@Makyen I meant to ask about this report. I see you gave it NAA, but it looks like a link to their own article with an invitation to join them on an off-site platform, which seems TP to me.
@cigien I must admit I didn't actually take a look at the linked article. Overall, without having checked on the linked page, it felt more like a wayward user than someone actually spamming. However, looking at it again, it seems more TP than NAA.
@hyper-neutrino It doesn't look like spam to me. As you said, it's not promoting anything. It just seems to be a confused user, and they appear to have deleted the post already (unless a mod on MSE handled the NAA flag first).
@RyanM If you have any tips on how to do that, let me know ;) Not being able to see deleted posts is often frustrating.
@RyanM Sorry, no luck :p It was just a misplaced answer; looked on-topic on SU, or AU or something like that. hyper-neutrino has a guess at a question that seems a possible fit.
Maybe I should monitor the active page a bit more. I do see questions that I can answer every now and then, but they're usually answered, and I don't have anything new to add.
Reporting bugs does sound promising, and not difficult to write up the report. The tricky part is finding a bug though :p
@cigien Watching the MSE active page may not be all that worthwhile. It will depend. The last I checked, 60% to 75% of questions on MSE were off-topic/spam and ended up closed and/or deleted. Checking now: in about the last 24 hours: 43 total, 19 deleted, only 3 closed and not deleted, so not too bad at 51% not closed or deleted.
Basically blacklist manager (adding/removing watches and blacklist entries) is a separate thing since it's a bit more involved and is generally granted to people after they've demonstrated a sufficient track record of good watch/blacklist suggestions
@hyper-neutrino Yes, that's correct. Metasmoke will refuse to raise any flag for a moderator on the site(s) they moderate, neither automatic or manual flags.
perfect, no extra sound spam :-) I had always wondered if manual flags could be sent, since I'm not a moderator and can't test it myself. good to know.
@hyper-neutrino You can try this out. The answer has a fixed version of the script (supposedly). Never having used it myself, I have no idea how well, or even if, it works, but it's worth a shot.
@RyanM The link looks spammy, and the account that posted the spam was made within 15 minutes of this one, so definitely fishy. I've flagged it, let's see what happens.
@Makyen That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body; append -force if you really want to do that.
@Makyen yep, I noted that I did in my comment on the MS report
@Makyen see https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&title_is_regex=1&title=%5Cb(%3Fs%3Aivf%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B(%3F%3A%5Cw%2B%2B%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B)%3Fin%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B%5CL%3Ccity%3E)%5Cb&body_is_regex=1&body=%5Cb(%3Fs%3Aivf%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B(%3F%3A%5Cw%2B%2B%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B)%3Fin%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B%5CL%3Ccity%3E)%5Cb&username_is_regex=1&username=%5Cb(%3Fs%3Aivf%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B(%3F%3A%5Cw%2B%2B%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B)%3Fin%5B%5CW_%5D*%2B%5CL%3Ccity%3E)%5Cb&or_search=1
oh for crying out loud, chat really doesn't like complicated links...
Well, it results in "Mysql2::Error: Got error 'PCRE does not support \L, ...."
@RyanM Yeah, of course. You need to construct that list from the list of "cities" that's in findspam.py. MS doesn't know what that list is, even if named lists were a part of the regular expression implementation MS uses.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, offensive body detected, offensive title detected, +3 more (349): (nsfw content) by (nsfw username) on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching product name in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, +1 more (294): How To Use KetoGo Pills? [No Side-Effects] by kitowanto on askubuntu.com (@Ollie)