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Yeah that's where I was going to do the insert
return a False code, with an error rather than a full on crash
not touching anything else
similar to how we did the "Are credentials set" check above
@ThomasWard Of course
@ThomasWard teward/Aurora
@Undo @ArtOfCode feel free to review - I didn't directly commit it, it's got its own PR. At your convenience.
@ThomasWard will do, but since I want to try GH's new feature - top of the right hand column on your PR, can you request a review from me?
yep sure
both of you have a review request :)
The only question about the code is that you refer to the error log in the message, but you never write to the error log
huh so that's how it works
@Ferrybig oop you're right
JSON gets written to the console
probably worth writing it to the error log
i knew i forgot something
jesus i'm lagged out
i think i'll just state that we received an invalid response from GitHub. I'm not 100% up to par with how we handle writing to the error logs
'cause any 'bad' response will not have "html_url" key value in the JSON, and therefore error in that block
We could send the github error message directly to this room, we only need the message, we don't need access to the stack trace with this problem
IIRC that's going to get done with the code change. But, we have to parse the error message.
let's just hope this doesn't throw KeyError
@Ferrybig my primary concern is with any "invalid" replies, it should contain a "message" field for any otherwise bad reply.
@ArtOfCode take another look?
(PR updated with a secondary commit)
CI on 091c1aa succeeded.
Restart: API quota is 3129.
wow, error explode
!!/errorlogs 50
grrr fine
Restart: API quota is 3125.
!!/errorlogs 50
wow hard crash, really?
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'jus'
Restart: API quota is 3122.
@ThomasWard Of course
!!/errorlogs 50
  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/users.py", line 24, in scrape_profile
    data = self._client._br.get_profile(self.id)

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 554, in get_profile
    last_seen = _utils.parse_last_seen(stats_elements[2].text)

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/_utils.py", line 72, in parse_last_seen
    number = int(splat[0][:-1])

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'jus'
oh NOW you work
really? >.<
Huh, that's my code
parse_last_seen is the thing I added to chatexchange
not that I know how I did it any more
well oddly enough it died off when i tried to errorlog. But, after turning it off, resetting the branch, pulling by hand, and then launching it resolved it
throws hands up
and it's probably not a bug with my code because it's worked fine until now
at least it's working heh
@ArtOfCode weirdness, perhaps?
@ThomasWard rule #1 of running Smokey: this thing is never normal.
no, rule #1 is you accept RCE-as-a-feature
rule #2 is it's never normal
rule #3: If it's not working, shut it off, reset HEAD, make sure you're uptodate with master, restart by hand.
it's working either way, so we're good.
@ArtOfCode github.com/Manishearth/ChatExchange/commit/… I'll pull in that fix eventually just wanted to test CE6 first.
Can I detect if a post is a question or an answer using the metasmoke api? It isn't included in the list of filters, but metasmoke seems to know the valid feedback types for a post, so there has to be a way to check this
@Ferrybig the typical way to do it is with the link, but I might have done something weird for the API, lemme look
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer: What does Google mean here when they say "don't copy and paste this code"? by lalala on softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
def is_question?
    return self.link.include? "/questions/"

def is_answer?
    return self.link.include? "/a/"
tpu- by NobodyNada
@Ferrybig ^ it's just checking the link for a specific substring
@ArtOfCode Okay, thx
Links from metasmoke are always constant format, so you can guarantee one of those substrings will be present
@ThomasWard Of course

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