Is fresh ginger a good substitute for galangal in a Thai Green curry? (I cannot get fresh galangal here anywhere)
Would I use less or more ginger than galangal quantity?
@JourneymanGeek that is crasy it doesn't even have a cappuccino machine. It looks lovely lovely. but to me it would be sort of anti computer, when with a good toolbar you can have all those buttons, without the problems of 4 more computers.
While its specialised, I'd totally love to build something smaller with say, a physical volume control hooked into windows mixer and throw in a few other shiny things
@allquixotic: also, its pretty hard to find a watch that fits a dog. I've considered sticking one in my pocket tho.
IIRC @BenRichards has a kickstarted one that isn't particularly well supported.
Me? I've not seen one that makes me go "OH MY GOD, I WANT ONE"
Since it's been a while since I did background tasking/multithreading in Windows like environs, anyone with some advise for the least resource heavy way to wait for a hardware response in the background while returning the original request call to allow the client's code to keep running? C++ language.
The C++ chatty people just told me that std::thread (or else boost::thread) works well enough for my purposes. Which is a relief, since I already kind of know it
I don't really like C#, on account of fiddly stuff with .net and customers constantly calling about stuff not working on computer X or Y, but that's probably due to a vicious circle where I do not use C# enough, because also, on embedded systems it's a not good idea to need .net
Why Google Play does only offer to show "Highest rating first" or "Most helpful first"? Why I have to dig deeper to find the truth which is often said in negative reviews?
All these people talking about the LEDs, while no-one seems to have noticed the outrageous specs for those batteries. Meaning they are most likely the dodgy cheapies you find on ebay/alibaba/etc
@DragonLord Nup.
I'm almost certain that they're mis-specced cells.
@Bob: regarding one of your comments: HF isn't generated by Li-ion batteries. It can be generated by lithium primary cells (CR123A 3V) under abusive conditions.
@DragonLord The SDSes I've read and some anecdotal forum comments suggest otherwise.
Lemme see if I can find it
@DragonLord Found some mentions of it. Can't find any concrete sources. The SDSes do mention the presence some fluorine compounds. Depends how the reaction goes.
> Under fire conditions this product may emit toxic and/or irritating fumes and gases including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hdrogen fluoride, aldehydes, metal oxides and C1-C3 hydrocarbons.
I think that's the SDS for the Li-ion batteries of some Holden electric cars
> LiPF6 hydrolysis yields PF5, a strong Lewis acid that reacts with electron-rich species, such as water. PF5 reacts with water to form hydrofluoric acid (HF) and phosphorus oxyfluoride. Phosphorus oxyfluoride in turn reacts to form additional HF and difluorohydroxy phosphoric acid. HF converts the rigid SEI film into a fragile one. On the cathode, the carbonate solvent can then diffuse onto the cathode oxide over time, releasing heat and thermal runaway.
Now there's a variant. Instead of linking to "HEY WE GOT YOUR", someone answers with a "HEY TRY THIS MODIFIED DLL" link to mediafire (behind a bitly link, no less).
Not sure that replacing a core dll is entirely the best practice for hiding a UI element
I'm not even sure why you would need to patch a DLL to modify a theme, but YLSNED