last day (2402 days later) » 

Well whenever some decides to get into the chat, here's my question:
I'm wanting to compile a file in c code and I'm using the math library which means i need to use the -lm options

i.e. gcc -lm problem4.c

but I want to name the file to problem4 while still using the math library

gcc -o problem4 problem4.c - doesn't work
how do i do that?
Nevermind figured it out:

gcc -lm -o problem4 problem4.c
3 hours later…
Shouldn't this chat be at the SO site?
a but SO doesn't have chat
@Sathya how come it doesn't have the link on the main site?
:6610 well its sort of there, but not there
chat started strictly for Meta
but the feedback was pretty awesome
and people started creating rooms for almost everything
( the super user room on chat.meta was created by me)
@Sathya So should I close this one then and search through all the ones there?
Let it remain :)
this could be for quick shell scripting questions/ discussions
it will be rolled to stackoverflow soon
1 hour later…
@KronoS: Might be useful to turn it into a Shell/Script room then...
Would quick scripting questions be a better name?
...and why shouldn't these questions be actually asked on their respective site? Should we obscure the answers from other people who might actually ask the same question later along the line?
:6786 nobody's preventing you from asking them
@Casebash: Yeah, that would work out fine... :-)

  last day (2402 days later) »