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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

sdc unwatch (?-i:^Faizan$)
@SmokeDetector tpu- undisclosed affiliation (see author of blog article). User has multiple such posts. Custom flagged.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): To disable steam overlay ✏️‭ by robert smith‭ on stackoverflow.com
sdc watch howtofolks\.com
sdc watch microtux\.nl
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev be355d16c (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of microtux\.nl by cigien) (running on teward/Osiris)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Updating CKFinder 3.3 to 3.5 requires a new li8cense‭ by Vaibhav Kulkarni‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Procedure to Create an Account on MetaMask.io Login‭ by MetaMask.io Login‭ on ethereum.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (2): In javascript, how can I uniquely identify one browser window from another which are under the same cookiedbased sessionId‭ by Attila‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Chrome cancels secure websocket connection but Firefox maintains it‭ by Auios‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (95): FHIR on EPIC Data Access‭ by Archana‭ on stackoverflow.com
fp feedback received on [MS] FHIR on EPIC Data Access
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (88): woocommerce after login redirect‭ by dsgeg‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body (96): What is your current credit score?‭ by Alex Cuomo‭ on security.SE
tpu- feedback received on [MS] What is your current credit score?
tpu- feedback received on [MS] woocommerce after login redirect
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Mobile. How do I open AVD‭ by Oculus‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): What is the LD_PRELOAD trick?‭ by user18121654‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Why is my Stripe API key not working in production?‭ by Matt Kuras‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): How do I sum two numbers in React Native?‭ by hkhkhk‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (153): jnvu-results-2022‭ by scrylearning‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Is there a way to zoom a portion of a ListLogLogPlot? ✏️‭ by seeker‭ on mathematica.SE
@SmokeDetector v
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): Alternative to MLX90614 IR Temperature Sensor : ISB-TS45D?‭ by aniket dhole‭ on electronics.SE
@Luuklag No, the error responses MS received are typical of the CloudFront rate limiting SE uses on the SE API, which is only one of the types of rate limiting SE uses for the SE API (i.e. there are other types of responses which also indicate rate limiting). For the request which MS was making, a deleted post will actually return data, specifically a flag option descriptor for the "in need of moderator attention" flag.
@SmokeDetector I wouldn't have a problem if SE chooses to block titles like this, but it's not spam or R/A (i.e. not really something we're looking to detect), so it's FP for us.
@tripleee I've cleaned up the erroneous entries, created a bookmarklet which will prompt you for a domain link ID to delete, which I posted on the original GitHub issue.
!!/watch- (?-i:officialmymetamaskioreviews)(?#sites.google.com)
!!/watch- metamask\.io
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev 020a2e446 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of metamask\.io by Makyen) (running on teward/Osiris)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad phone number in title, phone number detected in title (277): ''Help''microsoft.1-888/955/6668 com Talk To a Person‭ by hfzcqfouo‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): skip hidden files and directories in pathlib glob‭ by G C‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
tpu- feedback received on [MS] To disable steam overlay
@SmokeDetector Still alive, needs one or two more.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Как подключить OAuth в GitLab для входа через Telegram?‭ by TheCrew‭ on ru.stackoverflow.com (@VictorVosMottor)
@SmokeDetector f
@RobertColumbia Fresh olives, juicy onions, shredded cheese (with the small side of the grater). Throw those plus the spammers into a griddle and fry with butter. Butter the bread and toast under the grill for 5 minutes.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, potentially bad keyword in answer, toxic answer detected (158): GenerateReference error when building C# among us mod‭ by Hackerdude‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
I forgot the garlic powder and tarragon.
ooo tasty
Why, are you looking for something... different for dinner?
@Ollie yes :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): how would i scrape data from opensea?‭ by wes fedy‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (2): Are German university of applied science (Fachhochschule) Bachelor degrees recognized in US UK NZ or australia?‭ by dr.schultz‭ on academia.SE
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Vertical Datum conversion of a raster with gdal‭ by Charlie‭ on gis.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): Idea behind applications of homotopy and (co)homology groups‭ by user1022117‭ on math.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (2): Procedure to Create an Account on MetaMask.io Login‭ by gnzgfgd‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
sdc watch (?-i:officialmymetamaskioreviews)(?# sites.google.com)
@Ollie That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command if you really want to add the pattern you entered.
@SmokeDetector This feels like spam, but it looks like a poor real question where the user linked to their own site.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How to display python plots at real resolution on screen‭ by Chazzo‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at beginning of body, misleading link, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in title, +3 more (166): Cryptô.com Lôgin | Sign In Account | Exchange Cryptôcurrency‭ by crypto-com-login‭ on serverfault.com
!!/watch- cryptô\.com
!!/watch-force- crypto-com-login\.wixsite\.com
!!/watch- crypto-com-login(?!\.wixsite\.com)
sdc blacklist-number 1-808-800-3979
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (4): Accepted term for internet marketing scam/scheme‭ by joseph_jo1967‭ on money.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad phone number in title, phone number detected in title, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (185): Ticketmaster Customer Service 18O0-283-49I4 Ticketmaste‭ by Ticketmasterakab‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body (1): I am not receiving New Customer Order emails‭ by Phil West‭ on stackoverflow.com
@Makyen On its own, it might just be a low-quality question, but given that the website has been spammed before, I'm not inclined to give it the benefit of doubt.
sdc watch-number 27636605847
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Converting thermostat power supply from 230v to 12v‭ by tommy_pop‭ on electronics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, bad phone number in title, phone number detected in title, several emoji in title (377): 💋help-microsoft💋com-1-888-955-6668💋talk-to-a-person💋💋‭ by jdygdaigqx‭ on stackapps.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer (94): How do I get traffic source for each video?‭ by Gustavo Adolfo Rua‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, bad phone number in title, phone number detected in title, several emoji in title (377): 👣help-microsoft-com-1-(877)-947 {77-88}-talk-to👣a-person👣👣‭ by yctlxregvip‭ on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector f
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Некорректная работа draggable‭ by jurafenix‭ on ru.stackoverflow.com (@VictorVosMottor)
@SmokeDetector f
Makyen/MS-Relay: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 4dd95f541 (Makyen: Ping Makyen for some new metasmoke users) (running on Makyen/MS-Relay, Python 3.8.5)
teward/Osiris: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
Restart: API quota is 14725.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Debugging desktop Outlook Add-in‭ by jackdaw‭ on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector f
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): How to setup maven JavaFX application in IntelliJ with Hibernate & springboot‭ by uthy_97‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Postgres Tuning and scaling‭ by Farhad Hanifayev‭ on stackoverflow.com
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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