@Yatin Matched by (?:films?|complets?|regarder(?:s|es)?|t[ée]l[ée]chargements|en\s*ligne|gratuits?|diffusion|courant)(?:[\W_]*+\w+){0,5}(?:[\W_]*+(?:films?|complets?|regarder(?:s|es)?|t[ée]l[ée]chargements|en\s*ligne|gratuits?|diffusion|courant)){2,}(?#French verion) on line 15376 of watched_keywords.txt
> Mostly non-latin body, mostly non-latin title ---------- Mostly non-latin body - Text contains 74 non-Latin characters out of 74 Mostly non-latin title - Text contains 74 non-Latin characters out of 74
IK smokey... I just wanna see if you can catch the body without the username...
!!/bisect Oh, dude, it is too tricky. But it is absolutely clear that it is ƒück1n6. Now is my turn: "What did the banana say to the v1bràt0r? Why are you shaking?". The answer is: "She’s going to eat me!". Dude, I'm just kidding, don't you see?
@Yatin 'Oh, dude, it is too tricky. But it is absolutely clear that it is ƒück1n6. Now is my turn: "What did the banana say to the v1bràt0r? Why are you shaking?". The answer is: "She’s going to eat me!". Dude, I\'m just kidding, don\'t you see?' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
@VictorVosMottor Matched by [WѡᎳWw](?!(?<=W)(?:ea?sley|ensley|elsley))(?:[3€ÈÉÊËéêëĒēĔĕĖėĘĚěΕЕеᎬEe]|e.?)[s$ЅՏႽᏚР堠Ss][l1£ʟιاᏞⅬⅼLl](?:[3€ÈÉÊËéêëĒēĔĕĖėĘĚěΕЕеᎬEe]|e.?)(?:[ʏΥγуҮYy]|y.?) on line 24983 of watched_keywords.txt
@Yatin 'marijuana' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Misleading link, pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username, blacklisted user (174): Guess these Anime Movies by W3sley Àtw00d on puzzling.SE
@SmokeDetector Looking at WayBackMachine records, the user has been suspended multiple times on The Workplace, so I doubt that this is a compromised account.