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@quartata teward / Midnight Eclipse
oh no the space between backslash infection is spreading
sd - fp-
@quartata would you say that that's NAA? I would say so.
@CalvT that would be pattern-matching website, not blacklisted website
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: AMDGPU-PRO breaks boot (Ubuntu 16.04) by Adalgar on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
tpu- by Hyper Neutrino
@HyperNeutrino teward / Midnight Eclipse
@quartata What backslash?
Forward slash, feh.
Looks more like the MS-Cancer virus is spreading to me.
Not forward.
Just slash.
Do you type forward spaces?
No but I figured in this context it would make it clear that I was aware of my mistake
Slashes have positive slope.
> Answer: This is an unsolicited gift of the computer keyboard. Basic though it may be to elementary computer operations, it has no accepted function in typography.
What's the question?
And whose answer is it?
Not sure whose answer.
The whole Earth was created to question that answer
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci failure on 272e00a: Your tests failed on CircleCI
Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style
Unsolicited gifts are what my cat brings me.
yeah backslashes are not used in regular language\typography.
Don't DO that!
You used the wrong one. :/
Oh sorry :\
@HyperNeutrino Running since 23:20:15 UTC (176 minutes)
@HyperNeutrino teward / Midnight Eclipse
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 12b840e: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 12b840e: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
See? :)
\ is not a slash
@QPaysTaxes status-declined: unclear. Did you mean backslashes in addition to slashes?
It's a Microsoft fuck-up they chose because they wanted to be gratuitously different from the standard path notation. It’s evil by design that causes no end of grief in our programming languages where they’ve conflated the escaping character with the path separator. It was a major dumb-ass move that has cursed generations and generations of programmers and users, and millions of lines of fucked-up code.
basically they were too cool for POSIX
I know the rules.
See the problem?
Bloody screaming idiots.
omfg serious?
Of course C antedates MS-LOS.
Why memorize?
Oh right, you weren't there. :)
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 3aff6d0: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
Unix was written in 1969, and C had precursors.
MS-LOS in 1981.
Isn't that embarrassing that real operating systems were out there long before and they had to go and screw crap up that bad anyway?
You might be thinking of CP/M.
Microsoft's job is to take something decent, and make it bad.
Or at least do nothing to improve on it and just add about of random stuff.
Example: Minecraft.
"Improve" haha.
lord god preserve us
For $64k, “Can you easily program in it without an IDE?”
"User Experience". Um. Wow, the irony.
sd - why
1. [:37242046] <skipped>
2. [:37242042] Post manually reported by user *Gerry* in room *Tavern on the Meta*.
Oh wait it's manual.
”Use REXperience: you’ll never go back.”
What about "link is similar to username"?
@QPaysTaxes On?
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on ae115c4: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
For that we invented make.
% GCC foo.c
GCC: Command not found.

% Make trouble
Make: Command not found.
Ick ick ick ick ick.
The executable is called gcc. And make.
Not GCC and Make. :)
What's that?
The language is C.
The compiler is gcc or cc or whatever.
Anyway, make is all I’ve ever needed to build projects with thousands and thousands of source files.
I have an allergy with things beginning with W- is all, sorry. :)
I'd rather die.
Or be a greeter at Malwart.
My sense is that if you need an IDE to program something, it’s too complicated.
I’ve tried them. Drove me mad. Wouldn't touch them if you paid me.
They don't know vi keystrokes.
Those aren't different in any way that would be meaningful to you.
All Unix programs have lowercase names, by the way.
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on a9178e0: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
Wasn't supposed to insult anybody!
I swear.
metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/search now has, theoretically, an ability to search by autoflag status. I'm pretty sure it's breakable, ya'll are welcome to make an attempt.
I meant that the distinction in keystroke commands between vim and vi is a matter of trivia that a Microsoft user would have no appreciation for.
I'm a Linux user and I don't really know the difference, beyond "vim is probably better than vi because it has more letters"
I'm sure that if I told you that ^A does something in vim but not in vi, or that the J command joins differently in the two, you wouldn't care.
Am I right? :)
vim is bloater than vi, that's for sure.
But everybody uses vim at work.
Doesn't matter to me, much. Just a few weirdo things different.
emacs is a keyboard IDE; vim tried to be that, and seems to have come to dominated that space. If you use vim as vi, I guess it's like using C++ as C. It works well enough for that.
Q: What is the difference between Vi and Vim?

