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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

3 hours later…
@bobble - which spell? o.O
Er... @PrinceNorthLæraðr which spell? o.o; One of you? lol
Blade of Disaster o.O; yikes
1 hour later…
@Sciborg if Bilbo can play quoits why can't Kith play ping-pong
Compromise: can I make it canon as "dragon pong"
because that sounds awesome
but why would it be called "dragon pong" in this world?
was it originally done by dragons?
is it done with materials made out of dragons?
is it used to worship dragons?
fair, okay. it can just be "ping-pong"
my !readlog thing now works :D
time to think of more likely-useless features to add
"Hit dice" means the hit dice you roll to heal on short rests.
why are they called hit dice if they're for healing?
Hit(point) dice is the implication i guess
I also made a command to delete the log, even though I could, y'know, just delete the file directly
So IIUC Gray can't make 22:00UTC?
@bobble Because, unlike in IRL ping-pong, where you have to hit the ball sharply and are not allowed to keep your paddle in contact with it for an extended period, in this version you're allowed to drag on it.
@bobble "nat" meaning without any +n ?
I think that's the meaning, yes
2 hours later…
I may be able to do 22:00 UTC but it would need to be... Fri or Sat UTC :)
1 hour later…
It's 9am for me on the following day... so I'd prefer it not to be on a Monday
Saturday 22:00 UTC isn't terrible for me. @Mithical?
I need to be up early Sundays, so not really an option
6 hours later…
(I have a bus that leaves a little after seven, which means I need to be awake by a little after six. You can see how starting a campaign at midnight the night before would be problematic.)
Saturday 22:00 UTC isn't a bad option for me, but it'd be like... Sunday for Grey
@PrinceNorthLæraðr that's not necessarily a bad thing, but Mithical just nixed it
@Mithical you should be. How dare you subject yourself to the vagaries of the bus schedule and the commands of your superior officers?
I know, I know
(not to mention the vagaries of your superior officers, but I won't go there)
(the plans change all the time)
1 hour later…
@Sciborg @all updated backstory:
I don't know if Sciborg is even awake right now; it's Sunday in our time zone
because apparently Michigan and Long Island are in the same time zone
I need their help though
or anyone's help
I'm someone. Dunno whether I can help, though, until you state what help you need. :-)
@msh210 Does João talk about Tó at all?
I might be able to help
It's an equipment question
I also have Mountain of Physics Homework
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus most of Michigan is in the same time zone as Long Island. Not all of it.
@bobble never
and bobble, you should probably do your homework
You see I should, but I'm on page 27/33 and any sort of break looks tempting
@msh210 I love the updated backstory!! Poor guy is probably full of guilt.
@sciborg, maybe you can help with my druid characer for the discord campaign
I'm almost done with the parts that are game mechanics
@Sciborg sorry
Sure, which bits do you need help with?
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
• (a) a wooden shield or (b) any simple weapon
• (a) a scimitar or (b) any simple melee weapon
• Leather armor, an explorer's pack, and a druidic focus
I can send you my character sheet on discord
So this equipment means that you can pick one thing from each category.
I"m not good at making decisions
@Sciborg thanks
and I get that
Jan 6 at 4:33, by Sciborg
Simple weapons: Club, Dagger, Greatclub, Handaxe, Javelin, Light hammer, Mace, Quarterstaff, Sickle, Spear.
I just don't know which one to pick
Here's the simple weapons for reference
I went low strength high dex
Handaxe is a decent Dex weapon you can throw
In that case you'll probably want a finesse (Dex) weapon.
i.e. Dagger, Handaxe
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus I read the desciprtions of most of them and then just picked one... I figured the DM can work around it if I picked badly since I'm inexperienced and the DM is not
Can you share files here like on discord? Drag and drop didn't work
you can upload pictures
You have to click "upload" and then a thing pops up.
Not sure that's the best way.. I guess we'll see.
It's to the right of the chat box under "send."
@Sciborg I think only pics.
Only pictures, yeah
I picked warhammer mostly because I wanted Astrid to have a good weapon that she also would shy away from using
That's what I have so far
very blurry
I also sent it to them on discord
You definitely optimized for Dex, so you'll want dagger or handaxe or another Dex-Finesse weapon for sure.
Alternatively, if you choose a quarterstaff and go for Shillelagh, you could have a pretty solid Str weapon.
