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teward/Cerberus: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 85a91c67aa (SmokeDetector: Merge pull request #13134 from Charcoal-SE/auto-blacklist-1725664700) (running on teward/Cerberus, Python 3.10.12)
Restart: API quota is 89664.
@micsthepick No such command 'queuesize'.
@micsthepick The BodyFetcher queue is empty.
@micsthepick The BodyFetcher queue is empty.
@micsthepick "uptime" stats: Posts scanned: 158, Q(59), A(99); Scan time: 186.1, Q(156.62), A(29.36); Posts per second: 0.85; Grace period edits: 10; Unchanged posts: 622, Q(226), A(396); No post lock: 0; Errors: 0; Max scan time: 20.21; Max scan time post: stackoverflow.com/78959076; Post processing lock: 0.01; Check unchanged: 0.03; Threads: 70, API(62), 155QA(49), EW(21), BFrr(0); High CPU: 0; Thread limit: 0; Site limited: 0, SO(0), nonSO(0); All errors: 0; Started: 2024-09-07T00:16:03.463855
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): .bashrc is interrupting my php file when i try to get reverse shell‭ by lucifer morningstar‭ on stackoverflow.com
:66252154 Matched by (?:91|0)?[6-9]\d{4}(?<!\d\D\d{5})[^A-Za-z\d]*+\d{5}(?![\s,]++\d)[^A-Za-z\d]++(?:91|0)?[6-9]\d{4}[^A-Za-z\d]*+\d{5}(?![^A-Za-z\d]*+\d)(?=.{0,200}+\Z) on line 48813 of watched_keywords.txt
of course it's Makyen... and this one doesn't have a comment
@micsthepick That's targeted at support number spam. Here's a search link
Muuuuch better
ok, so q: why doesn't that match in regex101?
something to do with bookends I'm guessing
Yeah. The full expression would be something to the effect of (?s)(?:^|\b)(?:91|0)?[6-9]\d{4}(?<!\d\D\d{5})[^A-Za-z\d]*+\d{5}(?![\s,]++\d)[^A-Za-z\d]++(?:91|0)?[6-9]\d{4}[^A-Za-z\d]*+\d{5}(?![^A-Za-z\d]*+\d)(?=.{0,200}+\Z)(?:\b|$)
this is actually one of the longer running regexes it would seem
it barely gets past the first paragraph during a window of 1000 debugging steps!
API quota rolled over with 89392 requests remaining. Current quota: 99999.
stackoverflow: 3776
math: 1268
electronics: 277
physics: 263
ru.stackoverflow: 257
mathoverflow.net: 245
askubuntu: 241
superuser: 229
unix: 192
tex: 163
stats: 148
english: 122
gis: 104
diy: 102
ell: 101
salesforce: 97
mathematica: 96
hermeneutics: 95
serverfault: 94
philosophy: 93
es.stackoverflow: 87
blender: 84
scifi: 81
meta: 76
law: 72
dba: 72
worldbuilding: 67
apple: 66
japanese: 59
sharepoint: 49
puzzling: 44
magento: 43
pt.stackoverflow: 42
codegolf: 42
wordpress: 41
solana: 40
islam: 40
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer (166): Steps to learn playing violin without a teacher‭ by dahlia‭ on music.SE
(?s)(?:^|\b)(?=\d(?!\d:|\d{4}-\d{5}:))(?:91|0)?[6-9]\d{4}(?<!\d\D\d{5})[^A-Za-z\d]*+\d{5}(?![\s,]++\d)[^A-Za-z\d]++(?:91|0)?[6-9]\d{4}[^A-Za-z\d]*+\d{5}(?![^A-Za-z\d]*+\d)(?=.{0,200}+\Z)(?:\b|$) @Spevacus any suggestions?
(prepended (?=\d(?!\d:|\d{4}-\d{5}:)) )
we may want to prevent more FP cases, e.g.
the first \d is there for performance reasons
PR#13135 ("improve a number matcher in watched keywords") opened by micsthepick
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on 0fb3631 by micsthepick in the patch-2 branch
@tripleee or @Makyen either of you around and not busy at this moment in time?
