@JeffSchaller I am aware of 58 blacklist managers. Currently in this room: Jeff Schaller, Dragonrage, Machavity, Mithical, VLAZ, Cow, Vickel, double-beep, Makyen, Byte Commander. Not currently in this room: iBug, doppelgreener, Welz, rene, CalvT, Cody Gray, A J, a spaghetto, Ollie, NobodyNada, Thomas Ward, Ferrybig, angussidney, K.Dᴀᴠɪs, Suraj Rao, tripleee, Zoe - Save the data dump, Box Box Box Box, Magisch, ArtOfCode, Jesse, 4b0, Robert Longson, Spevacus, Erik the Outgolfer, micsthepick, Fastnlight, Eliah Kagan, Papershine, ProgramFOX, Das_Geek, Henders, DavidPostill, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Andy, bertieb, bwDraco, Undo, Glorfindel, Mast, John Dvorak, thesecretmaster, Nisse Engström, Kyll, Nick, cocomac, cigien, Ryan M.