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Yeah, all answers look like garbage
@djsmiley2k heh I'm not sure. I'll try that
Account is gone now
Thanks :)
Thank you :)
@Egor tho i'm sure theres some symbols that can't be in a path, use one of them instead? @@@@
Basepath = (*&^#$(^#
actually, a file name can probably contain those
I've got a 23" 1920x1080 monitor at my secondary work location. Makes me sad. :'(
The sneakiest attempt to spam I've ever seen.
No links at all, and only one answer actually mentioned a product.
The user had already acted suspiciously before, though.
> Moving a partition may cause data loss, so i wont recommend that. Best choice is to download a third-party partition software and you can extend your partitions whenever you like.
@DragonLord Maybe it's legit and you're so focused on finding spammers, you started seeing spammers everywhere?
> a third-party partition software
The user is showing fear in recommending a product.
> Moving a partition may cause data loss
Scare tactics common in spam answers.
> you can extend your partitions whenever you like
Marketing speak.
Not that this is something done particularly often by most users.
Oh. The "whenever you like" part chages everything. (/notsarcasm)
This was the custom mod flag:
> Suspicious activity, user may be preparing to post spam by posting innocent-looking answers. Scare tactics ("moving a partition may cause data loss") and an unspecified third-party program are the clues.
If it wasn't for the "third-party software are MAGIC!!! and let you move partitions without risk", I'd say scare tactics for moving partitions aren't so misplaced.
until they actually post a link?
I just installed bandwidthd on PFsense and in the last hours there's 1 station responsible for 1/3rd of the bandwidth
hmmm odd
jira didn't email me about updating someone elses ticket
@ThatBrazilianGuy heh, here someone was responsible for over 99% of teh traffic
they did over 400Gb over wifi in a week over ssh
raised some eyebrows
@djsmiley2k O_o
WTF, someone was VPN/tunneling netflix 9am-5pm, 5 days a week?
Well, you might fool most of the user base by posting seemingly normal answers, but DragonLord isn't that easily fooled :)
I don't know, i just saw it and went 'wtf?'
It's as bad as tmobile claiming I do 6Gb a month, yet my phone only clocks 2Gb
'our figures are more accurate'
Well, as shitty as our telcos are, I've never experienced discrepancies in data measurement. I have prepaid data, might be it.
And I ever so rarely use it. It's SO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!!
I'm on 'unlimited' yet it cuts out A LOT once I hit 2Gb
I hate @allquixotic people with truly unlimited data
hense why I know how much I've used generally...
well I'm changing my plan once I get my act together
Oh, "unlimited with limits". We have it here too.
hehe yup
but this one is slightly less limits, and cheaper ;D
That's the way T-Mobile works.
the best one is my ISP at home
they claim to never have restricted my internet...
1, 3, or 5 GB of data at 4G LTE speeds, 2G speeds thereafter.
@djsmiley2k Yeah, and only charges you thrice as much!
yet if I use enough, it gets slow...... as the equipment at the exchange overheats.
The fully unlimited plan is expensive.
@DragonLord UK?
I'm on 3G not 4G for a start
United States.
the signal is dang spotty near my house anyway, and anytime i ask them about it they respond "our engineers are looking at an issue in teh area"
If I were to use 10MB/day (300MB/month), during a month, I'd be paying on average $30 ~ 60.
I have a promo plan where I pay $2 for 100mb/day (3GB/month, $60)
I only pay if / when I use it, and can use multiple "cycles"
and their measure is consistent with my phone stats
That's cool @ThatBrazilianGuy
I pay £30/mo atm, for like 2000 min, 2000 txt, and unlimited data
but what is the point of calls and txt when you have the INTERNETSSSSSS
@djsmiley2k No, cool is truly unlimited 4G
Cell phones? I'm on the Government Employee's Plan for BC - $55 for unlimited nationwide calling/texting/MMS, 3 Voicemail messages at a time, Call Waiting/ID, and 3GB of Data. I still want more data though
I'd say goodbye to my ISP if I had unlimited 4G
@ThatBrazilianGuy granted, with mobile wireless devices, you are at the mercy of signal strength / attenutation and whatnot, but do you find you receive consistent speeds from wired connection from
ISPs in your area?
@ThatBrazilianGuy that's what I did :D
mah internets at home meant to be 100/15
currently getting 4/10
@allquixotic I know. And also, I hate you.
Remember how I mentioned that overheating equipment? They were meant to fix it april :<
@djsmiley2k I don't even know how many minutes and text messages I get; all I know is if I use >100 GB on my mobile data plan by tethering constantly, Verizon Wireless doesn't care
