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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

@Bob people are stupid ;p
@JourneymanGeek That's a wrong stereotype my friend. People are lazy.
hey @JourneymanGeek any recommendations for domain hosting?
@KronoS Namecheap. Don't forget to check for coupons. Wait, you want website hosting or domain registration?
Domain Registration... website I can run from home, or take care of later
@KronoS Hosting from home? But that means computer working 24/7, constant maintenance etc.
@Boris_yo GoDaddy is a few dollars cheaper :/
just not sure if I trust GoDaddy
It's not a big deal for me... Also, if I have the domain, I can transfer the ip addres routing to another service (like AWS or Azure if I want)
@KronoS Oh yeah, you can host on AWS too...
I just need registration, not hosting
@KronoS namescheap
I've used them for ages, they're seriously reliable and I've never had issues with them
@JourneymanGeek but they don't seem too cheap. What advantages are there?
@KronoS: they arn't evil? ;p
lol... hence my hesitation for GoDaddy :P
but what about DreamHost? Heard of them?
Honestly, a BIG reason I went with them was they contacted me and let me know when my paypal was hacked, and someone bought domains with my accounts
@KronoS: some folk I know had bad experience with their webhosting
not sure of anyone who has used just their domain names
Oh... nvm... I was looking at their hosting prices
I just need a domain registrations
@JourneymanGeek oh wow that's great
@KronoS: let me put it this way, as long as my A and AAAA names are correct, and my bills are paid, I don't loose sleep over my domain names
UNLIKE my dad's hosting, and their byzantine, web 0.5 style design. We end up having to email them to do renewals.
ok going with them
I heard one does not simply go with domain registration with companies who mainly specialize in hosting because they raise domain price after first year.
This is true... But NamesCheap doesn't do that it appears
they give a slight discount for the more years you register
@Boris_yo: aws free is a bit limited
I'd rather pay a little for a proper VPS - I'm using a buyvm one, though I might go with tortoise labs, since I know the guy who runs it
We have this wierd thing were we each respect the other's skills, and thinks the other is an arse ;p
(Person who runs it is technically very good. We just have some unanticipated geek dominance issues that got taken care of with some mutual YELLING over IRC. I do believe though, she's seriously competent, and the prices are right. I just don't need a 512 mb vps yet ;p)
So.... how do I get my domain to point to my ip address? @JourneymanGeek
@SLaG Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh nvm... I just figured it out :P
thanks @JourneymanGeek and @Boris_yo
@JohnCavil What if I don't want to do that
@KronoS He's a Bot :P
@somequixotic oh I know... that's only reason why I would be rude to anyone on chat
1 hour later…
@kronos: set an A record
Is this question OK for SU? Or better suited at Linux, or SF, or...?
Q: NFS Mounts - Linux/Windows Permissions

casheeewI'm trying to mount a NFS-Share where I need specific permissions on the linux-site and a specific user on windows-site who is able to read AND write in this NFS-share. When I mount the share on Linux sudo mount -t nfs myservername:/NFSSHARE /mnt/mymountpoint it has the permissions 777 (drwxr...

Also, WTF answer:
A: NFS Mounts - Linux/Windows Permissions

TLPhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUVtoc6cyMY http://doxfer.webmin.com/Webmin/NFSExports xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...

@ThatBrazilianGuy lolwut
@ThatBrazilianGuy it's fine. a bit too casual for SF, I think
should be ok for SU
@ThatBrazilianGuy Probably lack of characters.
Which indicates other problems with the answer, normally (but not always... computer-enforced limitations are never 100% accurate).
@Bob a very simple one being, its link only
3 hours later…
actually what i'm looking for is a windows charger alike the mac one: i.imgur.com/8LjXk.jpg you do mean that these things exists right? — Pacerier Aug 15 '11 at 15:06
> windows charger
I don't...
2 hours later…
15 hours ago, by Einsteins Grandson
;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) MEANS DON'T KILL ME FOR A STUPID QUESTION
Wait, is that what it meant all along?
@jokerdino Apparently.
I thought it was pringles.
New milestone!
It's Impossible to search multiple drives in windows 8!!
They almost removed it in windows 7
Q: How to search in multiple folders in Windows 7?

