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@JourneymanGeek I'll have to check it out. Thanks.
@WilliamHilsum: updated win8, but still no alt-f4 workiness. I'm tempted to try popping out the video card (since i'm forced to use an older build for compatability) and using the built in one
of course, dell systems are designed by idiots, and removing the graphics card means all the slot covers fall out
@JourneymanGeek I have no idea why/what happened to me... I was in the exact same issue and thought it was so weird that I couldn't quit... then I did the start menu, went in to another application, forgot I couldn't and did it - it worked and has since :/ I messed around a little in control panel, but, I am sure I didn't do anything related to this :/
@JourneymanGeek Ouch :/
@WilliamHilsum: eh, free system, and i'm pondering moving it over to a saner case at some point. I have 3-4 spares
i donno why
tempted to use the old perx case so i have SIX front USB ports ;p
(assuming dell dosen't have proprietary port headers... )
Should I use built in Windows 7 backup or use Norton Ghost. I already a license for Ghost.
@SgtOJ: the win7 backup is shiny
but really up to you
It is. I just wanted another opinion. I need to find out what Ghost has over the built in one.
multi OS support
and windows backup USED to suck
@Sergey: xp era and older backups didn't do bare metal restores
Yea. That is why I have been using Ghost.
win7 does do bare metal, as long as you have a recovery disk or OS disk
It's Windows Backup.
2 hours later…
@Gareth: overthewall is now added to my g+ list. looks like someone does manually add them
@Mokubai not always @slhck
3 hours later…
morning all
is there a question we can close this as a dupe of?
Q: Making home based web server

I am new in making web servers. I installed Apache web server in my computer and I forwarded a port 80 on my Router. When I type http://localhost, or my local IP ie in my web browser it loads the default page of apache server from the hard disk on my local pc. I want to dis...

possibly, but by the sounds of things they really just need to switch off their router's allow-remote-access-from-the-web off, or change it's port
@tombull89 closed
@Sathya - I think you closed this in error superuser.com/questions/336280/making-home-based-web-server
I think that guys problem is that he can't access his external IP when hes behind his router.
@Nifle The one I just linked above?
Most routers I have used (in a home setting) does not allow connecting to the outer world-facing IP from behind
He can access his router from the internet, but he wants to change it so he can access his webserver.
I think hes on his net behind the router. And he think becaus he can't access the website with his external IP noone els can
Most routers does not allow access to the config-page unless you are on the inside.
It would be very easy for him to test that. He just needs to access his webpage through an online web proxy like hidemyass.com
And the above bit is about what I would have answered if it hadn't been closed.
@WilliamHilsum: ALT+F4 works, the last thing I remember doing is installing the chipset drivers, but it's probably not that.
@TomWijsman: i'm wondering if its my video card at this point. the driver support for it is horrid. needing a specific driver for a system feature seems odd tho
@JourneymanGeek laptopvideo2go.com if NVIDIA doesn't provide you with anything useful (unless you have ATI).
... Desktop ;p
also tried the latest win 7 forceware - load of stuff dosen't work with it (cuda, et al), dropped back to build 195
i'll give it a shot
@JourneymanGeek Ah okay, I just follow the latest these days, blame your video card...
I do.
problem is i can't get a replacement for under 80 bucks, and that's more than what i feel the system is worth ;p
@Nifle well this explains that superuser.com/questions/21931/…. Regardless, I have opened it
" it keeps on changing and u need to intimate to your friend about the new IP" I didn't know people used old fashioned language like this. This is like so... 1920s english ;p
@JourneymanGeek ...intimate...?
@tombull89 inform
not that intimate :P
lol. In older english "to let know"
or some indians use it, along with words like nefarious
granted, i use nefarious whenever i can in italics cause its an awesome word
@Sathya: I figure its a wren and martin-ism
and by that, oldschool - like when my parents learnt english
@JourneymanGeek yeah probably
Oh, I like how the default developer approach is to have a full screen application... :D
Store accessible in Visual Studio, that's nice too.
@TomWijsman: for metro, yeah. And those apps probably work on phones too
OH, if you can, could you see if 'copper' works?
Oh, my application already has a tile in the Start menu and I don't even know how that works yet... >_<
would that be stackoverflow or programmers.se? ;p
What is a good one-click screenshot tool? My previous has like 1 or 2 steps too much...
Oh wait, this looks nice... grabilla.com
i just use PDN, since i often edit screenies
Argh, Grabilla gives the capture thing on start, well, I'll put it on my start menu then so I can do WIN+2 or something...
And the metro app kind of minimizes now while starting Grabilla, it's obviously not desined for Windows 8.
But anyhow, copper seems to work.
Argh, when I close any metro application, I get a green screen. Why can't it just go to my desktop... >_<
It works, but it's eating my CPU after I close it.
I hope they'll turn it the copper into silver some day...
speaking of nefarious - @JourneymanGeek
Q: Questions with nefarious intent?