@djsmiley2k I have Comcast and rarely get the speeds I'm promised
especially if I conceal my traffic since they selectively boost download speeds by analyzing traffic
@Dan I used to
and then things got wonky. :<
In feb.
@Dan they're trying every legal and lobbyist trick in the book to defeat net neutrality.
The trends I'm seeing in spam show that it's been getting sneakier overall. Spam answers are becoming increasingly evasive in nature. Many spam posts don't include a link or link to a "trusted" download site such as CNET Download.com rather than to a developer site. Some don't even mention the product name at all.
The sad thing is, their 'true' limiting I don't mind
it sounds really reasonable, but it's never effected me, so i can't actually judge it
hi @allquixotic
I thought my suggestion was obvious
daaaaamn, ntopng is beautiful! * ___ *
we need to upvote more. What else would i be suggesting? we shut the doors down?
@Sickest Who's "we"? For which questions? Just saying "we need to upvote more" in a meta question is woefully unlikely to reach its intended audience. The problem is that we can't identify who casted votes, and no one is required to justify their votes. Votes aren't auditable, and people can't be held accountable for the votes they cast. And a lot of people feel it should stay that way.
Also, the vast majority of the site's participants do not read meta at all.
In the last 50 questions i've look at for example all of ramhounds comments to questions, and every SINGLE one has a downvote. what purpose is served by downvoting perfectly good question?
because the question is beneath him?
@allquixotic, where would you suggest I make the comment?
@Sickest Now you're calling out a specific user. I think it's at least good etiquette to @ him here in chat so that he knows he's being talked about here. @Ramhound
He's just 1 pattern I noticed, and one example i'd bring up
i've already pointed it out on one of his comments
@Sickest Here's the thing, though. While there are correct and incorrect uses of features like flagging, voting to close, etc., there is no formally established "correct" or "incorrect" use of the voting feature of the site. We can suggest to people that they change their voting behavior and provide reasons why, but if they feel otherwise, there's literally nothing we can do about it. We can argue til the cows come home, but votes are the "prerogative" of those casting them.
Yes i agree 100%, but I just wanted to point it out, maybe people will realize that are doing it, and adjust their behavior to promote the site in a much more positive way. instead of just blatantly down voting everything they see.
What should really be happening in everyone's heads is something like this. First, if you see something wrong with a question, try to edit it to fix it. If you can't do that at all, either because of lack of knowledge or it's just too many things to fix, you should either (1) downvote, if you can't justify VTCing, or (2) VTC, if the question is totally not salvageable at all.
We have had meta posts in the past where we try to impart, generally, a suggested "process" for taking care of questions that have problems, but what we find is that almost everyone has their own method.
It then gets to the point where we have 4-5 answers with 10+ upvotes and nobody concludes "this is the way".
That's when we get to situations like we have now, where different people employ different methods when dealing with questions that have problems, real or perceived.
Ramhound's method appears to favor a much more heavy-handed downvoting process.
If he were VTCing good questions, we could tell him not to do that, and a mod would be justified in saying so. If he were making rude comments, we could tell him not to make rude comments, and a mod would be justified in warning him so. If he downvotes too much, there's really nothing we can do except suggest (to the wind, almost) that "someone" out there heed the message to upvote more.
If admins wanted to promote the site in a positive way, it could happened, they just need to enforce it. If they like things the way they are, so be it.
I hope your suggestion reaches the right ears, but I'm not optimistic. What do you want the mods to do -- send an email to each user pleading with them to upvote more?
anyway, ill talk to you guys later, got shit to do, peace
This was a hot meta question, and it has only 495 views:
Even a moderately interesting mainsite question has more than 1000 views. Big difference.
People don't read meta. :/
One batch of retags for ; continuing a little later.
@ThatBrazilianGuy You're the Wordpress guy, right?
Q: Many 64-bit linux guests kernel panic on boot

