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@JourneymanGeek KSP has turned into the thing that I do with spare time, though I have a curfew, I am not permitted to start KSP after 11pm. This is self imposed because while I despise having to sleep, apparently I need it.
(I realise this is late to the party but missed the KSP conversation earlier)
Its ok
and blah
I can't install office365 on the SD card :/
1 hour later…
lol. that would be ridic slow even if you did
@allquixotic: I'm unlikely to use it too often ;p
I'm also going to give HW legacy a shot
annoyingly the HW bundle dosen't let you pick and install individual games
@JourneymanGeek I will too. next paycheck :P
man I'm so happy with my heavily modded work laptop
in a Fedora 21 VMWare Workstation VM, it runs faster than the original base unit (unmodded) ran on the native OS
things load faster, multitasking is better, etc
@allquixotic: I decided to take advantage of the pre-order pricing
I don't have time to play until the weekend tho, parents are away so a good chunk of chores are mine to do
@JourneymanGeek what did I beat you too exactly?
@Ramhound: oh the iso download thing MS has
3 hours ago, by Journeyman Geek
Oh yeah. I knew would come in handy
I can't confirm if OEM licenses work though
I can test when I get home
Also, I wonder what they do with windows 8 big OEM
Windows 8 has had a tool for awhile, 8.1 has had a tool for 4 months, OEM users are better off on windows 8 side because it automatically detects the key
Omg my puppy is soooo cute :$ mKes me me want to study even more for my exam
Apparently my firewall at work was allowing me to start the download ( ask me to save the file ) but was blocking it making me belive it had started making me post that comment saying it worked :&
@Ramhound: media's the tricky bit
Damn wish i had 20 million I coudl buy the. Radioahack trademark open an errtail shop and sell resistors ha!
They should just give the trademark to adafruit ;p
@JourneymanGeek OpenVPN resolves all trickiness :D
@allquixotic: openvpn won't do an install from scratch ;p
That a modern version of RS?
@Ramhound: hm.
Not really
Its a small, NY based electronics/components retailer, run by an ex MIT grad who actually knows/loves electronics
Her personal site is a goldmine of information
Oh, interesting, there has to be a real reason, somebody hasnt sold electronics, over the Internet, I am guessing there isn't enough margin except at huges volumes ( based on my experience with resistors on Amazon )
@Ramhound: hmm. They're insanely cheap (so you don't want to sell singleton parts). There's a fairly small community of possible customers..
Really a same I can't imagine my technical knowlege if I had access to that kind of stuff when I was starting out, sure there were kits, but I didn't get that until I was 20 :$
Oh, we have a local store. I didn't really start learning to solder until I was in the wierd phase between agoraphobia and stircraziness ;p
(and it was an excuse to drag my ass out of the house and do something that my parents didn't obviously disapprove of)
Oh, and the mall it was in is quieter than the computer mall ;p
@Ramhound Mouser, Digikey, Farnell/Element14...
Oh, there's Newark too, in the US.
3 hours later…
@allquixotic Just noticed something interesting: PrimoCache seems to drop things out of L2 cache over time.
My free L2 cache went from ~200 MB to ~2 GB over the last day.
@Bob yep, it does
probably to keep it free in case there's a big spike in new stuff that needs to be cached
I would've thought it'd be more efficient to let the cache completely fill up first.
@allquixotic But does it take any appreciable amount of time to drop parts of it on demand?
It seems to keep any structure/metadata in RAM.
@Bob probably not appreciable on an SSD...
especially since it just has to drop some metadata, not overwrite all the cells
@allquixotic Now I'm wondering if it sends TRIM instructions.
> Supports TRIM command.
> Trimmed Blocks 0
Their "TRIM support" seems to only apply for caching an SSD. Not for using an SSD as cache...
(yeah, my room is a bit of a mess....)
@allquixotic Not like anyone's going to cache with an HDD... right? :S
and yay, spycam
@Bob hmm... probably not? ;p
@JourneymanGeek o.O
@Bob: there's one of those little turreted cameras in my room now, cloud enabled and all that ;p
Kinda like a baby monitor for a dog ;p
@JourneymanGeek Sure it's secure?
@Bob: probably isn't
"cloud enabled" = big nono
Now, if it were LAN-only, that'd be acceptable (and you can use a known secure VPN)
But it has one very important security feature. A physical poweroff switch on the cord
I'm assuming its insecure ;p
I turn it on before I go to work, and switch it off when I get back
@Bob: actually, I do think I can shut off the cloudy bits. BUT I need to let my parents access them (and with java and all that, and the fact that I bought it after they left), I'd rather leave it on for now
When the 'cloud' thing wasn't working cause of dodgy wifi, I was accessing it by connecting to my other laptop over chrome remote ;p
I DID talk about thinking about installing an ipv6 tunnel onto my netbook no?