kinokijufIn Windows Vista, you could easily select multiple non-indexed locations to search in. Where has this option been moved in Windows 7?

now there is no GUI to do it at all!
There is a way you modify the query in the address bar
but C:\ must be typed C%3A%5C ! with every new slash being %5C
Anyone know an end to this insanity?
each query in the address bar is separated with &'s
obviously all this will be way way to hard for the average user
It's not even power user friendly cause you have to convert colons and slashes to character codes.IMO *nix find is less tedious!
@sabgenton you are aware that Windows has command line utilities? And that you can easily download very powerful third party tools?
Comon home users want easy dum tools they where there in xp and to some degree 7
but yeah I have cygwin so find is way better
@sabgenton In one breath you say "*nix find is less tedious" and "home users want easy dumb tools"
Do you see the problem with that statement?
yeah if the tool was easy dumb I couldn't mention find
for fuck's sake
but fact is you have to use query syntax to search two drives in windows 8
hey dude I am all for a windows tool that works, drive search worked in xp and 7 from the gui
I'm not hating (to much) I'm just saying
It doesn't get much easier than that.
Probably the most often recommended one on here: voidtools.com
1 hour later…
> Spell, punctuate, and capitalize correctly. Don't confuse “its” with “it's”, “loose” with “lose”, or “discrete” with “discreet”. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS; this is read as shouting and considered rude. (All-smalls is only slightly less annoying, as it's difficult to read. Alan Cox can get away with it, but you can't.)
> More generally, if you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored. So don't use instant-messaging shortcuts. Spelling "you" as "u" makes you look like a semi-literate boob to save two entire keystrokes. Worse: writing like a l33t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute kiss of death and guarantees you will receive nothing but stony silence (or, at best, a heaping helping of scorn and sarcasm) in return.
@Bob Looks like you gave up on closing the rest of 2000 one by one?
@Bob Can't stand it.
@JourneymanGeek Hiya! Yeah I wondered for a sec how that worked ha :)
And I lost my days again, just like last year :P
@OliverSalzburg What does that mean?
@Boris_yo It means I had my "consecutive days visited" count reset because I didn't visit the site yesterday
@OliverSalzburg :(
Currently at 557 days.
Heavily considering scripting it - so much to lose!
But then it would be cheating D:
@OliverSalzburg Ah you just tried to accumulate consecutive days for some kind of record?
@JourneymanGeek is sleepy:
(the box isn't on the bed ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Your father took photo of you?
oh, this is my favourite ever
@JourneymanGeek Whose arm is that?
@Bob: mine of course. You do see me there, right?
@JourneymanGeek Nono, the human arm.
(Seriously, though, now I want a pet)
Sometimes the answer is right under your nose
@Bob: we arn't quite sure who is whose pet ;p
sometimes its more like dog and househuman ;p
@Bob: Well, sometimes you find the perfect pet. Sometimes he finds you ;p
/me remembers the frantic, slightly odd looking puppy who got left at our place 'temporarily' 8 years ago ;p
Snauzer puppies look like angry little gremlins.
@JourneymanGeek Huh. What happened?
@Bob: original owner was a small time actress, got him cause he was cute. Hubby didn't like the dog, they got into a fight since she'd bought him without asking.
BIG fight, she stayed over at our office while they worked things out, she left him alone most of the day
so he was the TINEST bit neurotic from bordom, chewed up everything, attacked ankles and so on
On the other hand, he was toilet trained a day after we got him. We waited a week, waited two, considered adopting him out...
@JourneymanGeek Office?
then realised we couldn't ;p
I am so confused :S
@Bob: we rented the apartment next to ours as an office ;p
We occationally let visitors use the back room
Wait. Who's "we"? What do you do?
family business?
and family in general ;p
we do port engineering, spares, fixing up other people's messes
@JourneymanGeek It's your father's!
@Boris_yo: if you want to be technical, 'Uncle's'
AKA the pet human ;p
@Bob: adopting a dog really has to be a family decision, and well, I THINK the sad eyes of doom made that decision for everyone ;p
what's a kransky?
I happened to come across some, picked them up, and was wondering what the recommended method of cooking was.
Quick search; why the hell was overclockers a result for cooking food??
@JourneymanGeek Some kind of sausage.
why not? gotta do SOMETHING with all that heat ;p
Kranjska klobasa (Australian English: Kransky, German: Krainer Wurst, Italian dialect of Trieste: luganighe de Cragno) is a Slovenian sausage most similar to what is known as kielbasa or Polish sausage in North America. The noun klobasa refers to a small sausage generally served whole (in contrast to salama) in Slovene. The adjective kranjska derives from the region of Carniola (Kranjska in Slovenian, Krain in German), which used to be a province in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The earliest mention of the kranjska klobasa in German is found in Katarina Prato's renowned cookbook Süddeutsch...
looking at that now, lol
Huh. Austria is mentioned a lot in that article.
@Bob Käsekrainer!
Heck, you get this at every corner here.
Great, now you got me hungry, and I don't even eat these.
wonders when ghost month ends
they're building a huge temporary tent thing in the field downstairs. That might mean bad, late nightish singing :/
(no, not ghosts. This singing is even worse ;p)
@slhck Want to know the secret to stop overeating? Every time watch at cockroach. It will spoil your appetite.
or just not talk about food ;p
also there's places in the world they eat roaches
That'd be quite an insult to those people
Q: surfing speed vs downloading speed?

