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Okay, reinstalling and then deinstalling seems to have worked.
Just checking for any residue now
19 hours ago, by DavidPostill
@JourneymanGeek OK. I think I'm one of the more "level-headed" posters here, so was thinking I could also help out when things get a bit heated! ;)
That's precisely why I'm not a good mod. I'm not "level-headed".
Any tips?
it seems to have uninstalled properly now
I'm not going to let yesterday's incident happen again.
winter bash?
No, not Winter Bash.
I have a history of rather inflammatory conduct.
Aug 19 at 2:58, by allquixotic
@DragonLord No offense, but you do that... a lot. Like, probably close to 8 or 9 times now. It makes you come off as a bit of a drama queen. When you're feeling like posting something like that in the future, just take a deep breath, sleep on it, and come back tomorrow and keep grinding. You'll probably feel better after you sleep on it. You seem to overreact to your own feelings.
Time for attempt 5 at installing the November update...
While my contributions have been generally positive, there are times where I lose my temper and things fall apart.
Oct 21 at 1:54, by DragonLord
@JourneymanGeek: Suspend me.
Not now, of course, but this is what's happened in the past.
yesterday, by Bob
@bwDraco Calm down. There is absolutely no reason to escalate this further.
I admit that I'm not presently qualified to be a mod or to be an owner of this room.
This needs to change.
Aug 16 at 0:53, by DragonLord
> Bill has been the archetype for what a moderator on Stack Exchange should be. His patient, fair and calm demeanor even in the face of criticism is legendary; his diligence and skill in handling the numerous difficult problems that face Stack Overflow users are inspiring. For the past 6 years, Bill has been an example for new moderators to follow, his impressive record a lofty goal to strive for.
Okay, wish me luck. %Deity knows I'll need it
...and I intend to address these issues by no later than the end of the year.
@Bob, @JourneymanGeek: Any tips on how to improve my self-control? I desperately need it ASAP.
It's about freaking time.
There's a self in self control
I'm aware of that, but can you clarify?
Amongst other things? He's hung out here and asked once
and at a time when we were having some issues with new users, and the occational blue wave.
So what are the next steps to follow here?
I suspect the best starting point is to learn when to drop something ;p
I kinda need a concrete objective.
...or will I need to wait until the next incident comes up? :(
(Like if I'm handling a user and I don't seem to be hammering him as hard as you think necessary, I have my reasons)
Something to work on now?
These are soft skills
There's no rules
I need something targetable. This has to be fixed ASAP.
So I can't view my Office 365 invoices in Chrome. The page is telling me that I should use IE or Firefox to view my invoice. So I open the same page in IE and, instead of the error message, I get a link to a PDF document. I copy the link into Chrome and Chrome opens the PDF. Why?
I'm getting very desperate.
It's not just for the sake of Super User. It's for the sake of my life.
@bwDraco It really doesn't have to, or need to be, fixed right now. What you need to do is let it go for a bit and focus on something else.
XD. This is roughly the equivilent of walking into a monestry and asking for enlightenment.
In your case, you're trying to be a rock, when you need to be water ;p
You need to learn exactly when not to act, and when to let others act.
@bwDraco It's for the sake of your real life, you should fix it in real life. Consider therapy
Also that
Asking a bunch of computer enthusiasts how to fix a problem with your personality is ludicrous
do not consider therapy
Oct 14 at 6:56, by DragonLord
I'm weighted down by my troubled past, always wanting to gain control over myself and my actions, but I can't seem to get anywhere... :'(
If you have anger issues with additional underlying issues it'll just make you worse lol
@OliverSalzburg i think there was a question just like this within the last 3 days (or so)
It's not really anger issues more than it is a general self-control problem.
@R.Doto This is really not true.
@MichaelFrank I didn't work for me haha. It's the thoughts that make him angry and sometimes it is just part of who you are
Is there anything targetable (on-site or otherwise) that I can work on? Without a concrete goal, I can't make progress.
@bwDraco do you even know what makes you angry?
@R.Doto It's not anger.