MiffTheFoxWhat is the idea based around questions for "evil" purposes, such as writing spambots and malware? Should the be answered or downvoted/flagged/closed? (Also, pardon my noobishness, I'm not sure if there's already a rule for this or not. I don't have a high enough rep to close questions and the...

I really don't find any information on how to create a live tile, sigh.
gah, i need a proper keyboard on this ><
Now it makes sense why ALT+F4 is unnecessary and returns in a green screen you should never come to.
so apps aren't "closed" as such, just "suspended"
alt-f4 working... is a bug?
... i just had an epiphany
@JourneymanGeek That's how I understand it... :P
'desktop' is an app
@TomWijsman: linked drivers won't install - something about missing files
Q: How are live tiles made in Windows 8?

Tom WijsmanI've searched the samples, the developer site, the getting started and the enhancing bla bla bla pages. Even using some search queries on Google, I can't seem any information on live tiles in Windows 8. How do I create a live tile in Windows 8? What languages can be used for that? C#? XAML?

Hi guys, hope I'm in the right chat - small question - I have 2TB new hard-drive, Installing, choosed Format, rather than quick-format, 3 hours later, it's 3%. Can I power-Reset and quick-format? (can't wait t h a t long...)
should work
@LiranOrevi Yeah, I'd have no problem with doing that.
Cool @tombull89, Thanks!
(Welcome to SU Chat, BTW)
Thanks :) glad to be here :).
@LiranOrevi: A full format or test is usually useful to get rid of manufactured/transport bad sectors (as they get remapped by a built-in table in the hard disk controller), but the count would normally be so low that doing a Quick Format is fine enough.
If you need your data secure, you should have back-ups (long-term data) and optionally a RAID system (short-term data) anyway... ^^
@LiranOrevi: By the way, is that over USB? Makes sense that it would take so long then...
@TomWijsman Aye. There is no reason for a regular user to bother with memory management. Only power users.
@surfasb Memory management is a waste of time for power users to these days...
@TomWijsman, it's a brand new SATA hard-drive, no data on it. thanks for the advice.
Main concern should be CPU and I/O, to improve idle performance and to make sure it's not capping out at 100%...
@TomWijsman: I can't remember the last time i maxed out any of those things >_>
@TomWijsman Yeah, I agree with that too. I was thinking from a UI standpoint.
well, that's certainly ... interesting :/
btw: anyone who games and for some reason still hasn't played the original Portal - it's apparently Free!™ for the next few days
(AOL Mail wasn't my idea, it was my parents that made the decision to go with AOL when we first got interweb and I've been with AOL Mail ever since...I've got other e-mail addresses too but...yeah...)
i don't know what to ask.. "People still use AOL?" or "people still use dial up?"
@JourneymanGeek Yes, incredibly. It's not dial-up, it's actual broadband.
dial up? I'd missed that bit :)
@tombull89: i know ONE person who uses dial up
and i think he just does it to be annoying
Although my brother and I have taken to (quite often) mocking my dad for going with a renewal package that was more expensive than a faster, BT-Based alternative service.
Still, ends in Feburuary so I want BT Infinity (fiber) :D
right, got my wife d/ling Portal to her steam now too
superuser.com/questions/336319/… i have the same hard drive. RMAed it too ;p
yawn for some reason I'm rather tired today
i slept 2 hours after lunch today
meh, I'm not really a napping person
neither am i
combo of late nights, and the dog deciding to shift his walks half hour earlier
1 hour later…
eh, new trick i learnt. lshw lists drive device names and partition device names
@TomWijsman looks like payal did this ! medianama.com/2011/09/… without any warning .... idiots !
"and that any balance in their PayPal account will be auto withdrawn out of their PayPal account on a daily basis". what?*
@HackToHell that says link "..with effect from 26th September 2011..", are you sure that this is relevant to something that's already happened?
@DMA57361 maybe the site got it wrong .... And I never got any email communication
quite possibly, I didn't bother to investigate, I'm just saying it's something to pay attention to and maybe verify with an additional source
@DMA57361 the site got it wrong thenextweb.com/in/2011/09/16/…
that one also says "...will started enforcing daily auto-withdrawal of funds for Indian users from September 26, 2011" - are they both wrong?
no idea !
but my money is being washed away !
my point was, maybe that isn't your problem (yet) and you should still be cautious that something abnormal was happening with your cash
something abnormal is happening ... everyday my balance is cut in half due to this auo withdrawal long story .. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/1938158#1938158
I know, I was idling around when you were discussing it
I've never used PayPal so have nothing really to add. Vut assuming this new forced-withdrawal is the problem is dangerous because, it looks like that hasn't started yet - you potentially have another issue
yes and I email PayPal and no response .... :(
A: How are live tiles made in Windows 8?

