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created a manual PR for the time being github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/pull/345
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, repeating characters in body: How do i insert data with laravel? by asdflol12345 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector vandalism
eager beaver
@Glorfindel I'd still have considered it naa, rather than Spam, because of the nature of Ask Ubuntu being "Not Windows"
but yeah possibly.
@Glorfindel I think we'll need to discuss uufix more in depth
because it's going to be a case-by-case basis I think
it links to two dodgy tools on their site
but some answers link to manual removal steps from there
@tripleee Even if we pull that PR, its not going to work, because git refuses to pull if files are locally modified
@Glorfindel my two cents is I haven't seen enough on Ask Ubuntu to be relevant, but it'd be naa for Ask Ubuntu, or spam, depending on what they pulled from it
so we may wish to keep the uufix 'blacklist'
just filed it to get it out of my system, but it's still stuck
@Ferrybig which is why we always have a human running this who can SSH in and fix merge conflicts :)
Speaking of, @ThomasWard, you may want to run a git reset --hard origin/master
Restart: API quota is 5736.
@ThomasWard OK, thanks.
@ArtOfCode already done, though I also had to kill off Smokey for a second anyways. (git security update I decided was critical)
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
@ArtOfCode though, I think that should've had autopull added to the message, it would've automagically pulled
Though, I can always force a git reset :P
it's interesting watching the console logs heh
Can we blacklist again now?
i'm glad this thing has 2TB of bandwidth lol
@Glorfindel cc @ThomasWard is the console showing ping messages from the websocket?
@ArtOfCode you mean these? {"type":"ping","message":...}
then yes
if those are coming in every 3 seconds then the websocket is up
OK, let me try.
so yes, @Glorfindel, blacklists work
yep it looks to be pinging every 3 seconds
!!/blacklist-website beaufitreviews\.com
hang on traceback
Restart: API quota is 5692.
!!/errorlogs 50
    bytes_ = sock.recv(bufsize)


  RAN: /usr/bin/git push origin auto-blacklist-1481295034.49


fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such device or address
2016-12-09 14:50:34.741113 UTC
  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/excepthook.py", line 46, in run_with_except_hook
    run_old(*args, **kw)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 703, in _runner
it broke
hang on
Yeah, you need to set git credentials
see, I did
copypaste from Undo
Ah, but are they set in both places?
that's what i'm checking now
They need to be in config for the GH API, and they need to be cached in the credential helper so that git commands work.
yeah that's what's missing standby
see i set that but it got lost >.<
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=5356800'
then do a git push on nothing so it asks you for the creds
@ArtOfCode yeah it's lagged though - damned campus internet
okay, now it should work...
Restart: API quota is 5689.
@ArtOfCode the evil thing is evil...
!!/blacklist-website beaufitreviews\.com
@Glorfindel Not currently on master.
grrr wat
@AshishAhuja down
git checkout master then :)
@ThomasWard okay then.
okay i need to kick my server it just nommed the process
Restart: API quota is 5686.
nom nom nom nom
!!/blacklist-website beaufitreviews\.com
@ThomasWard Blacklisted beaufitreviews\.com - the entry will be applied via autopull if CI succeeds.
@ArtOfCode all should work - lets see if nothing blows up :p
yesterday, by Jan Dvorak
> Nobody said it was easy
> No one ever said it would be so hard
CI on 48f5453 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
watches for a mushroom cloud in the distance
Restart: API quota is 5676.
works well enough
throws git at the wall
@ArtOfCode looks like what happened was a git config reset. Guess I'll add that to the list of issues with the security patch
oh hey smokey down email
@ThomasWard Running since 14:57:19 UTC (0 minutes)
@ThomasWard teward/Aurora
@ThomasWard yeah that happens sometimes... you also need to remember to re-cache creds if you restart the server, that one's bitten me once or twice.
@ArtOfCode indeed. There's also the pure 'store' function
that perpetually stores the creds
though for obvious security reasons I don't use it except where restarts are so frequent...
Do you use a password or a github api token at the moment?
@ThomasWard Yeah. I can't say I'm a great fan of caching credentials for such long periods of time, either, but there is no other way
There were a couple more blacklist requests which weren't processed because of Smokey issues, see here.
