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@JourneymanGeek You have no idea how many times I have said that phrase over the last few months.
we just switched from blackboard
I am not a programmer, I have very limited programming background, and yet I was tasked with tinkering with it.
To be "fair", that's common around here, they look at you and give you a task just because.
The damn thing is a complete mess.
Absolutely no documentation ever.
I usually like FOSS software
this needs to die in a burning pyre of windows ME cds
People complain about WordPress.
wordpress usually works
and its a great way to learn how to admin a lamp stack
and this isn't design issues
its clearly performance uissues
There is plenty of documentation in the WP Codex. It is not perfect, a few times it is outdated, but it does a pretty decent work of documenting not only the functions but guidelines of coding style, dos and don'ts, etc.
Wait, is has: a forum. A GODDAM FORUM
You sing up for it and start receiving notifications FOR EACH NEW MESSAGE IN THE ENTIRE SUBFORUM YOU EVER MAKE A POST
Not your replies, mind you, but EACH AND EVERY NEW POST
Not only that
The plugin system for wordpress is near perfect
I have used phpBB and it was a mess
I think I hate this more than VBB. And thats hard. VBB is the rebecca black offorums.
this just goes "waiting for modleprod.murdoch.edu.au" and spins its wheels
In phpBB you manually edit core files. I REPEAT: you manually edit core files. Instruction goes like "look for a file that says XYZ and then under that replace for these few lines". Image the joy when line XYZ was ALREADY REPLACED BY ANOTHER PLUGIN
and when you finally almost lose all hope, stabs you in the heart by timing out.
@ThatBrazilianGuy: as far as fora go, nothing beats smf
@DamienOvereem Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
... my request to moodle has timed out. Really?
@lordzden Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
... LOGGING OUT is taking time.
@JourneymanGeek The only experience I had was with phpBB, if others are worse I don't want to know. (Ok, the usability and experience and visual apearance were not that bad for its time, in fact the dashboard was alright, but the plugin system was... madnes... only madness...)
Seriously what the hell?
@ChatBotJohnCavil thanks
@ThatBrazilianGuy: automatically updating plugin system with a repo
for stock plugins, its easy
The WordPress plugin system is perfection compared to it
it timed out while I was tyring to log out.
Anyway, so I was spoiled by wordpress, with a nice Codex, groups all around on every social networks, billions of google results, nice plugin system with a central repository etc
Hi! In my webhosting provider they have this: GnuPG is a publicly available encryption scheme that uses the "public key" approach. Is this important? What is your understanding on this. Thanks
@lordzden The guys at Information Security can explain in more detail why and how it is important.
1 min ago, by lordzden
Hi! In my webhosting provider they have this: GnuPG is a publicly available encryption scheme that uses the "public key" approach. Is this important? What is your understanding on this. Thanks
Hmm.... I smell homework.
...I am an ordinary guy with no ideal with web, and in my hosting provider they have this menu: Security > GnuPG Keys. Then I'm promoted to register. any idea?
Well, I can tell you in a broad sense what authentication keys are how how they work, roughly
hhmmm, I mean should I do the sign up? or should i just leave it behind...
a quote : "With GnuPG, messages are encrypted using a "public key" however, they can only be decrypted by a "private key", which is retained by the intended recipient of the message."
@lordzden Strangers on the internet can only tell you how it works, or why it is important. Only you can make the decision if it is worth to use or not.
Also I think I am confusing RSA / SSH keys and GPG encryption.
@ThatBrazilianGuy It's both public-key cryptography
@ThatBrazilianGuy hhhmm, thanks for helping me out!! I can see that your putting my message on the other chat! thank!!!
@lordzden Well, I hope you find someone to explain it to you.
@ThatBrazilianGuy :)
@OliverSalzburg Isn't GPG only for encrypting messages contents (email is what comes to mind) and RSA keys for handshaking when you establish a connection?
Or am I mistaken
@ThatBrazilianGuy The underlying principle is the same though
@JourneymanGeek People complain because adminning a LAMP stack shouldn't happen unless the P stands for Postgre and the M stands for sMalltalk or Miranda or scheMe
In authentication, the server sends you a message, you then encrypt it with your private key, he decrypts it with your public key, if the result is the original message, everything is awesome
But don't quote me on that ;P
@OliverSalzburg Yeah, but why would an ISP advice offer a (much probably paid) option in the dashboard GPG? If it's for email then the ISP only forwards the damn MTA's regardless of the contents, and both end users impĺemenet their own keys on their ends. Unless the ISP wants to cahrge for generating and storing the key? WTF?
