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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@ThomasWard ...oh my, oops!
@ThomasWard I know the feeling, I have one for work
which is actually good fun, because nobody else does so all the customers think I'm some senior person
@ArtOfCode heheh I know that feeling too xD
I know a TON of things and even the senior tech guys ask me questions
snap :)
we have a policy that people don't get to talk to a manager when they first ask
well, it's not a policy, but we do it
so if someone asks for a manager, the instructor they're asking sends them to me
it probably is because i'm a linux guy and i'm like THE linux guy at the one client
so :p
then if they ask me for my manager I send 'em to the real manager
and lol, @ArtOfCode
also, I have a rogue <th /> turning up in a table and I can't find the source
Also also, Town Hall chat scheduled for 1830Z today, someone remember to disable Smokey
grabs a shotgun Mmkay.
I'll load up TCOM in chq only mode. All things shall be good then.
@ThomasWard No. You don't need to. Smokey can be blocked in just one room
since when? o.O
shrugs new things i don't read up on.
a year or two ago?
remind me how we silence it in a specific room again?
other than, you know, kicking it. :P
!!/block 3600 89 in the Tavern will silence smokey for 1 hour
ah cool.
Worked perfectly last time
I'll be around. I am just setting up a new laptop
@SmokeDetector I'm not sure if this is really spam. It's copied from here but I doubt the author of the SE post has bad intentions. Also, it's on-topic.
And either the spam flags have been cleared or compensated by upvotes.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: www.supplementscart.com/testo-max-xtreme by Ceeperbower on apple.SE
tpu- by Glorfindel
!!/test testo-max
> Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username
Title - Position 1-10: testo-max
Body - Position 1-10: testo-max
Username - Position 1-10: testo-max
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title, +1 more: purehealthfacts.com/povella-moisturizer/ by fqw ivetagd on graphicdesign.SE
tpu- by Glorfindel
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer: Getting a foreign prescription for a prescription drug filled in the US by Jessica on travel.SE
tpu- by Glorfindel
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, mostly dots in body, offensive title detected: I'll fuck you anyway by Sex on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
!!/watch www\.excel\.repair
@Glorfindel Added www\.excel\.repair to watchlist
(possible spam on Super User)
CI on 4fe2fa6 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 10818.
@SmokeDetector It's weird that this user recently got citizen patrol badge.
@MartinSleziak yeah, strange. Can you perhaps flag your own post at 1 rep?
fires up sockpuppet to test
Yes, yes you can
Raise your hand if you think @ArtOfCode knows that because of "science" done on his own account
Reports blocked for 4600 seconds in room 89.
punches hole in ceiling
You can flag your own post, but only for moderator attention. raises hand
I believe you are an hour early on that block, @ArtOfCode
@SmokeDetector ??
I assume room 89 is some site's mod room
since I don't have access
That doesn't block them here does it
It's just in that room
oh wait
I'm real smart
This is Tavern
It should say which site it is...
did I miss the town hall in Tavern or no?
i was all ready to silence Smokey in there
fp- by Glorfindel
Starts in 30 minutes
so Art was a little early
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer: Tkinter Listbox: change color of certain items by GURG on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by Glorfindel
@Andy bah, UTC/GMT/BST conversions :(
Flash is reaching end of life in 2020
This is the best day of my life
@quartata Thank goodness
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this
It's actually rather bittersweet
The internet has lost the one technology we can all agree on hating
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in body: Random java and Finding random by Jeremey Samaroo on stackoverflow.com
sd rude
@SmokeDetector v
@Glorfindel User removed from blacklist (8371787 on stackoverflow.com).
Oh, sorry.
@quartata hard to see the difference when the post is already deleted :)
Yeah but MS has the revision count
Unless you have 10k, of course.
Reports blocked for 3600 seconds in room 89.
two blocks
!!/test Poraxin RX
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
!!/blacklist-keyword Poraxin\WRX
@NobodyNada Blacklisted Poraxin\WRX
@quartata \o/
7/7 one with weight 90
CI on cb94d45 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 9912.