!!/bisect swiftron
@micsthepick 'swiftron' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
@starball was reported earlier. i was unsure, so mod flagged
it feels like spam though
@micsthepick "uptime" stats: Posts scanned: 1194, Q(471), A(723); Scan time: 956.0, Q(752.33), A(202.32); Posts per second: 1.25; Grace period edits: 109; Unchanged posts: 9674, Q(1905), A(7769); No post lock: 6; Errors: 0; Max scan time: 26.75; Max scan time post: stackoverflow.com/78959190; Post processing lock: 0.08; Check unchanged: 0.33; Threads: 541, API(493), 155QA(367), EW(174), BFrr(0); High CPU: 0; Thread limit: 0; Site limited: 0, SO(0), nonSO(0); All errors: 0; Started: 2024-09-07T00:16:03.463855
@Dragonrage I'm around. My machine is a bit messed up at the moment, but I might be able to help.
@Makyen Im looking into adding a way to watch both versions with one command for numbers with leading zeroes. should that be an auto detect, or something that is done through a comment?
@Dragonrage I was planning on having it as part of an auto detection, but the numbers that have 0 prepended are also NANP numbers, or at least the ones I've been noticing are. I needed to look more into what the actual formats are for the Indian numbers which are like that to see if there are exclusions, such as exist in NANP. My general concept was to have all of the 1, 91, and 0 permutations used unless the user specified in a comment not to use one or more or to only use NANP vs Indian.
It's also possible that I'm not thinking of the same numbers you are, so could be off-base.
@Makyen i think we are thinking of the same numbers. I wasnt sure if there was a need to use comments to avoid having issues with older watches.
@Dragonrage All of the number watches/blacklists will need to be looked at and, potentially adjusted. At a minimum, there will be significant overlap. When I did the NANP detection and moving the numbers from the watchlist/keyword blacklist to the numbers lists I used the CI testing to find the duplicates. IIRC, I had it generate the command I'd need in the editor I use to remove the appropriate lines that were duplicates. If you use that part, it's very much a use at own risk and double-check.
im tempted to write up a small script to parse the watch/blacklist to cleanup the duplicates. I.e. remove all numbers that dont have a leading zero but are a match for another watch that has it
Ill say, I am definitely working much slower in python than I would in C#. but hopefully my python will be better after i get through it
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Installing Windows 11 in a VM on Ubuntu 24.04‭ by Ryan Daniels‭ on askubuntu.com
@Dragonrage The CI testing already does this, assuming that you're adding the "0" version as an alternate normalized version.
Well, more accurately, it explicitly tells you which ones result in duplicate normalizations.
I generally just ran the CI tests against my local SD git repository to get that information.
The run_tests.sh script does that for you on a local repository.
For just the blacklists/watchlists, I usually modify that to just python3 -W default::Warning -m pytest test/test_blacklists.py, which I have in a different script.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (64): WooCommerce Default Pages NOT showing up on brand new site‭ by Mbarika Wesley‭ on stackoverflow.com
@Makyen ill look into that, thanks
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (2): Updates for Vietnam E-visa in 2025‭ by Zay‭ on travel.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (2): Blood money as punishment for marital rape‭ by Khan‭ on islam.SE
!!/watch- vietnameseprivatetours\.com
@SmokeDetector appears to be self promotion of their website. website appears in their bio, and on every site except travel, they advertise they are a "Vietnam based tour operator, web developer, blogger, writer and photographer"
To be clear, my intent was that the default for appropriate numbers (potentially all/most 10 digit numbers) that they would be normalized to each of "1", "91", "0", and "", unless there was an indicator that some of those should not be used.
And excluding the "1" combination if it can't be a NANP number.
@Makyen so if i watch a 10 digit number, it should also watch the normalized versions of said number with a prefix of 1, 91, or 0 as well, unless there is a comment saying not to?
also i was checking back on the 0 prefix numbers, and a lot i see are 0####-###-### format. is that still considered NANP? typically a north american number would be 3-3-4 format, but i guess it could be just people messing with the format to try to avoid spam detectors
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, potentially bad keyword in body, +2 more (466): PANDINADU FINANCE App Customer Care Number/%)9652586172+/%)09861071954 call‭ by Manoj Kumar‭ on askubuntu.com
@Dragonrage That was what I was going to go with. The chances of FP are relatively low and having that as the assumed default would substantially reduce the number of times people get the "is that NANP" reply from SD. Alternately, such a reply would now need to be for nearly every 10 digit number asking for more specificity. Basically, the observed FP rate for the entries we do have doesn't really justify forcing people to be more specific all the time.