Tom WijsmanFinally figured it out, these live tiles are as noted using tile notifications. Here is the minimal code necessary for updating an existing default tile with a template: You have to load in a template and adjust it, or produce your own XML code. See the tile schema... var tileXml = Notificati...

Yay! The live tiles are no longer a mystery...
Hmm, I wonder how the tile peek things work.
1 hour later…
Laptop users on Windows 8, check out the Power Options, there is a mysterious "Memory power management" list of options to adjust; like "Backoff channel heat break tolerance", "Consecutive time units to mark a page as cold", "Time unit in 2^Minutes for access pattern".
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, really Oo... Undocumented as far as I can tell.
Okay, full list is available here...
Q: What are the new Memory Power Management options in Power Options?

Tom WijsmanThese options are listed under Memory Power Management in the Power Options on my laptop: Backoff channel heat break tolerance Consecutive time units to mark a page as cold Backoff channel heat check interval Backoff idle utility threshold Backoff forced hot channel resume timeout Time unit in ...

What is this? I don't even...
Isn't this just highly subjective? Surely what annoys one person may not annoy another...
Q: Most annoying (remaining) Linux OS Problems for Desktop Users

Johannes WeißIn the last years the Linux OSes did improve a lot regarding a desktop user's point of view. Especially since Ubuntu released its first version things became better and better. My question is: What are the most annoying (remaining) problems of Linux Desktop OSes in your opinion? One could also ...

@TomWijsman Set everything to Overdrive
Or 11, where applicable, 11 is always the best.
Backoff high utility threshold is set to 6400%, perhaps I should set it to OVER 9000%.
But well, changing something good there could improve performance, changing something bad there could slow my computer down to a crawl. Those are low-level hardware memory settings as far as I can tell.
Perhaps also related to the page file, dunno...
I reckon it's just a load of buzzword laden options that don't actually do a thing, just to keep the tweekers off their backs without them being able to break the operating system by changing important settings.
I'm still with the crowd that reckon you could have been doing something productive with that last day and a half you spent tweaking the your computer for a whole 0.0001% performance increase...
Maybe I just got old and bitter about wasting time, especially when I see older people who should know better not just wasting time, but well and truly squandering their time...
I swear, youth is wasted on the young, age is wasted on the old.
But... It's interesting. ^^
Oh I don't dispute that, I'm curious what they all do... I just would really have to see some convincing evidence that changing them is better than leaving them at default :)
After all, there's probably a good reason that they're defaults... see figure 1 (and by that I mean a particular part of that joke, not trying to be rude)
Points 1 and 2 to be precise :)
@Mokubai Or, there is a good reason for them to be listed. ^^
I have a vague suspicion that they effectively amount to the swappiness option in Linux, just with an insane amount of word-soup...
I feel old. If they'd released it a year and a half ago I would have already downloaded Win8 and been cooing and making all the amazed noises at it, now I'm just glad my Win7 install hasn't killed itself yet 'cause I can't be bothered to reinstall....
I'm overall highly unimpressed by Windows 8.
Although as Window's releases go... every 2nd one seems to make mistakes :P
I'm not particularly enthused because it looks a lot like their completely underwhelming Phone OS....
Yeah, and I really don't feel tablets are the way of the future yet.
@SimonSheehan Thinking back, you could well be right...
In 1983, Microsoft announced the development of Windows, a graphical user interface (GUI) for its own operating system (MS-DOS), which had shipped for IBM PC and compatible computers since 1981. The product line has changed from a GUI product to a modern operating system over two families of design, each with its own codebase and default file system. The 3.x and 4.x family includes Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 achieved the breakthrough from 16- to 32-bit networking and 32-bit disk access. Windows 95 completed the migration to 32-bit c...
Think about it..
And yet again I feel old. I can remember using every Microsoft OS back to 3.1 :(
Haha, must be getting old. My first was 98!
@SimonSheehan ... :/
Then again, I am 16...
exactly, making us feel old :P
Thankfully in the days around 3.1 I was actually using either an Atari or an Amiga...
← BBC Micro
And now I have the horrifying memory of installing Microsoft Office from 26 floppies! ARGH!
What the
I dont get why this was approved
Its an entire other answer.
I've see a few like that lately, been rejecting a few of them
There's always the rollback option
I'd roll it back as as it was it actually answered the question
Who are we to say whether the new links actually work?
hmm, yeah that's a little odd
roll it back and/or @ harry with a heads up that the link is down
@SimonSheehan I've used Windows 98, XP, Vista, and 7 all extensively
I also have Office 1997 installed on a number of computers in my home network, works very well on XP
why fix what ain't broke? :P
good evening everyone
hey there @DanielBeck
Hi @slhck
Now that I have you here, do you know if there's any easier way to find out which group a UI element belongs to rather than using the UIElementInspector, digging through the element tree?
What's wrong with UIElementInspector?
well I want to address this button here
@studiohack Very true :P
the ImageCapture window has ~30 UI elements, and somewhere nested in them is this button
I used 98 for about 3 years, XP for 7, Vista for 3 months, and now 7 since its release.
@slhck Have you tried referring to the button using its name?
so what's missing in click button "Scan" <of group blah of split group blah> of window "Image Capture"?
@DanielBeck You mean "Scan" only?
Well guys, you know what day it is... now for the remix.
@SimonSheehan I refuse to click that :P
or maybe …
ah whatevs!
@slhck It's been a while with AppleScript for me, just a second...
"Rebecca Black - Friday Electro Dubstep Mix"
@DanielBeck Sure, no worries. All I know is that click button "Scan" of window "Image Capture" doesn't work (won't find it).
@SimonSheehan lol, I have exactly the same speakers
Lol, awesome.
I unhooked the speakers from my subwoofer last night to test it....was awesome
my girlfriend just got this
Now that is cool
and it's around like $200
@slhck I usually go from element to element and read their UI elements. You know that the hierarchy is short so that's a plus. I'd even guess it's button "Scan" of group 3 of split group 1 of window 1 or something similar.
@DanielBeck I'll try that, otherwise it'll be an "activate" followed by tell application "System Events" to key code 49 :P (press space)
@slhck That probably works too.
err.. weird, it's actually called splitter group.
ah, found it! click button "Scan" of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
Thanks for your help @DanielBeck!
@slhck Sure
I'll just make it a question/answer so the world knows :P
I'm probably the stupidest user on SU this week. At least the stupidest regular user :-/
I wrote an entire C program using an API I didn't know before verifying that what the user wrote in the question was actually true...
@slhck Post the answer already so I can up vote ;)
@DanielBeck done :P
Gah! Had an answer prepared and someone beat me!
it's actually even easier @slhck
How? @DanielBeck
@SimonSheehan Where? Just post it!
Q: Gefore FX 5200 Ultra & 3D in Photoshop

