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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: How can I upload large files by chunk, pieces? by Dincer Salih Kurnaz on webmasters.stackexchange.com
I'm 50 rep away from my first 10k
@SmokeDetector k
@Magisch \o/
@Magisch is this is an invitation to upvote some of your posts? :P
@Glorfindel no
@Magisch 18 looks like to me
CI on 88db5b7 succeeded.
No I didn't just upvote your stuff
dont do that
I didn't.
That would be illegal.
Voting Ring HQ :)
it'll get reversed and I'll have to wait for the weekly recalc to get the overcap rep back
Somebody did "10,012 reputation"
Definitely not! You should by no means serially upvote anybody. What you should do is stumble across Magisch's posts in the course of normal usage of the site, and upvote them after careful consideration of their merits.
I should have kept my trap shut until I was done with it
@Glorfindel Where upvotes are bred, and voting rings are made
(helps if you're a mod and you know the thresholds for vote invalidations ;) )
your rep is safe @Mag
@Magisch Nah, people were just being generous
Magisch's question is on the HNQ, that's probably why it's going so fast.
It's a chat norm for someone to post ''aw shucks, I'm X rep left to Yk rep''
And get to Yk rep afterwards.
Maybe you should've gone for 20k
@M.A.R. lol
@M.A.R. I'm 9891 rep away from 10k on SuperUser.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 88db5b7 (ArtOfCode: Add ELL to special rooms) (running on teward/Aurora)
Restart: API quota is 3411.
I'm aiming for 66666 on SU just so I can screenshot it :)
@SmokeDetector (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ @Art
I had 2222 on lit recently, but it went up too fast for a screenshot o_o
@Mithrandir We can happily downvote you
@Mithrandir that's where bounties are for.
No thanks.thanks for the offer though
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Apexatropin get released always after Apexatropin by frefradrih on workplace.stackexchange.com
tpu- by Glorfindel
One second, AGAIN
o/ @JF
welcome to the world of Charcoal development, where the instant you contribute any non-trivial code you will be pinged about it for ever more
@ArtOfCode Good thing that I'm a moron in both python and JS
Leaving the room is irrelevant. You will be pinged.
@JF you can checkout anytime, but you can never leave
Good thing I don't code.
Good thing I don't code.
In Charcoal HQ, code does you.
In charcoal HQ, the spammed annoy the spammers
Spoken in rhyme like a true elf
@Magisch reminds me of Veitch's "scamalot" video series...
In soviet charcoal, users grief spammers
Speaking of which, haven't at least some of them realized that the spam is being removed really fast?
Jan 29 at 20:58, by J F
...but then the smart spammers will ... oh wait
But do you really count on annoyed and probably overworked office workers in india that get their spam texts whole-cloth from their employers to come up with detection evasion schemes? Especially when it doesn't benefit them monetarily?
@M.A.R. They don't care. The paid for hire spammers only need to get a screenshot of their spam. Job done.
I they are waiting, building a little rep, and then will unleash the spam...
I'm imaginining a food chain where the unscrupulous are exploiting the ignorant to post spam on their behalf and still trying to figure out a good reward system where the ignorant figure out enough of the system to actually bypass the spam checks
Idiots. I could use the money they throw away
but by the time they actually do that they will want better compensation and probably know enough to get a better job elsewhere anyway
@tripleee Nah. Spammers are so stupid they will never learn anything.
but on the face of it, not much different from how "crowdsourcing" is supposed to offer all kinds of nice things for free
@DavidPostill those would be the unscrupulous ones, and their not being in direct contact with the actual distribution channel is what prevents them from learning
Rule #3: Spammers are stupid.

    Krueger's Corollary: Spammer lies are really stupid.
        Pickett's Commentary: Spammer lies are boring.
    Russell's Corollary: Never underestimate the stupidity of spammers.
    Spinosa's Corollary: Spammers assume everybody is more stupid than themselves.
    Spammer's Standard of Discourse: Threats and intimidation trump facts and logic.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: SharePoint Web Part Error by carl davidson on sharepoint.stackexchange.com
stupidity may be a factor as well, of course
tpu- by Glorfindel
Ah, another Long Path Fool.
LPT: If you want a way to waste a lot of time effectively, go learn Sindarin.
@DavidPostill "trump" ...
(I know it's a verb, but still...)
@ArtOfCode inventing your own language is a good one too
@ByteCommander lol. so flag me :)
@tripleee more difficult, though.
flag? what?
I haven't even got to being able to form a sentence - just to being able to pronounce one - and it's already sucked up a good chunk of time
@tripleee All spammers are unscrupulous. Read the rest of the rules. None of them point to scrupulous behaviour.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, few unique characters in answer: When to use "nugatory"? by John Snow on english.stackexchange.com
@ByteCommander Being political :)
@DavidPostill the cannon fodder who copy/paste and click may well just be unaware that what they are doing is not above board
@ArtOfCode good for you!
tpu- by Glorfindel
@M.A.R. another 'wrong type of' autoflag for you again.
