But.. I'm not convinced. Just checked out some prolific voters and they don't seem to have it. I accounted for users that haven't been active today UTC.
@Vickel Then I'll have to consider bringing them back! :) It's just that they got squished under the hat, and only the dots are shown at the moment. They're still there :)
Elisa Doolots trigger last year seemed to be "Earn 2020 rep across the network, excluding association bonus. Hat is awarded on sites where you earn 200+ rep."
I play Hat Dash sometimes, and I always see on the top left corner that it shows that my highest score is always the score I got last round:
But as you can see, my best score is not 48, it's 1447, as you can see in the bottom.
I suspect this is a bug.
We should either change the number to the be...
@Vickel Yes. I see. Someone added the name of the hat. They did not earn it. Then someone with the username @U11-Forward added the image. Maybe we should ask that user where that image was found? :)
@U11-Forward mmm, I closed a ton of posts, wrote lots of comments, had 4 upvotes - 3 of which on old answers (with and without accepted answers)...And that was about it.
@Catija Ok, recount. The UK singer, the flower girl character you shared, the book character you shared, (plus Eddy Murphy I knew about), and finally Doolots Vickel shared :)
@MrFlick Yes, I think so.. (tab-completion mis-hap?) You know you can click on the arrow on the right side of the message to reply directly to another message, right? :)
@Scratte Yes. tab completion problem. Didn't know about clicking (mostly just stuck to keyboard) Learn something new every day. Maybe it's get up votes 5 days in a row?
@Vickel Like the Carnival in Brazil. A festival before the religious holiday of lent in spring (admittedly not very winter-like, but the decorations look like that vibe)
Or maybe wear a hat for 5 days, and there's just a delay based on when you first logged in during bash? Otherwise not sure how I got it. Haven't been doing that much on the site. Mostly comments and flagging. My old questions bring in a slow stream of upvotes each day. Not many new answers for me.
@Vickel ok, I won hats on some sites and wanted to wear them on other sites. So I changed site, to change my hat, and soon afterwards unexpectedly the Carnival hat hit...At least that's my impression.
If Carnaval hat is by the trigger you said @bad_coder, I was lucky that I always changed my hat, I knew there would be a hat with the trigger of something like that.
I still think Carnival is a 5 day party. I'm not sure I've changed my hat each day, but I've worn a hard each day. So maybe just wear a hat for 5 consecutive days. I know i've switched so I don't think it has to be the same hat. Or maybe it has to be a secret hat.
I noticed that CS95 ... made the entry on the secret hat list, so there's someone else to ask. I have different hats on different sites (where not earned), and I've changed my hats occasionally (but not 5 in a row). Cat said that the 5 in a row wasn't happening this year ... I think that the Carnival trigger is still undiscovered.
Ninja'd: I see dub typed that while I was grabbing the link and composing my message.
I just got awarded the 'Carnaval' hat after an edit of mine was approved (pretty much directly) that I made to a question that my answer to had been accepted before. Not sure which parts are relevant for getting the hat though... — buddemat18 mins ago
I also got the Carnaval hat by editing an answer of mine that was accepted. All within Winter Bash. However, I may also have made edits every day during Winter Bash, so maybe there is an additional "consecutive days" component to it
@Panda Well lets wait and see... The user is a mod so he'll prolly come and edit something before the day's over. Unless someone can find another counterexample.
@Eran You don't have to join the community to see it. If they have a profile on your community, you can just look at them there, here's the Stack Overflow profile
@bad_coder: good to know, thanks. I actually also edited the question to which my answer was accepted as well. So that my be a factor. Or it is all coincidence that it happened under these circumstances for me and it is just the edits in a row...
@buddemat yes I edited several Q's each day, and I also answered with several revisions to my own answer. But I didn't change any of my answers after it had been accepted.
@bad_coder I can't find many users getting it yet so I can't definitely prove it. But it should have the same trigger as the past two years so it's probably "Earn 2021 rep across the network, excluding association bonus.".
@bad_coder We're not even 10 days into the Winter Bash. With the reputation cap that would mean a lot of reputation every day :O
@Panda I have 20 reputation points on another site.. (discounting my association bonus, that leaves 50 reputation, but I've downvoted at least 50 Answers which one cannot see, so it should be enough for the 2021 total earned reputation.) According to the yearly reputation leaderboard is says 2,171 "year reputation".
@Scratte dang, I managed to ask 1 question this month that isn't a duplicate, is unprecedented, is really smart, had an expert answer ....And yesterday 2 revenge DV's landed on it :/ What's worse, seems a clear case of sock puppetry or collusion (like 2 revenge DV's on the same Q, right...)