@OliverSalzburg This is asymmetric encryption, it's one of many approaches, this is how SSL works and generally unnecessary to be hand-implemented in any fashion due to the availability of SSL tunnels for just about any network protocol
@ThatBrazilianGuy They advise it because it's a good idea to use it
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'm guessing you mean PGP?
@JimmyHoffa Yeah, GPG is a PGP software
@OliverSalzburg FTFM.
I thought PGP was broken long ago?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Humm, yeah, that sounds weird. No idea, would have to check the offer myself
Maybe it includes some commercial PGP desktop solution :P
@JimmyHoffa I don't know. I only started using it at work a few months ago, actually they made me create a pair of keys but seldom anyone uses the encryption.
@JimmyHoffa Is it really broken?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Nah, my inspection tells me that PGP doesn't dictate the cryptographic approach, just the overarching communication approach
Just make sure you use a crypto algorithm that's not broken and you're fine
Though modern CUDA techniques dictate the number of unbroken crypto-algorithms is progressively smaller than you would otherwise think...
Oh wait, it's not PGP we use, but GnuPG
"Full replacement of PGP.
Does not use any patented algorithms."
"Supports ElGamal, DSA, RSA, AES, 3DES, Blowfish, Twofish, CAST5, MD5, SHA-1, RIPE-MD-160 and TIGER."
How the hell I find out wich one I use?
@JourneymanGeek whaddayaknow, we just did the same :P
@JourneymanGeek SMF! SMF! SMF! :D
I read somewhere that it was initially designed to be like vB.
First forum software I ever used. Still love it.
Maintaining it is a joy (though, the new admin area they introduced in an update a couple years back was painful, but you could switch to the old one).
Then someone asked me to help with a vB issue.
Oh god.
So. Many. Menus.
@Bob Worse than Moodle? I find it... Unlikely.
It's anyone's guess which (apparently identical) section a plugin decided to put its settings in.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I've never been on the admin side of Moodle, but the user side it... well, it doesn't bode well.
Also, I heard some version of phpBB stored passwords as plaintext by default. WTF?
@Bob Wordpress suffers a bit from it. There's no standard. Some plugins will add new entries to the "tools" section, others will create a new tab, others will add a new area under an existing settings page... Gets crazy with too many plugins (but then, you need to be crazy to install a lot of plugins in the first place)
@ThatBrazilianGuy Oh, it only took me three hours of digging to find out that to enable a shoutbox you have to enable the plugin, enable it in the general settings page (subsection via drop-down (??)), enable it in the user/group settings, add its template item to the theme (if non-default, which is most of the time), set up pre-/post- hooks in weird and obscure places, etc., etc..
And this applied to at least two different shoutbox plugins, neither of which thought it would be useful to document much of it.
Also, apparently SE chat has a max-length-per-line limit :S
@Bob IT doesn't pisses me off as much as if something averagely popular (say, a shoutbox) has a trillion different plugins, each with its quirks, some compatilbe only with older versions, some outdated and / or abandoned, some using weird libraries, implementations, etc... Some with little to no documentation
Every time I see more the wisdom of people I know saying "the less plugins the better"
@ThatBrazilianGuy Oh, I'm just talking about the main two. There were dozens more I didn't want to touch.
I encountered the too-many-goddamn-plugins syndrome while working with Drupal, though.
When there's a clear one that's ahead, I don't mind. It's when you have a pile of more-or-less-the-same ones... Which one should I use?!
@Bob Learn this moral well: Do not trust a PHP developer. No no you don't understand, I'm telling you, DO NOT trust a PHP developer.
@Bob It is a bit less worse when there's one that stands out with a million downloads and users, frequents updates and such. One can assume it might be better. Not always true, however
What really, really pisses me off is the search system on the whole wordpress.org site.
Everything: themes search, plugins search, specially the support issue system.
It is just a (really, reeeeeally old / basic) version of a forum system
Each plugin author gets a "support" link on the plugin profile
And support requests goes to this "forum"
But, in reality, every plugin EVER just dumps the posts on the same forum
And you can't search locally, just globally
(ok, you use tags, but it's cumbersome and counetrintuictive)
And for some popular plugins there are pages and pages and pages of posts
No stickyes, nothing
The only way is clicking page after page
Good luck finding out if anyone had the issue before
I hate, hate, hate, hate these support forums
Usually I end up contacting the developer.
I suppose Drupal has the advantage there. Proper support/issue tracking.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Reminds me of just about every blog I've ever been to...
Does this video work for anyone? youtube.com/watch?v=q5STyb9xKwU
I think YouTube has encoding error.
@Boris_yo 1:15 and everything is fine
btw, he overkills with the rocket laucher
@Braiam Does not work for me. Says error.
Ctrl + F5 FTW!
@Braiam May not be supported by all browsers*
(seriously, I think every browser has their own different force refresh combination :S)
@Bob who still uses IE?