@tripleee That's covered by Rule #3. Spammers are stupid.
@Glorfindel Well, it's gone with the wind
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body: The factor of to help deliver out Azienda Collagen Serum? by LeslieOkumura on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
tpu- by J F
@SmokeDetector k
!!/blacklist-keyword azienda\Wcollagen
@Glorfindel Blacklisted azienda\Wcollagen
CI on 58148b3 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 3193.
Anyone else on a flag summary spree?
I guess this was unavoidable
5 hours ago, by Glorfindel
o_O https://i.sstatic.net/8GV1Z.png
Give me a break, I just got to find out about the userscript
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Number of Downloads in Google Play by samad on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
tpu- by Glorfindel
@Glorfindel interesting.. technically I should be a day earlier then everyone else :P
UTC day problem maybe?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Someone is using my (or has the same) email by Cain Piggford on security.stackexchange.com
tpu- by J F
@ByteCommander Floern is in the same timezone as me.
@ByteCommander Glorfindel problem
@Mithrandir It's Byte Commander's fault.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer: Raspbian keyboard shortcuts by Andrew davis on raspberrypi.stackexchange.com
tpu- by Glorfindel
^ kys seems quite popular among trolls. Any idea why? What does it mean, apart from being Danish for kiss?
Again, the Internet is less sophisticated than I thought.
> So now you know - KYS means "Kill Yourself" - don't thank us. YW!
This sounds more condescending than they intended it
@Glorfindel Well, I wouldn't be thinking Danish, but that it's just a deliberate misspelling of ''kiss''
@SmokeDetector hooray
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body: How to declare and Initialize two dimensional Array in Java? by Sumit on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
tpu- by J F
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Paravex Male Enhancement Pill by user85977 on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
tpu- by tripleee
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body: versatility of the skin by stivebackner on drupal.stackexchange.com
tpu- by tripleee
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, blacklisted user: Someone is using my (or has the same) email by Cain Piggford on security.stackexchange.com
tpu- by DavidPostill
@ArtOfCode Kittens?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: What are the lowest calorie nuts? by Axop51 on health.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fp-
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Chrome Developer Tools shows favicon 404 error in Brackets LivePreview by user7314150 on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body: I made an error or mistake. ok? by Simon Roberts on math.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector v
@ArtOfCode What do you reckon on the state of britain, btw?
@Magisch what about it?
Idk, with article 50 coming and whatnot
people over here are aching to gut the brits in trade negotiations
@Magisch I'm sure the feeling is mutual ;)
@DavidPostill I'm more saddened by that stance then anything else
It's like europe is trying to make britain suffer to make a point.
Yep. Both sides should be aiming to get the best deal and try to meet in the middle ...
or at least not cut your hands off to spite the face
the amount of people that say we should refuse trade deals and basicly blockade the british economy into complete degradation until they come back to europe is ridiculous
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Alpha X Boost a Hiring picture by cretu stuli on superuser.com
tpu- by Magisch
talking about wreaking havoc on a country for the sake of making a point.
Having followed another election most of the year, I'm not well versed in EU politics, but isn't the point of "making Britain suffer" to prevent other countries from invoking Article 50?
@Andy right
for the benefit of france and germany
and some of the other rich EU countrys
greece could do well with leaving the EU right about now
In fact, keeping them in here is making them suffer horribly
How would leaving help? Don't they still have to pay back those loans from a year or two ago?
but they can devalue their currency and default on a lot of it like you do as a country when you're 10 meters deep in shit creek
the EU financial responsibility rules prevent them from restructuring
@Andy They're essentially trapped between a rock and a hard place. They can't get their economy going again because doing so would require a weaker currency (weaker currency = stronger and cheaper exports), they also can't default on the debt and get out of the choking situation with austerity (austerity causing companies to cut jobs which means less taxes which means even more enforced austerity). So they can't do anything atm besides yet more austerity
sd why
@ThomasWard [:35300296] Post - Bad keyword eltima and body length under 750 chars
tpu- by DavidPostill
@SmokeDetector k
@ThomasWard Eltima software has a "reference program" where you get paid to put their referral links on your site if people buy through those
So a lot of enterprising people without morals go "I could make some decent money if I write answers on $qaplatform that contain my sponsored eltima links."
yes i know
but i wanted to see why it triggered
not because of the underlying eltima stuff
Also, SO and SU have seen a lot of Eltima spamming and voting rings in recent years.