@Ferrybig this is for git commands, so we have to use the password
@ArtOfCode the only time it'd be rebooted is during quarterly maintenance cycles where I throw every security update into play at once
@ArtOfCode SSH keys not an option?
@ThomasWard don't know, would have to look into it
Never used 'em for GH commits
Pretty much the same thing except for an HTTPS origin URL it's a git://... URL
note that the SSH key fingerprint may be setup to require password auth
pushes things over the SSH / SFTP protos I think
@ArtOfCode No? help.github.com/articles/… "Personal access tokens are useful when it's too cumbersome to provide a client/secret pair for a full application, such as when authenticating to GitHub from Git using HTTPS, or within a command line utility or script."
@Vogel612 and we can use individual keys for individual servers, too, if we chose, so we can just knock off a key if it's bad
it's usually slightly quicker IIRC, because there's less overhead for each delta
but meh
shrug this is where my knowledge of git ends
!!/blacklist-website oraclefusionfinancials\.in
@ThomasWard Blacklisted oraclefusionfinancials\.in - the entry will be applied via autopull if CI succeeds.
!!/test star-writers.com
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
hang about there @ThomasWard - github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/pull/345
CI on 455b494 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 5635.
@ArtOfCode i'll halt on going through them. (Waiting)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body: yfjhgkjhk hggggggg io oy by Mian Arfan on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
shrug meh
@ArtOfCode note Glorfindel pointed at pirors
@ThomasWard wait, going through what?
4 mins ago, by Glorfindel
There were a couple more blacklist requests which weren't processed because of Smokey issues, see here.
@SmokeDetector vandalism
@SmokeDetector somebody drop JohnB a note in the TL.
@SmokeDetector vandalism
@SmokeDetector vandalism
@Vogel612 that was a protect, not a lock
@Vogel612 protect != lock
yea I was just about to correct it :)
@ArtOfCode there were blacklist requests that didn't get included
@ThomasWard the general idea is check 'em on MS - we only need to blacklist a site if it's been used more than once
@ArtOfCode ACK
@ArtOfCode the problem with star-writers.com was that the only reported post was a manual report.
@Glorfindel that's okay
We're pretty good at getting coverage even with manual reports. If it comes up again, I'd be confident of us getting to know about it
OK, clear.
hrm, that's odd...
LOL it seems the service scanners have found that server by IP address xD
lotsa portscans
I locked the post now, it is a legitimate question so I don't want to delete it. But I'll drop the hammer down on the user
^ mjolnir. The ultimate mod hammer.
@Undo Of course
email from metasmoke a few minutes ago
Yeah, server reboot
Poll: favourite quick meal?
The quick part might be hard, though
Good to keep a stash in your fridge for emergences
I don't know if I'd call it quick but 80%ish of my dinners are <rotating meat> + frozen vegetable mix
Very low effort and you just add random spices to make it interesting, + you don't have to pay much attention to it while you cook it
@Undo or in the local shop's fridge. They do good quick pizzas. I did pizza yesterday, though.
@ArtOfCode leftover pasta + egg + seasoning ad lib into the frying pan
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: What are the best hours to sleep? by user7607 on health.stackexchange.com
@ArtOfCode Mac and Cheese
The Kraft kind though. The generic stuff is horrible
I think that's the only non-generic food I seek out in the grocery store.
@SmokeDetector k
@ArtOfCode a sandwich. They can be really quick to make and you can just gobble them down.
@ArtOfCode sushi. Also, the non-quick variant (making it yourself).
Well, fooey. My laptop died. :/
Gordon Blue steak, but only if I don't have to prepare it.
@ArtOfCode My steaks - sirloin from the butcher's, dropped onto the extremely hot gas grill I have, with a peppercorn spice rub.
Cooks in about 4 minutes :P
4 minutes of prep
4 cooking.
