or what not. It's not always guaranteed to work, and the only thing you can be sure of is that it will be extremely slow and processor intensive.
So much for EU free trade and what not...
Still. The second hand one ended up being £150 cheaper than the same model new from the Czech Republic, that being the only other place that sold the specs I wanted.
Sure they've both got foreign keyboards but I'm more familiar with German than Czech keyboard layouts anyway.
@qasdfdsaq, you could always try using a VPN to complete your purchase, but if it's a trade restriction between the two countries then it may or may not get "lost" in shipping and you would potentially be out a large sum of cash. I wouldn't take the risk, but it might be possible.
@AlexSolon VPN wouldn't help, and it's not a trade restriction either. Someone ticked the wrong checkbox and Amazon refuses to ship it to UK addresses.
There's basically zero trade restrictions in the EU, that being much of the point of the EU in the first place.
Probably someone ticked "Hazardous goods" because it has a lithium ion battery...
@AlexSolon As I said, specialised recovery and forensics tools. Not something you actually run it with.
And the restriction is based on destination address, not source IP or anything like that.
The formats are fundamentally incompatible, and at the end of the day what you end up doing isn't much different from taking a backup image and later restoring it.
@qasdfdsaq Possibly just the airmail carriers refusing it? Though I suppose they could move it by truck.
Here, the only options are air or sea :P
@qasdfdsaq, you might want to look into companies based in a country that Amazon will ship to. There's some that will receive your package and then send it to you from their country that does allow shipping to the US. Kind of like a loop-hole in the system. I'm not sure if it's entirely legal - or if it complys with the international shipping requirements/laws - but there are companys that will do that
@Bob They explicitly don't have Li-Ion listed as hazardous when you actually click the hazardous list :-/
I just ended up ordering the second hand one (£100 cheaper).
@qasdfdsaq Ah. It's been a pain in the arse shipping Li-ion here with AusPost refusing it :\
A second-hand, previous generation German version of the laptop I had in December, but for £500 cheaper than I paid for the UK version, not too bad
(And it's meant as a temporary stopgap anyway until new generation mobile graphics chips come out later this year)
@Bob, one of my raid cards died once and I was able to use a Linux implementation of RAID to rebuild the array and then re-rebuild it with the other cards array (they were combined together to create around 15ish Terabytes of redundant storage).
@AlexSolon The thing is the Amazon restriction is completely superfluous. There's no external restriction stopping them from shipping it, it's just an internal don't-care/SNAFU. I'm pretty sure I could have roped one of my German friends into forwarding it to me if I had to tho
@Bob, it was extremely slow to rebuild the array (it took around 6 hours), but it did allow me to retrieve the data and install a new card.
6 hours doesn't sound slow at all for a 15TB array.
@qasdfdsaq, if you mean a temporary laptop then I wouldn't bother wasting your money. Just wait
Linux software RAID is faster than most hardware RAID cards nowadays anyway.
...it takes me about that long to verify a 4 TB array
maybe longer.
and that's just a verification of a mirror
A 1.5TB drive I had would take 5.5 hours to read from start to finish (continuous sequential). That's a best case scenario. The 4TB drives I have take about 8 hours.
granted, the disks are slow and the impl is shit
@AlexSolon heh, Please don't assume folks here don't know what they are doing
No no. It took 6 hours to rebuild half of the array (each raid card contained half of the drives). And it took much much longer to reconnect the two array halves together and get the data off
The 8TB drives I have... urgh. 14 hours(!)
In my hardware implementation I could rebuild an array with two failed drives (it happend) in a hour. But I do have enterprise grade RAID cards
It's impossible to read or write any modern >1TB drives in an hour, it must have been using used sector logging.
@AlexSolon Hm. Looks like the one exception is that a patchset for recognising Adaptec volumes is available for md. But it's not baked into the core, so you would have had to run with a custom build.
(Basically, we're back to specialised recovery/forensics tools)
Even the fastest 15K RPM enterprise drives in existence take over 1.5 hours to go through 1T.

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