@Braiam Seriously, stop it with the IE hate. It's not even funny anymore, let alone true.
@Bob The problem is not the blogs that implement WorPress. That is up to the site owner and its supposed incompetence. But the official site of the most popular CMS ever being that counterintuictive? That's seriously flawed business.
@Bob mm... I'm asking if anyone uses IE... I'm not stating any fact but asking a question ;) please, don't read so much into it
IE8+ have been pretty good with standards. IE9+ has been good with performance.
IE6 is almost as old as Firefox, and far older than Chrome.
Chrome is only out as of like 08/09?
I believe anyway, that's when I recall seeing it first
Heck, last I checked IE8 was released around the time Chrome landed its first stable release.
@Braiam You also ignored a whole bunch of other browsers. Last I checked, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and IE don't agree on a force-refresh key.
@ThatBrazilianGuy That's the default configuration, though.
It doesn't matter how good you can make something with thousands of hours - sane defaults are always better.
A: What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

someIt is up to the browser but they behave in similar ways. I have tested FF, IE7, Opera and Chrome. F5 usually updates the page only if it is modified. The browser usually tries to use all types of cache as much as possible and adds an "If-modified-since" header to the request. Opera differs by s...

only that doesn't use it is Opera
@Braiam Huh, that's news to me.
@Bob you should read at least the 100 more voted questions on SO ;)
@Braiam Bah, too many! :P
@Bob apparently BB won't do support in australia, which is why they switched
@JourneymanGeek That... actually explains a lot.
Our online Maple lessons are still on Blackboard for now, though. It's painful to find - it's like the only thing left on there, and nothing links to it.
thing is
blackboard worked perfectly, all the time
Oh come on.
Moodle has been popping up an announcement on every login. Despite dismissing it. It's an end of semester "hope you have fun please take the survey" from last sem... that's over three months ago :S
clicks ignore
Oh there it is!
@JourneymanGeek Strangely, I think we've had more Moodle uptime.
It's... painful to use, though.
its been timing up, or resetting...
about a dozen times today
Thankfully most of the serious stuff in my courses are hosted on different servers, on different systems.
Actually... not so thankfully. Moodle might've been better -_-
OpenLearning is more than a little buggy. It's also developed by former students, so... ya.
everyone is a former student.
Then there's the one my DB lecturer did. It does work, which is nice. On the other hand, it uses framesets.
oh, one of my lecturers used his own moodle instance
it was nice, VERY stable
even fast
I guess they're hosting the main one on a really crappy server?
could be
or they just renamed the little old desktop they were using in dev as production
and its keeling under the load
I remember when they opened course enrollment for second sem. The enrollment system was effectively down for 3-4 hours.
I was sitting there waiting 15 mins at a time for a page to load.
@JourneymanGeek Yup, just slap a new sticker over the old one!
I really don't understand how they acquire new hardware.
We have at least one lab full of iMacs... which all have Debian installed. Sure, buy the most overpriced and hard to service hardware available and install the exact same image used in every other lab -_-
So, uh... American gov still arguing like a cross between headless chickens and kindergarteners?
@Bob The argument is more akin to a squirrel and a power line, it devolves into a biting match that causes a blackout of nearby electric facilities and a blackout of the squirrel
It's a silly error I could just ignore, but it is irritating and slowly drives me mad.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I use it, but I have no idea what this unified inbox is.
@Bob Nope. They finally stopped that along with a lot of other business
this question just begs for an thermite answer.
@allquixotic Hi
@allquixotic Any riots in the streets yet? :P
@CanadianLuke you are a hero
@Bob actually yes -- and I consider myself tremendously lucky to be working in some capacity for the federal government while this shitstorm is going on.
A: How to destroy a CD/DVD rom?

Journeyman GeekThe proper way is to get yourself a shredder that also handles cds - look online for cd shredders. This is the right option if you end up doing this routinely I don't do this very often - For small scale destruction I favour a pair of tin snips - they have enough force to cut through a cd, yet a...

@allquixotic Wait seriously (riots)? o.O
I'm gonna get complaints but, microwave!
@Hennes: or liquid nitrogen!
@JourneymanGeek My shredder handles CDs. It just makes two parallel cuts - cuts the discs into thirds. Frankly, that's not very secure.
@Bob well. protesters. not riots.
Liqued H2? And a small spark.
@allquixotic Ah. That sounds a bit better.
@JourneymanGeek or hydrofluoric acid :P (I learned that from Breaking Bad)
@allquixotic Don't touch that shit :S
I am told H2 will go BOOM from concentration of 7% up to 90%
@allquixotic: I thought HF didn't eat plastic?
acetone would work here.
