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And can we disable those 2 reasons for Maths and Stats for the above report?
just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all the work everyone here is doing. the room we setup for gaming a few weeks back has been pretty useful for our mod team in getting somethings that we mightve missed or not seen quickly before
@Dragonrage I don’t want to take credit for anything but no problem, let us know if you or anyone else has any questions :)
AFAIK @Makyen did it for you
@Makyen I don’t know sql so I guess that’s a no then :)
@Daniil yeah, they fixed some of the config and stuff i didnt get quite right in the setup
@Dragonrage Great! I'm glad it's been helpful for you. If there's anything else we can do, please let us know.
@Daniil Yeah, it's an opportunity to learn SQL. :)
@Makyen will do.
@Makyen Too busy with my broken PR, git and FIRE improvements right now and then I need to figure out if @CodyGray was serious about me adding a time delay to the Advanced Flagging script so not for a long while :)
i did have a couple questions about how the feedback stuff worked. i assume it helps the smokedetector refine its filter or w/e (i assume some regex with maybe some neural networks and stuff), but is it helpful if i see something reported as spam by the bot to give feedback saying it is spam if i nuke it?
@Daniil You actually can do a search that is more complex from the search page that looks at multiple reasons. However, you start needing to construct a regex for the why data that detects or excludes the reasons you are interested in. Another possibility is to pick a reason, then search in the why data for the other reason, or the invert of the other reason.
@Dragonrage It helps keep a record. All reports are stored on Metasmoke, so we can look at spam patterns and blacklist or watch domains that appear often so we detect them and spam flag them to death :)
@Dragonrage Yes, it is helpful. We do track when reported posts are deleted, but that's not used for determining if the report was a true positive or false positive.
[Sorry, pressed enter to early. Typing on a mobile is hard]
ok, cool. ill make sure to keep reporting them by replying to the bot message when i nuke them, or see they have been nuked
@Makyen Never knew you could regex search the why data, I’ll give it a try. Thanks
@Dragonrage Sounds good :)
@Dragonrage Thanks. It does help.
one last question for now, im not sure if it was part of the settings i asked for to be setup, but when it reports potential badword in answer, is there a way of seeing what that word that triggered it is?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Explain hydrodynamic Levitation by Karanbir Singh on physics.SE
@Dragonrage That will be available in the "why" data.
@SmokeDetector why
@Makyen Potentially bad keyword in answer - Position 0-29: <p><a href="https://youtu.be/
@Dragonrage Yes, 2 ways at least: 1. Go to the relative MS report and it will say the detection reasons at the bottom 2. Reply why and SD will tell you in chat
sdc bisect <p><a href="https://youtu.be/
@Daniil Matched by ^\s*<p>\s*(?:</?\w+/?>\s*)*<a href="(?:(?:[a-z]+:)?//(?:[^" >/.]*\.)*(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)[/"])\W*(?![\W\w]*?</(?:code|blockquote)>)(?#Separate start with youtube watch; lower TP rate, but most TP are not otherwise detected) on line 6954 of watched_keywords.txt
ah, i see. that is helpful, thanks for the help
@Dragonrage No problem :)
We're happy to help.
so this indicates boss is the potential badword? metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/254310
teward/Osiris: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 9fc40d0 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of (?-i:NQH7C\.jpg) by Makyen) (running on teward/Osiris, Python 3.6.9)
Restart: API quota is 19637.
@Dragonrage Specifically: stuff to it like the boss, and Boss!!!</code> and it could have an enchanted sword and when you kill. Context around the words is important as several detection reasons rely on surrounding words. You can differentiate the different keywords by looking at the position’s
@Daniil No. What I need is going to end up probably being more custom than just a modification to add a time delay.
@Dragonrage It indicates that something in the phrases which were detected was being looked for. In this specific case, it's a regular expression which is looking for potential rude uses by trolls about "stuff", bosses and "kill". Those words have a wide variety of combinations which are R/A. Unfortunately, it's difficult to programmatically differentiate between which are R/A and which are just using those words in close proximity to each other.
But it doesn't save me time, so it's nowhere near on the priority list, unfortunately.
Now that Makyen's a mod, maybe he'll do it.
@CodyGray Possibly. What were we talking about?
@Makyen Ensuring that a post I'm about to nuke as spam has been reported to SD, and if it has not, reporting it first before it gets nuked.
@Makyen ah, ok. that makes sense. curious if it has any weights per sight, since i would expect to see "boss" and "kill" somewhat frequently together in valid posts on arqade, but not so much workplace or other sites
Complicated by the fact that I, being extremely lazy and having a lot of spam to nuke, use a userscript by Sam that allows me to click a single button which basically flags the post as spam, suspends the posting account for 365 days, and destroys the account.
@CodyGray Why step 2?
So, Daniil suggested that there was an Advanced Flagging userscript that could show whether or not a post had already been reported to SD as spam, but that wouldn't work well with my existing workflow unless a delay was added to the nuke switch, since SD will need time to process the incoming post before it gets nuked.
If it’s a mod userscript it’s almost definitely by Sam :)
@Daniil Reasons that I'd rather not discuss publicly.
@CodyGray im glad i dont have that much spam to deal with. its very cathartic to manually click the destroy user button
@Daniil I've written a number of them myself, as have some of the other SO mods.
@CodyGray Given that I'm also lazy, in the programmer/engineer way, and want good info for SmokeDetector, I'd expect I'll make some changes. :)
@CodyGray We can take it private?
Basically, it stops the spam at a lower level than simply destroying the account. It puts system-level blocks in place against the account's recreation.
That part isn't private.