VAGABONDI went through another question like this on superuser,but wasnt satisfied with the answer. I wanted to know the difference between browsing and downloading speed. Usually the ISP say that they provide 2mbps speed,Should I recon this as my download speed or surfing speed? There is always a huge...

I'm looking for an analogy to explain this.
I mean, if you're going on a highway that has three lanes, it doesn't matter if you walk on it or take your car to drive there, it'll still have three lanes.
I think browsing is similar to surfing, which just means visiting several web pages. And the side effect is downloading bytes. Either way you are downloading bytes.
I don't know, it's a weird question
it's the download speed. surfing essentially is downloading.
There is a bit of a difference.
with 'surfing' you're downloading many small files
then assembling them into a web page.
This could be a valid question in this form "why do my apparent download speeds increase for large files and decrease for web pages?". This is a simple question to answer in that there are many factors involved such as DNS lookup, connect time, ssl negotiation, time-to-first byte, max connections per host, etcetera. All of these factors favor large single downloads over multiple small downloads. Here a good place to start : webperformancetoday.com/2010/07/09/waterfalls-101BrianAdkins 1 min ago
And now the OP is definitely confused.
I don't know why technicality (downloading bits) is attributed to surfing. It is a high level thing that no user gives a shit about.
So surfing speed probably means how fast the user visits web pages
Download speed on the other hand.. depends on how good the ISP is
Well, the OP wanted to measure surfing speed in amount of data per second, so that's kind of the wrong approach.
Pages per minute maybe.
Ppm sounds better
Got a question, is there a command to view the contents of a dns server?
ls -la?
like all the domains that it handles?
Yeah, the hosts it stores
What server, running on which OS?
Or from the outside?
Windows and Unix
I used nslookup in the office at home and the office in the States, and the hosts use a different DNS server.
I'm just curious how it is set up that both can resolve intranet pages
Q: Is there a way to get the complete zone file for a domain without contacting its host?

EvertI know that it's probably (no longer) possible because of abuse, but I want to check nonetheless. Is there a way for me to obtain the company zone file for a domain myself, without having to contact the people who host the DNS for that domain? Is there a way to get the complete zone file for a ...

