@user1306322 It had a list of others it integrates with, you might try some of them like rd.io is I think one and there's lots of others these days... Haven't really used any of them, I just use pandora so haven't bothered looking at others
Spotify is something lots of people rave about for music though I don't even know exactly what it is or does
@user1306322 I wouldn't bother, there's got to be availability in Russia for some of the other newer ones which a lot of people seem to have migrated to
I'm really not sure if any music recommendation site can do me good since it's not their priority to work well with not so popular music, and besides most people will just listen to whatever "everyone" is listening to
@user1306322 IIRC last.fm is for recommendations (don't think it lets you stream), pandora is internet radio that customises based on what you like, and spotify lets you select specific tracks (with recommendations available, of course)
@NoNameProvided Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
I'd feel like I was in a public chat with its distinct atmosphere of everybody in it being drunk to some degree and completely incompetent in every area imaginable, so I would promptly leave
my experience with wan chats wasn't so great in the last nine years
I think if a site has a chat, it can have features built into it not requiring the roundabout method of posting chat replies, but like buttons and control panels with checkboxes instead
chatbots using replies for command input was a way out during the days of old
itunes finished ravaging my virtual machine, and as soon as I clicked the "radio" button, it dissapeared