Then I can just SSH tunnel all web traffic
I wanted a little information about a problem on windows 7
Ask (sometimes) don't ask to ask (always!) ;p
You can read the question here: superuser.com/q/882393/422478 anyways I'll explain it in brief
My computer running on windows 7 ultimate is giving me a message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file, you may not have appropriate permission to access the item"
This is happening even when I try to open My Computer and Control Panel
NEVER delete stuff unless you know what you're doing
Backup and reinstall? ;p
I know it was a stupid idea, but it was driving me nuts
Reinstall what?
You are not suggesting reinstalling windows are you?
Time to set up a system again is less than time to fix it ;p
Is there any other way? Can I reset all access permissions?
Or something else like that?
Will reinstalling visual studio and then uninstalling it again help?
And I cannot backup because the stupid thing doesn't allow me to access anything
alright well i'm all-in :)
Q: Unable to launch the Java application Strados2

user421963I am running a Toshiba Windows 8.1 and I have Java Version 8 Update 25 and I’m trying to open Strados2, a program on a game website found here. However, when I try to run Strados2 it says Unable to launch the application. And when I hit details it says: Found unsigned entry in resource:...

saved just enough to still be able to chat here
@bmende Have you tried downloading it?
Java webstart is just a mess
yeah and i just get that error every time "unable to launch the application"
@Bob im about to hit the hay tho, gn everyone
2 hours later…
@Nabeel livecd boot I'd guess. Might be able to do a repair install which would possibly cause things to be less broken.
hello...I was told I can have an opinion based question here :)
Its chat. So I guess
You can ask one though, having a question does you little good
Well my question is making a decision regarding the dilema between having On-Premise server or doing everything in Azure VM ...
I posted the question here superuser.com/questions/882829/… but it has been put to hold...so I'll try to reformulate it
Really depends on your needs?
I wouldn't be suprised if there's something on this on SF, but basically running stuff on a VPS means you don't maintain the hardware.
On one hand, its Someone Elses Problem
I know...but is it normal for companies to run absolutely everything on cloud?
That's the dilema I have... I need only DNS/DHCP/ActiveDirectory for now (company of 8 people) but company people tell me we want to grow big...
@Motig: depends on the company
It's stuff like financal services, insurance and financal B2B/B2C counseling...
Then you have other problems with the cloud
like local privacy laws
(but that's true of your own setup as well)
Oh...good point
I'd lean towards onsite unless you had to expand or contract suddenly
(and don't forget, real server grade hardware comes with proper warranties)
(700 dollars seems... awfully cheap, especially taking into account the OS)
$700 would get you a server motherboard and case. Maybe PSU.
(Unless you're buying second-hand, which comes with its own issues)
It's really small scale...and it's a local pricing HP ProLiant with OEM Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundations
Looks decent?
@Motig It's always "we want to grow" - for all the times that's been said, actual rapid growth almost never happens. Make sure your software and config has the capability to expand - the hardware is rarely the limiting factor, especially when you start with 8 (it'll take quite a long time before you worry about something really big, if ever)
Bob: ok, thanks for advice, that makes sense :)
As for on-premise vs cloud... cloud does have the advantage of more redundancy if the hardware fails. On the other hand, it depends a lot on your internet connection too.
And as @JourneymanGeek said, when dealing with financial data you really do have to worry about where the server is physically located, who is hosting it, etc.
@Bob: but if you do it right, you should have pretty fast warranty service.
And with stuff like this its worth doing right.
@JourneymanGeek I get the feeling $700 would get you the hardware and not much else :P
Windows might be pirated?
We got 4-hour onsite from Dell... that cost almost as much as the hardware itself, IIRC
@Bob: I'm pretty certain nyx cost more than that
well the server is actually $821 ... i miscalculated CZK to USD
Server was about $6k, and so was the warranty (3 yr 4-hour onsite)
This is all based on my memory though
That's still insanely cheap for a server.
Even if the E3s are on the low end
@JourneymanGeek Even NBD warranty could be too slow for a business
Uh...this may be a country-wise price level difference? I dunno... to me, it seems to be decent enough...Intel Xeon, 4 GB Ram, 2TB HDD ...
@Motig You need to consider - if the server goes down, how much would the business lose if they cannot access it for an hour? For a day?
Decent enough for such small scale purpose...
How much do they depend on it?
Bob: good question...
If it's some minor thing, then ok.
@Motig: Base price should generally be about the same.
