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@Doorknob If I solve the P vs. NP problem, then your laptop is dead!
P versus NP is the name of a question that many mathematicians, scientists, and computer programmers want to answer. P and NP are two groups of mathematical problems. P problems are considered "easy" for computers to solve. NP problems are easy for a computer to check, though not necessarily easy to solve. For example, if you have an NP problem, and someone says "The answer to your problem is 1 2 3 4 5," a computer can quickly figure out if the answer is right or wrong, but it may take a very long time for the computer to come up with "1 2 3 4 5" on its own. In a lot of ways, NP problems ar...
(Simple Wikipedia for those without math majors... like me :P)
@AnnonomusPenguin You'll also be one of the most respected and renowned computer scientists in the history of programming and CS, so by that time I'll probably be the least of your problems. :P
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FIND THE EQUATION OF A CIRCLE on math.stackexchange.com
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISARM THE B.O.M.B.! on codegolf.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
@Oded depends on the changes to the feed. Thanks for the notice, I'll see if anything has changed
2 hours later…
@ManishEarth it is now live, so that's that. Not seen any SmokeDetector posts yet, but that's not indicative on anything so far.
@Oded it seems to be working. I'll restart and check
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started
yep, working
it would fail if any of the required fields was broken, I still see output
@ManishEarth excellent. I didn't change any of the websocket bits, just the page UI, so this is good :)
@Oded I just touch the websockets. Pretend it's an API :p
Might as well... Can always ask for the API to support something like that. Might be useful for others that use the API.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISARM THE B.O.M.B.! on codegolf.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FREQUINCY SHIFT KEYING , DIGITAL MODULATION on electronics.stackexchange.com
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: INSTALL ORACLE JAVA IN UBUNTU(14.04) on askubuntu.com
6 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISARM THE B.O.M.B.! on codegolf.stackexchange.com
@Doorknob Nah, I'll make time for it. I probably could make time if I could solve the P vs. NP problem :P
Like literally make time.
@Doorknob Well, actually that's somewhat true. Part of the problem is that a large computation will take a lot of time. If we could create time, there would be no issue with long algorithms...
(Two years later:)
Click Well, crap. I still can't modify time.
[xkcd moment in the making]
BTW has anyone received their split mug? I'm also waiting for my mod swag...
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WHATS THE NAME OF THIS MOVIE? on movies.stackexchange.com
@manishearth Looks like AnnoTabe got updated! Thanks for your help
Even though, I'm pretty mad at Chrome. I had an un-app store version installed just for testing (not local, though) and they disabled it and destroyed the data.... GRRR
I'm mad at AT&T.
... that's a good company to be mad at, @Seth
Might I suggest writing an angry email to them and cc'ing me on it? I might learn something.
I usually prefer being mad at Sprint, Verizon and other such CDMA carriers. But today I am mad at AT&T.
@Undo This matter is really too old to bother them about now :-/
I prefer to be mad at the whole world, it's easier to keep track of what one is mad at.
But really, what injustice was bestowed upon thee?
Someone gave me an old Windows Phone 7 device (AT&T branded).. And it appears AT&T has refused to update them to Windows Phone 7.8. So either I'm stuck with an (almost) useless 7.5 device or I try to flash 7.8 anyway and hope it doesn't break.
This is after "every" WP 7 device was supposed to get 7.8.
Ah well.
likes how Apple forces carriers to keep their grubby hands out of updates
I wish Google and MS would do that too.
Seriously, carriers have really grubby hands.
The problem is that Google/MS don't have enough power with the carriers. Apple does, they can say "either keep out of this or you don't get to sell our phone anymore". Google and especially MS can't really do that yet.
No, they can't really.
Say, what devices can I put that Ubuntu phone OS thingy on?
Quite a few. Will it work? Maybe. Right now Canonical is focusing on the Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 Gen 1.
So one just performs hackery to install it?
There was Nexus 10 support for a while too, but I think they dropped that for now. And there are some unofficial ports.
@Undo Pretty much the same as flashing any Android ROM, afaik.
huh. MIght have to try that.
@Undo This is a bit different than what you are used to. Canonical is developing and porting the OS at the same time. The less porting you have to do until the developing is finished the better ;)

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