LyndaI am running a Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 Ultra video card in my computer. I am attempting to work with some 3D in Photoshop CS5.1 extended. When I work with the 3D I get this message: Your video card does not meet the requirements for hardware-accelerate 3D rendering. All 3D will be rendered with ...

you can just state "UI elements" within a tell block, and AppleScript Editor's event log will print the output.
The answer was IDENTICAL
Less editing when going through the element tree, at least the way I edit
Ah, that's a neat shortcut.
I'll add it.
I recently posted an answer in the same second as someone else
never had that before
It sucks when you don't get a message that another answer has been posted already
Here. The answers were posted in the same second.
Gah, now I have to wait two more days to accept.
@slhck There might be an even better answer coming ;)
It should be possible to extend UIElementInspector. Hmmmm...
I think it's weird that you just can't get the whole tree …
Best remix of all time
Original video:
lol, not my kind of thing tho
just found it amusing
And now im watching fail videos on youtube..
good old fail videos
I hate it though when they're on TV and they have laughs on cue and super funny soundtracks.. German TV likes to do that
Yikes. Glad i dont watch TV :P
Good for you!
Because who need's it when there YouTube..and anime..
@SimonSheehan I've used 98 for about 3 years, XP for 5.5, Vista for 1, and 7 since! :P
Heh. Don't know about Canada's TV, but if it's anything like German TV, you're better off on YouTube.
Short time with Vista :P
The only good time to watch TV is after 10 p.m. (NO, NOT BECAUSE OF THAT)
I hate C-derived languages and their pointers and references and everything
@DanielBeck Reminds me of the time I had to start with C++ again … after 3 years of not using it
It's not even funny
I have an element
I read its parent
I read the parent's children
@slhck "*With a fiery, blood pressure raising, passion."
and look for the array index of the child
and it's not there
Now if this whole thing had proper types
But noooooooooo, "Store anything you want in this NSArray. It's just memory addresses!"
@DanielBeck Ah, the beauty of things in strongly typed languages.
btw I really think your answers get too little exposure
morning @JourneymanGeek, how goes it?
my dog woke my up at 6.30 in the morning ;p
Haha. I've been woken up to face licking before, it's somewhat enjoyable :P
lol, mine bounces on the side of the bed, since he won't/can't climb up
:P Sounds funny though.
@SimonSheehan: less so, when you have had something like 4 hours of sleep
@JourneymanGeek I don't see an answer in there at all :S
I did also.
also, the poster needs to learn of the magic of SPELLCHECK
Gah, looks like I need to bring my PS3 upstairs to do this update.
Wireless is slooooow to the basement
Puts TV on desk
Wow. this update is finally working.
Slowly, but faster than wireless...
howdy all

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