If it's critical for daily operations, then you need redundancy and/or fast replacement/repair
Tho at the price, you could always get two ;p
@Motig: weeeel...
My gaming box kinda beats that in nearly everything ;p
4gb ram is... well... not much these days
@JourneymanGeek Configuring two for redundancy isn't easy either (on the software side)
Maybe its an older model? I thought v3s are current tho
@Bob: or so you can pull parts from one to fix the other ;p
@Motig You don't have 2 TB of HDD space. You have 2x 1TB, which should be in RAID 1 if you care about uptime. Also, they're big-ish SATA HDDs, which... isn't great, though I suppose that's what makes it so cheap.
You also need to consider backups.
@JourneymanGeek True, there is that :P
Well I'm planning to buy two more disks and implement 1+0 RAID because we're going have pretty much everything on it...Files, documents, also GIT repositories for application developement...
@Motig You still need backups.
RAID doesn't protect you if the filesystem gets corrupted.
RAID doesn't protect you if someone deletes a file.
well...damn, with all of this, I'm starting to favour Azure cloud again -.-
Then you need to consider legalities and your own internet connection uptime :P
but...uh, after quick googling it seems that configuring backups is nothing really hard...
@Motig Pick backup media. RDX? Tape? Other?
We have an ISP with connection "for business" with 99,6% SLA which I was told is good enough...
Pick retention period. Do you need to access backups from last year? Last decade?
Don't just look at SLA. What are the penalties for breaking SLA?
If they just need to give you X hours credit, then the SLA is worthless.
Hm...what would you expect as a reasonable penalty for breaking SLA?
Oh, we cost your business $10,000 due to a one-day downtime! Our contract says... we need to give you one day free connection as credit!
So for $10000 daily loss you'd expect $10000 compensation from the ISP?
shrug I'm not really involved with this kind of thing enough to be able to answer that question
(however you need to consider the same issues with azure)
What if Azure goes down?
oh, ook but thanks for inspirations anyway :)
@Motig I don't think many (if any) ISPs will cover that.
The point is, don't expect an SLA to save your arse when the link goes down.
Hm, true...
The chance of losing connection is one of the risks of hosting this kind of thing in the "cloud".
You also have less control over it.
On-premise, if something goes wrong it's your own fault :P
(Though, in some places loss of mains power is at least as likely as loss of network, if not more likely)
@Motig You'll more likely end up recovering that kind of amount from insurance (if you have any, or are willing to pay the premiums) rather than the ISP
From a 2010 blogpost:
> Here are three different levels of SLA's - not so much by the metrics and parameters, but quite different in terms of penalties

Verizon is offering a very basic SLA, with compensation of the daily charge for each day of SLA breach - http://www.verizonbusiness.com/terms/latam/co/sla/
BT is accepting a more serious approach - a penaltyof a daily charge for each hour of SLA breach, but with a limit of maximum 10 days of charge in penalty http://business.bt.com/assets/pdf/BTnet%20Service%20Level%20Agreement.pdf
and if you lose connectivity on premises, you can always send someone over to the server ;p
@Motig Remember that even if you host "in the cloud", you still need some form of backups.
I don't know if Azure has any included backup mechanism.
Well, if you want to pay for it: azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/backup
@JourneymanGeek could you ping me? Testing notifications
This is getting out of hand :(
Chrome keeps crashing when I'm inspecting Android WebViews. And it always takes down everything Chrome-related
And due to their effing interop, I can't even debug in Canary and save my main session in stable. No, everything dies
@Bob ping
(was at a meeting ;p)
Notification did not work :(
@Bob dang
@OliverSalzburg: VM?
@OliverSalzburg You can do that o0 ?
@JourneymanGeek I would prefer it if stuff would just work instead of me having to set it up in isolation :P
@HackToHell Enable USB debuggin on the device, then surf to about://inspect on your desktop
@OliverSalzburg nice
It's pretty essential for debugging. BlackBerry serves the DevTools right from within the app, which is also quite nice. WindowsPhone and iOS are severely lacking behind in that area
...meaning they provide nothing :P
Using Apache Cordava ?
@HackToHell We are, yes
But that isn't a requirement for the remote debugging to work
@JourneymanGeek I was asking of they were doing the close platform thingy using that
@OliverSalzburg Cool, I am writing an app using that
Blah shipping ram from newegg is cheaper than me buying it locally
@HackToHell Oh, sweet :) Tell me more
@Psycogeek You are talking about 16-bit for color and 24-bit and 32-bit for transparency?
Heya All
Usually which driver is needed to be installed to read mobile storage from USB ?
