@quartata whatever I do, git doesn't want to push. Even if I git fetch quartata master, git reset --hard quartata/master, then git push qartata master, it complains about the branch not being up to date. Strangely, the output of git pull shows master -> FETCH_HEAD rather than master -> master. Git logs are identical. I've even tried checking out into a new branch, but still having problems. Any ideas?
Maybe my merge commit messed something up?
I could try a force push, but that may break things
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: , to lose liberally more gainful by Ther ewo on drupal.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: skin care is good supplement by user79460 on workplace.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Radiant revive cream by namieberel on meta.SE
@NVZ looks vaguely spammy but I don't find this domain in SE searches so it's possible that it's just a user who needs to be reminded of the "no signatures" policy
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: It really is great, however by Youre ewo on drupal.SE
CI on fc0fcde succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at [rev fc0fcde (SmokeDetector: Auto blacklist of zone/[^/]*mp3-(?:song-)?download by tripleee --autopull)](//github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/commit/fc0fcde) (running on angussidney/EC2)
Restart: API quota is 19103.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: You can hand out that's what by Roktyxolt on astronomy.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Everest Male Formula is working? by dakudaddy on askubuntu.com
@Magisch sorry I missed your question before ... yes, you can watch anything, the regex is applied to the entire title and entire body in the form they are fetched from the API (i.e. basically the HTML generated from the Markdown)
but 7/7 is sufficient for blacklisting under the proposed new regime
there is an existing blacklist entry for just "hotcyberlord" but I guess it hasn't been matching anything because it is only applied within word boundaries
@tripleee That pattern looks like it's already caught by Pattern-matching website in body and Pattern-matching website in answer; use !!/blacklist-website-force if you really want to do that.
CI on 502e83d succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at [rev 502e83d (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of (?<=/)dmp[-/<"] by tripleee --autopull)](//github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/commit/502e83d) (running on angussidney/EC2)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +4 more: x4up.org/rejuvilane/ by ytcyywpjr on askubuntu.com (@HenryWHHackv2.1)