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Re this: I did blame on the line with that check and it looks like it was @hichris123 who added it, does anyone remember why?
There might be a more complex reason I'm not aware of
> Out of all of the posts detected on SO with a code block, none were true
positives. There was only one true positive over the whole network, that
was on Apple.SE.
Not seeing anything in the transcript around that time
This confirms what I suspected and also that we should really just strip the code blocks out
All of the false positives are either comments or button labels and stuff
Agree. I'm fixing
Huh, that's interesting.
@quartata We already strip code blocks. github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/blob/master/…
So it's super useless then? :P
I guess
Removing it, and closing the issue
Unless I'm reading the history wrong it seems like it's always stripped them so something is off
CI on 35091cb succeeded.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 35091cb (Undo1: Remove code block check) (running on ArtOfCode/EC2)
Q: How do you safely delete a piece of code that looks like it's never entered?

Brad ThomasYou've found some code that looks superfluous, and the compiler doesn't notice that. What do you do to be sure (or as close to sure as you can) that deleting this code won't cause regression. Two ideas spring to mind. "Simply" use deduction based on whether or not the code looks like it should...

Restart: API quota is 2950.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in title, title has only one unique char: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb by J.Doe on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector v
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: BrowserFactory look correct? Need Concurrent Test Execution by Gbru on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by ArtOfCode
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: Difficulty loading FXML file in Eclipse by J.Doe on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector why
Title - Repeated character: *bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb*
Title - Position 1-51: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Post - Contains 2 unique characters
@SmokeDetector F
Restart: API quota is 2646.
@Glorfindel User is not blacklisted.
but it was blacklisted, because of tp- feedback ...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title: www.xreviews.xyz/brain-ammo by user88597 on graphicdesign.SE
tpu- by DavidPostill
@Student404Mus Hi
@Student404Mus \o
for which purposes is made this site?
LOL @David
Hey, I couldn't see that message :(
I thought I was in a different room :) I'm in too many rooms at the same time ...
@Student404Mus This is a chatroom where we detect and destroy spam around the Stack Exchange network.
And secretly endorse facial creams, but that's another matter
Hmm, from the looks of it, @David doesn't have much of a strong competition on SU
@Student404Mus You can read this charcoal-se.org
Good luck with the election btw @DavidPostill :) (I saw what chatroom!)
@CalvT @M.A.R. Thanks
I still need to get to 150 rep though.
Get reviewing my edits!
@M.A.R. I have been :)
Huh, yeah. It's election time and you're not allowed to sleep.
Hmm, we need a slogan.
"SU first"
No no, that's site-ism
@M.A.R. #Sites’Rights
@M.A.R. Please don't overuse bold, it not usually necessary.
@DavidPostill Backticks even less so
@DavidPostill what is the one badge you don't have? Legendary? Or what?
@CalvT There are lots of badges I don't have. Legendary is one of them (I'm more than half way there).
@David - no but you have 39/40 in your candidate score, and it's from 5/6 in participation - just wondering which is the missing one?
@CalvT Refiner, prolly
@CalvT You can find that out in SEDE
Or elections.SE
@CalvT my missing point is for not voting for a candidate in a SU election and the last one was before my time :)
Oh, constituent
Or caucus, forgot which
Ah Constituent. Thanks @M.A.R. @DavidPostill
Caucus is for just visiting when you have enough rep to vote
@CalvT Yeah, I got one of those.
Got mine from checking you out so :D
@M.A.R. that's what they told Hillary half a year ago.
@Glorfindel None of the candidates have a [populist] badge I think
@M.A.R. I have very few question badges because I only asked 1 question :)
@M.A.R. I have populist.
@SmokeDetector gonna say signature
@DavidPostill There you go, you're a winner
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: mvn clean to delete test-output folder? by Gbru on stackoverflow.com
fp- by ArtOfCode
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Cannot download APK file on my phone by Ahmed Ahmed on android.SE
^^^ That's the second link for apktrusted.com from that user in only a few minutes ...
And unlike the first one, it doesn't answer the question this time
@CalvT Yep. I'm a gonna spam flag :)
tpu- by DavidPostill
Maybe blacklist apktrusted.com ?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching product name in body, pattern-matching website in body: What are the recommended actions to take advantage of this solution constantly? by lillyliah on apple.SE
tpu- by Cerbrus
Created pull request for blacklisting apktrusted.com - domain was only registered a month and a half ago (23 Jan)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: About the Riemann Zeta Function by Euler on mathoverflow.net
It's Thierno M. Sow again.
tpu- by DavidPostill
@Glorfindel Yep. Spam in a comment
Which comment?