Although, I'd probably have the reply remind them that they can be more specific.
@Dragonrage Yeah, we can't assume that's not some type of obfuscation of a NANP number.
though that last spam has a 0 prefix but actually isnt NANP as far as im aware
09861071954 wouldnt be NANP as it doesnt fit the NXX-NXX-XXXX format
where N is any digit 2-9 and X is any digit 0-9
Yes, it makes it likely it's not a North American number, but the digits probably comply with NANP. Currently, we only assume that 1) a 10 digit 3-3-4 number is NANP or 2) that an 11 digit number that starts with "1" is NANP (for both, the number also has to be a possible NANP number).
I'd leave those two assumptions.
I'd assume an 11 digit number that starts with "0" is Indian ("0", "91", and "" combinations).
I'd assume a 12 digit number that starts with "91" is Indian ("0", "91", and "" combinations).
I'd assume that a 10 digit number is Indian and NANP, if it also complies with all other NANP requirements. So, "1", "91", "0", and "" combinations.
The entry should also be able to have either or both of the "(?#NO NorAm)" directive and a new directive such as "(?#NO Indian)".
alright. i think that gives me a good idea of how to approach making the changes. I will get to tinkering with it.
@Makyen Can I have a bit of advice at some point? I made a (draft) PR to address multiline chat watches. However, there's also this GH issue, which is for SD ignoring short multiline messages. Ideally, I'd like the GH issue fixed so I can test the draft PR with the fix.
While I think I can/know how to fix the issue of SD ignoring short multiline messages, should that be a separate PR? If so, is the right way to do that to make a new branch in my fork of SD based on master and send a second PR from there?
@Makyen the only thing here I wonder about is if we should force a command of one of the NO directives or some sort of affirmative of yes watch all 4 combinations
@cocomac Generally, yes, that's the right way to do it. You should almost always be submitting a PR from a branch other than master.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer (50): Velocity dispersion of stars in galaxies‭ by Sanjay Lodh‭ on astronomy.SE
@Dragonrage I'm not sure what you're describing.
@Makyen If that 10 digit number doesn't also comply with the other NANP requirements, then assume it's Indian, so the "0", "91", and "" combinations.
@Makyen Ok, I'll make that a separate PR and make a separate branch going forward. For the multiline watch item, I already put that commit in master (on my fork), and then made the PR based on that. Should I make a new branch, add the change there, close my PR, and make a new one from the new branch? Or is there a better way to fix that one...?
@cocomac I'm wondering how you are proposing to address them, other than just ignore the command or reply with an error that multi-line watches aren't supported.
basically expanding the current behavior of watching a 10 digit number that could be a NANP number. currently it requires you to either force, or add one of the two flags/directives (IS NorAm or NO NorAm). should that instead now ask for (NO NorAm, NO Indian, YES All), or should it just accept it as all?
@Makyen The PR I made, partly based on this, went with the "reply with an error" approach. It seemed like the least confusing option.
brb food
@Dragonrage My intent was to just accept it as all and reply that that was what SD was doing, along with reminding that there's the option to tell SD not to use the different combinations. Basically, the current operation appears to be a pain in the rear for people a lot of the time, while the downside of looking for the other combinations is quite small (i.e., too much pain for not enough gain :) ).
@Makyen fair enough. thanks for the input
@Dragonrage np Thanks for looking at the issue.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How much money could we get with a reverse mortgage?‭ by Cliff Auerswald‭ on money.SE
!!/watch- reverse\.mortgage
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user (74): How long can you collect reverse mortgage payments?‭ by Cliff Auerswald‭ on money.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Unable to use useSelector and useDispatch in export const function ✏️‭ by Rakesh‭ on stackoverflow.com
@micsthepick They are, and always have been, visible to users with the Core role.
@Makyen Appears resolved. Initial problems were probably that my Firefox needed to be restarted. However, I broke the code in trying to figure out what was going on/test prior to restarting Firefox, so I still saw the problem after restarting. Stopping, doing other things, then going back to it made the issue introduced in testing obvious.
