Makyen/EC2-linux received failover signal. <-- This probably shouldn't have happened. Check if Thoth is operational (e.g. !!/location) and consider executing !!/standby Makyen/EC2-linux to put this instance back in standby. (@Makyen)
@Makyen That pattern looks like it's already caught by Bad keyword in answer and Bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
@CodyGray That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in body and Potentially bad keyword in answer Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
@CodyGray That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
@CodyGray The pattern contains an invisible U+202D whitespace character. Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
@CodyGray That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
@CodyGray This can catch undisclosed promotion, but only if the linked article was actually written by the author of the post, which isn't even close to guaranteed—in fact, not even likely. Recently, it's been catching a lot of FPs, because there's nothing suspicious about this keyword. It's just the subdomain of a lot of tech articles, by all different authors.
It only really makes sense to watch individual author names that have been found to be TPs (i.e., engaging in self-promotion). The old ones are unlikely to come back, so I'm not even bothering with it.
@Vickel Ah, I think you're referring to the !!/watch and !!/blacklist commands at the bottom of reports, which is available with FIRE Additional Functionality. If you're viewing a report in FIRE, it's probably already reported and in Metasmoke. Here's a quick install link
Heh, yeah, it's somewhat unofficial (as in it's not on our /scripts page). Really, a lot of it is something I'd like to see adopted in the main version of FIRE.
I am unsure if this is still the case, but I recall Makyen mentioning he has a lot of functionality that's not in the main branch, but the merging of those changes is likely in the middle of a very long list of things he's been meaning to do.
@Vickel That pattern looks like it's already caught by Blacklisted website in answer and Blacklisted website in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.