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00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

[ SmokeDetector ] Chinese character in title, mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: 真实学历认证QQ/微信★243020730★办理英国约克圣约翰大学毕业证成绩单教育部认证York St John University by DYPPPPP on beer.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: it was used as a form enhancer by Huntczoro on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Chinese character in title, mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: 真实学历认证QQ/微信★243020730★办理英国哈德斯菲尔德大学毕业证成绩单教育部认证University of Huddersfield by DYPPPPPP on boardgames.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: What are the ingredients of 5X Trim 600? by fenilavictina on meta.stackexchange.com
sd 2k ignore 15k
1. [:28703556] <processed without return value>
2. [:28703541] <processed without return value>
3. [:28703537] Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
4. [:28703527] <processed without return value>
5. [:28703520] <processed without return value>
6. [:28703516] <processed without return value>
7. [:28703507] <processed without return value>
8. [:28703472] <processed without return value>
9. [:28703469] <processed without return value>
10. [:28703464] <processed without return value>
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: The Best Natural Remedies For Acne by Uiszsloi on askubuntu.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Can you add superuser and stackoverflow hosts? by Petah on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body: guaranteed to get the job achieved? by Carmen bandi on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: practitioner very swiftly in order? by Carmen bandi on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Total Acne Skin Care Treatments Scam by shnajjlusytic on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: how to query inside SQLAlchemy model by leonseller on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Are you wanting to affordable anti aging formula? by carmelcloud on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Are you wanting to have affordable face mask? by carmelcloud on 3dprinting.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer, mostly non-Latin answer: How can I add "posted by 'author'" to each post? by Alpesh Rathod on wordpress.stackexchange.com
sd 8k
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Converting Integer to Long by MohamadReza Tavakoli on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Is There Any damage With This process? by lunbjuriyam on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: The discipline to purchase The Product? by lunbjuriyam on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body: What Are the causes of right product? by lunbjuriyam on stackoverflow.com
sd 4k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Watch Atletico Madrid vs Real Betis Live Stream by Alingasaw on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Export/import jobs in Jenkins by Raj on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Get original URL referer with PHP? by mrgaux on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k (NSFW)
@SmokeDetector f (Product recommendation question)
@SmokeDetector k (Attack on OP of the question)
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: TestoRip X what an alpha male is and you can actually have by user40580 on money.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Why use AutoCAD Electrical? by user105519 on electronics.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k (Garbage post)
@SmokeDetector O_O ELL too?
@IͶΔ 43 detections in 1 hour, according to metasmoke, it seems like a new record
School prevents you from doing fun in more ways than one.
@SmokeDetector Why?
@IͶΔ Post - All in caps
@SmokeDetector F
@SmokeDetector F blatantly OT
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: Blog page displays same content as home page by Dusty Mayron on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector why
@rene Body - Position 34-53: essayshelpcenter.co
@SmokeDetector Why?
Hmm, a deleted answer
seemed like a garbage post to me
Nope. It was some complicated code you didn't understand.
G language. :P
@IͶΔ User removed from blacklist (4393496 on stackoverflow.com).
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Why exactly do the Death Eaters serve Lord Voldemort? by Robert Krawczyk on scifi.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: TestoBoost Pro review Nettle Root by TestoBoost Pro on gaming.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: It additionally helps ones TestoBoost Pro by TestoBoost Pro on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector naa-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Restart: API quota is 5850.
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer: $143$ is pseudo-equal to $51$ as $1^2 + 4^2 + 3^2$ is equal to $5^2 + 1^2$. by phusaRam on math.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector K
The other answer there is also notable.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Is Ubucleaner script still a good idea? by Magic on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector k
@IͶΔ 404 not found
It'd sure be nice if accounts from the API had a network_account_id attribute.
@Ferrybig They deleted it.
Yeah... :/
Just about two minutes before I posted it.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps body: SQL ORACLE QUERIES by user5520587 on stackoverflow.com
Well, they do. But it's only from the "extended user" object or whatever, and /users is the only API method that returns that type of user.
It wouldn't help with DYP{1,7} spammer, would it? Those were different accounts.
@SmokeDetector I don't think you can build anything with a broken keyboard.
@IͶΔ SQL still works fine with a broken caps lock :P
@404 Think so
@404 Two upvotes...
. . .
Is there a post anywhere requesting it?
@hichris123 Three now. But as far as I can tell, the organizers of that context did not make problems publicly accessible. I'm not going to log in to verify the claim, neither will mods.
Ugh and now 4.
People need to learn to downvote on Mathematics...
@Undo No. I remember @BrockAdams commented on one of Tim Post's posts with the suggestion to return account_id for questions or answers queries. Can't find it now, it being a comment.
Oh, kinda remember that
@Undo Would you be able to add me to the group which can delete metasmoke feedback?
done @hichris123
thanks. :)
Can the graph page be edited to show NAA marked posts in the graph?
@Ferrybig we could, but they'd be an ugly orange smear on the bottom of the graph
Here's a real easy, cheap, improvement: In the API, have the shallow_user object return the user's Stack Exchange network ID (account_id). This would allow the existing tools, like Smoke Detector, to better catch cross-site spammers. — Awesome Poodles Jan 22 at 22:00
FYI, metasmoke is now running on Rails 5 beta 3. Let me know if you see any oddities.
(I have plans >:D)
@Undo Uh, define "oddity"
"something obviously broken that could possibly be due to the R5 migration"
Like if it starts adding numbers wrong or something
or pages error out. Or whatever.
@Undo What... kind of plans?
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer, pattern-matching website in answer, blacklisted user: Formula Question: Record a date of first activity on contact object by aamala on salesforce.stackexchange.com
sd k
1 hour later…
I just now realized what prevented DYP+ from posting on Mathematics: the interstitial page with "how to ask" advice, where a checkmark must be clicked. The script wasn't programmed for that.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in title: #########Excution Python -m ##################################### by Dr s.Lag on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps answer: Writing/Reading 2D array to Binary File C++ by user6149850 on stackoverflow.com
@hichris123 making the autopull thing work again, for one
For Smokey you mean?
@404 The comment is here. If you or @Undo know of an actual feature request, I will gladly upvote it.
Yes, I found later last night. I don't think such FR exists.
someone go post it
@ArtOfCode Good idea. Just beware that there doesn't seem to have been any dev work on the API in a great many months.
@BrockAdams Aye, though it really is low-hanging.
I'll go post it
Yay for autopull
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: Javascript return with string by kloff on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tp- (Self vandalism again)
Q: Add users' network ID to the API shallow_user object