@CodyGray Yes, it would be. It's something I've desired for years. I usually end up using a complex regular expression to accomplish that.
@micsthepick That's equivalent to aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}). given that there's nothing after your \d{3,10} it's not actually limited to 10, so it's really just checking to see if there are >= 3 digits.
ok, would you like to optimize or should I?
@micsthepick I'm unsure what you're asking.
the only example is 100, but I'd like to catch a more general pattern, but then again it probably makes 0 difference :)
ArtOfCode/TRINITY: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev 839550c612 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of ssoidraj\.com by Spevacus) (running on ArtOfCode/TRINITY)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (38): How to show full-file Git blame in Visual Studio Code‭ by Radu S.‭ on stackoverflow.com
Makyen/MS-Relay: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev ee0f84fecd (Makyen: Log as debug MS WebSocket messages) (running on Makyen/MS-Relay, Python 3.11.3)
!!/unwatch aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3,10})
!!/watch aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3})
!!/bisect aspadol
@micsthepick Matched by aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}) on line 66107 of watched_keywords.txt
@Makyen the difference is what smokey reports as the full match
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (39): Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich‭ by shoib000‭ on cooking.SE
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich‭
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username, username similar to website in answer (157): Can I solve this with a static route?‭ by Vins Fertility‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (2): Unlock Your Medical Career: MBBS for Indian Students in Uzbekistan with MD House India‭ by The Mad House of spam‭ on meta.SE
teward/Cerberus: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev a5bc894918 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}) by micsthepick) (running on teward/Cerberus, Python 3.10.12)
!!/watch- themdhouse\.com
Restart: API quota is 98887.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (73): Why does Jesus give an action of Yahweh as an example of evil? ✏️‭ by gamestocaboca‭ on hermeneutics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in title (1): How to download Battlefield V Highly Compressed Game Free Download‭ by pcgamescompressed‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch- gamestocaboca\.com
!!/watch- pcgamescompressed\.com
@micsthepick and also, it will no longer match the digits if they aren't exactly 3
@tripleee not according to makyen?
what we sometimes do is !!/watch keyword\d*+ which will match keyword with or without numbers at the end. If the spammer writes a space before the numbers, we simply ignore them
if you want 100 to be included in the match if it's there, that's fine as such, but probably not what we would usually do; if it's aspadol anything it's aspadol and we are done
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (1): What is the most appropriate type of water bottle for home use?‭ by Kirti Bothra‭ on lifehacks.SE
in summary: aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}) matches the numberless
(sorry multitasking)
aspadol[\W_]*+\d{3,10} will match up to 7 extra digits and the normal 3
but why do we care? again, if it's aspadol it's aspadol
aspadol(!?[\W_]*+\d{3]) will also match if it's followed by one or two digits
@Makyen tangentially related, if the number begins with a plus we already know it's an international number; this is something I've been planning to fix but if you update the code, this would be nice to include
@micsthepick dan.com is a domain squatter, they own a large number of BS domains like all.zip and also occasionally post spam advertising a domain for sale. I know the watch is noisy; my plan is to collect the common mydomain.com etc FPs and probably add them to the domain whitelist, or perhaps create a separate whitelist
@tripleee No, that's not an accurate assumption. I've definitely seen 10 digit NANP numbers with a plus in front of them without the "1" country code. I've also seen Indian numbers that start with a "+", but without the country code.
@micsthepick No, it's a lookahead, negative lookahead to be accurate, so the text isn't part of the match.
look at what I've posted above
if that's not whats currently in the watchlist, then I'm sorry
if not then perhaps reassess the statement "it's a lookahead" - because the one in the lookahead should be the one that doesn't allow 3 digits after
and the one outside a lookahead should match further
@micsthepick I've only been talking about aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3,10}) and aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}).