tazI have been banging my head against this for a while. I have an ASUS R510D laptop (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4P01ZS5608). I think the ASUS laptop hardware sets may contain some kind of virtualization incompatibility. Some, but not all, 64-bit Linux guests kernel panic on...

User's probably on mobile.
(note: that solicitation for upvote was for the Q, not my answer)
Confirmed spam, user is indeed developer of linked application: api-news.layervault.com/u/23561/konstantin-shtondenkoDragonLord 1 min ago
To confirm this answer as spam, I investigated this in more detail.
The linked page says the developer is TopTechPhoto.
A Google query for "toptechphoto spam" returned the page linked in the comment (fifth result on the first page as of this writing).
Username "Konstantin" matches developer name Konstantin Shtondenko.
nice sleuthing
If anyone has EXTENSIVE experience in Wordpress.. Or just knows...
Q: Upgrading an old Wordpress install to a new one on a new host

Canadian LukeI have a Wordpress blog on my server at home, running the latest Debian-maintained version in the 3.x series. I want to try my hand at virtualizing, and I'd like to do it on my blog, using the latest version downloaded from the site. I have read this post, but I want to clarify about different ve...

@CanadianLuke what host did you decide to go with?
ESXi, OpenVZ, KVM, SmartOS...?
or still working that out? :P
@CanadianLuke Althought I'm not going anywhere near calling me a "WordPress guy" in the sense of being an expert, I consider myself an enthusiast, try to learn anything new when I can, and might have one or two tricks on my sleeve. ;p
Oh, and I'm one of the organizers of the next WPMeetup Rio ;)
@CanadianLuke Whenever I click this link, FF on xubuntu dies ;___;
Wait, no, it's not this link. Something is very wrong with this machine (or session)
just putting a pin on a really well-formatted and well thought-out question for a day or two, until he either gets the problem solved or at least makes some headway
please chip in if you have any experience with AMD-V on modern AMD processors, thanks
@ThatBrazilianGuy yipes
@allquixotic Now it seems to be this link, again. WTF.
Opening a lot of tabs on incognito mode
(just for testing, I'm no pervert)
this might be one of the 0.00000000000000001% of the cases where it's not pr0n
If I don't do that, FF tries to reopen the tab after the crash, and promptly crashes again
anyways, as soon as I click on WordPress Development, BOOOOOOOOM
xubuntu 14.10, FF [unknown-version-because-about-window-crashes-it-too]
wait, trying to open the file browser crashes
apt-get install some package crashes
I think the flashdrive I booted from is now kapuft
All I can do now is either reboot or chat
Or go home, but I'm too lazy to reboot, let alone going home
I'll stay here forever until I starve (or until rescued)
@allquixotic I'm gonna try esxi
13 hours ago, by Bob
I'm embarrassed to be on the same planet as this nutcase, let alone in the same country... and he's supposed to be the PM's adviser? We're oh so very screwed.
@allquixotic Sounds familiar! :P
We (as in, this tiny little sub-dept) actually moved to tracking dev time on JIRA just this year.
It's wonderful, by comparison if nothing else.
I still have to use the in-house webapp for non-dev time though :(
@Bob sowwy for the 1Million pings
@allquixotic pings are good! :P
Also would be rather hypocritical of me to complain :P
in my SWTOR guild, we had an Australian (coincidence?) whose nickname was The Ping King because he'd always type in chat instead of talk on the microphone in teamspeak, and it'd make a "ping!" notification sound.
you're also The Ping King of a different sort :P
Q: Recycle bin Windows

RMMoxhamI understand that when I empty the recycle bin, the files are still within the computer, and would be accessible by someone with specialist knowledge. My question is this, the next tine that the recycle bin is emptied, would the original deleted files be completely erased?

Watch the question, this might be set up for spam.
New blog post - not entirely IT related, but a great life hack, IMO
@CanadianLuke Link it already ;D
posted on May 08, 2015 by LukeB

I have a few gift cards / store cards that I use at some stores, simply for the free rewards – A free drink every now and again, 10% off, etc. One store I used to frequent for my caffeine fix switched from a magnetic stripe card to an app-only system, for mobile phones.   … Continue reading Easy Rewards Card access →

Of course, there it is
Fuck... Bill C-51 just passed in Canada... So now we get a Secret Police (like Hitler) and a ruler with absolute power (like Hitler), and privacy is out the window (like "other" leaders)
Where can I find documentation for the hash in solutions like wordribbon.tips.net/T011331_Formatting_Currency.html
Especially, Selection.TypeText Text:="=" & sAmount & " # ""0.00""" 'replace sAmount into the formula
@CanadianLuke This needs to be pinned.
@DragonLord Done -.-
Can I paste three lines here?
Dim sTotal As String
sTotal = "=65.78 \# $#,###.00"
MsgBox sTotal
@BradyTrainor Go ahead and paste it in. Be sure to hit the "fixed font" button before you send the message.
Too late ;)
!!/wiki Bill C-51 (41st Canadian Parliament, 2nd Session)
Bill C-51, with the short title of Anti-terrorism Act, 2015, is a piece of passed legislation to amend over a dozen Canadian laws, including the Criminal Code, to permit Canadian government agencies to share information about individuals with ease, and broadens the mandate of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). It is the first comprehensive reform of this kind since 2001. The bill was introduced and passed by the Conservative Party, who currently have a majority in parliament, with support from the Liberal Party. It was opposed by the official opposition, the New Democratic Party...
I want to enter a new total in Word, I converted to integer first. Should I just write enough VBA to manually format as currency?
So I would have to check if it's longer than 3 digits, and if it has a decimal.
Is this pursuit lunacy?

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