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I'm sure a few of us can chip in with a buck a year each, if need be
metasmoke is immensely useful:)
@Undo do you have to do it through Google, or do they let you pick registrar?
Cuz if the latter, 34sp.com
@ArtOfCode Through Google, I've been fairly happy with Google Domains anyway
No stupid dance to change DNS stuff
good night
Oh, thanks voters. GBP has dropped enough that my registrar is gonna charge me 50% more per year when my domains come up for renewal.
1 hour later…
@QPaysTaxes How urgent?
Yeah. Meta would be best
Restart: API quota is 9407.
@SmokeDetector fp-
"feed that back"? You're not feeding any lions here. ;)
... that took a turn.
1 hour later…
@QPaysTaxes Of course
@QPaysTaxes Yeah, Saturday night is the one time spammers have off. (More like Sunday in their timezone though)
sd f
not sure
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Mostly non-Latin answer: Is there a downside of having a Poke-stop at your work? by Bill Clinton on gaming.stackexchange.com (@angussidney)
sd k troll
!!/test appsforpc.com
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
@AshishAhujaツ Done by means of a pattern, since we had appsforpcdownloads blacklisted earlier.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: How many Machine Cycles are there in Jump Statements of 8085? by Merry Marlo on stackoverflow.com
sd k
@hichris123 Yes, I like to have a say but leave the final decision up to you all here. In that sense I'm only a consumer of your service, not a key player.
Restart: API quota is 8370.
Customers are key players for any service...
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 504d1b1 (Normal Human: wider "bad link text" pattern) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 8333.
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: How can I send SMS from my PC using my Android Phone (Galaxy S3) by atheompson on superuser.com
sd k
sd k
@AshishAhujaツ Of course
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Why did they have heart plugs in Dune? by Guitarwhisperer on scifi.stackexchange.com
sd k
Woah! that has survived for an hour
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Security scanner not giving updates by Gideon Kreiner on salesforce.stackexchange.com
naa? Or clever spam?
@Undo Rails update broke mini profiler too
@ArtOfCode what is the apiquota per day for MS api?
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Twillio , connect between 2 numbers by saeedhabibi on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body, phone number detected in title: Vashikaran Specialist in Delhi |+91-8054040523 by user615535 on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector f seems relevant
Really? If it was a genuine answer, why did you mark my flag as helpful :D
@SmokeDetector k
@AshishAhujaツ I've never seen a comment with a helpful flag
I suspect a misclick:D
If it is, I'm lucky :)
@Undo no doubt you've seen this meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/327636/… relevant to this room
@AshishAhujaツ unlimited, currently
Meaning it works until HTTP 503
@ArtOfCode and are there backoff's?
@AshishAhujaツ nope
I just built it simple. If it gets heavy use, or abuse, I'll look at implementing protective measures, but I don't expect that to be necessary.
Though if it gets abused I'm more likely to start by telling the abuser not to
And at the end of the day, it's Rails on AWS, it can handle a fair old load.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer: Mac Bluetooth Wireless keyboard and keypad by atheompson on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector why
@AshishAhujaツ Body - Position 1454-1468: erasephone.com, Position 1598-1612: erasephone.com
@SmokeDetector spam, the question isn't about Android. Or iPhones.
I mean, it's Ask Ubuntu...
!!/test panerabread.com
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
I like Panera. Hope they aren't spammers.
@Bookend they mostly arent. Just wanted to confirm that this question isn't clever spam
U pick 2 is what I usually get at Panera. VTC'd anyway. :)
!!/test erasephone.com
> Blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title
Title - Position 1-15: erasephone.com
Body - Position 1-15: erasephone.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer, pattern-matching website in answer: How do I change submit URL for exposed search filter? by Arshad Malik on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Magento Image Size by ram on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 3e6fbbc (Normal Human: development in <city>) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 7459.
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: luxmuscle.com/dominant-testo-reviews/ by marylusk on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Chat-avenue.com transcripts by Chatavenue on reverseengineering.stackexchange.com
sd k
1 hour later…
@ArtOfCode k, thanks
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: The Neurocet fixings expect that a key part will your thriving and the creators of Neurocet by rsonahasnain on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fp-
@SmokeDetector k
night, will be around for spam o clock tomorrow ;)
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Can't Open/install/uninstall myEclipse by Mohammad Hasannejad on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: How to send more than one image to server by Manish borde on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, blacklisted user: How to send more than one image to server by Manish borde on stackoverflow.com
sd 3k
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer, link at end of answer: Who runs www.bitcoin.org? by Satoshi Tominaga Nakamoto on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: It is possible to run a timer job in Office 365 online? by Maria Grazia Merlo on sharepoint.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body: Extract data from API and load til SQL database (Azure) by Sverre Nielsen on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Warlords of Draenor: Status of Doomhammer by Dugi Game on scifi.stackexchange.com
!!/test www.ultimatewowguide.com/wow-leveling-guides/
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
Heh. I'm usually lurking in the background here so that I can input if needed.
