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It's already sold out in Australia @Bob
it should go on sale in 20 minutes or perhaps 1:20
hey @IvoFlipse honest opinion:
@OliverSalzburg what are you getting?
oh and @IvoFlipse you running Win8?
@IvoFlipse that fast? :O
Ok so you'll need VS2012 and a developer license
do you have that?
uh.. erm.. no? :P
@KronoS msdn. but too lazy to install :(
I'll go grab that
@Bob vs2012 or a developer license?
hey @slhck
goodbye @slhck
I've only used VS2010; haven't tried developing anything on/for Win8 yet
@KronoS I'm getting Oliver to order my Nexus phone + tablet :P
@KronoS haha, still there, weird chat :P
hello again @slhck lol
just checking what you guys are up to
@KronoS I like the design, but the avatar doesn't scale up well
@IvoFlipse oh nice... wanna alpha test my app?
@KronoS Sure
@IvoFlipse ya I noticed
2 mins ago, by KronoS
Ok so you'll need VS2012 and a developer license
2 mins ago, by KronoS
do you have that?
But I guess I'll be leaving you again because I have to go to work :P
@slhck then I shall say goodbye again :P
I don't have a dev license
Would "Express for Win8" do?
and only VSexpress
@slhck i thought you left?
@IvoFlipse @Bob Express should work and the dev license isn't the paid one... I think, it's just the one that basically links your live account to your VS
But if it involves work, then I'd rather alpha-beta test :P
Ah ok :P
@IvoFlipse I'm not sure how much work it involves...
that's why I'm testing on you guinea pigs :P
So here's a link to my app:
I've been meaning to learn WinRT development anyway, this can't hurt any :P
Within the folder there should be a powershell thingy
Anyway, I wouldn't use the gravatar like that, because especially for low rep users looks silly
clicking on that I think causes it to install... but I'm not sure
what about that? @IvoFlipse
Also when the title is three lines long, it looks awkward
I think I'd like that better
@KronoS I prefer this :P
Though the color choice is too high contrast
Thing is this is the "Main Page" where the questions are more like the Hot tab
Without a color that is
Listing sites like that in the settings.. bar? might not be the best idea
@KronoS What's wrong with that?
@Bob It doesn't scale to 87 sites :P
@IvoFlipse Just trying to get something like Pulse
I was thinking whether he should show sites you're a member on, but that's too focused on logged in people like us
@IvoFlipse The settings panel lists all 187 sites... and will actually update the list as more are added.
@KronoS I know, but then you have to check if the question/answer contain any image and if so replace it with that
@KronoS Auch
You mean also all Meta sites? Haha
you need a search for the sites, at the very least
@IvoFlipse ya
@Bob I will... but remember this is prelim stages :P
@KronoS You could make this design more like a square, stack the vote + answer count, then wrap the title on the side
Kind of like a mix between the two options you have now
:/ that may be good... changing styles isn't all that hard, the hard part it getting the data in a manageable way
You could actually have the list of sites in a 'main' screen with logos and a short description (easier to find), rather than a charm., though that may break some design guideline :\
It might also be interesting to figure out how to get the main color themes from all the sites
You'd probably have to scrape that, since I don't think its supplied by the API
@IvoFlipse the only thing I get are tag background and text colors
nothing else
@Bob You also manage contacts in the main app, why can't this be like that?
@KronoS Would those be specific to each site?
@IvoFlipse Contacts?
@IvoFlipse depends... if it's beta/not fully developed then they're all the same
SU/SF/SO are all different as well as Arquade and the more established ones
@Bob The Windows 8 Contacts app or People whatever its called
Ah. Never used that, and it's a nice red loading screen for me.
@KronoS Then you could use those to set the background
Installing VS is doing a nice job of bringing the system to a screeching halt
@Bob Still running a preview version?
Ah, yeah its pretty heavy
Thank god for my bigger SSD
@IvoFlipse Enterpeise Eval (so RTM)
also, on a VHD
which is on top of RAID 1
on 'green' drives
I don't think disk access could get any slower :P
@IvoFlipse here was my general idea of the app:
1. Main screen was a snapshot of preferred sites
2. Site page where the user can filter interesting questions (active, new, highest voted, hot, week, month)
3. Question Page where the user can see the Question/Answer
4. Search Result Page where the user can browse searched questions
huh, a developer licence only lasts a month? Well, that sucks.
@KronoS how about a page to view user details?
@Bob that's coming
but not this iteration
@Bob they're renewable
@KronoS yea, just seems a little short
I have no problems with the functionality, just the design
Which is totally unfair, because you've mostly been working on getting the data to display
stupid remote execution policy
@IvoFlipse no that's fine... I need that criticism
That's about the stage that I'm at
Stop teasing me Google and take MY MONEY!
@KronoS I'd try a couple different designs and see how they feel
If you need more space, simply reduce the number of tiles
anyways... I'm headed to bed. Need to think on this and I'l start working on this again tomorrow
there we go
and it works :D
@Bob my app?
hmm, white screen
And what all can you see?
code wise?
@Bob go to the setting and add some sites
then restart the app
yea, added SU
still blank
ah, restart it -_-
again this is in total alpha stage
@nhinkle it appears that beta testing is possible...
hm.. is viewing questions implemented yet?
@KronoS what do i have to do?
and sorry for the wrong link :P
It is in the new version I just put together... hang on just a sec
@nhinkle no you're fine
@Bob what all can you see of my code?
do you use some sort of version control beyond just dropbox i hope?
@nhinkle OH YES!
@KronoS nothing? :P
ok so now how do i actually get it to install?
are there instructions above?
not sure hot to extract an appx file, but that's probably CIL
I would add you @nhinkle but @sathya has taken my other slot... may create a general account and give it out
@KronoS add me to what?
@nhinkle Hang on lemme update the packages
lol ok
@KronoS Don't you still have kiln?
@IvoFlipse yes that's what I use
ok updated packages @nhinkle @Bob
@KronoS I still don't know how to install it :P
@nhinkle to kiln
I like Github, but it feels a tad expensive, given I don't need it
isn't there a free level for github @ivo?
@nhinkle download the packages... then within the folder, there should be a powershell thingy
run that
@KronoS what does that mean? :P
@nhinkle That doesn't have private repo's
@nhinkle but first you need VS2012 and a dev license (get's that automatically when you first run VS2012)
After that... you'll have to ask @Bob as he got it working
i don't have VS2012 but i do have a dev license
it says it installed
hey it opened! cool!
@nhinkle try running it
nice... so you don't see any of my code then
ok @nhinkle to add sites you need to open the setting pane
then restart the app
what on earth is the sorting order on the sites? o_O
i can't find meta.SU and there's no search function
Perhaps add some by default :P
oh, there it is
@IvoFlipse that's going to be the next step :P
so.. todo list includes rendering the HTML
yeah, having SOFU as default would be nice
and maybe a first-run intro of sorts
@Bob that's been a BIG frustration
can't seem to dynamically add the webview contents to xaml
but that all comes later
Q: How do I bind HTML to a DataTemplate's WebView?