I did go for shillelagh
but I Thought that made you use WIS instead
maxed out wisdom is the only thing I knew I wanted to do
Yup, it lets you use Wis
> The wood of a club or Quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature's power. For the Duration, you can use your Spellcasting Ability instead of Strength for the Attack and Damage Rolls of Melee Attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's damage die becomes a d8. The weapon also becomes magical, if it isn't already. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon.
That's why it is great for druid weaponry
So a quarterstaff for that
can scimitars be made of things that aren't metal
or does that only apply to armor and shields
druids not using metal
Only applies to armor and shields, not weapons.
But I did have a druid PC who literally used no metal, and we had a great time making him custom weapons out of chitin, bone, wood, etc
That's odd
chitin as in insect exoskeleton?
oh right D&D has giant bugs
Yup, he killed a carrion crawler and used its chitin to make a sword
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus um
That reminds me
What happens if a druid gets something they won't or can't use?
Like if they find a metal shield somewhere
then... they can't use it
but could they take it and gie it to someone else
or do they literally not touch metal
and it doesn't say can't, it says won't
you can sell it or give it to other party member, it's not a no-metal strict thing
I wonder why they're ok with metal weapons
If you hit someone with a shield, that shield is now a weapon
The "no metal armor" rule was basically an invention to prevent the Druid from being OP if you choose Moon Druid, since Moon Druids are massive tanks.
That's literally all it is
I did choose that because I wanted all in on the wild shape
If they allowed Moon Druids to have metal armor, they would have massive hitpoints at later levels and crazy high AC, which would be incredibly unbalanced. So they limit the armor to help balance them.
so I'm thinking scimitar and quarterstaff
but I don't know how to calculate these numbers next to the equipment
the ovals in the Equipment box?
so, you see the spot on your character sheet about "Attacks & Spellcasting"? the first box is for weapon name, second box is for weapon modifier (Str/Dex/etc + proficiency bonus), and the third box is for damage.
Oh, I thought those went in equipment
Also I need a druidic focus
and I don't know what that is
There's not enough room for hte word quarterstaff
in the name box
> A druidic focus might be a sprig of mistletoe or holly, a wand or scepter made of yew or another special wood, a staff drawn whole out of a living tree, or a totem object incorporating feathers, fur, bones, and teeth from sacred animals. A druid can use such an object as a spellcasting focus.
If you use a focus, you disregard material components of spells unless they have a stated gold cost.
So far I've only picked cantrips
because apparently depending on the one-shot i'll need different spells
and I'm serious; there's not enough room in the name box for the word quarterstaff
shorten it
I put "Warham" for my warhammer
q.staff or something
what goes in attack bonus and damage/type
I went QTRstaff
Attack bonus: Str or Dex (depending on weapon) + Proficiency bonus.
Damage/type: listed under the weapon when you look at it, i.e. 1d8 piercing or something, and then add + Str or Dex depending on weapon.
scimitar is dex, staff is str unless I use hte cantrip?
and what's the damage type for each of those
should tell you under weapon info
where do I look
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus ¼staff
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus Behind you.
found this
what does versatile mean here
versatile = if you wield it in two hands damage increases to listed
I'll just add D&D to my list of "things where words mean something different from what they normally mean and mean that nowhere else"
which currently consists of "my workplace," "law," and "science"
sorry, the terms are confusing sometimes
They are
what about on the left of the equipment section
GP is money, right?
oh all 5 are money
eye focus is being wonky again today so i can't tell which box is which, but it's like GP, SP, CP, etc. and it should be in your background what you start with
5gp for hermit
write that in your GP blurb
How do I calculate Armor class
did you start with hide armor or leather armor? or none?
leather according to wikidot
11 + Dexterity modifier
and the initiative box?
Inspiration comes later, right?
Jan 6 at 18:19, by bobble
Initiative is recalculated each combat, so leave that blank right now
Jan 6 at 18:54, by Sciborg
@bobble Inspiration is something the DM gives you when you did something really cool. You can spend Inspiration to get an advantage on a roll (meaning you roll twice and choose the higher number.)
and i remember what inspiration is
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus @Sciborg what do those mean?
Going to need to talk to DJ about what I rolled for bonds
> "my workplace," "law," and "science"
Those are things where, like D&D, words don't necessarily mean what you think they would
ohhhhh... I thought you mean those are words that mean something in D&D different form their usual meaning
I should read more carefully.