I have Windows 8.1
@TheLittleNaruto Usually no driver at all, except for generic USB functionality, I guess
define 'mobile storage'
Most are MTP based these days
Mobile Device Storage
Excellent and very helpful definition
In short. Completely unhelpful. ;p
I could, for example store my device inside a box, or a bag. or in my pants.
What do you say a "mobile device" ?
cell phone ?
@OliverSalzburg I just started on it. Using AngularJS for the UI stuff
I haven't looked into the cordava APIs yet
@HackToHell Cool, so are we :) We're using Ionic actually
Still writing the UI part
@OliverSalzburg Is it better for mobile apps or something
AngularJS is bloody complicated
are you plugging in smartphone into a PC? ;p
Ahoy @TheLittleNaruto
I'm kinda sorta watching Naruto now ;p
@JourneymanGeek weren't you watching it some time ago ?
@HackToHell It brings a lot of useful stuff (CSS and angular) for mobile applications
@HackToHell Heya , Thanks for watching my episodes :)
@JourneymanGeek Then ?
I was watching psycho pass last?
@HackToHell There is a nice style guide from John Papa which, if you follow it, makes using Angular a lot easier IMHO
There's also a nice example project: github.com/johnpapa/ng-demos/tree/master/modular
@Journey That's an Android Phone which storage data I want to read from my PC :)
@OliverSalzburg Okay will look into it
But then the Intel XDK has an GUI editor for menus
Journeyman Where are you Sob! Sob! T_T
@Bob Have you ever used weinre?
@OliverSalzburg Nope? :D
Neither have I, never got it to run :(
And in this technology area, everything you find online is usually outdated or never worked in the first place
@OliverSalzburg I've had the opposite experience, actually.
It usually works better then research would indicate :P
@JourneymanGeek Yeah! That's true. (Just now read that.)
@Bob My experience is that whenever someone introduces something into the Cordova ecosystem which is supposed to solve a problem, introduces at least 3 new problems, which you only find after you deployed on multiple platforms
Everything that is provided by a device vendor is at least somewhat reliable, on that particular device
@TheLittleNaruto: so unless there is something very wrong with your phone...
You just plug it in
@JourneymanGeek s/phone/computer/
@JourneymanGeek In other PCs I am able to read the data. The problem is only with my PC.
It's ASUS x550LD
and Windows 8.1 installed.
does it work ok with other devices?
If you mean Pen Drives, then it does read that. But It does not read any mobile devices
any mobile devices?
Would indicate MTP support is broken
mobile devices storage with MTP support ._.
Saw this on imgur ;p
lol the comments
@JourneymanGeek Is there anyway to enable it ?
> WSJ also reports that the site's reach isn't very wide either, with one source's estimate that nine percent of viewers account for a whopping 85 percent of online-video views.
@JourneymanGeek The evil clone of ash ?
@JourneymanGeek Wow, your selfie stick looks like a chain
Found an answer for my issue, It's saying I need to uninstall all drivers from Universal Serial Bus controllers and reinstall again.
I'll give it a try as soon as I'll reach home ^^
Cya later :)
I just passed the 3k points so I'm entering the realm of closing votes. I could use advice on how to handle a specific case. Anyone here to help me with this?
1 hour later…
Sorry. Went out for tea... It's about this question, and my response would be to leave it open with this comment: "@screener: although it appears to be a duplicate of the question, the other post doesn't provide a clear answer. I'll leave this open for now. Once any one of these questions gets a clear answer, we can close down the other as duplicate."
Is that ok? Or should I close it?
I just received spam email on a dummy account... pretty sure I never used that address anywhere
@agtoever General policy is, if the question is a duplicate and the new question does not provide new information then it should be closed.
Especially when the existing question already has an (accepted) answer.
The recommendation is to place a bounty on the existing question.
If your situation is different, but the question is similar, then the asker can reference the original question and highlight the differences.
Then again, that's just my understanding of dupe-closing.
Others might have different opinions (cc @JourneymanGeek if he's not asleep yet)
You can ask on Meta Super User for a more conclusive answer
@agtoever: I'd also take into account that its the preview, and those questions may/should be closed eventually anyway ;p
Q: When is a duplicate question not a duplicate?

Brad PattonAwhile back someone asked this question about losing properties when copying files. User Diamond made a guess at what the issue was and his answer was accepted. I recently ran into what looked a similar issue and searched around for information about what properties would be lost. I didn't find a...

Great. Thanks for the answers. @Bob's interpretation that if a question is duplicate, it should be closed seems reasonable when I think about it. Thanks for the input.