It's just lack of control.
A lot of different factors can come into play.
@DavidPostill, any tips?
@bwDraco huh? Lack of self control, displayed by what?
24 mins ago, by bwDraco
That's precisely why I'm not a good mod. I'm not "level-headed".
@bwDraco define 'level headed'
20 hours ago, by DavidPostill
@JourneymanGeek OK. I think I'm one of the more "level-headed" posters here, so was thinking I could also help out when things get a bit heated! ;)
Just being able to remain calm under adverse conditions, such as when there's a dispute between users.
@Psycogeek It was a rhetorical question directed at Microsoft. I already know the answer. It's "Fuck you, that's why"
@bwDraco that's nature IMO, not nurture ;p
Look. I've been dealing with this issue for more than a decade and can't figure it out.
@bwDraco when you are not calm, what are you?
One's level headed because one knows exactly when to let go, and picks their fights.
@JourneymanGeek ...then should I just give up, given that the problem admits no solution?
@bwDraco I don't think we're the right people to help
If this is the way I'm born, and it's not something that can be addressed through nurture, then the problem has no solution and should not be pursued further.
@bwDraco if you can acknowledge you have a problem; it's less of a problem than you'd think
I'm heartbroken to hear that the problem may not have a solution at all.
@bwDraco wow.
@bwDraco We are not the people to help.
@bwDraco Oh, there's probably a solution
But its more of a psycological or even spirtual problem than a technical one
'spiritual' ? LOL
Feb 10 at 2:00, by DragonLord
I'm not religious but I've always wondered if religion would make me a better person
@bwDraco wtf are you?
@OliverSalzburg oh well you should post it on SU then, they LUV those :-)
@R.Doto I'm a pragmatist, first and foremost.
I'm willing to consider every possibility that may advance my objectives.
...no matter how bizarre they may seem.
@bwDraco pragmatists are naturally talented at problem solving - independently ;)
If converting to some religion helps me be more disciplined, then that's an open possibility.
@bwDraco the Drama comment is not about how you handle things, it is about the drama afterwards :-) If you make misteaks (people do) and verbally assuat somone, or flag them to death, or get things all screwed up, and that makes you and other people upset, well that is Shit Happens, you try and correct. If you whine about it and hit yourself on the head in front of everybody, that is then drama.
Any tips?
@bwDraco I seem to recall giving you many tips before. Start here.
Oct 21 at 12:06, by DavidPostill
@DragonLord Take regular breaks. Learn to meditate and do so during those breaks.
@bwDraco wtf. What makes you think religion will help?
Discipline. Religious law. Peer pressure.
No current plans to convert, but it's been a source of inspiration.
@DavidPostill he said it wasn't to do with anger. But self control... I'm regards to what; no clue
Oct 21 at 12:29, by DavidPostill
Perhaps taking up a martial art or tai chi would be good for you then.
Oct 21 at 12:31, by DavidPostill
I did Kyokushin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyokushin for many years. That teaches you control. To be good at it you have to learn to keep emotions under control and be calm (especially when sparring).
@R.Doto It's complicated... stick around a few months and observe, you'll see.
It's been a really long fight.
@MichaelFrank I'm eager to know
There's still no light at the end of the tunnel.
I just don't know when this issue will be definitively fixed.
@bwDraco all your friends and relatives and all are happy to listen to you having some drama, then like any good friend they would tell you to STFU about it, when it is to much, and go on. A therpist gets paid $150-$300 to keep listening :-)
@bwDraco You're stringing together random emotive sentences in attempt to manipulate your own feelings...
@XKCD best timing ever.
@JourneymanGeek IIII know, right!
@MichaelFrank I've been bitching about my cold for 2 weeks ;p
@bwDraco You're doing what is seen in a lot of teenagers as a result to some sort of stimulus. Additionally, as you said that you were pragmatic, you're more likely roominate when encountered by something
I'm always looking for answers, hoping to find something that works...
