[2024-08-02T21:28:31 UTC]: teward/Cerberus: EditWatcher WebSocket: Recovered from websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost. 2003.3 seconds after connection; No heartbeats have been received on the current WebSocket.
[2024-08-02T22:06:09 UTC]: teward/Cerberus: EditWatcher WebSocket: Recovered from websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost. 2258.2 seconds after connection; No heartbeats have been received on the current WebSocket.
[2024-08-02T22:13:04 UTC]: teward/Cerberus: EditWatcher WebSocket: Recovered from websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost. 414.5 seconds after connection; No heartbeats have been received on the current WebSocket.
@ThomasWard the socket is an SE socket (note "EditWatcher WebSocket"), though I'm not sure where exactly the root problem lies (e.g., if it's SE's fault or if the issue is somewhere else)
@ThomasWard Those are issues with the SE WebSocket. SE's main/meta WebSockets have been having problems ever since they moved to Cloudflare. When they first switched, the problems happened every 100 seconds, or so. After I reported the issue, they fixed the most pressing problem.
Unfortunately, there are at least two more issues/problems: A) Still randomly closed connections, but at a substantially lower rate; and B) the WebSocket is not sending heartbeat messages in the expected 5 minutes from last client activity (SD indicates timeout errors at 7 minutes of no activity).
At this point, SD correctly recovers from those errors on all three of the WebSockets which it keeps open to SE's main/meta site WebSocket (chat is different and doesn't seem to be having as significant a problem).
SE randomly closing the WebSocket is something that affects both SD and every SE page that uses the WebSocket for live updates. For SE pages that I keep open for long periods of time (e.g., MSO and MSE active questions), I've started keeping two tabs open to the same page, using a mismatch in state as an indicator that I need to reload the page.
I need to create an additional two MSE questions to report the problems. Each of those questions will need at least one self-answer to hold more data, as the list of errors is substantially more than 30k characters, even when converted to a table without the redundant text.
@Makyen okay that's what i thought but i was slight panicking because until a bit ago DNS was FUBAR for Metasmoke and I didn't want to think i broke Smokey
[2024-08-02T23:23:06 UTC]: teward/Cerberus: DeletionWatcher WebSocket: Recovered from websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost. 8881.2 seconds after connection; 410.4 seconds after heartbeat.
[2024-08-02T23:49:59 UTC]: teward/Cerberus: EditWatcher WebSocket: Recovered from websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost. 5814.8 seconds after connection; No heartbeats have been received on the current WebSocket.
[2024-08-02T23:52:01 UTC]: teward/Cerberus: DeletionWatcher WebSocket: Recovered from websocket._exceptions.WebSocketTimeoutException: Connection timed out. 1735.9 seconds after connection; 707.8 seconds after heartbeat.