@agtoever Actually, we have an interesting case here where the dupe target is actually the newer question :P
But it's the one that has the answer, so that's just the way these things go sometimes.
seems I don't have ipv6 all of a sudden
How do you do virtual DPI scan of Windows Desktop?
Do you use Bullzip PDF to virtually scan windows in browser?
@Psycogeek How about you?
Should I avoid NVIDIA? I'm evaluating the possibility of getting a GTX 980 for a desktop but might not want to support a company who has apparently deceived customers over the 3.5/0.5 GB issue on the GTX 970.
Then again, I feel NVIDIA graphics are better and more efficient overall.
tftp - error on server:file not found
Do I as an ethical citizen have a responsibility to not select NVIDIA?
I don't understand why, how can I troubleshoot
@DragonLord Debatable ;p
firewall is off, directory = C:/tftp my hostname is typed correctly
I dont know :/
@DragonLord I don't think their deception was intentional; it was a miscommunication between the marketing side and the technical team. However, I can't exactly agree that their graphics products are "better". Their absolute top-end performance is higher than what AMD can produce except in short, limited timespans when AMD leapfrogs them; but AMD wins on price:performance ratio IMO; has just as good drivers these days; and a groundswell of games supporting Mantle.
Rather than being better in the strict sense, I would qualify that statement to say that, price be damned, Nvidia's top-end is faster. But then they have other drawbacks that make them not universally better.
Also, if we're talking about compute rather than graphics, there's no definition of "better" or "faster" that could be true of Nvidia's consumer cards vs. AMD's consumer cards, regardless of how high-end they are.
AMD flat-out defeats Nvidia on GPGPU on consumer cards.
No contest.
If all you wanted was an opinion on the apparent moral dilemma though, I'd say go ahead and buy one, because I don't think there is a moral dilemma when the root of the problem came down to a mistake.
Nvidia isn't a bad company filled with filthy liars who'll say anything to get your dollar. They're not stupid; they know that if they tried to lie intentionally, they'd get caught and slammed by the community. Even when they made a mistake -- an accident -- they're still getting slammed pretty bad in the press. I'd still trust Nvidia's marketing material going forward.
@allquixotic That's the upshot of GCN. It's designed specifically for compute.
Then again, I don't want to lose PhysX acceleration
@DragonLord GCN 2.0 is expected to have such robust scheduling of tasks, that it should be possible to effectively balance an intensive compute task (like physics over OpenCL) with a responsive graphics rendering task, without killing your framerate. If they deliver on that, I'd half expect the next-gen AAA games to ship either dual PhysX/OpenCL support for their physics, or go to OpenCL for all cards (since all cards support it).
I also care about other NVIDIA-specific features, such as those in Assassin's Creed Unity.
the open source Bullet physics engine has a real, working, tested OpenCL backend now.
Im also getting ftp> connection refused
but I can ping fine
my IP looks weird
god damnit slashdot! making me all depressed with a "terminally ill" story
3 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek I wil, however, commit to the site and try to be active there when it goes online. So thanks for showing me the site :)
1 hour later…
Q: Visual Studio 2012/2013 Express offline installation/activation

user2543574One of my computers is not connected to the internet. Right now it has Visual Studio 2008 Express installed which doesn't require an internet connection at all. Can I install and activate Visual Studio 2012/2013 Express without internet connection?

200 rep on the line for whoever can figure out how to activate VS2013 without connecting to internet
Download the Internet to a floppy and use that to activate ?
@MichaelFrank those are for MSDN subscriptions
this is for the Express products
Ahh, I skimmed the question. My bad!
it's all good
1 hour later…
Was thinking about the PC Gamer Large Pixel Collider
I'm looking at parts for a new desktop, assume budget is unlimited.
Is there any substantial advantage to a $10k build of this sort?
My planned Alastor build currently sits just over $2500, which includes a full copy of Windows 8.1 Pro but no display, mouse, or keyboard.
This build is likely to evolve with time as I don't have the money to actually do it now, but it's in a Newegg wish list
The most expensive part is the ASUS Strix GeForce GTX 980 graphics card at US$580.
Core i7-4790K on ASUS Sabertooth Z97 Mark1 board
32 GB G.SKILL Sniper DDR3-1866 memory
512 GB Samsung SSD 850 PRO and 2 TB WD Black hard drive
Noctua NH-D14 cooling solution, Corsair HX1050 power supply
Pioneer BDR-2209 BD-RE drive
@DragonLord Would you actually use a BD drive in a desktop?
@MichaelFrank Better offline storage.
@DragonLord practically? No
@DragonLord Sounds expensive. o.O
Yes, it will all be in a SilverStone Raven RV03.
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