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@tapped-out I think the reason you can't is that it's currently impossible to have two different sets of session cookies / session state in the same chrome window... tabs always share session state
for security reasons they don't let you leak your session to the apps, i think
@Tanner the super pro way? dd and netcat ;p
there must be some way around it... i wonder if there's a way to download the .crx for packaged apps and do some hackery
@tapped-out you could probably heavily modify the chrome source and technically do it, but it'd probably be insecure, because extension security is based on web security, and web security is based on same origin policy, and same origin is impossible to protect if you give extensions unfettered access to your session state.... something like that
i don't want to modify Chrome itself, but rather the app - since all it is is HTML + CSS + JavaScript, it should be possible to modify things in the manifest/app itself to basically make it run as a normal extension
unless i'm misunderstanding everything about Chrome :P
well, while it might be possible to do it... too over my head o.o
I thought brand/model specific tags were frowned on?
This refers to a series of products, not a particular model.
Similar tags, such as and , are quite widely used.
I meant , sorry
its still a brand tag
I can't seem to find anything on Meta regarding this issue...
FYI: I'm mass-retagging some questions with per above
Done mass-retagging; 54 questions affected.
wait, at once?
It's already done.
next time phase them out ;p
front page flooding isn't a good idea
I just wish there was a better way to handle mass editing...
What do you mean by "phase them out"?
not do them all at once
when we do planned retags we tend to do something like 5-6 at once
then wait
Oh, okay. I'll try to be less disruptive with mass editing in the future.
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek for 17K, i will just move 6inches closer to the monitor i got
"For instance, before AMD wrote custom drivers to make Eyefinity and multi-stream transport play nicely together, the framerate was a meager 8FPS"
For 17K, I expect better FPS ;)
@JourneymanGeek to borrow from the mob the collateral is your life, to borrow from the church you trade up your soul, even after you pay it back :-)
Ex. 22:25 ¶ If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, you shall not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not exact interest from them.”
and The borrower becomes the lenders slave ( Proverbs 22:7).
@JourneymanGeek All those pixels and they're playing Dirt in 3rd person mode? D:
@JourneymanGeek wat
> demos only lasted a few minutes before the computer's power supply would conk out
a decent PSU or three would not nearly be the most expensive part of that
hell, you could probably run it on a few cheapo PSUs
@somequixotic I really dislike PowerShell's syntax.
Like the concept. But the syntax just sucks.
Heck, I'd rather take a C# REPL with the PS namespace.
@Bob: I suspect they probably didn't have a powerful enough PSU
or enough power on the right rails
@JourneymanGeek thats a good one, wire up the PSU to the video cards wrong, and the "shared" doesnt have the power. like 2 30A rails, with 4 wires, and how to apply them
then some PSUs is only 1 fat 12V high amp rail, and it doesnt matter
@Psycogeek: if I was building something crazy like this, I'd throw each of the Video cards its own PSU with a dummy load where the motherboard should be.
I have no idea how and why snipping tool managed to screenshot itself
also oops
@JourneymanGeek your to fast? is it always faded out, or was it trying to fade away?
naw, dosen't seem replicable
@JourneymanGeek translation: dumbasses
@Bob: To err is human. And occationally hillarious
HAD got bought over
cue the usual OMGBIGCOMPANY complaints
they seem to know which end of a soldering iron to hold
@JourneymanGeek Except you'd maybe expect someone at MS to realise what the problem was, before a public demo.
@JourneymanGeek HAD?
@Bob: Hackaday
To quote an old chinese proverb... shit happens
the only problem was . . . i couldnt really hear the game, because the stupid little fans in the video card were screaming like a banchee
One more reason to enjoy spiders imagescdn.tweaktown.com/news/2/4/…
micro spy drones
Stupid question of the week: Why do the servers reject my 10,000 clone e-mails as spam, that are sent out with a different domain in the reply
@Psycogeek If it quacks like a duck...
Funny answer of the week: Rotate your laptop 90*
Q: My touchpad isn't working right

jimI have no idea what happened but when I move my fingers on the touchpad up and down the mouse pointer scrolls left to right instead and when I scroll left to right it scrolls up and down. How do I fix this?