8 minutes later, eight pieces of steak are done. Meal for two days :P
@ThomasWard Of course
@Undo yeah that was my fault.
it's back though
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer: Is it okay to use parameters like that? by Andreas Rau on stackoverflow.com
@ArtOfCode we seem to be having two different Smokeys in SOCVR
@JanDvorak There's two Smokeys running. One's for ELU (I think), one's the general
One's global smokey, on teward/Aurora, one's not.
the response hook is, unfortunately, identical for each, though you should only be getting the one smokey
The latter shouldn't be sitting in SOCVR, or at least complaining when the other one's being talked to
@Ferrybig teward/Aurora
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: How to make lots of money in Medieval 2: Total War by victoria goode on gaming.stackexchange.com
good point
@ArtOfCode anything we cna do to kick your Smokey from SOCVR?
Apart from killing him entirely?
@SmokeDetector tpu-
We can use the shutdown command, and then thomas can manually start his instance again
@Ferrybig no i can't
not without my laptop (SSH keys)
so please don't kill it
(laptop battery death due to my stupidly leaving my charger at home)
i might be able to in an hour
but that would affect the private / special fork of Smokey being run by Art
@Undo where was Art's special fork running, again?
is that for ELU or someone else?
yeah that looks to be for ELU if i'm reading transcripts right
Don't shut it down. Both instances need to be running
@ArtOfCode May I ask you what your experiment is?
@ArtOfCode looks like SOCVR wants yours to stop replying in there then - any chance you can alter the fork for ELU to not be in SOCVR, or was that deemed impossible?
Unfortunately, commands use a reply call instead of send_message, which is identical whichever room it's in, so it's not easy to filter down to only the control room. My copy won't post its reports in SOCVR, but commands still work because of that
The ELU instance doesn't seem to be finding anything right now, though
@JanDvorak not at the moment, but nothing's tripped its filters for a while
@ArtOfCode then why did only one of them reply here?
and reports won't go to SOCVR anyway
@JanDvorak because my copy of Smokey isn't in here
its control room is a different room entirely
Can we get your copy to not be in SOCVR either?
I can't modify it so that SOCVR doesn't exist.
I've tried to modify it so that it doesn't post there even if it does join, but I can't do that for command replies
@ArtOfCode so, there's no solution for SOCVR?
no easy solution, no
not without a large rewrite job that isn't worth it for a 7-day experiment
@ArtOfCode so this is a temporary experiment?
it'll last only as long as ELU needs it
@JanDvorak ^
I should really stop by home to get my laptop charger
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex: How to Handle Poisoned Comments from Toddler? by Susan Morgan on parenting.stackexchange.com
tpu- by Undo
@Undo that would be clever
Roger that then
sd notspam
Seems there's an auto-hosting mechanism, and misleading links to imgur are always safe
unless the image itself is bad. n girls m objects, etc.
I'd still exclude them from that filter, though
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: how to get Whois Database - Daily Update by Hasarinda Manjula on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: OAuth : Authorization URI : Under Armour by Satish Roddom on stackoverflow.com
fp- by NobodyNada
@SmokeDetector k (spam seed)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected: jQuery throws an UNCAUGHT ERROR? I didnt change code at all by manga101 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Misleading link in answer: Angular 2 intellisense in VS Code by badre429 on stackoverflow.com
Conflicting feedback on Angular 2 intellisense in VS Code.
What in the world is going on with that link?
it's a GitHub-looking link...to a picture of some code.
@NobodyNada OP has removed it after somebody else inlined the image.
sd remove - f
no there isn't shush
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: Trying to connect SQL database, with PHP frontend by J. Doe on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector vandalism
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-Latin answer, non-English link in answer, non-Latin link in answer: Is it a breach of South African Law or International regulations to not do a full safety briefing on a commercial flight? by user166240 on travel.stackexchange.com
tpu- by Glorfindel
Restart: API quota is 3824.
@Glorfindel Of course
!!/blacklist-website el-harmeen\.com
Restart: API quota is 3813.
@Glorfindel teward/Aurora
it blew up?
!!/errorlogs 50
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 703, in _runner

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/rooms.py", line 81, in on_activity
    event_callback(event, self._client)

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/chatcommunicate.py", line 167, in watcher

  File "/home/smokey/SmokeDetector/chatcommunicate.py", line 234, in handle_commands
Yep, I was already starting to ping you.
html_url key error
Apparently both of you are mind readers ...