SFF seems to get more specialised spam than a lot of sites.
Not just drugs and tech support, but concrete crushers and WoW guides.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 8ee53bd (ArtOfCode: +ultimatewowguide) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 6156.
@Randal'Thor yeah, I've noticed that. I've been wondering if there's anything we can do to catch it.
Time to go digging in the MS archives...
@ArtOfCode You mean beyond having an SFF mod who occasionally hangs out in here? ;-)
If I see spam that hasn't been flagged by any of the regular Charcoal crew, I always come here to check.
Then again... Only 110 spam posts in the last 10 months.
One every threeish days
@QPaysTaxes No, literally concrete crushers. Every so often we get spam from Chinese concrete companies. On a sci-fi and fantasy site. Go figure.
Can someone tell me what MS post 17501 contains that's stopping it loading on my iPad?
@ArtOfCode Zalgo text.
You can see here what it looked like.
@Randal'Thor ah, that would make sense
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: UK EEA Family Permit Refused - Urgent HELP needed - Marriage of convenience by shannon on expatriates.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
Feedback is great, but 28 minutes later, my spam flag was first...
Smokey isn't in the room at the monent....
What happened?
Don't know
Metasmoke code red; @Undo should have received a message
According to MS, he is down for 1 hour already...
I'll start my copy then.
Restart: API quota is 9964.
[ SmokeDetector ] All of this user's posts are spam: user 117157 on security.stackexchange.com
If @hichris is around and can start a Smokey, it can run on the dedicated account and integrate with MS. I'd do it myself, but I'm too far away from a computer with SSH.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 51 mins ago, by Oded
There were alerts in the dev chat room, but... Sunday.
I've got it
Hiya Undo o/
So... apparently the Pi restarted?
Power outage, mayhaps?
uptime 1:17:10
Goodbye, cruel world
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 8ee53bd (ArtOfCode: +ultimatewowguide) (running on Raspberry Pi)
filesystem errors on some things, probably because hard cut
usually when there is a power outage at my home, I need to buy a need usb stick for my pi, because the normal one will fail quickly
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 8ee53bd (ArtOfCode: +ultimatewowguide) (running on Raspberry Pi)
!!/errorlogs 100
@Ferrybig It won't respond
and you won't get anything meaningful out of it
Lets hope you did proper backups on that PI
@Ferrybig Like... of what?
There's literally nothing important or unrecoverable on it
main filesystem is fine, and I've seen this readonly stuff on the external before
The disk image, I usually use dd over network to copy the image to my normal pc hard disk once a month
@Ferrybig I have pretty much no reason to do that
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 8ee53bd (ArtOfCode: +ultimatewowguide) (running on Raspberry Pi)
sd f
Okay, should be working now.
Restart: API quota is 9997.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 8ee53bd (ArtOfCode: +ultimatewowguide) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 9995.
@Undo The current API quota remaining is 9995.
Aaand we're good. Ping me if it breaks again.
Did MS send you an email, btw?
@Ferrybig Of course
@SmokeDetector del
:30934208 ignore-
@QPaysTaxes only if the reason contains blacklisted user, if you f an manually reported post, it doesn't unblacklist
@Ferrybig User is blacklisted (1 on hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com).
@Ferrybig User removed from blacklist (1 on hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com).
We don't want to destroy our blacklisted user statistics
@ArtOfCode You picked the wrong time to break Smokey... ;P
@Ferrybig It's Undo's fault.
@QPaysTaxes yes
sd ignore
@Ferrybig [:30934383] Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: How to earn online via internet by Sohail Akbar on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted username: How to farm power points in Dragon Age Inquisition? by deez nuts nigger on gaming.stackexchange.com
Well, no affiliation disclosed.
SU post looks okay to me.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: sql query with incorrect result by LucaPearl on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tp-
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with a link in answer: Toast message with Chinese characters, is it a virus? by Beng on android.stackexchange.com
@QPaysTaxes likely one of the flag reasons. Combined with "comments are ephemeral", most likely.
@Ferrybig Of course
note that you're not actually a ninja, you're like a ninja
@Quill not a very good one really
one could almost say shit ninja
@QPaysTaxes I'm good at mod
What worked?
That's gonna get real annoying when you meet an art critic
Hooray for sweeping generalisations :)
Measurements: a quSN of something
I wanna change my name to artOWDEN
@Quill Why? Sounds like a pain to use more than anything else
@QPaysTaxes and woe betide you if you get wSNs
@QPaysTaxes I just realised you made a meta-sweeping generalisation
@ArtOfCode he's a real pro
@QPaysTaxes your poor jokes, not being done justice. I weep for them.
Are you an African black rhino or something?
Huh. I'm clearly far too well rooted in reality.
@QPaysTaxes I hope your tinfoil is comfortable
Oh, totally. I mean how did I not realise that?

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