1 hour later…
Q: How to get an Acer Aspire Revo to connect to the wireless keyboard and mouse?

dggoldstI just got a new Asus Aspire Revo, put the batteries in the wireless keyboard and mouse, but I can't get the system to recognize either. What am I doing wrong? Note: There are next to no instructions with this product.

11,000 views of a person who couldnt figure out that the wireless dongle goes in the mouse :-) for 6 seconds
Hi, I keep investigating on my own and adding new information, but nobody will respond to my question: superuser.com/questions/623001/…
Tom Wijsman , total genious, if he cant do it nobody can
He said was busy for a few days.
its win8 , i could read it, but it will only hurt my head
and its gonna take some time
I've been adding more and more, but the basic idea is very simple. Chrome won't launch when you click on its icons. Instead, delegate_execute.exe does something for about one second. The only workaround is to launch Chrome from a right-click menu.
want guesses? could it have anything to do with prefetching?
Unfortunately, I'm not informed enough to evaluate guesses. All I can do is google around and try fixes.
the delegate excute thing, looks like a "if its already running, then bring it foreward" mabey?? need programming person to understand
Win7 can sometimes leave a program running, after it has quit, If you look in the task manager is Chrome Fully stopped? or does it show up in there?
There's no Chrome at all in Task Manager.
@Psycogeek You should see all the deleted "answers" :P
@Bob ohh :-) i should
There's a good reason that question is protected.
@Psycogeek Never heard of such a program. Might be Chrome-specific.
Windows does have something similar (DDE), but's old and convoluted. And shouldn't spawn an extra executable.
Win8 specifically, will try to reopen already opened windows more than previous versions.
Again, I don't think it spawns an extra executable to handle that.
something to do with the MUI (Modern UI/Metro) interface?
@76987 Perhaps it's openeing in MUI mode. Try win+tab to see if you can switch to it.
try setting another browser as default (only the default browser can open in MUI) temporarily
hm. see if Chrome's options have a 'always open in desktop mode' or similar
@Bob yea, uhh, there are 2 bugs listed for delegate_execute too at chrome, one that it doesnt toss up errors right. i am so confused, i am trying to figure out the feature and function of delegate_execute
its like fully commented :-) so i assume anyone who could understand it, might know WTF they are doing?
@Psycogeek That's just the header file.
Wait a sec.
(oh, it was .cc)
(this one might be more relevant)
I don't really know much about ATL, though
@Psycogeek that's just the header, which is commented to say what it does, if you were to use it from another file
@Bob I just look, and say if this is what it takes to do the most simple tasks, i need to find a hole in the sand :-)
  if (operation.Init(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess())) {
    switch (operation.operation_type()) {
      case DelegateExecuteOperation::DELEGATE_EXECUTE:
        ret_code = _AtlModule.WinMain(nShowCmd);
      case DelegateExecuteOperation::RELAUNCH_CHROME:
        ret_code = RelaunchChrome(operation);
so, if launched from, say, a Windows shortcut, I guess it should be _AtlModule.WinMain(nShowCmd);
@76987 what's the command line in the shortcut?
@Bob I would wonder if mabey some aspect of it all could be bypassed, and run the shell or exe more direct without thought.
@Bob yup that one
@Bob there is an actual delegate_execute.exe in the chromes applications folder. in appdata or less often was in programs folder
default: NOTREACHED();
geez no wonder why there are 54 versions of it. code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=163977 here is "fail when explorer had been elevated" hmmm, i dont know how that goes along with him having to elevate chrome
@Hennes // this should never happen
The is part of the six pieces of debugging.
Hmm, hypervisotr and phyc. RAM
Can someone check this post since I have the impression that I am forgetting things.
@Gowtham "Sorry, couldn't find that"
yes, that 404 page is funny :O
@Gowtham "Will sing for money"
<----Folds up into jet shaped origami and flies out of room
@Psycogeek sounds painful
Zombies are taking over my computer!