@bwDraco This is not something you can fix by stumbling into the answer. It will take time, and patience.
so... Attempt 5 failed as wel
currently rebooting my computer
same error as last time, but this time, my webcam drivers were uninstalled, and my webcam unplugged
@NateKerkhofs What are you trying to do?
@MichaelFrank Installing the 1511 update
this is my 5th attempt: 2 attempts through Windows Update, 2 through the MCT, and now using an ISO from the MCT
o.O People have trouble with updates?
@MichaelFrank error code 0xC1900101 - 0X30018
Installation has failed in the phase FIRST_BOOT with an error during SYSPREP
> The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during SYSPREP operation
@bwDraco yep
Things is, it worked fine on my laptop the first time
I uninstalled all smartcard software (which I think should uninstall the drivers as well)
I'll try one more time
Then again, it's not just becoming a mod. It's a matter of bettering myself for the better of all.
Jul 28 at 21:22, by DragonLord
Always keep that little bit of hope in your heart that the human condition can be better.
Well, gotta go. See ya.
...and I'm not going to give up anytime soon. The answer has to be somewhere.
I'm going to try one more time with Firewall disabled and my wifi dongle unplugged
if it fails again, I'm just going to do a clean install in January
One last thing, @JourneymanGeek: Perhaps the review queues are a good way to practice?
or alternatively, I'm just going to ask a question on the main site if it fails again
@bwDraco I don't practice. I don't think about the greater good. I just have fun
@JourneymanGeek Well, I guess I'm here for the wrong reason. Perhaps I should just retire from Stack Exchange altogether?
@NateKerkhofs along the same lines, if your doing an "upgrade install" of the whole packages from ISO or flash disk or something, you can Disable things in device manager, and that should be as good as removing them? I dont understand why people remove them, although removing anything that Can easily be removed would still be smart. Disabling uneeded driver items, should keep them from enumerating the same as a full uninstall would.
That's for you to decide. But I'd suggest one reason you're not getting the answers you seek is that well, you might be asking the wrong questions.
@Psycogeek My problem is that i don't know what devices are safe to disable. I don't accidentally want to break something
I do review queues (or did) cause I don't like those big numbers ;)
@NateKerkhofs you could always backup first
I'd hate leaving behind the community I know and love. Then again, there are problems I need to address lest I risk causing more harm than good.
@NateKerkhofs if you post on the main site the "setuperr" thing would be interesting, and (from seeing them on the web) a nightmare of stuff that (as is often the case) doesnt really tell much :-) But still would have all the errors in it.
@bwDraco I can give you one hard piece of advice
Stop overthinking things.
@JourneymanGeek that's the smart thing to do, but I don't have an easy way of making a backup of a 1 TB SSD
@JourneymanGeek ...so how would I go about making sure I don't?
@NateKerkhofs you should! ;p
@bwDraco by not doing so.
@JourneymanGeek Examples?
^ there's one.
@JourneymanGeek Sometimes, the things I SHOULD do are things I CAN'T do because of physical limitations
You're thinking.
Don't think.
@NateKerkhofs heh, well, that's one reason I keep my boot disks small
@JourneymanGeek if you're a gamer and have used an SSD for all your games for the past 6 months, it's hard to switch back to a HDD
@bwDraco actually? No one particularly cares about that.
@NateKerkhofs heh, I'm toying with a seperate SSD for games ;p
anyway, attempt 6, this time with Norton disabled and my wifi dongle unplugged
Me too, especially after seeing the fun (argg) that people are going through with this win10 update/upgrade stuff. Anything that was fully functional i would lock the system drive down with a Clone , an image , a retract back to functional.
@Psycogeek I've not had any issues once I worked out I should use the MCT
(of course I also have 3 conversations at the same time so...)
Well, time to go. Ping me with any ideas, see you tomorrow.
I'm always looking for answers.
@bwDraco well thats good, because it is all about the journey, and if you think it is all answered in the end , its not. It was just the journey :-)
remember those games that you played , 130 hours later and you get to the end and go WTF, i did all that , and this is the end you give me? Where is the cheering crowds, and the accolades, and the dancing women, and the 72 virgins, and the pat on the back, and the recognition from the world, the singing angels, and the money, without the responcibility and work.