EthyleneThis might sound like an idiotic question. I would appreciate it if someone can let a newbie know what the differences are between vi and vim. I've heard vim is a successor to vi but whenever I try to open vi in Ubuntu it opens vim instead.

@tchrist Pretty much
Taught so.
I don't know many people who use straight vi anymore, although I do have it installed (Bostic vi);.
Not Joy vi.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching product name in body, +3 more: onlinehealthmarkets.com/zyacin-male-enhancement/ by bkxrtaglead on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
@QPaysTaxes That's certainly a meaningful difference.
@QPaysTaxes I can make no argument for you: mostly it has to do with muscle memory and memory footprint.
But I am really never going to get used to capitalizing the names of programs that are in lowercase. :/
@QPaysTaxes 35k executable versus 1473k executable
@QPaysTaxes How so?
I know classic C pretty well, like 9 out of 10 kind of well. What bothered you?
@QPaysTaxes Of course.
These things matter.
But I'm more interested in what bugged you about pre-C11.
Well, you don't have to go to C11 to get void *.
You know, I honestly don't recall when that first appeared.
K&R C did not have void.
Those were added later.
> In the years following the publication of K&R C, several features were added to the language, supported by compilers from AT&T (in particular PCC[15]) and some other vendors. These included:

void functions (i.e., functions with no return value)
functions returning struct or union types (rather than pointers)
assignment for struct data types
enumerated types
But I've programmed with void for so long I barely remember not having it.
Returning structs is weird though.
(Rather than pointers)
Haven't thought about it.
Um, don't do that.
That's an auto.
Don't return pointers to stuff on your stack. Who does that?
Guess I'm just used to malloc and friends. Never thought to return a guyjantic thing.
How old are you again? :)
I figured you'd stand a better chance of knowing what I was saying by spelling it guyjantic than properly spelling it [gʌɪ̯ˈd͡ʒæ̃ntɪk].
Am I right? :)
Think of it as a humorous spoonerism.
A metathetic emendation.
echo $TZ
oh my
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 8f9e785: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
Do you have an /etc/localtime symlink to something in zoneinfo?
Well, or hard.
Or you could just tell me your timezone. :)
@QPaysTaxes Stephen Colbert won't get you kicked, don't worry.
@HyperNeutrino teward / Midnight Eclipse
"teward" -> Thomas Ward?
Do this: date +%Z
Well, or +%z depending.
Ok, gimme the other one.
You're a Newfie or Brazilian?
-0500 is, amongst other things, EST5EDT.
I would have expected it to have said EDT not DST.
>_> wow so many canadian jokes why
Don't worry about it, je n'allais pas te falar en português, eh.
Je ne vous comprend pas. ;_; (comprends?)
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 335b768: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
How come you're not in EDT at -0400? There "is no" recognized timezone abbreviation called DST.
Ok I give, how come Smokey's a ru-moaner?
Must be something.
Thank God.
You're in the Virgin Islands?
They're on unchanging Atlantic Time.
Well, you deserve to be tired then, in any event.
And when's cockcrow these days, eh?
It's 11:25 in EDT. 11:55 in that weird Newfie time over to the East :P
Which means the birds wake up in around 5 hours. Are you mad?
Question: Of all users here, what's the most common parent account site? (e.g. Mine is PPCG)
@QPaysTaxes Good night.
I'm really sorry you thought I was saying unkind things.
@QPaysTaxes Same lol
41 mins ago, by QPaysTaxes
No seriously I can't tell
Yes, well.
I was worried you'd stolen a barricade.
taken a fence
You must need a nap. Or caffeine.
I haven't seen snow in days.
Nor frost even.
I'll be really pissed if I do, because I've been a damned fool and gone and put my tomatoes in this weekend.
@QPaysTaxes Um, so?
It's technically spring here, but I'm in Canada.
I had ten inches of snow like a week ago. And a little bit a couple days ago.
@QPaysTaxes No. It's a "small" part of the US's land.