I can see several zombie processes in my computer.
@Hennes Your computer became part of bot nets?
Nets are dead, so kind a
But I usually associate zombies with proceses in the 'D' state
@Hennes What's D state?
A state which most processes show on `ps` in Linux when I can;t kill them.
Not even with a -15 signal
Or a -9
@Hennes Those are especially fun in Windows.
Had Explorer get stuck like that quite a few times.
It also interferes with shutdown.
basically, drivers hanging in kernel-mode
@Hennes uhh
The processes in the 'Z' (zombie) state are not really unkillable; in fact, they have already been killed. They are waiting for the parent process to collect its return value, and have already freed almost all of its resources (the only remaining resource it has is the structure which tracks its state in the kernel -- much like the "process object" Raymond mentioned.) They waste almost no memory, and when the parent dies, they are "reparented" (if the grandparent already died, the init process becomes the parent, and it will make the zombie go away).
That is a lot a detailed info ;-)
Got any win7 exploits? Stong ones!
Q: Need a strong exploit that works on windows 7?

vabo juninhoIs there any exploit that work on new windows versions ? I have tried many exploits such as handler, adobe, browser, i need any strong exploit.

hmm 1445 HP is way to few for the devil level
This quest is going to take months to gather hp
@Hennes what.
which level was that?
Candy box
I've finished the game and I don't have that much HP -_-
Hell level
Well ,finished the quest portion.
That last bit is pretty much impossible to do legitimately
@Hennes still on there? :\
Just letting it idle for a few weeks to get more hp
@Hennes want some tips?
I finished it with <600 HP. Just did it again with ~800
Evade the monster? It moves to fast for that.
I wish it was nicely turn based
@Hennes the monster? at the end?
The moving wall of monsters
how detailed do you want the tips? :P
can you get past the first wave?
well, the first wave you can pretty much dodge
keep chugging health potions
don't bother fighting them, just jump into empty lanes as much as possible
when you get to the doors, delay by moving up and down until the field is clear
That is what I do now.
RUn into an enemy, look carefully at the screen for 10 seconds.
then break through a single door. recommended to avoid the centre ones, since that's where the stronger ones come through in later waves
Then evade
@Hennes just keep hitting up and down
and keep clicking on the heal potion
you're going to love the last level...
(I take too long to think, too - repeatedly hitting a key is easiest for me)
second wave, GHOs. a single imp will carry you through.
Heh, i Love to think things out in advance. Carefully consider all the options
it'll take a while to get through the door and teleporter, but it'll get there
Whioch is why a pause button or turn based gaming is needed for an enjoyable game
the GHOs mean pretty much all health is useless - they halve your health or something
last wave, same as second wave
invulnerability just before hitting DEV
imps work well with those
still stuck at the dragon tho. Last attempt was BOTH of us killing each other at the same time
@JourneymanGeek heal, teleport, heal, teleport, ad infinitum
yeah ;p
came close ;p
teleport, turtle, heal, heal, wait, teleport,
superuser.com/questions/621116/… this sounds like a textbook database assignment
@JourneymanGeek that's like relational databases 101
which I'll actually be doing next semester...
> this solution seems cumbersome after you reach thousands of orders and will be pretty hard to query
… hard to query if you haven't learned about JOINs yet.
I'd rather LINQ TBH
@slhck it would be hard to query either way
first thing to do is not make a table for each
@Bob: You have a orders table, and a orders/items table. ;p
then you "select orders/items where order = somevalue"
@JourneymanGeek well, the way I read it he suggested a table for each order
bad psudosql ;p
thats stupid
I wonder what @Sathya thinks of this question :P
I still think its OT ;p
but I believe databases is pretty close to coding, but easier and harder
@JourneymanGeek On or off?
@JourneymanGeek eh, it's just different
also quite almost homework grade
you can't really compare it
Reminds me of the guy who recently asked on MSO why he couldn't just have a database with one table, where he could see everything right away
Because that'd be soooo much easier.
That's not a database, that's an Excel sheet :P
though, technically, it is a database
just... not the best way to do one
Yeah, once you have 120 columns and thousands of rows…
I think the distinction, again, is that you're thinking of relational databases
a flat text file can be a database
Yeah, just a stupid one
But taking it literally, it is one
Is this router any good ? flipkart.com/…
I have too many mugs…
@slhck yesss
Shipping it here will prolly cost 10x the cost of the mug tho :P
I was gonna say :D
The only person who is close to you would be @Oliver AFAIK :P
And Daniel and Ivo
But Daniel also has the same mug.
Shipping would be 20€ by the way. Totally not worth it :P
Wow.. that's more than the router would cost.
@Bob well yeah. On one hand its pretty simple to visualise queries. On the other, its a very different way of thinking from coding stuff
@slhck: I kinda miss the SU store
even if the only thing I got off it was a freebie ;p
Yeah, me too.
They could make a lot of money with it if they outsourced the handling and production.
I have the SU hoodie ^^
@JourneymanGeek not missing the store with these kinda shipping rates
Q: What's up with the shipping rates on the Stack Exchange store?