@Panda Ahh.. well, then I'll have to look at it on other profiles then :)
@bad_coder Unless it's two users doing their homework, finding your post and realizing that's not what they needed. Being frustrated with the impending fail, they took it out on your post..
@Scratte naahh, these type of revenge DV's normally repeat...Meaning the same group or sock puppet will vote tomorrow and the day after that, just enough to keep under the serial DV detection (btw one user posted having had a whopping -120 DV targeted by the same user without system reversal...)
@Scratte no that was (wait a minute) the poster had -1200 rep (that's like 600 DV's without system reversal or flags being raised?!)
@Scratte eventually the downvoter account was deleted and the sudden reversal in rep hit. (So that user tried to complain, reported the case, and took so many DV's on the that post it was burried in no time...I feel lucky to have seen it.)
@nobody No, that wasn't quite it. The poster that took the DV's had lots of Q's (in the hundreds). So lots of the revenge DV's were on Q's (but also answers).
@Scratte But what astonished me was this: It was the only example of a post that explained there's basically no system detection of serial DV's if they're not on the same day.
@nobody (And this was shocking: The guy that posted complaining, took -15 on that post alone in a few minutes...The time it took my brain to process the information, the post was already gone and deleted...)
@bad_coder There are some tools for moderators and community managers to see if there is targetted voting like that happening, in which case a moderator flag is your best option. It would be very hard to make a system that looks at more than 1 day....
At this moment, the system is already incapable of recognizing legitimate downvotes from targetted ones: We had a user post a string of 14 'witty oneliners' on IPS once, and I downvoted + delete voted all of them ... the next morning, 11 of my votes were 'reversed' because they were 'serial'.
@Tinkeringbell what can I say? Well, the essence is perhaps: I needed to say it. Reading that post was shocking, and seeing it "peer suppressed" added aggravation to injustice (if that's a reasonable way put things.)
@Tinkeringbell There was 1 single guy that gave that post an up vote: me. And by voting I thought: I just put myself at odds with the community.
@bad_coder I haven't seen the exact post, so it's hard to talk about that specific case. I do know there's similar ones on MSE from time to time where the voting is more because the post is very unconstructive, the accusations wild and unfounded, and the poster rude.
@bad_coder I'm not sure about this case but its possible that the person's question were actually of poor quality and he just believed he was the victim of serial DVs
@Tinkeringbell that was an MSE post, by a mod on another site. I think it was mister Dalencourt (?) French Canadian maybe (regular contributor on travel.) - Let me assure you, the post in question was the definition of gentlemanly.
Well if you can find a link we can discuss further, and I might be able to point out evidence to the contrary... right now there's not much that I can do except say that this is how things usually go.
If you mean this user there's nothing on the account that's deleted that matches your criteria, the closed I can get to anything about serial voting and Travel is meta.stackexchange.com/q/355329/369802 ... which isn't deleted and is just a negatively received feature request.
I have a question regarding the Cordovan hat (I also posted it as a question here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/403908/…): I commented a post that was incorrectly tagged and the OP reacted and removed the wrong tag. I learned that this should earn me the Cordovan hat. As I directly noticed the edit, I deleted my then obsolete comment to "clean up". I have not gotten the hat (yet?). Was I maybe too fast to delete my comment?
They're distinguished for edits that make a closed post go into the re-open queues. I don't even think edits to titles makes them do that. Which is a good thing, as posts usually need edits to the body to make them OK.
@buddemat I can't confirm for this year hats but on the two years before, there was indeed a distinction between the type of edit (which makes me very sad since tag edit is my favorite type of edit ^^')
@Scratte Got carnival too. I think it's about wearing and changing hat for x consecutive days. I wore the same for all SE sites, wore one everyday, but did not change everyday.
const removeGame = function () {
$("<h1>You have been caught cheating and your scores are now banned from the leaderboard</h1><h3><a href='/hat-dash'>See here for more info<a/></h3>").appendTo("body");
@Scratte I'll rephrase: @YaakovEllis can you please confirm that tag-only edits do not count for the Cordovan hat? I.e. that it gets awarded if an edit occurs within one day of a comment that is not a tag-only edit?
The description of the "Edward" hat states, Ask a positively-received question on five different days (get the Curious badge). Does that mean we need to ask 5 well-received questions during the winter bash itself, or do we just need to earn the Curious badge during the bash?
@AJ I read here (meta.stackexchange.com/a/358179/906916) that Cruse of Oil was awarded for participation on December 18 (anywhere in the world). Can you please confirm @YaakovEllis ?