I think aside from spells, I'm good on the game mechanics front now
and that's only because I don't know any details
Now the part that I am going to be bad at
the lore stuff
DJ will have to fill you in on what setting he chose, etc. The lore varies depending on his setting choice.
I mean like backstory and stuff
I Don't even have a character name yet
although I read that firbolgs typically don't have names, and use elven ones for convenience
but that doesn't actually help me
I picked that because I was told that race made a good druid, and I read up and agreed
here's a firbolg name generator
Fenris is a firbolg name apparently
as is, hilariously, Morris
which is a valid human surname
Morris is also a human given name (male) IRL
I thought it was just a last name
no, for sure
I Feel like i've read or seen something with a character with that name in it
I just think that' a firbolg druid with such a relatively plain name is hilarious
Chuck Norris's lesser known brother, Chuck Morris? :p
I also thought something like that
I'm going with Morris because for some reason the plainness of the name is funny to me
there's also a dance called Morris
I'll be right back, I need to take a shower and have lunch
although i'll probably be on the computer during lunch
depending on how messily you eat, maybe you should shower afterward :-)
That was the original plan actually
but I'm not as hungry as I thought I was
big breakfast
I'm back
thanks for the help
Do we have any time at all where all six of us can be online at the same time?
I'm not in the campaign
or did yoyu mean 5 plus Sciborg
5 plus the DM
gonna leave this chatroom for now.
I put out my weekday schedule earlier, and it was Bad Times for you
weekends would most likely have to be arranged on a case-by-case basis
@Mithical Each of us should block out all available times on a grid, and see whether & where everyone overlaps. If not, @Sciborg do you think it could work asynchronously?
2 days ago, by Graylocke
(Also: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html may be useful? )
Can someone set up a Doodle
what that
could you add something for North and I's timezone?
we're in PST (same as LA)
fun, there's literally no time without a red in one column
Like I said - midnight shouldn't be a problem Thursdays but other days not so much
Thursday is a bit meh
I could manage 9PM UTC, actually, on weekdays
@bobble ditto, usually
but that's 7AM for Gray
and I think North has school then
my school schedule is wack
Weekdays... bit iffy but I might be able to
at least for an hour or so
@Mithical hey.... you need to get sleep so you're at full operating capacity the next day! I'm depending on you to protect my life!
9 pmUTC is... what?
1AM for us
Ah hell no
oops 1PM
Oh that’s actually fine
I have “class” but we don’t do anything
I am not awake at 1AM
Same here
@msh210 only indirectly >.>
but then, again, 7AM for Gray
Yuh, and gray works too so
@Mithical oh, well, if it's indirectly then never mind
@bobble which might work. Let's see what they say.
What day? I don’t really like Thursdays
Bc I’ll be at school and have to walk back home
online learning for me!
@PrinceNorthLæraðr D&D en route?
I don’t like being on my phone
@PrinceNorthLæraðr in general, while walking, or while playing?
@msh210 In general while walking
Or calling
Actually, I prefer not to be on my phone in general unless it's text messaging
My phone is... unpredictable with other things
But definitely NOT texting while I'm walking
Friday is probably the best time (though that'd be midnight Saturday for Msh and Mith), followed by Saturday (I can't 100% guarantee I'll be online, I might have stuff happening)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr midnight Friday night into Saturday you mean? yeah that's impossible for me and, I believe, for Mithical too. Likewise for Saturday until after local nightfall (which is currently about 15:30 UTC, but give it another hour for me).
how dare you put your religion ahead of our make-believe game
ikr? sorry
I mean, Thursdays might work? Not ideal though because I have tests on Friday, my Bible study, and my Mock Trial tournaments next month
Saturdays is like a 75% chance I'll be free
And Sabbath should be over by 21:00 UTC, if I'm not being stupid, but then Mith has their bus to catch
oops Mith, should i not correct people for you?
gah! Sorry, Mith.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr the sabbath is out by 21:00 UTC easily - this isn't northern Scandinavia :-)
@bobble No, thank you. I literally did not realize I typed "she"
@msh210 Hehe, I have a friend who's Jewish who actually moved to Norway, and he's like, "Sabbath there is so weird"
@PrinceNorthLæraðr yeah, I once visited Alaska in the summer. It really was weird.
But Mith for sure can't do 21:00 UTC on Saturday
Or is 11:00 pm okay?