KronoS Possible Duplicate: How to access NavigateToString property of a WebView in a ListView I have a list of items that use a DataTemplate for each items presented. Within this template I have a Webview of static HTML taken from an API call. The DataTemplate is similar to as follows: <...

oooh look at all the blurry gravatars! sweet!
probably a good idea to add a scrollbar for us mouse users :P
ouch. just crashed
@nhinkle you should log those crashes for me and send me feed back
i just clicked on a meta.su question
how do i get to the view in your screenshot?
and how do i turn on logging?
Clicking on the superuser logo/text just brings me to a blank page, with a back arrow
If you want to test out MetroSE here's the link: dropbox.com/sh/hg1juqf4tlgjcb3/dpOxM4YuBU Simply open the folder within, and run the PowerShell script to install. Please leave me feedback here for now. I'll add a bug tracking/feature request system here soon.
@Bob same
the gravatars on the questions on the home page don't match any of the gravatars within the question
@nhinkle @Bob that's intended for now. Haven't implemented that page yet
@Bob O.o really?
hm.. a couple of random crashes in a row
opening some specific questions
@Bob that's becuase I haven't put in the key... you've prolly hit the limit
hang on...
two of them are migrated questions
there we go...
the salt water one
@KronoS how do i get to the screen you showed in your screenshot?
one has a bounty
Q: Install Windows Store apps from the command-line

UserWe can install AppX packages (Metro/Modern/Microsoft-style UI apps) by using the following PowerShell command: add-appxpackage C:\path-to-app.appx But, I want to install free Windows Store apps from the command line. For example, install the free game Jetpack Joyride available on the Windows S...