Oh derp
for the reference see Riemann_and Mobius_dust_the_Kakeya_Problem. By Thierno....M....SOW — Euler 54 mins ago
No I saw I wasn't paying attention
Mod flagged the comment
Do you think he's doing it deliberately to circumvent us or what?
@quartata Probably
If so there's an easy solution to that: Blacklisted keyword in comment on post ;)
Pulling the comments shouldn't be too tricky
Sorry, *bad keyword in self-comment on post
Something like that
@quartata Except pulling comments will quickly eat up API quota
@Andy We can't pull all the comments simultaneously?
At any rate maybe we could just turn it on Math se
@quartata Nope, only batches of 100 and one API hit per site. If we wanted to check all new comments across the network, that's a minimum of 166 API calls (1 per site) plus any extras for additional pages on busy sites (ie. SO)
Hallo, Charcoal.
o/ Pops :)
quick @Andy regenerate your graph! :)
(okay maybe not right now, but it'd be good to see how it's coming on when you've got time to)
@Pops well if it's just data, any data you want... there was some of that flying around yesterday
@ArtOfCode Tonight. Curse you corporate firewall! shakes fist
@Andy What about just one user's comments?
Actually I was thinking about your API quota increase request. What do you want to use that increased capacity for?
@ArtOfCode This sounds like a fun story but I don't know what you're referencing.
@Pops Originally, we made the request just because quota is tight. Extra quota might help us do what @quartata is proposing right now though - fetching comments as well as the post
teward/Aurora received failover signal.
@quartata I'd argue that's out of scope :) But, you can get a single user's comments using this route
Restart: API quota is 9997.
@Pops I was messing with data yesterday and came up with a graph. Entirely irrelevant to autoflagging, but it's data
@SmokeDetector you what
@ArtOfCode "black magic in [answer|body]"?
that's not supposed to happen
@Pops we had a lot of black magic spam at one point, and those reasons never really went away :)
Ah, the literal phrase "black magic."
@Andy The point is all we care about is self comments. If the reason doesn't apply to >50 rep...
That would be just one extra API call I think
Not, an engineering solution to a magical problem.
I don't think I've seen Baba in a couple of years. Should we remove that reason?
I don't think increasing your API quota can solve for magic.
@quartata teward/Aurora
@quartata Per user (or if we queue it, per batch of X users) per site. Still it'd be a noticeable increase in API hits.
Smokey was clearly frightened by the presence of a CM
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 35091cb (Undo1: Remove code block check) (running on ArtOfCode/EC2)
Restart: API quota is 2012.
@Andy But it's only one site -- the site with the spam seed
!!/standby teward/Aurora
teward/Aurora is switching to standby
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev 158e861 (Thomas Ward: Slight refactor of chat logon handling.) (running on teward/Aurora)
blame me for doing exactly the same thing I did yesterday and leaving an unattended SSH session open
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Smokey! In fact, just ignore the entire curtain-related area altogether!
!!/errorlogs 100
@quartata You are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
24 secs ago, by ArtOfCode
blame me for doing exactly the same thing I did yesterday and leaving an unattended SSH session open
Oh. Awkward.
@quartata Here's a better question for you before you go down this route: How often are we seeing spam from users in comments?
@Andy This one guy :P
Creating stupid spam seeds for his papers. This one lasted over an hour
Ok. At this point then, it's not worth the API hits or development time. :)
So, @Pops, major things since you were last here: 1 more false positive, and 2-3 thousand more flags. We're at 8187 flags total now.
@ArtOfCode Was @DavidPostill involved in that FP as well?
@quartata And it's still there. Closed as off-topic.
@Andy lol. Let me check.
(also a minor adaptation of the flagging system to reserve more flags for Charcoal people rather than the world at large, but that hasn't affected accuracy or anything)
@Andy no
David's only been in one, actually
@quartata he has a history, so you can just spam flag the question. We have a green light from the MO community.
@ArtOfCode Lies! There were at least two:
Feb 15 at 21:00, by DavidPostill
@Andy LOL. I was involved in both fps (my autoflag the first, and I edited the post in the second) ;p
@Andy oh, I was just including posts he flagged :)
@ArtOfCode So I should slap you then again
@ArtOfCode I was tangentially in 1 one other, I edited the question or answer of something like that.
@ThomasWard ArtOfCode/EC2
@ArtOfCode so apparently the Post object refactoring...
... has busted something with the tests
How do I find the 3fps again?
@DavidPostill Where's that mod nomination. I have choice words to say about you. ;)
@ArtOfCode "minor adaptation of the flagging system"?
