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00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 22:00

@Sciborg Oh, PHB says rolling a 1 is an instant fail too.
I wasn't aware the PHB said it, actually - just figured it was a houserule
Ah, yup. PHB says that rolling a 1 just means automatic failure
thanks for standing up for me, by the way, North. i was... very done.
Np. That wasn't exactly okay by any means.
i got rather upset, yeah. but i have now made some nice pasta and hot chocolate :p
so all good
I think it was warranted, considering that it was harassment.
Ah, I will ping rand since he's still awake
i was most angry about the posting of the DM, it came after much, much harassment but out of context it is humiliating and made me very upset that it was posted in a public forum.
hopefully mods can delete all that when they return.
Completely understandable. Rand should be cleaning the stuff up right now, hopefully
Sorry 'borg.
If it makes you feel better, it didn't actually look negative on you at all...
still, on principle - i would never post a private message any of you sent to me in confidence in a public place, it's just a Not Okay thing.
Oh, that I agree with completely.
but all good now. we shall continue our D&D :D
love you guys <3
virtual hugs
virtual smooshes
All I was going to add (and then decided not to) was that regardless of other things, it's the DM's game >.>;
Though... is there a way to block TPP from seeing this chatroom? I don't like excluding people, but I don't think this is good for their mental health
they could still access it in incognito if we blocked, so there's not much point. i hope they just calm down and stop harassing.
i genuinely feel a bit bad for them, i hope they can learn.
not okay to treat people that way and i worry they've done it to others.
The only way to make a room private-private is with mod intervention
I'm not sure we could convince a mod to make it private-private
Msh is a mod
But then
I mean I didn't care if they played or not. I am more annoyed that you were being provoked constantly. Anywhom - it's kind of irrelevant.
It's supposed to be used only for private conversations that other people should not see, period
You can't set it so "everyone but X can see this"
It's fine. They can deal. Let's move on, I don't want to dwell :)
Remind me to ask Gareth and Deus when they come back about seriously discussing getting new R/Os
For the Sphinx
Yes, that would be a good idea
I feel bad this happened during Deus's absence
luckily Rand was there to mop up
I had to ping him from the Lit room though
I'm very thankful Rand was around. I was contemplating whether or not to ping a random mod from another site, but that seemed really really out of place
Same, i am glad Rand was on. i feel much better now that all that is gone.
(curls in a ball and goes back to werk)
So the crit 1 thing really is in the book? I'm surprised i did not realize
What page?
It's under the attacks, I think?
Let me find it
Under attack rolls
In the Combat chapter?
Page 193, I think
Ahh, I see it!
I should honestly be a Parliamentarian
The book only specifies for combat however, so I think the houserule part is just expanding that to all rolls.
You would be an excellent tree-lawyer :P
You know, like one of those annoying little guys with glasses and the giant rulebook in the Senate :P
Nah, more like
"Urm, actually, according to to Chapter 345 of the Codex of Ruler Rules, Subdivision 6, Subsection g, it says..."
Lmao, I love how broken you made d20 crits
What's wrong with my crit rules?? besides everything??? :P
It's amazing. Though that would mean level 17 Assassin Rogues should get quadruple damage :P
to be fair, the enemies have the same double-damage on crit as you do, so it balances out. although i am known for fudging dice rolls lower once in a while if i feel too bad about it :p
Doubling it in most situations is not too mathematically different from adding another dice, since most attacks don't roll more than 1 dice at a time. Unless, you know, you're casting a spell :P
@Sciborg Yeah so I did some math while I was gone... and would you like to hear the dumbest set of calculations?
sounds ominous but sure? :P
Okay so given a hypothetical situation
Say you had a Level 5 Gloom Stalker Ranger/ Level 3 Rogue Assassin
Ranger has duel-wield feat, and also that other level 2 skill that lets them add their ability modifier to damage rolls
Gloomstalker skill lets you attack an additional time (as part of your attack) on your first turn of combat, while also dealing an additional d8 damage. Rogues get their sneak attack as well
And given an optimal situation where this character happens to be hasted, we are now ready to begin our absolutely ridiculous damage output
i'm frightened, but continue
Our character, whose name is Bob, successfully ambushes a character. Because of Bob is also a level 3 assassin, all of his attack during his turn get critical hit because of the assassin's skill. Bob wields two rapiers. He attacks twice, but then gloomstalker allows him to attack again. Using official Player Handbook calculation, he's doing (2d8+3)x3
But that's not all
The attack with the gloomstalker connected, allowing Bob to also deal an additional d8. Because of the surprise mechanic, this becomes an additional 2d8 piercing damage
But wait! there's more
Bob is hasted, which mean he can attack again, for another 2d8+3. He also has a bonus attack, which he uses to attack with his other rapier, giving him yet again, another 2d8+3. And just when you thought there couldn't possibly be more, Bob gets an extra 2d6, but because it's a critical hit, it's 3d6 attack due to the rogue's sneak attack feature
This comes out to a stupid average of 79.5 damage
But as an additional kick in the can
Because Bob surprised his enemy, he has advantage on all of his rolls
jesus christ
I bet you can guess what I'll be multiclass into :P
to be fair, however - this is only when you're ambushing one enemy. so it is awesome but it is also situational :p
Very true. It would also only happen for turn one
it's basically just "you can insta-kill one enemy in the room." which don't get me wrong is AMAZING, but it's definitely not going to save you in every scenario :P
Meh, it doesn't even insta-kill at higher levels
I just thought it was really funny
however, if you're trying to assassinate a single person and they are alone, it's sooooo good
you basically become Ezio Auditore at that point
I'm still trying to decide between Horizontal Walker and Gloom Stalker
cough cough not that i've ever played assassin rogues ccough cough
Can you explain the wording of Planar Warrior to me?