I misunderstood then ;p
Maybe I can try another question.
If I pinged another PC, is it possible that the ping command uses VPN
I can rdp and ping to my host at home (I'm staying in the States for a while btw). But I can't ping it from my laptop in the hotel.
So which means the DNS server has to be private or something
Ping (or ICMP requests in general) might be blocked?
Or can you ping something else?
@slhck Surfing is downloading from many sources simultaneously while downloading is focused on 1 file at a time.
Say my computer in the Dublin office is called dublin111 and the NY office is called ny111. I can ping and rdp dublin111 from ny111.
But I can't do that from my home laptop
Because the name doesn't resolve?
So is it a private dns server? Site to site vpn?
Well, if the name is resolved by some internal nameserver only accessible from within the office network, then it's possible.
site to site vpn might be pretty trivial
Trivial how do you mean?
@LewsTherin: its pretty simple to create a VPN tunnel that bridges two networks
So it's a likely possibility that site to site vpn is used?
well, its plausible
Let's say that site to site vpn was used (I still think that an internal dns server is more likely) how will ping use the vpn?
Or are both (dns and vpn) used together?
they're used together
vpn basically just links the two networks together
Makes sense. Thanks
Is there a practical way to gets hands on networking experience?
@slhck I've never noticed it before, just sitting at the local deli...
Apparently it's quite popular here.
@LewsTherin: I'd say do it ;p
there's apparently network simulators floating around which might be of use
Oh nice. I will search for this sims
GNS3 seems kwl
@slhck Eh, I've tried to explain.
@slhck I think you hit it on the head with your 'wrong premise' comment.
hm, if sleeping dogs is to be believed, the proper way to dispose of a carbomb is to drive it into the ocean.
not sure how it wuold work with a larger one, though
@JourneymanGeek they normally just clear the area and blow up smaller bombs
shouldn't you know, mr. army reservist? :P
@Bob: I found this amusing ;p
also, I'm best not allowed near explosives
I throw like a girl
(thankfully, it could be worse. I could.. fetch)
@JourneymanGeek </sexism> :P
thats PRETTY close to what happened.
tho, mine cleared the wall
how far is the wall?
actrually mine tumbled and fell about 3 feet away
i can maybe throw some 40 metres but i haven't measured it.
@JourneymanGeek Always a good thing! :P
could be a lot less Fwiw
lol, right in front of you
How heavy is a grenade, anyway?
not very
but there's a technique to it
Compared to, say, a tennis ball?
its like throwing a full can of coke, maybe
a tad heavy compared to a ball?
Eh. I'd probably fail at throwing one.
Be lucky to get 5 metres.
throwing a cricket ball is easier.
Came across a few of those videos before. Here's another:
@Bob i am sure you can easily throw 20
@jokerdino Nope. My throwing sucks.
you are not dyslexic, are you?!?!
or you have arms like a T-rex.
And here's the last one:
@jokerdino Sounds about right.
Well, not so much the arm length.
I'm... rather weak :P
Pushups? Can't do any properly. And I'm not even heavy.
I appreciate your admission. I am horribly weak myself. :P
@Bob Plain smoke grenade.
@JourneymanGeek 8 days to go for the Visionnaire! :D
Seems a whole lot more people want Noir than Chrome.
And I'm sure I've said that before.
!!xkcd new
I think I'll just start reading xkcd through @JohnCavil.
you might as well use the xkcd rss feed.
Persons, please help me out: me and my gf we're on the same wifi. Same DNS servers (google's &, she's on win7, I'm on Ubuntu. I can't open gmail, she can. WTF?
ping gmail
@ThatBrazilianGuy What is the exact error message when you try?
Or does it just 'take forever'?
@Bob Takes forever to load, not even "connectiong gmail.com" appears on the browser bottom.
ruda@ubuntralha:~$ ping gmail.com
PING gmail.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from gru03s06-in-f22.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=35.9 ms
64 bytes from gru03s06-in-f22.1e100.net ( icmp_req=2 ttl=55 time=39.5 ms
64 bytes from gru03s06-in-f22.1e100.net ( icmp_req=3 ttl=54 time=37.4 ms
64 bytes from gru03s06-in-f22.1e100.net ( icmp_req=4 ttl=54 time=39.2 ms
If you were on Windows, I'd point you to Fiddler...
Gmail forces SSL, so you can't just telnet in to check.