(for Mith)
Hello again! :D
we're trying to do scheduling
It's... rough
My work and busy hours still stand from earlier message, but I could make some time weekends too.
What are those times?
And we can do it staggered if we can't find a time that works for everyone :)
Jan 6 at 1:22, by Sciborg
my work hours are kinda weird and sporadic right now, but in general I work 8:00AM-5:00PM my time on weekdays (Detroit time, 8:22 PM), and i could make free hours after that on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
translated to UTC i think it would be 5 hours ahead, so 1:00PM UTC-10:00PM UTC
Urm, hold on
Ah yup
@bobble Our UTC 21:00 wouldn't work for our DM on weekdays
sorry if i goofed you up :(
@Sciborg 11 pm UTC, actually
oops, yeah
Yeah, and I don't expect Msh or MIth to stay up until 1:00 am
How about Saturdays, 'borg?
Saturdays are fine, I can make time
i definitely don't want to make Msh or Mith stay up, yeah
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Saturday or Friday no, Thursdays yes, other days probably
Wizard Level 20 spell: Make Time: create time out of thin air
@Sciborg oh good
We'll probably have to split campaign
That's okay - it will be a little unfortunate due to limiting the character interactions, but we can make it work. Maybe I'll have it just be two parallel mini-campaigns set in the same world but different parts of it.
And stuff that happens in one campaign affects the other, and vice versa
And I suspect we could probably manage to schedule at least one or two weekend sessions where everyone can meet up
Hopefully, yeah :)
hard to meet up if we're in different parts of the world though
um... I mean in-game.
Maybe fate will have us run into each other :P
the DM will find a way :P
So then how should we split up
You and msh are in the same time zone, and I think Gray is near your time zone but I'm not sure when he is most free. Maybe we could put you two together for sure and then bobble and North together, and then figure out what group Gray fits best in.
how could you DM them?
not sure, I don't believe Gray has a Discord.
oh wait, you meant Dungeon Mastering sorry
yeah sorry
@Sciborg Grey is 8 hours ahead of us
i can just plan on two times, makes it tricky but i could manage
8 hours ahead? hm, maybe they could go in the Bobble/North group then. but depends on their work hours
I believe Gray fits better with our group in general. He's usually on when we're on, and long after msh and mith has left
that should be fine then!
Brisbane to California, 6 hours. Detroit to Israel, 7 hours. Israel to Brisbane, 8 hours. Fun times.
yeah, it's a big spread :p
but i stay up pretty late so if i have to stay up late for one of the groups, it's okay.
(actually Brisbane to California is minus 18 hours, but whatever)
Well, Gray usually comes on around like 5 or 6 pm during weekdays and I think he's free on weekends
sorry, I keep spelling your name "Grey" :-/
When he comes back on, we'll ask him what time best lines up with Bobble and North's free hours
i've got session one planning basically done, so i'm ready to go this week when we have times :)
I would like to start today :PPP
Friday afternoon for North and I is Gray's middle of Saturday
It's currently 2:38 PM on Sunday for me, for reference :P
It's currently 9:38PM on Sunday
11:39AM on Sunday
Probably like some am time for Gray :P
i'm down to start the Bobble/North/Gray adventure tonight, if Gray is free :P
He might be free around my evening time ish
left side is Gray, right side is us
assuming that they're on Brisbane time
@Sciborg Actually, we could start an unofficial adventure right now, if everyone is free
So we've got an overlap
Not like part of the campaign
antsy you are
I've got afternoon plans with Partner unfortunately, i was thinking more in the evening :)
But because everyone here is a newbie, so like a sort of "mini" adventure to learn all the mechanics
Ah, okay
I can settle until Gray gets on :P
i'm glad you are excited! ;D
@PrinceNorthLæraðr 5:45
@Sciborg how many hours from now
My plans are at 3:30 my time until around dinnertime. I'd probably be free in... four-ish hours?
It's like almost 10 pm where msh and mith are :P
I think?
Okay yeah I'll be snoring
Yeah :p that's why i figured Bobble/North group
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ya
i imagined you would be sleeping
no worries :)
@Mithical ditto
2 hours later…
I am... sort of available >.>; I'm supposed to be working ;p
Hehe, no worries
This is why I'd prefer we did it er... same time yesterday or the day before :p
But all good - Today will be very light on anyway >.>;
And Ink is pretty quiet (unlike Gray)
I will be busy from 3:00 pm-4:00 pm
(my time)
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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