@nhinkle that was version
@KronoS Hmm I have no clue how to run it :P
@Bob i want it. I think it'd be more useful than the "random large gravatars"
@nhinkle link?
@IvoFlipse extract, run the Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 file
Ok app is updated... you shouldn't have any issues with too many requests in a day
you probably have to Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process first
@Bob I just joined his Dropbox folder
@IvoFlipse uhh.. download to a local folder first :P
I downloaded as zip, hence the extract
@Bob Its in my Dropbox :P
That's local
well, just run the .ps1 file then
you'll have to change your script execution policy before you can
To change it a little more permanently, run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
I have no idea how to run that powershell thing, if I click it, it just opens
@IvoFlipse that should be all that you have to do
Lol "run with powershell" d'oh
@nhinkle version now uploaded and has no more gravatars on main page
It works :)
Clicking a question just renders a html wall of fail
[email protected] somebody send an email to this real quick...
@KronoS I know, I'm just kidding
@KronoS I specifically can't open your meta post about contest blog posts
this needs to create an error log :P
I sure hope Oliver is still refreshing the Nexus store page :P
@IvoFlipse thanks for the email
MetroSE bugs and feature requests can be sent to here:
[email protected]
@KronoS doesn't fogbuz have some sort of build-in bug reporting thingy?
@nhinkle sending an email creates a ticket
yeah but emails are annoying
i want a website
@nhinkle You can log into fogbugz and leave a report too I believe
And for those of you that are particular and want a GUI (@nhinkle) you can go to this site, and Enter a New Case or Keep track of that Case now: kronoskoders.fogbugz.com
And now it's time for bed for me. Have fun guys, and send lots of feed back
Oh BTW @nhinkle that bug (the bloq question) is due to there being no answers to the question. Thanks for finding that out. I'll fix it tomorrow
cool. thanks for checking into it
Thanks for testing this out
I need all the feed back I can get
anyways... night guys!
Strange, did my fogbugz account get deleted?!?
@KronoS night
@IvoFlipse you can't prolly log into my site
btw, weren't you going to sleep @nhinkle? :P
Trying to get into my own
oh got it... I'll leave you be then
and now I really am leaving
@Bob shhh
i changed my mind, ok
Ah right, I was trying to log into your fogbugz with my account :P
I wonder where they'll sell the wireless charging orb for the Nexus 4
yes.. 'wireless'
as long as you orient it a certain way and hold it very very close
also, lose at least 10% in the process
@KronoS I'm buying stuff for @IvoFlipse ;)
6 hours later…
@OliverSalzburg Anandtech just had to ruin my day: anandtech.com/show/6440/google-nexus-4-review
So... what's the big deal with the nexus?
@KronoS That its not available :P
Well I'm clearly seeing that, but what's making it so hot?
I'm really not a fan of the Android OS (not a huge fan of iOS either)
@KronoS Well I very much dislike iOS, so there's that and I don't buy into the Apple Tax
And I'm more invested in the Google Play store + Google Drive, so Android is a better fit
I'm not even considering WP8 for the moment
and I want a Nexus phone, so I can do with it whatever the heck I want
I'm waiting to get a WP8 and comparing there... Android just has way too many bugs IMO and iOS is too restrictive and boring and expensive
@KronoS What bugs?
@IvoFlipse when I compare the quality of the android phones to the iOS phones the android is choppy
@KronoS What was the last phone you compared it to?
@IvoFlipse I'm not sure TBH and that may be the issue
You should know that Apple uses much, much better GPUs for their devices, even the newest Android devices can't compete with the iPhone 5
The other thing I don't like, is from a developers point of view Android is a pain to develop for
Too many devices you have to try and support for
Though they're catching up with the 4s
@KronoS No, you should follow Google's guidelines
I've got the iPhone 5 and it's blazing fast... but battery life is terrible
And if you never bite the bullet and they become the next Windows (as in everywhere), you'll have a lot of technical debt
Battery life on the Nexus 4 isn't great either
but can't possible be as bad as my Galaxy Nexus...
I don't see any WP8 phones on there...
Probably because the benchmarks don't exist yet
Wait... using LTE I get double the battery life vs. not?
If I'd get a WP8, I'd get a Nokia
that doesn't make sense
Depends on the phone
Apparently it does, because it gets the data faster, then aggressively goes back to sleep
anyway, I can highly recommend a Galaxy S3
but if you have a iPhone 5, you don't need anything else
Grrr... why can't data updating be simple?
What data? In the app?
Ya... I'm trying to get the toggle buttons to automatically update the UI as well
Which, the data is actually updating, but the UI isn't
Ah here we go:
Q: Windows 8 CollectionViewSource ObservableCollection Binding Not Updating

TerryI have a CollectionViewSource that is binding to an subset of an observable collection to show the top n articles on the main page. <CollectionViewSource x:Name="groupedItemsViewSource" Source="{Binding Groups}" IsSourceGrouped="true" ItemsPath="TopItems" />...