ArtOfCodeA while ago, Tim Post started an initiative to improve spam protection on SE. One improvement that was almost immediately suggested was to add network IDs to the API's shallow_user object. Doing this would allow existing tools such as SmokeDetector to better pick up on network spammers, which wo...

Metasmoke proposal/feature-request/discussion/something: Would it make sense to allow admins to approve accounts for review? If we also add some tools for looking at posts that user has given feedback on, then there should be enough info to judge whether they can review correctly.
@ArtOfCode Woot, are there also gonna be review bans? Power has gotten into you man. :P
@SmokeDetector K
@IͶΔ Well I was going through conflicted feedback earlier, and maybe audits should be a thing...
There are a few, but not enough to warrant the dev time that would take.
We also need moar review badgez!
@ArtOfCode We kind already have that, just not accessible.
Just disable the account.
I'm proposing that admins could approve accounts, not ban them.
Based on what?
Based on said user's history of Smokey feedback.
Then you have to connect them somehow
i.e. provide a tool that essentially does select * from posts inner join feedbacks where feedbacks.user_id = <ID>
Except we don't have user IDs for feedback from Smokey. Just usernames.
Maybe we should have a wiki page first were we lay down the rules for TP -- since we disagree on what is a true positive.
THEN we can dogpile the uncool kids. ;)
@BrockAdams Heh, now that we should do. I'm having trouble with some of this conflicted stuff.
I'd rather just have tools to bulk-invalidate a user's reviews and kick the posts back into review
@Undo If people sign up with the same username, it'd work. Though we would have to start using usernames.
Okay, the wiki page is a good start. Let me go through some conflicts and make a list of common disagreements, then we can resolve them.
If you'd red flag it, it's a true positive.
The only exception to that is self-vandalism, which we probably to catch too
People red-flag differently too :)
@ArtOfCode yeah, that's valid
There are a couple users in SOCVR I'm a little concerned about.
@Undo We have other review queues for that. Do we really want to treat these guys the same as a spammer?
^ Kind of thing that should be layed down in "writing".
@BrockAdams Maybe not. Maybe there should be another feedback type for it.
That would work.
Aye, I'll go do some metasmoke research.
@Undo have you got a while to fix that post tp/fp caching thing?
There's a bunch of those stuck on top of search right now
In a few minutes, we're technically cleaning the house right now.
prolly need to re-check most of the posts
sure thing
I need to push a migration to retroactively fix them, yep
[ SmokeDetector ] Shortened URL in answer: Is it illegal to "sell" a pro golfer's swing? by Sarah Kline on law.stackexchange.com
@artofcode I always mark vandalism as true positive, because a true positive means abusive or spam, and garbage posts should be marked as offensive, and the vandalism changes the post into a vandalism post
But for the sake of meta-escalation, that logic is wrong
@Ferrybig Do you FLAG it as abusive? And are these flags "helpful"?
Looks like I'm going to have some questions for you, Undo. Deleted posts on SO that I can't see and can't tell what they were originally.
@BrockAdams If I mark them, usually they end up as disputed because the post is rolled back. But I had some that were marked as accepted. Custom mod flags for repeated self vandalism always gets marked as helpful
@Ferrybig To me there is a big difference between someone coming to a site and posting aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and someone editing own legitimate post to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa because they want to delete it and don't know how.
I always mark vandalism as "Dunno" since there's no consensus.
We really need to agree on true positive or false positive for these cases, and it makes it harder that metasmoke doesn't show the posts history, so we have nothing to see what the reason of the feedback is
We will see what ArtOfCode puts on his list of common conflict what feedback to use for self vandalism
@ArtOfCode Sure, send me the links as you run across them.
self-vandalism or just gibberish post?
oh, just gibberish
@ArtOfCode Soviet union or Great Britain?
@IͶΔ its sv not su
@Ferrybig SU would've been SuperUser
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, offensive answer detected: Are there any philosophical arguments to disprove or weaken solipsism? by fukk on philosophy.stackexchange.com
sd k
@SmokeDetector Answers like that I usually mark NAA on the target site, while I use k for smokey
Did they use zero-width?
@Ferrybig that's a valid abusive flag
@Undo I have seen moderators on small site rejecting that kind of flags because the post doesn't directly hard someone, even though it is valid according to the stackexchange offensive flag guide
^ common conflicts and a couple of extra points
@Ferrybig moderators are doing it wrong then :P
@Ferrybig next time you see that, tell me