HF is bad. OK?
HF does a nice job of killing people.
HF eats glass.
Check the direction the wind is blowing from. And wear jogging shoes. That bad.
@Bob or dissolving ones that are already dead
It causes horrible burns. It passes though skin.
@Hennes It leeches calcium from bones.
It will cause fluoride poisoning
I spent 20 minutes trying to upload my assignment
ONE more try and I'm going to bed, and trying at 5.30 in the morning
Where does the upload fail?
@JourneymanGeek try pushing it in pieces to Amazon S3, then use your VPS to transfer it from S3 to the assignment server
@Hennes: upload page to turnitin usually times out.
(on moodle's side)
@JourneymanGeek that's why you should upload when the Americans are sleeping.
or connection gets reset
@jokerdino: australians.
Can you upload it elsewhere (e.g. to your own server) and then upload it from there?
@JourneymanGeek Except for Bob, everyone else is sleeping.
because its turnitin
The actual assignment will be submitted hard copy
@JourneymanGeek meaning what, exactly?
it's DRM?
@JourneymanGeek Most of us are sleeping.
@allquixotic Turnitin is a plagiarism checker.
I mean... you could do RDP into a server with Firefox and submit it from there, surely?
@allquixotic: I need to submit the assignment to a plagisum detection service via the school network
FTP it up with resume support?
@allquixotic: tried using another ISP
oh, it has to be via the school network? that sucks.
Heh. I could set up a tunnel for you if you want, @JourneymanGeek.
@allquixotic: If I had options, I'd use them
through a school site
@JourneymanGeek Just e-mail it to your teacher with a message "I tried numerous times to upload it to no success, and will try again after I wake up, but here's my work it is completed on time"
It's one step closer, if nothing else.
which uploads it to moodle.
@JimmyHoffa: I have time
@JourneymanGeek Then who cares, go to bed.
its due thursday
so it goes: your box -> school site -> moodle
the your box -> school site is OK
but school site -> moodle times out
school site is a buggy piece of shit
IE moodle
They do maintenance on our site at this time.
it's weird how sometimes when you listen to music it sounds completely different than before... maybe Breaking Bad changed me :S (I saw the final episode yesterday)
32GB for 30 pound. Wow. I want me sume of that shit! superuser.com/questions/621456/remove-16gb-cap
geek logs into schoolsite. Geek goes to moodle. Finds turnitin link, which is a moodle plugin. Gives information. Hits upload... waits 5 minutes before it gives me errors.
Daily maintenance.
For a whole hour.
WTH are they doing?
Geek wants to feed all these people to velociraptors, cause anklemauling is TOO GOOD FOR THEM.
@Bob offline backup?
@allquixotic That seems a little overkill.
@Bob I didn't say it was a good idea
Also, the entire DB is likely < 5 GB.
just could be what they're doing
I can't imagine an actual person is doing stuff with the server every single day for a whole hour
Our DB lecturer gave us a partial sanitised copy. It was big, but not that big.
and one of the few meaningful automated maintenance tasks (albeit the "offline" aspect is extremely suspect; it should be online backup!) is backup
The whole of SE data dump is maybe 4.2 GB.
@allquixotic Yea, pretty sure it's automated (also, 1 AM). But that doesn't really explain what it's doing.
aside from that... DB vacuuming? lol.
@jokerdino Isn't that the compressed size?
@allquixotic Pretty sure most DBMSes can do everything online.
@Bob possibly. with links to images instead of actual images.
A DBMS you need to take offliine to perform routine tasks is a shitty DBMS.
@Bob they can, but if this is a true dailywtf.com system, they're using a DBMS that can't do anything like vacuuming or backup while online
@Bob: could be backups.
@JourneymanGeek loves making 1 char edits on my answers. I just found an answer of his that has exactly 1 char wrong. SE says I can't edit less that 6 chars.
Looks like you get some treats if you're a small dog. Everybody lovs dogs.
(except cats)
@ThatBrazilianGuy: also, lots of rep
@JourneymanGeek And why would you need to take the system down for an hour for routine daily backups?
it's Microsoft Access backed
I can fix that if you can point that out
it has to be
@Bob: planned maintainance window?
@allquixotic pretty sure it's postgres, actually
@JourneymanGeek daily. at 1 AM.
@Bob: I tried a few hours ago s well
@Bob saving server power.
[configuration] 94 tags left
and it's down many weekends for scheduled maintenance/upgrades, which are unrelated
@shutdown at 1 am
@reboot at 2 am
So that the hardware can cool off ?
automated air duster? :)
Nope. Tape changes in the server room. But that server makes too much noise, so lets turn it off
daily neurotoxin halon release
your school is run by Glados!
evolution is so neat:

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