!!/bisect aspadol
@micsthepick Matched by aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}) on line 66107 of watched_keywords.txt
!!/bisect aspadol 3333
@micsthepick Matched by aspadol[\W_]*+\d{3,10} on line 66086 of watched_keywords.txt
@micsthepick Messages/reports from SmokeDetector in Charcoal HQ are generally kept as records. If you really need to delete a message, please use sd delete-force. See this note on message deletion for more details.
sorry I am a bit terse, trying to spend time with friends IRL
@micsthepick Yes, I'm aware that aspadol[\W_]*+\d{3,10} and aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}) are in the watchlist. The combined effect is that aspadol[\W_]*+\d{11,} will not be caught. Overall, it would probably be more efficient as a single regular expression. Previously, I was only stating that aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3,10}) and aspadol(?![\W_]*+\d{3}) are equivalent regular expressions that will match exactly the same things.
@micsthepick Go be with your friends. Real Life is more important.
sdc bisect aspadol 12345678901234
@micsthepick 'aspadol 12345678901234' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
yeah sorry
!!/watch- sobohousing\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Network won't work after 24.04.1 LTS upgrade ✏️‭ by Marco Binda‭ on askubuntu.com
sdc report stackoverflow.com/a/78959706 "Link is 1 day old"
@cocomac Not sure if Makyen already answered this one, but here goes anyway... There's nothing technically wrong with creating a PR based on the master branch in your fork. However, it is a potential accident waiting to happen. See, when you have an open PR based on a branch, any changes you later make to that branch will be reflected in that PR. So, if you base the PR on your master branch, then go on and do some other edits, those edits will be invisibly added to your PR, which could result in your PR containing some stuff that you did not intend. This is why it's "best practice" to do each PR from a separate branch dedicated specifically to that PR. Since you didn't know, it's fine to keep master as the branch dedicated to your existing, open PR. Just make sure not to use it as a "working" branch.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected (78): How do sites like quora track users without cookies?‭ by user27243990‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch- pluseup\.com
@CodyGray I see, that makes sense, thanks! I think it'll be an issue, so is it fine to close the PR (with a note)? I did the work in master, but when I tried to make a new branch for fixing short multiline messages, that included my changes on master, and I think the easiest thing is just for me to delete my fork & do it again the way you & Makyen described.
Creating a new branch doesn't have to include your changes on master. To do it correctly, you need to switch to a non-head commit (i.e., one commit back from your master head commit, which is not associated with a branch). Then make your changes.
You don't have to close the PR. You can rebase master and that'll fix the PR (as long as it wasn't merged, obviously).
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected (78): What attributes does Pandora look for in a song?‭ by Tyler‭ on webapps.SE
@CodyGray I think I understand... I'll try to do that.
Make a backup first, then experiment. :-) If everything fails, we can always close the PR and whatever else we need to do to help you out.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): How can I convert an Array of elements into a NodeList?‭ by Undqurek‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (74): OpticalDrive Label Rename‭ by Iconictoolshub‭ on superuser.com
!!/watch- iconictoolshub\.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] OpticalDrive Label Rename‭
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in title (2): What Are the Benefits of Jeuveau?‭ by queenaesthetics‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch- queenaesthetics\.net
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Wordpress Contact Form 7 two loading bar Problem‭ by Leung C‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, bad keyword in title, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (267): What makes DM Pharma Global the top pharma franchise company in India?‭ by DM Pharma Global‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch- dmpharmaglobal\.com
!!/watch- dm[\W_]*+pharma[\W_]*+global(?!\.com(?<=dmpharmaglobal\.com))
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (64): Create new ps5 partition on hdd containing ps4 games‭ by Jbms‭ on gaming.SE
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in title (1): How to post on PhysicsForum.com‭ by Henri Lentonen‭ on physics.SE
!!/watch gisellecubresis
!!/watch sproutsphereva
!!/watch- controllertest\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in title, potentially bad keyword in body (2): How to post on PhysicsForum.com ✏️‭ by Henri Lentonen‭ on physics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): The shape of water drop on smooth solid surface ✏️‭ by user779130‭ on mathoverflow.net
!!/approve 13130
!!/approve 13131
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, linked punctuation in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, +2 more (218): Is it okay to charge Apple phones using Samsung Chargers and vice versa?‭ by RiRo Sports‭ on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, blacklisted user (74): Has anyone tried the Toca Boca Mod APK 1.91?‭ by IRank‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector handled by mod
!!/watch-force thetocaworldapk\.com
@Dragonrage That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in body and Potentially bad keyword in answer Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
how did that user have 10 rep? who upvoted them?