So let's go down this list.
- [SV] Self-vandalism
  Cases where the OP is unaware of how to delete their post, or where a user ragequits, and replaces the entire post
  content with a stream of gibberish.
Opinions on f/k status?
I vote for tp- because the post is a garbage post after the edit
@ArtOfCode feedback caching should be fixed.
I think I'd vote for a new feedback type.
== 20160402185509 RetroactivelyFixPostFeedbackCache: migrated (1.5268s) =======
I'm irrationally proud of that time
It's not spam/abusive flaggable, technically, but neither is it NAA, but neither is it something we should ignore.
So... if someone flags self-vandalism as spam/offensive on SO, I'm probably going to mark it helpful.
Or at worst dispute it
@Undo You would, I would. I don't think we can count on a majority of mods marking it helpful though.
Either us or them is doing the job wrong, then.
(is? are? grr)
maybe it's time to fix that issue network-wide then, but for now we should set a standard for doing it with Smokes.
Probably just call it NAA
Or another new orange feedback
How hard is it to add feedback types?
it's kinda manual right now, but not that hard.
Just NAA for now, then, and we can add another type some other time if it gets to us.
Vandalism is usually on questions, we can repurpose NAA feedback on questions, if its added to a question it means vandalism, added to a answer it means NAA
hey that's a good idea
We should just figure out how we want it to work and build tools to handle it perfectly.
hey that's also a good idea
smashing two meanings into one feedback sounds like a good way to cause issues in the future.
@Undo doesn't that apply the penalty?
@hichris123 No maybe, but if you're self-vandalizing your post that's okay
spam flags are weird
@Undo True, because naa also ignores the post, and we don't want that for vandalism
So how should we handle self-vandalism?
It's something that requires action immediately, so we should probably catch it
You can't uncatch it I think, since the post will be the same as abusive crap.
Could we actually differentiate between vandalism and gibberish? If the post being scanned is (a) not the first revision, and (b) an edit by the OP, and (c) matches gibberish criteria (one char, few unique chars, repeating chars), then it's vandalism.
Now, imagine we're doing this with a goal of presenting this to SE as "a thing you can implement at the network level". We'd want self-vandalism to be green, because it's a thing you want to block.
Not saying that's what we want, but it's another thing to thing about
It's a consideration, but SE can always change how they implement it slightly.
If we're catching it but not doing anything about it, then they can decide what to do with it.
But if we mark self vandalism as true positive, it will be escalated to the tavern, where they can't do anything about it
Huh, true.
Shall we just go with NAA for now, so that we have an official position, and we can work on the details of that one?
@ArtOfCode naa doesn't work on question at the moment
You can mark it as ignored. Generates the same orange.
That works.
- [GB] Gibberish (16585)
  Cases where the original post is simply a string of gibberish.
Shouldn't require much debate hopefully. Abusive flag, therefore sd k?
And if moderators decline them, there are ways to dispute that.
I vote for k, the guidelines says a rude flag should be used
Aye, and if a mod declines that flag then either post it to meta or let another blue know so we can bring it up to them.
I don't think there's much dispute there, so:
- [HE] Asking for help via email (16216, {"tp": ["Undo"], "fp": ["rekire"]} )
  Cases where an OP posts their situation and asks for responses to <email address>, either knowingly or not of the SE
  policies on such posting.
"This is my situation, plz help, reply to [email protected]".
I vote for f, because I see the email as a signature that can be edited out to make a correct question, or n if used as a answer
@ArtOfCode Just n.
If related to the question.
f if it's not.
Since idiotneessiosity-ness isn't the same as being a spammer.
@ArtOfCode If it's not spam, the presence of email should have no effect on MS feedback.
@ArtOfCode that's probably an naa
- [PG] "Padding" gibberish (15729, {"tp": ["Kevin Guan"], "fp": ["Brock Adams"]} )
  Cases where the OP posts an answer (or non-answer) that is shorter than the (30?) character requirement, and fills out
  the rest of that requirement with gibberish.
I vote for f since it is an actual attempt at answerings the asker's problem. Sometimes I add a comment stating that the post could be improved by adding references.
Obviously if it's a non-answer anyway then it's n.
The remaining two are these, I'll drop them here now and wait for people to come back on them whenver.
- [US] Unclear spam (15639, {"tp": ["intboolstring", "Brock Adams"], "fp": ["intboolstring"]} )
  Cases where a product has been recommended in response to a question, but the OP's affiliation to it is unclear. Links
  may or may not be present; it's unclear whether it's a genuine recommendation or plain spam. 15639 is a good case.