@ThomasWard "Busted" => Not yet converted to work with the new object
@Pops we changed it so that ceil(max_flags / 2) flags are reserved for Charcoal folks
@Andy you must have missed my highlight
which is currently 2 of 3
@Andy i already converted to the Post object. It's returning incorrect spam check results
not sure if I pushed it yet
@ThomasWard Hm. I'm pretty sure I hit that when I converted the first test last night, but I don't see anything in the code that is obviously correcting that issue. Maybe something just wasn't converted right when I did the first tests
@Andy let me push my changes up first, then you can stab it
@ArtOfCode I thought the lower-threshold sites wanted it to stay at 1?
It won't be until tonight, so you can wait if you're working on it @ThomasWard.
@ArtOfCode Ah. Not reachable by menus?
oop, it's up there
@Andy i wasn't sure if I uploaded it at 3AM when I stopped working on it :P
@Pops yep, that hasn't changed, I gave you the general case. The two sites where it was at one are still at one.
Ok. When I start working on it later I'll just pull what's available then.
@Andy yep i don't think i'll be making any changes yet today, since the Post object is already 'there'. My guess is maybe something isn't struct'd right or being passed right, which could definitely happen, and that's why it's failing tests.
@ArtOfCode I misunderstood you then, I thought you meant that you raised it to 2 on the sites where the threshold is 3. Could you rephrase that last thing you said?
@DavidPostill Good luck in the election.
@Andy Thanks :)
@Pops So (in general) we cast 3 spam flags on a post. The original system randomised which accounts it used to cast those flags. The modified system uses accounts of Charcoal people to cast the first 2, and the account of a non-Charcoal person to cast the remaining 1.
@ThomasWard Do you have a Circle/Travis link of the failures? I'll look that to see if it gives me an idea
The total, maximum number of flags is 3, except for two sites. That hasn't changed. We just changed which accounts cast the flags.
Hmm so that's why my autoflags have dropped so much :/
@ArtOfCode don't forget the sites that nuke at three flags
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer: Hacking whatsapp by mac address? by Mathew Johnson on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by Jan Dvorak
@Andy I can find one
> except for two sites
@Andy here
Oh. I thought you meant opt outs.
@CalvT you're not privileged, IIRC?
@ArtOfCode nope - haven't been around long enough to make it worth asking yet
@ArtOfCode Apparently I still don't know enough about how the system works. What does it even mean to be a "Charcoal person" if the system has access to non-Charcoal-people's flags?
@Andy the only thing I can think of is that I had to make everything unicode() strings/returns instead of standard str() returns. That may have something to do with it. But without that we had a few TypeErrors with username checks, etc. so I kinda pushed Unicode strings everywhere.
I would guess the rationale is to give less free flag weight to people who don't do much to earn it.
@Pops Our meta post was featured for a week, about three weeks ago. In that meta post, we had a link that let anyone sign up for their account to be used for autoflagging; we got a lot of people out of that. We jumped from around 30 accounts signed up to around 160. If the original 30 were all people who have been involved here for a while (i.e. "Charcoal people"), then we gained 130 "non-Charcoal" people.
It sort of made sense to us that people who have put something in to this operation should get something more out; our original system didn't take that into account because it allocated flags entirely randomly.
Gotcha. Simple difference between your terminology and my mental model.
Aye, there's quite a lot of that :) you sorta don't realise how much stuff this project has accumulated until you count it all up
I would have counted all those new people as "Charcoal people," not because I was equating their contributions to those of you/others who contributed in the past but by definition because their accounts were being used by the system; so you could see the confusion.
"Naming is hard" is kind of a meme around here for a reason, I guess.
Ah, gotcha
Anyways, I got off topic here.
I wanted to come in and tell you I fought really hard to get you that increased API quota you asked for.
@ThomasWard are these 8 failures the only ones that use api_response instead of json_response?
@Pops Did you have armor and pitch forks? Because...you should, even if you did, you could use more.
@Andy I'm sure we kept the spares from the meta post around somewhere...
@Andy uhm... no?
@Andy anything under def test_regexes uses an API Response
But I can't do that, because there wasn't much fighting to do. You guys do good work and people recognize that. When I brought it up it was more of a "well, yeah... everyone else is good with that, right?" So you should have a doubled quota soon.
@Andy and we have far more than 8 tests being run in that block. But only those 8 fail.
@Pops Awesome! Is that going to Just Happen on our existing key, or do we need to go get a second key?
you know you've done too much golang programming when you see go get and expect a URL -.-
Mostly I was afraid that there would be technical limitations but in this case, for your specific key, the devs were happy to defer to us on CoGro.
@Pops Thank you Pops.