But I really think it's on its way out. I keep telling myself that.
There was actual thunder today.
Yay :D
"small" because it's larger than the US lol
and if Canada gets taken over the US is gonna have fun defending the border rip
Perhaps the Crown will invade.
The Canadian coastline is only around fifty kiloleagues IIRC.
In the standard way.
Without the little islands, it's not even 15 kiloleagues.
A league is an hour's walk at three miles per hour.
When people walked everywhere by foot, knowing how many hours away something was turns out to be pretty handy.
Happy assay.
@HyperNeutrino Running since 23:20:15 UTC (268 minutes)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer: play with scala increase running performance by asdadsadadadadadas on stackoverflow.com (@HyperNeutrino)
no wrong one
sd del tp-
!!/addblu 7978559 stackoverflow.com
@HyperNeutrino User blacklisted (7978559 on stackoverflow.com).
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Google+ Not Detecting Images from the Article by Prince Jindal on webmasters.SE
sd why
@HyperNeutrino [:37243364] Body - Position 299-317: //healthyceleb.com
sd - fp
1. [:37243376] <skipped>
2. [:37243364] Registered question as false positive.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Building body is not constantly a complex procedure by utiufyjuriya on apple.SE (@CalvT)
tpu- by tripleee
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Learning Much More The Skin Care Products by Bakrilb on graphicdesign.SE
tpu- by tripleee
sd - tpu-
googling "katosh and karisa" reveals a spam spree across Youtube and various blogs over the last 30 minutes or so ... I'm thinking that's enough to warrant blacklisting
!!/blacklist-keyword katosh\Wand\Wkarisa
@tripleee Blacklisted katosh\Wand\Wkarisa
Probably would be good to raise defenses against it :'P
CI on 955282d succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 955282d (SmokeDetector: Auto blacklist of katosh\Wand\Wkarisa by tripleee --autopull) (running on teward / Midnight Eclipse)
Restart: API quota is 15215.
@HyperNeutrino brews coffee for @HyperNeutrino
@HyperNeutrino I'm thinking we should have a temporary blacklist which goes into effect immediately but times out if there are no hits in, say, 48 hours
That sounds like a pretty good idea. You may want to suggest it to Undo/ArtOfCode/Thomas/whomever else.
@HyperNeutrino oh I can implement it myself, I've been thinking about implementation details over the weekend
Oh I see.
!!/amicodeprivileged (I'm hoping this gives me a useful link)
@HyperNeutrino No, you are not a code-privileged user.
@HyperNeutrino link to what?
I want to look at the code privileges guidelines/page/thingy
@tripleee Yes, you have code privileges.
there are links in the upper right corner of the chat
hmmm, doesn't explain code privs
Hm. Thanks, but not the right one.
do you have a specific question?
Mostly just wondering what sort of users get code privs. I'm new here so I'm not expecting code privs but just something to keep in the back of my mine, if that makes sense.
charcoal-se.org/smokey/Commands lists ability to blacklist without approval as the one thing code privilege gets you, so I'm guessing you are looking for the blacklisting guidance ...?
@HyperNeutrino oh some useful approved blacklisting PRs are probably all it takes
Oh okay. Thanks.
Yeah so AFAIK, generally it's bad to blacklist things that would catch too many fps and good to blacklist things that will catch a lot of spam. Are there more specific guidelines? (I'm also looking through the page right now)
Cool, thanks.
couldn't find anything specific on keyword blacklisting
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: Luminis Skin Serum by user236882 on apple.SE (@CalvT)
tpu- by Hyper Neutrino
Alright. Thanks!
And also I just realized what your profile picture is >_> lol
!!/unnotify 11540 stackoverflow.com
@HyperNeutrino I will no longer ping you if I report a post on stackoverflow.com, in room 11540 on chat.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: 12 Hints For Perfect Looking Skin by finlarson on apple.SE (@CalvT)
tpu- by Hyper Neutrino

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