@ArtOfCode did we break something in an update?
@ThomasWard check your console
the response JSON should have been printed
give me a minute
restart in progress
Restart: API quota is 3795.
!!/blacklist-website el-harmeen\.com
okay now i should have USABLE log data
since the rest of the output is being piped to a log file
Restart: API quota is 3792.
getting nothing from it lets try again
i'll get it
Restart: API quota is 3791.
drop the response JSON in here when you get it
!!/blacklist-website el-harmeen\.com
@ThomasWard Blacklisted el-harmeen\.com - the entry will be applied via autopull if CI succeeds.
OK, so Smokey is just being mean to me only :(
Okay, so once this blacklist goes through, try again @Glorfindel
CI on 1823fa8 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
@ArtOfCode I wonder if it's a permissions issue?
I have nothing to blacklist anymore :)
as in Smokey perms
@Glorfindel blacklist overwatch-network\.net
one of the many domains I never use on SE
@Glorfindel blacklist testy-test-test\.com
or a test domain
Restart: API quota is 3787.
tests are better because they're more easily recognised
!!/blacklist-website testy-test-test\.com
what's the JSON?
"bad credentials"
ahhh that's the key error problem there
Restart: API quota is 3783.
yeah, but what's the full JSON?
@ArtOfCode {u'documentation_url': u'https://developer.github.com/v3', u'message': u'Bad credentials'}
that's the one
wait a second, let me check something
got the creds set in config?
@Glorfindel try again?
Restart: API quota is 3780.
@ArtOfCode yeah but there may have been stray ascii
!!/blacklist-website testing-if-the-blacklist-works-for-me-now\.com
@Glorfindel You don't have code privileges, but I've created a pull request for you.
there you go
@ArtOfCode was a stray control char, leftover from the copy/paste from Undo's mail
looks like it didn't get caught in vim, so I downloaded the file and fussed with it before reuploading
looks like we're good now
those cause problems, yeah
FYI another reboot in progress
lemme guess it was a carriage return?
screen didn't like scrolling so I had to off/on Smokey to a non-screen'd session
@ArtOfCode probably
restarted, this should be the last one
Restart: API quota is 3769.
@ArtOfCode this always is a problem whenever emails are sent to me and not specified as plain text :/
it always throws spare chars in there
meh, it's working now, we're all good.
y'know, we could do a better try/except match, prevent the runtime crash and spit out useful errors
i'll have to poke things to find it
I need coffee though, back in a bit
@Ferrybig Of course
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: What's the standard way for NSDocument to send events to NSViewControllers? by WhatsUpNSDoc on stackoverflow.com
sd why
@ThomasWard [:34020643] Body - Position 135-171: comp.sys.mac.programmer.help.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: What equity would I have when selling early on in mortgage? by Larry Puala Meddozal on money.stackexchange.com
tpu- by teward
@Undo @ArtOfCode would there be an objection to me adding a single try/except block to capture the "Bad credentials" response and throw an error? Like we saw here with the bad credentials reply causing things to blow up. (I hate runtime crashes!)
@ThomasWard Main issue is that it wouldn't trigger the auto revert if someone was to mess up the login code
Right now we're fairly protected against that
@Undo we do have runtime crashes when it gets a bad credentials reply
Yes, and that's at least partially desired
I'm thinking it should still complain rather than just flat out crash IMO
I'm fine with making it more descriptive, but the auto reverter is fairly critical, especially around low-level login stuff
we could do a 'test' API call to GitHub long before then to try and 'capture' the issue, back up where we check if username and pw are set anyways
Oh, this is a GitHub credentials thing?
@Undo yes
@Undo errant carriage return in the copy/paste from what you sent me broke creds
and the blacklisting earlier
In that case, I'm fine with catching the exception and doing whatever with it.
Post to chat, etc
@Undo this line specifically caused the failure for "Bad Credentials" in gitmanager.py:
Wondered about that spacing, inbox never likes pasting from the terminal
return (True, "You don't have code privileges, but I've [created a pull request for you]({0}).".format(response.json()["html_url"]))
because html_url wasn't present
(line 80)
Yeah, that's high level and we can handle it however. I'm fine with anything you want there.

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