@Makyen arent all programmers lazy? thats like a requirement, right? be lazy and make the computer do the work for you
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Explain hydrodynamic Levitation by Karanbir Singh on physics.SE
@SmokeDetector naa-
@Dragonrage I consider it a requirement in order to be a good programmer/engineer. Although, it's a special kind of laziness where you're willing to put in a lot of effort to save effort down the road.
Don't forget to consult the chart
@CodyGray exactly
@user12986714 Unless the user has a history of posting that link/similar links, please don’t report posts like that
@CodyGray :)
@user12986714 That looks like an innocuous link that they believe is relevant to the question. It should have been an edit to their existing answer. You can comment accordingly, and flag that second answer for deletion as "not an answer". It isn't spam, though.
@CodyGray The VLQ flag is more relevant imo
also, on a completely random side note, i saw ArtofCode'sm pinned message and was confused. Mods for me show up orange in chat
Yeah, I don't know what mods on other sites do, but on SO, NAA == VLQ. They're interpreted and processed equivalently.
@CodyGray I think the author of the video is the same as the author of the post, according to their usernames
@Dragonrage Not for me... Look in the gutter at the user names. Our three names are all blue.
@CodyGray *four names
@user12986714 That still doesn't, in my opinion, make it the kind of spam that SD is designed to catch. That's simply a failure to provide a disclaimer (physics.stackexchange.com/help/promotion), which is a problem best dealt with on a local level by reaching out to the user.
@user12986714 this is basically a self answered question too
@Dragonrage I'd have to double check, but I don't believe that one is currently adjusted per site. The "weight" we use is usually of an overall detection reason, although some of those detections, or at least part of them, are not run, or run differently, on some sites in order to reduce the rate of false positives. The particular reason for that detection is our "watchlist". We consider it an experimental reason and the "weight" is locked to 1 in order to not have a large affect on autoflagging.
@CodyGray i use a custom browser extension to dynamically convert 95% of pages to dark theme, which has the result of making mods orange
@Dragonrage Ah, okay. It just inverts the colors? That would make sense, then blue would become orange.
@CodyGray havent really dug into the code too much, but i would guess thats a large part of how it does it. it works pretty well, and saves my eyes a lot of pain
@Dragonrage Don't really follow that logic. The only time a light theme would cause pain is if you were staring at the screen in a dark room, which you really shouldn't do. That's bad for your eyes and focus even with a dark theme.
At any rate, have you seen Samuel Liew's dark theme userscript? It's pretty polished. Or maybe you're happy with what you have, in which case ignore me.
@Dragonrage Hope you don’t use the inbuilt SO one, that’s painful
i also use a chat extension fredley made which does some different stuff for it as well
@CodyGray I don’t think it’s polished but that’s just my opinion
Oh, well, that's the rumor I heard. Might've been from Sam. :-p I don't use it. As I said, don't see the point in dark mode.
Turn on ambient light.
@CodyGray i havent tried that. i use dark reader, and it works pretty well for basically all sites ive used it on.
@Makyen ah, ok. wasnt really sure how the backend works, just sorta guessing at it based on how i would probably approach the problem. if there ever is an effort to put in more weights for different keywords based on site, Im happy to help for gaming :)
Bleh, ketchup
@Dragonrage We have a blacklist which has a higher weight but AFAIK we don’t have a way to implement it for one site only. Let us know of any spam patterns you notice though :)
@CodyGray maybe i have bad eyes or something, but if i dont use a dark theme, my eyes start hurting pretty quickly and i get a headache after like 15-20 minutes. and i almost always have good ambient lighting
@CodyGray ?
I recognized Dragonrage's name, but I couldn't remember which site he was a mod on. So I went to look. And that led to me reading his profile. Which led to seeing something about ketchup. Which led to "bleh".
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Getting 504 Gateway Time-out while running SplashRequest through ScrapySpider ✏️ by Abeer on stackoverflow.com
fp feedback received
@CodyGray Kind of random but ok
How many times are you gonna flag that, SD? Time to give up, I think.
@SmokeDetector ignore-
@CodyGray hmm, yeah, i should update that. i generally prefer salsa or hot sauce over ketchup. only really have ketchup with like fries/tater tots
Yes, I do random sometimes.
@Dragonrage Even then, some hot sauce is better.
@CodyGray true that. i love spicy stuff.
My favorite is Valentina Black Label
Cheap, spicy, bullshit-free.
i have family that puts ketchup on like quesadillas and stuff, and im like pls no
Ugh, no.
@CodyGray i do enjoy Valentina. also Frank's red hot sauce and siracha are pretty good
Although food suggestions from me should be taken with a few gallons of water. I'm one of those people who goes into a Thai restaurant and orders food "as spicy as you can make it". So...most of what I eat would burn other people's mouths.
Sriracha is way better than ketchup, that's for sure, but it's nowhere near spicy.
@CodyGray its barely spicy, but i do enjoy the flavor. I love spicy food, and will eat really spicy hot sauce, but it still has to taste good
Yeah, totally. it's all about the flavor.
I actually don't do that ghost pepper hot sauce that is all about the heat and not flavor. That misses the point for me.
i think the spiciest ive done that i can remember was about 1 million scovilles. wasnt too bad as far as spiciness, but didnt really enjoy the flavor
Although, Yellowbird's Ghost Pepper Condiment is good.... Like all of the Yellowbird salsas.
i mixed it with some cholula though, and that was pretty good. mostly cholula flavor with some extra kick
anyhow, i meant to upload this a bit ago, but this is what my chat looks like with dark mode
You have diamonds, too
cant remember if that is built in or from fredleys userscript

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