@ThomasWard I hope your search was rewarding
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: How does WhatsApp know the country code of my contacts? by HiLady1257 on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
@Magisch Coffee-less Thomas (aka Darkness) is not pleased.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: Loki: AMDGPU-PRO drivers black screen my machine by Ruud Schmitz on elementaryos.stackexchange.com
Seems f.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: This item is stuffed with regular fixing by cirithutro on apple.stackexchange.com
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
@ArtOfCode cc @Magisch but we don't condone it and if it goes nuts it's not our thing for meta to yell at us about
Interesting idea, though it'd probably be better to just let metasmoke cast more flags per post and keep everything centralized, so we can ensure we never unilaterally nuke stuff
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: How to write out analysis of a game? by Mathew on chess.stackexchange.com
sd k
@Undo still missing Pops's approval for that
although art pinged him this morning
@Magisch link?
oh, probably in the secret place
@Undo let me dig it out
9 hours ago, by ArtOfCode
@Pops Have you had whatever discussions you need to have about multiple automatic flags on a post (bearing in mind that "no" is a perfectly acceptable answer, as is "it's getting postponied")?
You were faster then me
have to be to beat Bhargav to the flags these days
He doing a fine job?
most fine
Nice to hear my vote wasn't unfounded
I do hope we get a reply out of pops this time
Even a "We really dont have time for this right now" would be fine
sd n
at least
yeah, some people (especially those for who English isn't their native language) think that f***ing is the same as very.
well it is, colloquially
@Glorfindel I think I figured out the websocket issue; it's client side and my fault
@Undo ?!
...it is? I had it working
trying to use sock.send before the socket was actually open.
@Undo I dont think it qualifies as abusive
maybe I don't have enough MS privileges?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer: Fast way to copy large data from server drive to local? by Aaditya Sinhania on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
tpu- by Glorfindel
@ArtOfCode Works when you type it by hand, but no one is faster by hand than a websocket connection
Also, I paste all lines of code at once.
yeah, that was the issue
Maybe it works if I paste them separately
hold on ...
@Glorfindel there's a better way, hold on
I'm getting a coffee first, hold on :P
working code on the github issue. github.com/Charcoal-SE/metasmoke/issues/…
I can resend old events down the prod websocket when you get it working.
coffee sounds good heh
I can't understand what it is with people and their coffee
Then again I easily consume 15 cups of tea a day so who am I to talk
nor me
steals all of @Magisch's coffee for the next six days
@ThomasWard I dont have any coffee
@Glorfindel brews coffee for @Glorfindel
I dont drink it
steal mine if you like, it's terrible
@Magisch heh
steals all the coffee
consumes all the coffee
still needs more coffee
@ThomasWard I'm a hardcore tea enthusiast though
i like tea
I have over 40 different teas at home
depends on the tea :P
I drink around 15 cups a day
I just got cup #2 of coffee
@Magisch if I were to pick a few at random, do you think you could uniquely identify them in a blind taste test?
2-3 a day is pretty normal for me
@Undo Most of them
Huh, interesting
@SmokeDetector k
40 seems like a lot.
I really like tea
There's a lot more then 40
I can taste the difference between Lord Nelson Peppermint and local Peppermint tea
@Undo is the last function deliberately duplicated?
@Glorfindel bah, no. Blame Chrome's dev tools, although I don't think it'd hurt anything
@Undo #itworks
@Undo Tea differs radically for instance between a Strawberry fruit tea vs a green tea with ginger
The spectrum is much broader then for coffee
It takes too long to upload a decent screenshots, but I see feedbacks coming in (although with a slight delay).
@Magisch fun fact: i can probably tell the difference between different roasts
There's a test flag log event for you
@ThomasWard well yeah, but every coffee tastes at least somewhat coffee-ish
Tea can have a super broad pallet of tastes that you couldn't really associate with one another
@Undo thx, this should be enough for me to continue development.
Great. Let me know if you want any more data or anything
@Undo I trust our spammers and flaggers will be active enough tomorrow morning.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Why would a God of Murder be worshipped by a society? by Mrs Miranda Bethany on worldbuilding.stackexchange.com
Just received a deletion_log as well.
tpu- by Glorfindel
@Magisch truth, but there's some blends which don't taste like coffee, by some roasters/etc. It's rare to find such but they do exist
Smokey owes me a dollar. Again.
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: facebook complaint number ⑧⑤⑤⑦⑦Ⓞ⑦⑦⑧Ⓞ? by samy jayden on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
tpu- by Glorfindel
that's a creative way to avoid our phone number in title filter ...
@SmokeDetector Interesting approach to obfuscate numbers by replacing them with Unicode billiard balls...
@SmokeDetector I just tried calling that number. It just rings.