SathyaAnd I mean $40 shipping for a $15 T-shirt? I have this image here from a previous quote(didn't place it then) where 2xbeer steins and a T-shirt resulted in $24 shipping.. which is reasonable considering the items, but, golly $40 for a T-shirt? Rebecca Chernoff mentions if your subtotal...

@Sathya: well, I didn't pay for shipping
and Ow
I remember when I wanted to send a package to a friend in the U.S. it would have cost me 100€ from Austria.
but international shipping (out of the US) tends to be rather insane
I could have taken a plane to Germany, sent it from there (20€) and it would have been cheaper in total.
@slhck: I bought some stuff weighing about 500g from the US. It was cheaper to get it shipped via courier using comgateway than pay regular postage ;p
well, not cheaper, same price, faster
Yay globalization!
Postal companies are shooting themselves in the foot ;p
@slhck: No prizes.
@JourneymanGeek :(
I would have been right.
Q: Is it possible to send images through app engine channel api

Alec HewittI have been trying to send and receive images utilizing google app engine channel api. However I have not been very successful. I posted this question on stackoverflow earlier today: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17879641/displaying-images-in-html5-canvas-from-binary-data however I have had...

I'm surprised this is still open
It only got one review action.
XD, thanks
First of all, Stack Exchange isn't a forum. ;) Your question isn't offensive so much as it violates SE's policy about recommendation-type questions. For future reference, "what foo should I buy for my bar"-type questions are off-topic (almost) everywhere, while questions like "how should I choose a foo for my bar" generally are. — tapped-out 50 secs ago
did i summarize SE's "no recommendation questions" correctly?
Sounds good in that context.
@tapped-out Edit his question perhaps and make it more general ?
@Gowtham Probably a steaming pile of shit. But it's cheap.
Wow. The Austrian military managed to release a photo in which they – by accident – publicized the login data to a secure webmail account for an international joint-military operation.
The security expert who wanted to inform them about the issue couldn't reach them because the IT staff was on lunch break.
Our military sucks :P
@JourneymanGeek the heat generated by that thing..
@slhck what, the entire IT staff on lunch break at the same time? o.o
@Bob: yup
I can see they're well-prepared for emergencies.
@Bob Yeah. And hours later they sent a mail to the other states participating in the operation, literally containing "You should change your passwords". Nothing else.
@slhck wait a tick. how did they manage to release login details in a photo? o.o
unless they wrote it down somewhere?
so much for security
See the thing in the background?
Probably one of those "you must have at least two uppercase, four digits, and three symbols. it must be changed every 30 minutes. it must be under 8 characters long"
anyone walking by could see it too!
@slhck well now, that's just plain stupid. sure, let's write this highly sensitive info in large text on a whiteboard next to a door
@Bob Right? They obviously had different users and passwords for the other nations, but they were derivable from a scheme.
@slhck mail? o.o
even if it was email, I'd think this kind of thing at least warrants a phone call
Haha, yeah.
It's so incredibly stupid.
But then again, it's our military.
@slhck You are from Australia?
I don't know if you're being serious, but no, we don't have kangaroos.
Which reminds me, our military uses Austrian weapons :P
The Steyr AUG?
Ya. A variant.
Did you serve in the military?
Which they've creatively called Austeyr...
@slhck no
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