So you still have the 130 hours of journey, if it wasnt worth it, then find something else to play.
@NateKerkhofs I'm glad you deleted that. Those kind of "jokes" are never funny to many people.
@DavidPostill yeah, sometimes my fingers post something before my brain catches up
The update SEEMS to be working better right now
I'm glad I'm not a touch typist. Gives me more time to think ;)
Okay, it's past the driver bit
oh great we have to think now ?
I barely got this typing thing worked out.
time for the true test...
6th attempt and it worked
Now I no longer have to worry about my keyboard crashing my video drivers
so apparently, the new Skype Video app does not have my existing skype contacts
first order: reboot
Looks like Skype Video is a bust for me, it doesn't show my contact
@NateKerkhofs lol - that's the only reason you updated??
@R.Doto not just that
23 mins ago, by Nate Kerkhofs
Now I no longer have to worry about my keyboard crashing my video drivers
@DavidPostill ? I knew that was the reason he updated. I asked if that was the only reason...
@R.Doto You said that just under "Looks like Skype Video is a bust for me, it doesn't show my contact" so the "only reason" is a little ambiguous...
On the other hand if you said "is XYZ the only reason" we would have understood exactly what you were asking...
@R.Doto I have many reasons to try and run the most recent version of Windows 10, not least of which having a more stable system
more stable system, fixed security bugs, new features, a better supported version,...
Believe me, if I didn't have a very good reason to install the update, I wouldn't have bothered trying to do so 6 times over the course of a month
@DavidPostill me and @NateKerkhofs were discussing it yesterday. I told him the solution and what caused the problem -- providing a bug work around. It just seemed as if the only reason he wanted to update the OS was due to the issue with the keyboard volume control slider.
@NateKerkhofs I was jesting... Fixing the keyboard seemed like that 'very good reason'.
This is why I don't drive
I want to run some software on windows 10 which compatible with only windows XP. How can I do that? Compatible settings don't work.
Could you run it on a VM?
(also something being compatible only with XP is odd.)
It's a driver.
Q: Connecting a wireless device for powerboard

Abhishek BhatiaI have a wireless board with genee powerboard http://www.genee-india.com/interactive-whiteboards/genee-powerboard/ I am trying to connect through dongle but with no success and support of it is not available. But I can do it through a usb. How do I make sure that the board is sending signals to ...

I don't think VM would work in this case.
oh, that piece of junk. Could you dumpsterdive a windows XP box or something? ;p
Also if its connected through USB, virtualbox ought to let you pass it through
Have you tried that yet?
Elucidate more on dumpsterdive a windows XP box .
Find old unwanted PC
Throw XP on it.
Occationally members of such a species can be found lurking in the local dumpster or "void deck" for the adventurous geek of limited means.
I'd still try virtualbox first
Since you can still grab a trial/test version of XP to see if it works.
@bwDraco It's not something you can really force. But one way is to just step back for a bit when things get heated.
I generally tend to be rather passive, though I do get into arguments now and then. I'm probably not the best to ask about control :P
In short
if you MUST get an XP machine get an xp machine
*status> Connection Refused.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
18<*status> IRC connection timed out.  Reconnecting...
TODO: find a way to silence hexchat
I actually have an old atom box for stuff like that
@JourneymanGeek I've never seen USB passthrough not working.
The host can have no idea what the device is, and it'd still work.
@Bob I have a feeling he's not tried that yet....
@AbhishekBhatia have you?
@bob, I have that same issue happen to me usually when i say something to piss off a user and he feels like taking down the whole entire network because of something that I've said.
punish everyone!
@Dave It looks like you repiled to bob talking about USB passthrough ;p
argh drives me nuts when you use name completion and it highlights the previous post they said.
!!trout Dave
slaps Dave around a bit with a large trout!
!!Fox no
@Dave tho I think this system has a userscript that makes that easier.

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