Okay so I have a live cd with Fedora 19, and I have a laptop preinstalled with Windows 8. I am trying to boot the laptop from the live cd/dvd, but I can't.
I tried disabling UEFi mode and enabling it but nohting works.
@Bob this does not look real? it is humerous, just doesnt look like a real MS requester unless it is a win8 thing. google.com/… and assuming I did it right i would expect to see another somewhere?
@Bob so now they are not just obnoxious, but they are obmoxious and take up the whole screen :-) whats next ? they are metro and only work in full screen :-)
What can go wrong with composing a method name out of a string?
If myObject[filterMethod]() doesn't exist, you could crash your application.
If your application is part of the safety controls for nuclear missile fire control, you could be potentially disabling critical safety controls.
If ...
I think they launch nuclear missiles with XP, because >win7 will collapse into an unoperational ball a few months after the net goes down :-)
and they thought Y2K was bad , but everything is set up far more devistating than 13 years ago.
The hackers will rule the planet, and the rest of us will be staring at requesters whining about dead links.
China will launch a missile strike but because of java code on thier AGPS, when it looses connection the GPS will fail, and missiles will drop harmlessly into the ocean
half the american fleet of ships will be in the middle of nowhere driving around in circles trying to keep thier robotic big guns from friendly firing on just about anything. Because 10 years ago they gave up on making tech in the US for thier own military, and started importing thier brightest hardware.
The zombies, billions of people whos lives have revoloved around a connection, will wander about aimlessly trying to find food, and eating eachother, when the online Food ordering system goes down.
@Bob sure its not like they buy turkish F-18s but they have gotten aproval again and again for importing from what may very well be "the enemy" some day. Even back when i was there, ground transporation (cars) were all being phased in from other countries.
Japanese communication systems, Taiwan computers, China goods would be found in all the 80% of the operations that make up the "Office work" or the whole of everything that doesnt drop bombs and aim guns
yeah, as long as it's a secure tunnel and all traffic is indeed going through the VPN, your ISP should only see the encrypted data going to and from your VPN endpoint
> The Windows API has many functions that also have Unicode versions to permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. This type of path is composed of components separated by backslashes, each up to the value returned in the lpMaximumComponentLength parameter of the GetVolumeInformation function (this value is commonly 255 characters). To specify an extended-length path, use the "\\?\" prefix. For example, "\\?\D:\very long path".
I said effectively infinite, because if your path is 32kB you're crazy - and you have bigger problems
I think there's less expensive than competitors LG Nexus 5 now that has 2.3GHz quad-core processor. First I thought about Nexus 4 1.5GHz quad-core and now 5. I hate when I install a number of optional apps on my oldie Desire S with Android 2.3.3 it takes 5 minutes to boot but after factory reset it boots under 1 minute.
man i would rather see a long string of opinion (closed questions) than a short stream of nothing from drive by questioners who never answer a single question, and have gone elsewhere (proably a real forum) to finish.
We got closed questions with "content" and tens of thousands of questions that are free to roam, that will never have content. People should become more content with content :-)
@Psycogeek I think the problem with the drive-by questions is that a lot of them are tech support questions, and the troubleshooting aspect of that is more appropriate for a full-on forum.
has the glass on capacitive screens, like phones , become thinner over time? Where it started with more thick glass then progressed to better and thinner stuff?
@EinsteinsGrandson wouldnt that mess up the numbers to remove a row? how about select the rowS you wish to move, cut and paste them up one. (after saving the document 15 times so you can get back to prior revisions)
@EinsteinsGrandson right back to incremental saves. not just saves but save01 save 02 , cause if i mess up on save40 when i am on save45 i might have to go back to save39
@EinsteinsGrandson yup they got some issues, i was using thier "help" and instead just get the forum (google group) with all the frilling problems.
easy way to solve it for google, just call it beta :-)
One person said "of course they wouldnt want to re-calculate the whole thing on each change" but nobody said where the button is to do that anyways. Then they say "wait for it" :-) but it never came , another thread ends with "glad they have this bug filed" I would be more like "who tested this stuff".
@EinsteinsGrandson I can go over there for you if you like, all i have to do is drive around the local area till i find all the porches mercedes and BMWs and i am there.
I want to reuse a GoogleDocs Form, with (almost) the same Form, but with fresh Responses.
I did copy it, but I don't know how to reset responses (not reseting the form itself, i.e. Form/Delete Form).
I manually erased the previous entries. However, they are still treated as entries with values ...
@EinsteinsGrandson you should read the TOU first :-) where it says "dont work to hard on one project when it proabably wont work right, and you aint paying nothing so dont complain"
I will have to say that some amazing compilations of data (of various types) have been done with the web and online google sheet stuff and all. . . . then later was left 3/4 finished and as bad as a dead link.
(all good ideas of mice and men, but doesnt solve the constant maintance issue)