@njallam Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@EinsteinsGrandson You seem like doing unnecessary work for writing this emoticon. Just write like this and save yourself some typing. :) or ;) without "o" which resembles nose.
> however all publicly available information (including communications with Amazon itself) appears to support the claim that Glacier is backed by inexpensive commodity hard drives and not tape.
> This confusion is exacerbated by the fact that Glacier experiences archive retrieval delays similar access delays to that of tape-based systems (3-5 hours before archives are available).
@EinsteinsGrandson But keep in mine the retrieval intricacies. And you'd have to set it up yourself, as opposed to something like crashplan (automatic, difference only backups)
Glacier retrieval is.. weird.
You can retrieve a certain % of your storage for free each month, after that it gets somewhat expensive /GB
Good for long term storage
Not so good if you're anticipating pulling data down often
Amazon Glacier is an online file storage web service that provides reliable storage for data archiving and backup.
Glacier is part of the Amazon Web Services suite of cloud computing services, and is designed for long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval latency times of 3 to 5 hours are acceptable. Storage costs are a consistent $0.01 per gigabyte per month, which is substantially cheaper than their own Simple Storage Service (S3) service.
Amazon hopes this new service will move businesses from on-premises tape backup drives to cloud-based backup ...
> In one example, a user stored 15GB of data in Glacier, retrieved 693MB for testing, and ended up being charged for 126GB due to retrieval rate calculation.
It doesn't look at amount per month - it looks at the highest amount per hour reached at any time in that month, and assumes that that highest rate was being used for every hour in them month
@EinsteinsGrandson And, what? Take a thousand hours to retrieve all of it?
Say if I want to change my primary Microsoft account alias, and I have it linked to a Windows Phone and two Windows 8 installs. What do I need to take into consideration?
"We should understand that the Scriptures, both of the Old Testament and the New, were written by men; they are the word of God but written by men. Giving absolute belief to each of its words, perceiving each one to be absolutely divine, is an exercise in naiveté, as is confusing the metaphorical nature of countless words and passages in the Bible and interpreting them in an exclusively literal way. That is a nearsightedness that limits us."