> As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Does this extra 1d8 force damage only apply to the first hit if you have double attack?
Or is it all weapon attacks for that turn
The next time you hit the creature with a weapon attack, so I'm guessing it only applies to first hit.
Still really cool, though :p
Yeah. Force damage is crazy good
Since extra attacks count as two separate attack actions instead of one
Force damage literally hits anything, it's amazing :D
Though regular Hunter Ranger is also really good. It's like Fighter+Rogue, but can also throw out spells
They're all perfect Lae material :P
I know. I wish I could have them all ;-;
Lae is not all powerful, but in his heart he is :P
Lae wishes he could be all-powerful :P
Choices, choices. Lae learned the very valuable lesson of the importance of defense as well
Lae learned many lessons and had much Character Growth, i am happy
it all turned out surprisingly well, considering we almost died :p
but i'm too soft, i hate killing characters
It would've been funny if Lae died and the entire rest of the campaign was just "get enough diamonds so we can revive Lae with Resurrection"
I should have waited on the frost armour and used retaliation fire instead >.>;
i've literally only killed one character this year, and i even DM-cheated and gave her like six rolls to save herself because i really didn't want her to die.
when people put passion and love into their characters it breaks my heart to kill them ;-;
But the extra HP stopped Ink dying so I guess that was useful >.>;
I dont' like killing PCs either :/
Okay, so moment of truth question, because I think the my choice will ultimately come down to what best works with Lae's character
But you do want them to take care of themselves somewhat ;p
PCs shouldn't feel like they have "plot armour"
Oh, yeah, for sure - if you make a really bad choice and i can't think of a way for you to get out of it, i will absolutely kill you :P
it's just that your characters are full of so much backstory and care and love so i never want to
Do you think Lae's the type to go Horizontal Walker (go zoom zoom), Gloom Stalker (emo boi) or Hunter (imma murder you)?
that PC who i killed this year - we had just a long moment of grieving silence on the Discord call but she wasn't upset and already had a backup character planned. we all agreed it was fair for her to die
she messed up
What happened? She jump in front of a dragon or something?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Hunter makes the most sense, given Lae's character development so far :p
@Sciborg Hm, true. Only grievance is that Lae wouldn't get to 70 speed with haste :P
I would love to just like
Walk as quickly as someone's dash speed
Basically, we had a big BBEG fight where the BBEG had some innocent villagers trapped in a magical prison hanging over lava. the PCs killed the BBEG but the cage was almost into the lava because they took too many rounds to do it. the character then made an extremely brave decision to jump onto the cage to save them with a desperate last-ditch Acrobatics check.
Is BBEG Big Bad Evil Guy?
she failed the check, but i didn't want her to die so i gave the other characters a last-second check to throw her ropes or chains to grab onto
unfortunately, both the PCs who had ropes and tried to throw them down failed their checks too
so me, panicking, gave her one last Athletics check to just barely grab the cage with her fingers
Pppfttt I was going to ask sarcastically if the character jumped into lava before opting to ask about the dragon instead
I was literally like
"Did the character jump into lava or something"
she got an 8 on the check and there was a moment of silence before i described how with her last vestiges of strength, she managed to grab the cage door and swing it open just before plunging down into the lava and dying.
But then I was thinking "No one would just jump into lava and asked about the dragon instead XD
the PCs were then able to save the villagers
but she sacrificed herself to save them
Starts playing taps on trumpet
so it was a really good noble death
it just made us all really sad
That's probably the way I'll kill off Lae- I mean the way Lae will die
all the players agreed that it was fair for her to die because it had kinda been a desperate all-or-nothing thing, but we had a moment of silence and roleplayed some grieving
What was her character?
she was a Paladin and her whole thing was being super lawful good and always sacrificing herself for others, so it made her character arc very beautiful
when the characters came back to town and reported what had happened, the mayor rang the town bell for her, and they named a Paladin training academy after her
player started crying when that happened
crap now i'm tearing up remembering, it was really good
her next character was an absolute hilarious goofball and she really enjoyed it, so the campaign quickly returned to being not depressing. but we had a Moment.