My SO search fu is getting better and better
@nhinkle I've updated the app to fix your bug. Also added setting to update the frontpage as well.
@OliverSalzburg now I'll have to rely on you, because the Nexus 4 is not coming to the Netherlands AT ALL :|
3 hours later…
so, I have this Nixie tube alarm clock that I'm setting up on an arduino board, and I have about 25K of program space and I'm only using 10 outputs... anyone have any suggestions for cool features to add? (it's already a -120dB alarm)
@NathanWheeler How many lights does it have? Else you could make it display some text
@IvoFlipse What's the quick summary of that article? :D
4, but they're numeral only
@OliverSalzburg You still need to buy it for me :P
If only it ever becomes available...
@IvoFlipse Woah :(
Let me check the store again
If it doesn't come back in stock, then I'll probably order some Chinese phone instead
@IvoFlipse The only thing that changed in the store since yesterday is the fact that they remove the banner that says "available november 13th" :P
yeah, its not in stock yet
The complaints about their store I read today were somewhat frustrating
Weird that the NExus 10 is neither
I bought a new iPhone5 last week... speaking of phones
@NathanWheeler yeah, but the Nexus 4 is more awesome :P
If you don't like iOS
umm... probably... but I've got too much invested in iOS apps to move
@NathanWheeler I have the opposite and I don't want to invest in iOS either :P
@NathanWheeler ya that's a frustration I have with all app markets. Once you get started, you're invested into that market quite a bit
I hate it when I have to buy the same thing multiple times
I wish my employers used Kiln instead of GitHub
@IvoFlipse I wish there were a way to keep your apps across multi platforms
I paid for Instapaper on the web, then I would have to buy the app for Android and iOS too
The app developer that does that has got me sold on their product
@KronoS web apps
@IvoFlipse But web apps can't levy the devices hardware that native apps can
@KronoS Then they should get the necessary API hooks
That requires the devices/OS to open their API calls to the web apps... which I don't see happening
2 hours later…
@OliverSalzburg here's a mildly optimistic post: plus.google.com/106515095432315677569/posts/fAA6PNbUxCK
@IvoFlipse Sounds good
If I can't get the Nexus 4 I have to figure out what else to get
I actually don't want an even bigger phone, but all smaller phones have specs that are meeeh
That new HTC Droid DNA looks cool, but its 5.5" with a 1080p screen on a freaking phone
@IvoFlipse So, what I see happening in the future is that Apple will start selling Android apps, Google will have an iOS marketplace, etc. People will at some point get frustrated with double-paying for apps on multiple devices and complain loud enough they'll change the model
I'm trying to flash Android 4.2, but first had to root it again
But because I upgraded to Windows 8 the drivers didn't work automagically
Took quite some time before I figured out I had to manually install them when at the bootloader...
@NathanWheeler I'm not so sure, I think developers would simply add some kind of account which is cross platform
So you don't buy the app, you purchase a subscription, which isn't bound to a platform
App developers can also claim that they have to build and maintain both apps, so cough up those 2$
@IvoFlipse That's possible... but Apple requires in-app purchases ONLY go through them.
so then you'd have to go to some 3rd party site to make your purchase, then return to the app to unlock it
If you want access from an Apple device and you don't have it, it can go through their store, but if you already have an account, I'm not sure how Apple would even verify that
@IvoFlipse I see a subscription based service happening more than a general marketplace... services like Pandora/Spotify/Netflix/Hulu are some examples
Also, if Android becomes popular enough, it'll be Windows vs Mac all over again
Though its a bit too early to say
plus iOS users tend to pay more (in every way I guess), so they're an attractive userbase
But I think Android is just getting started and for some people starts to replace their Windows computer, that's when it starts to become financially interesting too, because people would be more willing to invest in their main OS
And in the end, we'll only get apps if developers get paid
@IvoFlipse iOS will ultimately end up as MacOS... they've already integrated a lot of the same features into it, and with the touch screen, you can make them function virtually the same
Darn I'm trying to upgrade my ROM, but I'm getting a weird error
ffs, I erased my device, now the driver doesn't recognize it anymore...

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