@ThomasWard Dang. I was hoping that was the problem. Ok. I'll dig more tonight then
@Pops Accept our thanks in the form of stars.
@Andy Yeah, that's why I'm scratching my head. Until I fixed some of the Post() init stuff for api_response parses (Error: Nonexistent Key in api_response) only those 8 failed. Prior to that, all tests exploded.
I'm not concerned about any of you (or else I wouldn't have requested the increase on your behalf in the first place), but I still feel obligated to say for procedure's sake: all the other rules about using the API still apply, if anything weird/bad is noted coming from the key in the future it might get restricted.
@Andy You're welcome, but kinda the point of that story was that it's not about me!
Heh. It's funny, because this is quite literally the SE team giving us a raise.
@ArtOfCode The current API quota remaining is 1816.
Your reward for doing good work? THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO MORE WORK!
@Pops don't worry, we'll GLADLY do the extra work. :P
But, no, yeah, we doubled your paychecks, too.
everyone benefits :)
pretty sure that's why we're all here :)
@Pops oh good so the $5/month I get doubles to $10/month. :P
(just kidding!)
Ooh, that's an accounting error, we're gonna need that money back.
(on another note, why is it that @Undo always seems to miss these things...?)
Hey I'm here now!
like literally just got home
Great... now we can undo this whole conversation and play it out again.
@Undo oh good you can figure out why the spam testing in the test suites fails :p
Including that salary doubling bit.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Angular 2 Responsive Gallery Plugin by lukasz-galka on stackoverflow.com
Yeah, I think Pops has figured out my schedule
maybe should change the password to my calendar
@ThomasWard two times zero is still zero.
Noooo I don't want to have to hack you all over again.
Zero is a real evil number.
@Glorfindel (I was making a joke lol)
(which Pops picked up on)
The truth is funny enough :P
Glorfindel's joke is the joke I was originally attempting to make.
and i captured that. I decided to be evil ;)
Thanks for getting us more quota!
Can we get that non-working workaround unpinned, please, BTW?
We'll be sure to put it to use >:)
@JanDvorak done
@JanDvorak Yea, new workaround is to just update
Actually it's probably just that I tend to come in here the same time always. It's not on purpose, it just kinda... happens. And if you always have the same schedule then it's not surprising you always end up being here (or missing out) when I'm around.
I reject your reality and substitute my conspiracy theory
@Undo hey, that's not the quote!
I know, but the real way didn't really work
Guess it could have
API quota rolled over with 1755 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
stackoverflow: 47
askubuntu: 18
superuser: 11
gis: 9
ell: 8
drupal: 6
english: 6
math: 6
wordpress: 5
security: 5
ru.stackoverflow: 4
es.stackoverflow: 4
travel: 4
academia: 4
stats: 4
electronics: 4
dba: 4
biology: 4
graphicdesign: 3
codegolf: 3
worldbuilding: 3
physics: 3
civicrm: 3
money: 3
unix: 3
android: 3
salesforce: 3
mathoverflow.net: 3
gamedev: 2
skeptics: 2
judaism: 2
webapps: 2
engineering: 2
chemistry: 2
tex: 2
photo: 2
politics: 2
apple: 2
gaming: 2
mathematica: 2
rpg: 2
ethereum: 2
nice timing
That's a standard rollover
aye, but it just so happens to have happened right as we're talking about API quota
What?! You had 1755 requests remaining!? That's it, I'm canceling the increase request.
No, that was a joke, sorry.
@Glorfindel The current API quota remaining is 9968.
Thanks. I had to make sure :-)
@JanDvorak Jan, this is Pops, looks like you haven't met ;)
Wow, am I that bad?
@Pops We wanted to make you feel that you're bad
I'd like to start collecting some information about the over/under on how long a post tends to sit in the queue. Would be useful for tuning API site thresholds.
@Undo I'm already looking into it :) We really just need to populate post_creation_date in the metasmoke DB.
and then TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, posts.post_creation_date, posts.created_at)
There's more to it than that
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: how to send an email via mailx with enclosed file by Ankit Singh on stackoverflow.com
fp- by J F
@Undo is there, though?
Would be nice to have numbers on all the posts
I guess only the reported ones actually matter
Although you can get a lot more data faster by measuring it through Smokey
TIL AIM was only dead for me
@quartata If there was code in the post, there was a better chance it was a non-answer than that it was spam/offensive. Could've just stripped code blocks, but think about e.g. "(Chinese characters) <code>something</code>" Still will be caught by stripping code blocks, but still no point in catching it.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Meteor mup deploy error by AshishNaik on stackoverflow.com
fp- by J F

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