- [OA] Offensive answer (15515, {"tp": ["Kevin Guan"], "fp": ["Brock Adams"]} )
  Cases where an answer is posted and contains a curse or two, triggering Smokey's offensive answer filter. Curses are
@ArtOfCode The same occurs when posting a question with a large code blocks. Since SO blocks submission until some proportion of the post is non-code text, some gibberish gets added. I'd say in both cases this is a reflection on the quality of the post, which is outside of SD score. Should be f (or n if non-answer).
When it's unclear whether something is spam or not, conflicted feedback is to be expected.
[US] Unclear spam: I usually first check if the site in question allows product recommendation, and if the question is a product recommendation question, if this is the case, I always vote f since its on-topic. If not, I don't react on the post because I am not sure, and hope there are better reviewers in the tavern that have more expierence in that kind of spam, and why it is blacklisted
[OA] Offensive answer: I vote that we mark those as f, since its easy to edit out the "bad word" and it usually doesn't hinder the reading of the question
^ sounds sane
sd gone
Try to avoid using sd gone on posts that are gone, but didn't receive any feedback
@Ferrybig I put feedback in through review before doing that.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Multiple actions in a form? by Arzu Cantürk on craftcms.stackexchange.com
I didn't see the feedback when I clicked on the post after you did your command, but now there is feedback? Probably some caching issue
Huh, shrug. It's showing for me now.
sd k
Jeez @Undo what happened here?
Can I click on that link without risking to clear feedback?
you might not be able to see it, try metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/7061
It is giving a 404 page not found for me
Um. Yeah, that's what it should do, I think.
use the second link
I never understood why newer websites started to use 404 page not found for things that are actually 403 forbidden
Security by obscurity. As long as you do the rest of the security well, it's not a bad idea.
Attackers don't attack what they don't think is there.
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body, repeating characters in title: tffadddddddddddd by Gtkd3000 on gamedev.stackexchange.com
API quota rolled over with 4362 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
stackoverflow: 906
askubuntu: 368
superuser: 354
unix: 153
math: 146
drupal: 120
gaming: 116
english: 114
mathoverflow.net: 106
apple: 104
electronics: 97
meta: 81
academia: 77
security: 75
mathematica: 75
physics: 71
dba: 69
gis: 68
wordpress: 67
scifi: 67
ell: 65
android: 64
codegolf: 61
raspberrypi: 59
programmers: 59
tex: 58
webapps: 56
stats: 56
rpg: 49
salesforce: 46
magento: 45
ru.stackoverflow: 44
puzzling: 43
money: 43
gamedev: 42
travel: 41
chemistry: 40
diy: 39
sharepoint: 36
codereview: 35
@SmokeDetector vandalism, what should we do?
@SmokeDetector n
@ArtOfCode That report was a question; questions cannot be marked as NAAs.
Huh, so it doesn't.
In that case, just ignore for now.
@SmokeDetector ignore
@ArtOfCode Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
Similar effect; vandalism only tends to happen once so ignoring is OK, and we still get the orange.
Q: What is the reason behind marking forbidden pages as 404?

nicaelThis came to my mind after my previous question. Actually, most of the 404 pages I stumble into on SE are forbidden (403, eh?), not that they can't be found. Examples of such pages would be trying to access /admin despite not being a mod, or trying to access deleted chatroom, or somebody's inbox ...

Restart: API quota is 9854.
@ArtOfCode testing stuff, probably
00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

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