API quota rolled over with 1026 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
Oh, and then makes a horrid horrid high-pitch buzzing noise
stackoverflow: 4058
askubuntu: 1477
superuser: 1190
unix: 769
drupal: 722
math: 537
electronics: 508
english: 473
travel: 462
salesforce: 431
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security: 358
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mathoverflow.net: 348
gis: 343
wordpress: 330
dba: 326
mathematica: 318
academia: 298
sharepoint: 295
worldbuilding: 291
ell: 285
gaming: 283
ru.stackoverflow: 263
scifi: 257
physics: 248
stats: 236
meta: 215
movies: 207
tex: 203
webapps: 202
es.stackoverflow: 198
softwareengineering: 195
gamedev: 191
chemistry: 187
workplace: 184
naa- by DavidPostill
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: Dominant Testo Review: As a man by chartuck on superuser.com
sd k
tpu- by ByteCommander
@Magisch postponied is quite the word
@Undo mhm
Why is cryptography so hard
Because it's meant to be hard. It would be useless otherwise.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: when taking Fenugreek on the off chance by cirithutro on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
tpu- by Glorfindel
@Undo Fax machine?
spammers are up at an odd time
this morning I was happily planning to just md5 my password inputs into the database
@Glorfindel Isn't it?
@DavidPostill ah, that might be it
Now I'm looking up how to store pepper and salt and how to find a premade bcrypt implementation.
@Magisch oh no don't do that
don't make me ping Rory
What lang?
Anybody with Python/Regex skills who knows why this filter didn't catch this post?
don't make us summon Cthulu either
@Undo thats what existing applications in my company do
@Undo php
@Glorfindel Probably because the title capture was unicodes
The body contains helpline number, which should've triggered.
unicode fubars things
!!/test helpine
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
!!/test helpline number
> Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username
Title - Position 1-16: helpline number
Body - Position 1-16: helpline number
Username - Position 1-16: helpline number
huh, good question
@Undo ^ blah
@Undo I'm supposed to write the auth for the new webapp
== Facebook Customer Service Phone Number(855-770-7780) ==

facebook complaint helpline number ,facebook tele phone number ,facebook customer service phone number,facebook helpline number,facebook tele phone number who face many problems, we are here happy to help you. Facebook issues Users face: Unable to access Facebook account. How to compose Facebook messages? Facebook Messages are not delivering on the certain contact address. Unable to sign in your face book account due to security issues. Not able to set the cover page images, profile images. Wants to block some contact. An
> Bad keyword in answer
Post - Scam aimed at *facebook* customers. Keywords: *customer, service, phone, helpline, number, phone, number, customer, service, phone, helpline, phone, number, help*
the only other thing they told me is to avoid storing passwords in plaintext if possible
It would have been caught.
@Magisch gah!
for the love of god do not use MD5 as a password hash
Probably we just blame me because I flagged it and therefore auto-reported it using that userscript before Smokey picked it up.
@ByteCommander OK, it seems you ninja'd Smokey then.
seems like PHP has prebuilt bcrypt
@ArtOfCode s/as\ a\ password\ hash//g.
If I do a nice salt and then pepper the result it should be a lot more secure then hash = md5(pass)
@Glorfindel No, there are still valid uses for it. Just nowhere near anything cryptographic.
@Magisch So PHP?
@Undo yea
I'm thinking bcrypt with pepper and salt and a higher-then-default cost factor
@Magisch password_hash($plaintext, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
^ that easy
Maybe I can rewrite our current auth systems to not use md5 anymore
@Magisch just make sure you get the migration right
use b64encrypted, sha512-hashed, sha256-hashed, salted sha1 passwords
and then password_verify($plaintext, $hash); to check it
$username = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
add_user_to_db($username, $hash);
there's the signup
just make sure to sanitize out evil usernames, etc. so that you don't nuke databses.
or such.
@ThomasWard I was thinking to keep our current data structure, and just empty the hashcolumn, prompt everybody for a new password under the new scheme
@Magisch that sounds like a sane way to do it
while you're at it, are you using parameterized queries (read: PDO)?
There was also that article of a person with last name Null who breaks most applications...
@ArtOfCode In php yes
Although not everywhere in our webapp. I use only parameter queries though
The only place where I cat together queries from user input as strings is our .mdb access application
Not worrying about SQL/HTML injections is one of the best things about Rails
Since I have no clue how to parameter queries in ms access
Q: Is it possible to pass parameters programmatically in a Microsoft Access update query?

JavI have a query that's rather large, joining over a dozen tables, and I want to pull back records based on an id field (e.g.: between nStartID and nEndID). I created two parameters and tested them as criteria and they work fine. The issue is, I need to run an insert query from this main query, a...

@Undo Thats actually really interesting
I'll try that on friday
If it works I have a lot of stuff to rewrite ....
@M.A.R. I have updated the Autoflagging userscript, so that the 'you autoflagged' is displayed correctly for you. You can install it from this link.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: Why do Americans pronounce "caramel" as "carmel"? by John Roth on english.stackexchange.com
sd why
@ThomasWard [:35306125] Body - Position 126-132: Viagra
sd - k

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