"We all had a moment...."
Wow... Volcanoes...
"Welp, I'm dead. Moving on!"
this ends the Mick DM ramble :p
God I can't wait to make Lae look like a complete idiot in front of a pretty elf
I can hear him already
"Gah, witch! What sort of hex have you put on me!"
That is gonna be hilarious
I'm going to have Lae describe all the symptoms of infatuation and have him believe it's some sort of voodoo magic placed on him
*rolls Insight to discern what the hell is going on, rolls a nat 1*
me: "this woman is secretly a warlock who has placed a curse on you"
"I knew it!"
To be fair
rolling a nat20 wouldn't really help because Lae doesn't know what infatuation is
If anything, a nat20 would be like
"You're pretty sure this woman is not a warlock"
pretty sure
Would Ink or Astrid be better at explaining Feelings to Lae?
No clue :P
reminds me of this: imgur.com/gallery/LIy1X
Ink will probably be trying to make sure Lae doesn't like randomly hurt an elf
Dying here
just imagining Lae rolling a nat 1 to roast someone and instead yelling "YOU HAVE REALLY PRETTY EYES"
I'm pretty sure the only way to have Lae "successfully" flirt is to have him try to insult and roll a nat1
it's like the opposite of Vicious Mockery
Cutting words who?
I have
Smooth words
Elf doesn't know if she should be flattered that someone likes her or absolutely terrified that this elf doesn't know what emotions are
i'm resisting the urge to make a comparison to that guy from Guardians of the Galaxy
Literal Guy
That's Lae :P
Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it
still one of my favorite quotes from any movie
But the skin is the same thickness from the inside -
Mine is from Infinity War where he's just watching Gomorrah and Quill during their intimate convo
Eating a potato chip
I like Rocket from Vol 1.
"I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye. Watch."
There I'm standing. You happy now? Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle
Who you callin' vermin???
I enjoy the little things. Like how much this will hurt
As a tree, I vibe with Groot
I am Groot
Mm, wise words
We are Groot
Groot is a spirit animal
Aww, you're gonna make me cry
Let's try harder
Lae doesn't cry
Remember Yondu's funeral?
They played Father and Son
and am I too much a nerd?
it was in Vol 2
My mom and I saw Vol. 2 in theaters, and when the criminals were picking on Baby Groot and pouring beer on him my mom almost started crying
I never watched Vol 2, sadly
she was like "stop picking on him!!! he's a baby!!!"
oh, oops
welp, now I know Yondu dies
dangit bobble :P
I thought he died in the first one? Or again in Infinity War?
I'm so confused now
Nope, just Vol. 2
Nah, he died in Vol. 2 - sorry we spoiled it
I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!
Why did I think Yondu died before
He's the arrow dude, right?
He might have been your Dad... but he wasn't your POPS.
or something like that
i forget the exact quote
Aw I liked Yondu's arrow
Not Yondu
I think it was father
Just his arrow
Oh Yondu's arrow doesn't die
They really make you like him in Vol. 2
He gifts it to someone else
In Vol. 1 he's just kind of a jackass, but in Vol. 2 they super warm him up
> You said they were going to eat me!
> That was bein' funny.
> Not to me!
i wish yondu was my crazy space dad
his arrow was a Marvel Battlelines card
It was so good - only 1-cost and could one-shot most fully upgraded, hard-to-get characters
Plus it dealt the damage in two runs, so effects that prevented damage once wouldn't work the second time
Dear goodness I loved that game
After you talked about it I started looking around to see if anyone had emulated it or made an offline hack of it, but haven't had much luck yet
I still have it downloaded
The version I have actually isn't off the app store, because they sorta broke the Android version
So you had to download it straight from them
Yeah. I noticed it was still on the Play Store, but all the comments were just "it's shut down now, do not buy"
hmm, not the right one
Someone was doing the task of writing up wiki posts for every single card and every single leader
oh, looks like they deleted stuff
Humans like that are blessed
Part of the fun of that game was if you worked at it, there was relatively few cards that you needed to get and upgrade before you could regularly pull high numbers in certain modes
That's good for an online card game, lots of card games have really high price ceilings
looks angrily at my giant Magic collection
In Challenge, for example, you needed 1 rare card, a handful of uncommons (none entirely necessary), and a few specific commons. Leveled up (so just grinding for maybe a week or so hard, or a month on and off) that would allow you a chance at Top 10. Probably wouldn't keep there long, but you would get rewards for hitting Top 10 at least once during the week.
Probably also helped that the game had a smaller community, i could never dream of cracking top 10 in online Magic
way too many players who grind it
The community had an agreement that on the first day of Challenge, you would stop after hitting Top 1. (Challenge involved just grinding against a stupid computer opponent)
That let, on a good week, 20-30 people get Top 1 rewards.
leaving for dinner
I was planning on releasing my Super-Kabe today, so I might as well just toss it out there to get back in a puzzle-y mood. Posted :p
00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 22:00

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