anyhow time to sleep
even though its still 85F at 4am
@SmokeDetector user has website in bio, this is spam
@Dragonrage sleep well
!!/watch- glasafe\.com
@Cow i might. its very hot though
@Dragonrage time to crank that AC
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): What is the point of a "rebirth" mechanic in a game?‭ by Anuj Singh‭ on gamedev.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (48): Dentist In Kennesaw GA‭ by 32dental Dental‭ on meta.SE
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Dentist In Kennesaw GA‭
sdc watch- 32dental\.com
ArtOfCode/TRINITY: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
PR#13137 ("Cow: Watch 32dental\.com") opened by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev 839550c612 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of ssoidraj\.com by Spevacus) (running on ArtOfCode/TRINITY)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Couldn't not sign in or hacked my Google account‭ by Vishal Rai‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch swiftron\.eu
!!/approve 13137
!!/watch swiftron(?!\.eu)
!!/watch 32dental(?!\.com)
!!/watch 91[\W_]*+Club(?!\.com(?<=91clubgameapp\.com))
!!/watch (?-i:^Anuj Singh$)
!!/watch Glasafe(?!\.com)
> Potentially bad keyword in body
Potentially bad keyword in body - Position 8-25: theeditorshub.com, Position 34-41: mod-apk
@VLAZ User is blacklisted (23541389 on stackoverflow.com).
Makyen/MS-Relay: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev ee0f84fecd (Makyen: Log as debug MS WebSocket messages) (running on Makyen/MS-Relay, Python 3.11.3)
sdc watch- cgpatopercentages\.com
PR#13138 ("Cow: Watch cgpatopercentages\.com") opened by SmokeDetector
!!/approve 13138
!!/watch gpa[\W_]*+calculator
!!/watch gpa[\W_]*+(?:in)?to[\W_]*+percent(?:age)?
These will, undoubtedly, be FP-prone, but we missed that last one, and I've seen other spam like this that was missed, so hopefully this will help address that gap.
teward/Cerberus: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 46f4559cbd (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of gpa[\W_]*+(?:in)?to[\W_]*+percent(?:age)? by Cody Gray) (running on teward/Cerberus, Python 3.10.12)
Restart: API quota is 96935.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): I am looking at buying Google play console‭ by Major Licks‭ on stackoverflow.com
sdc watch-number- +1 6694994791
PR#13139 ("Cow: Watch +1 6694994791") opened by SmokeDetector
sdc watch- (?-i:Heads_UPs)
PR#13140 ("Cow: Watch (?-i:Heads_UPs)") opened by SmokeDetector
!!/approve 13139
!!/approve 13140
Might be useful to add (?# telegram) to such watches, but not all that critical.
@CodyGray doh, that's my bad, I forgot
please remove and readd :)
It's helpful but not mission critical by any means.
OK, fixed. We are go for launch again.
Huston, we're go for launch
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on fe99f87 by codygray in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): Nginx Reverse Proxy With External IP And Port‭ by Rais‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Luncheon meat detected (40): Android Custom Kernel Build Failed‭ by Salvino Schillaci‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): Nginx Reverse Proxy With External IP And Port‭ by a deleted user on serverfault.com
!!/bisect Rais
@CodyGray Matched by ^ra+i+s+\d*$ on line 39025 of watched_keywords.txt
!!/unwatch ^ra+i+s+\d*$
!!/watch ^ra+i+s+\d*(?<!rais)$
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (195): BTC RECOVERY EXPERT‭ by Michael‭ on bitcoin.SE
tp feedback received on [MS] BTC RECOVERY EXPERT‭
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): I need technicalfounder‭ by selvaganesh m‭ on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] I need technicalfounder‭
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body, repeating characters in title (119): linux error plz solveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‭ by GURU X‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Difference between SAP and NetSuite ✏️‭ by Jeremy Ian Way‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/report stackoverflow.com/a/78960266/4957508 "undisclosed affiliation "
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Why were the Jews chosen? ✏️‭ by Kamil Levi Pyka‭ on judaism.SE
@SmokeDetector ignore-
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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