You on Firefox?
@Bob Yes, v23
I can open SSL fine, facebook opens on SSL
@Bob I can dualboot on win7. But Fiddler is similar to Wireshark, right?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Fiddler is friendlier.
You can take a look at the network inspector in Firefox.
They just introduced that in 23.0.
My laptop is still on 22.0, brb.
@Bob interesting
I know the one in Chrome, never tried the FF one.
I see it.
Found it
Cool, updates on realtime! Shows POSTs here :)
^-- this is what it shows on trying to load gmail.com
Just "GET /" and then stalls forever
...OK, I'm just gonna try booting Win7, don't know what to do.
That update took forever.
Some stupid extension's script died on the restart and went full disk access. I should look into lowering FF's 'unresponsive script' timeout...
@Griffin Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone here mod?
/ person playing with flags
me no mod
Mod here, @Griffin
1 sec
Flagged this as having to do with IT security because he's well wondering how to secure his password. Declined because it was about software superuser.com/questions/633361/…
I is confuseled
@Griffin Well, it's primarily about Firefox and what it does with your password and browsing data.
How would that not fit here?
Remember, questions only get migrated if they are off topic here, on topic for another site. Not just because they could be better somewhere else.
Apart from that it's a quite vague question and I would have been hesitant to migrate it anywhere.
So yeah.
@slhck My bet is he means more of a if they're not secure "How do I protect my passwords that are stored in firefox." Since it should be noted they're not really. You are correct with the quite vague.
@Griffin Yeah, if you check the question again I marked it as a duplicate of something that's been asked two days ago.
@slhck I was just looking at that :P
Where I actually went as far as to explain the rationale for closing.
@slhck Makes sense, that's one of the questions where it's more of a "I could list everything but that'd be a lonngggg list and wouldn't really explain the overall concept." Not all questions that have long answers are worth closing however. Like some of the best have long questions. Personal favorite yet I'm kinda biased to the author security.stackexchange.com/questions/33860/…
@slhck It might actually be a closer dupe of this
@Bob Good find answer. You can drop the OP the link if you want.
@slhck Heh, find. I answered that one :P
Not gonna reopen and bump this again.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I rebooted into Win7 and gmail works. I rebooted back into Ubuntu and now it works! WTF?!?!??!
"No, Linux is not at all like Windows where you 'have to turn it off and on again' to fix bugs". Sure.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Always turn it on and off again. Works wonders.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Whoever said that is an idiot.
Neither OS must be restarted.
At the same time, neither OS is immune ti applications and components that happen upon and retain a bad state until restart.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Doesn't really apply here :P
That's more of a 'it disappears when you look at it'
i think it's a play on heisenberg's uncertainty.
Well I gonna take my yolo and go now. Still love all you <3
you can either know this or that but not both.
@Bob I used to do tech support. Try explaining to a client that, many times, the very act of pinpointing a bug usually fixes the bug itself, and it's hard to estimate the cause and time to fix it, because when you know the answer you already have it fixed!
I wonder how many people will take the latter half of this comment seriously?
I must point out that Firefox's source code is all public. In theory, the distributed binary could be tampered with. If you really are that paranoid, audit the source and then compile it yourself. (If you really are that paranoid, you'd know that the compiler could be compromised to inject malicious code into everything it compiles, and you'd write the assembly code yourself and hope the processor microcode isn't compromised. But that's crazy levels of paranoia.) — Bob 21 secs ago
only the 5 people who will read all of the comment
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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