1 hour later…
Did someone flag my content? I was unexpectedly suspended on this chat server for 30 minutes.
4 hours ago, by Thomas Ward
hate trying to use chat on my phone. accidentally sniped @bwDraco. Sorry about that, I've fixed that issue.
Ah. It didn't show up on my phone.
Doubt it was that since draco said "That's okay" after that message
It was visible in a different room.
oh huh
@quartata Draco and/or Thomas will have to provide a definitive answer, but I had no idea what "sniped" meant in Thomas's message
so it's possible draco didn't know exactly what happened
Shog9 confirmed a mod flagged one of my messages. I was a bit confused because I was on my phone when it happened and my laptop says I've been suspended.
@ThomasWard, just so you know, I was on my phone at the time and did not realize that I was erroneously suspended until I got back to my laptop a few hours later. This left me a bit confused, but I'm not upset. Don't worry about it.
Heh. Now mods will be wondering for eternity what was offensive about 'Sorry it took a while, was busy trimming grass in the yard.' :P
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: copy paste between remote sessions remmina by ben on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, blacklisted user: copy paste between remote sessions remmina by ben on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer: Tips for purchasing food and drink for a talk by Meriel Peterich on academia.SE
tpu- by DraconicPenguin on copy paste between remote sessions remmina [MS]
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
Ruled spam because the linked blog post is off-topic.
@bwDraco yeah i was wondering why you didn't come back and smack me lol. All's good though. Accidents happen!
@bwDraco hmm ... I ordered Smokey to watch that, but I can't remember why and metasmoke doesn't help :x
Jul 15 at 6:39, by Glorfindel
(suspicious post on Workplace SE, not entirely sure if spam)
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: deleteddeleteddeleted by zammy on wordpress.SE
@SmokeDetector Doesn’t look particularly swastika-like to me:
So here's a dashboard. What do people think?
good but should have its own tab
a little house icon would be fine
it's just "home"
click metasmoke, that takes you home
why is the reasons tab highlighted then
discount the reasons tab being highlighted, that's a legacy thing that I have yet to disable
it's not actually related to reasons or even under the reasons controller
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on e60869e: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
oh all right then
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on e60869e: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
That would make a better home page.
wouldn't hurt to highlight the metasmoke icon instead just to make it more obvious that that's the home tab
@quartata I'm... not sure we can, actually
Why not? It's just CSS right
not without custom CSS for it, anyway, which is excessive
highlighting the links is just add the .active class
Why would it be excessive?
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 1c39a1e: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
Doesn't seem like it's worth rolling our own CSS to match a look elsewhere, given that we'll then have to maintain it to be consistent with changes to Bootstrap. It's the first page you hit on metasmoke, I'm not sure it needs a lot more indication
@ArtOfCode nice!
So what does it take to run a SmokeDetector instance?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer: How can I left align title-bar text in Windows 8? by bob higgleton on superuser.com
The stats look kind of hard to read, maybe format them a bit differently?
tp- by DraconicPenguin
@NobodyNada Aye, that was my only hesitation about it too. What would you suggest?
Putting tp, fp, and NAA each on their own line might help
@bwDraco having a server, occasional time to maintain it, and the willingness to do it
It mostly runs itself once you've set it up first time, but if you're the active instance it does go wrong now and then
I have the technical ability to operate a SmokeDetector instance on one of my servers (which has next to no load) but I'm not 100% sure if I can commit to it.
Maybe something like:
57154 (80.31%) true positives
11155 (15.68%) false positives
3291 (4.62%) NAA
(Linode $5/month 1GB plan - affiliate link available upon request)
would be a bit easier to read
Maybe even put them in a table-like thing?
@JF He referring to his gravatar
ok thx u are the best eat my organs — bob higgleton 43 secs ago
naa- by Jan Dvorak
@bwDraco Your call. We do have plenty of hosts, so if you're not sure there's definitely no pressure for you to do it; on the other hand, if you do want to then you're welcome to, even if it's not for 100% uptime.
Ah well. I probably won't do it for now, but if you need a hand, just let me know.
aye aye
How're bulleted lists, @NobodyNada?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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