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Let's all be un-blue together @michael :-P
I feel like I'm obligated to get a diamond now. :-O
... or I could kick you.
@Doorknob I'm waiting with bated breath for something to happen to the Accounting proposal...
Would that be better?
Same for Puzzling here.
> closed as unclear what you're asking by Doorknob♦
^ text message reply I sent to a friend. :-D
Look at the rev history on this: earthscience.stackexchange.com/posts/520/revisions.
Hmm... I would agree to commit to Accounting in exchange for @michaelb958 to commit to Puzzling, but I'm at my maximum commitments. :-P
I should really fulfill my SR commitment.
... you haven't?
And DS when it launches (decidedly not last Tuesday, @hichris angry glare)
@hichris123 Geodude for moderator!
about that...
(let's just say it didn't end well)
inb4 Jon Seigel becomes mod
Wait, ChrisF isn't an MSE mod. This must be rectified!
Oooh, yay, I got my 100th bronze badge on Code Golf :D
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 days ago, by ChrisF
It's weird being in a room where my name's not blue...
For posterity.
@michaelb958 ... where is that?
@Braiam ES
Earth Science?
@Braiam Hey, I only voted to close twice. :P
@Braiam Yup.
7 mins ago, by hichris123
Look at the rev history on this: http://earthscience.stackexchange.com/posts/520/revisions.
7 mins ago, by hichris123
Look at the rev history on this: http://earthscience.stackexchange.com/posts/520/revisions.
@hichris123 Darn ninja mods...
Indeed. :D
Meh, I'm off elsewhere for a bit... so I can't ninja you. :P
> Hey do you like puzzles? Commit to Puzzling on Area 51!
New line added to my profile "about" section :D
I did build that kick script! :P
(not really... but...
Okay, I lied. I'll be going soon. :P
@doorknob Where art thou, o Doorknob of Snow?
I can't vote in the SU elections. :(
any mod can remove this oneboxed spam? chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/8093271#8093271
> Know anything at all about accounting? Follow the proposed site!
@Doorknob Two can play at that game...
@Seth your fault ^
@Braiam whacked a bunch of 'em.
@Undo I thought I did! :P
I'm faster :P
For some reason it didn't register the kick until about 5 minutes after
You have much to learn. Like how to click delete really fast.
Stupid IE. :(
And I just sat there wondering "why am I still in this room"
@Doorknob weird
And didn't see any of these messages :P
Hmm... let's test it.
@Doorknob You should be kicked now.
Er... wut?
Okay, that time it worked. :P
... and then I got kicked again. D:
Huh, works now.
Weird. :P
@michaelb Hey, you don't have any current commitments. How about we agree that if you commit to Puzzling then I'll follow Accounting!
@3ventic where's that chat styling script of yours?
It's in the transcript somewhere @Undo.
@Doorknob O_O
grrr I have to search? >.<
hey @Braiam do you like puzzles
It's ok @hichris I'll just leave now and join to simulate your kicking so you don't have to do it
I'm even kicking from mobile. :P
... that's annoying. I'll stop. :P
I'm going to go fulfill my SR commitment now. :P
What are the criteria again? I have 3 questions and 2 answers.
... who knows. :P
Apparently if you don't do it in private, it's harder.
I think most or all of my posts were in the private beta.
> ask or answer 10 questions
Alright, must post 5 more things now. :P
Actually, first I shall finish homeworkstuffs
... didn't Nick say there's a new data dump?
^ @TimStone
It's like 4 am so I think I'll head to bed..
I'm gonna go sleep too now, it's 3 am here in France. Good night everyone. :)
@Doorknob Done
:D I followed Accounting
Anyone feel like making tag wiki edits on Earth Science?
Still have homework
And you're the diamond! :P
meh, that doesn't mean I have to make tag wikis. :P
@Doorknob You forgot the space between the username and the ♦.
ES is pretty flag-less so far.
wonders if I'll wake up to an empty flag queue
signs up and flags stuff </cheapjoke>
... I'm not asleep yet. :P
13 hours later…
Hey everyone :)
@Undo how are you ?
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
in Pin 13, 6 hours ago, by TheDoctor
@AnnonomusPenguin you're a penguin now??
@hichris123 I almost always do... :(
Any review queue
Anna has another picture. Again. Again.
Hm, @AnnonomusPenguin, now that you're a penguin you could spell "anonymous" correctly and still be unique :P
@Doorknob I joke about that... grr read my profile
I need moar flags!
> Actually, it stands for something really long that I can't remember... I should have it written down somewhere here... ohh plans for taking over the world??? Hides paper in desk drawer...
@AnnonomusPenguin Ooh, I should flag stuff for you.
@AnnonomusPenguin Lol :D
@Doorknob what kinds of things would I be able to ask on that as-yet-nonexistent site that you so want me to commit to?
Time travel pings :D
@Undo Things about puzzles! :P
@Doorknob Ahh, true, forgot about the penguin. Meh...
@Doorknob ... like? :P
Anything related to puzzles
@Doorknob Get ready to use the door :D
Sudoku, Hangman, etc.
@AnnonomusPenguin but... but... @Undo started it! :P
"How do I burn a puzzle?"
@Doorknob Feels an urge to create Jon Skeet puzzle
@Undo "With fire."
@Doorknob ... mod fire?
Wait... is 2048 a puzzle?
@AnnonomusPenguin Yes
@AnnonomusPenguin Meh, I don't feel like kicking him now.
Haha :D
I'm actually answering a meta.ES question right now. :P
Maybe that will be another way to advertise
Deciding whether to sign up is puzzling IMHO
"Frustrated by those darn number tiles? Commit to Puzzling!"
@Doorknob "Why don't two yellow taxis combine to create one, orange taxi?"
@AnnonomusPenguin Use my referral link :P
(Not really my joke, can't remember where from)
Are riddles on topic?
Explicitly not.
I should sabotage that referral link :P
Unfollows riddles
@Undo The blue to mortal ratio in here is way too high D:
it is
@AnnonomusPenguin reports mod abuse :P
Unfixes it
@3ventic rofl
so how do you like your shiny tools @hichris123?
They're... cool! :D
I bet you've pushed all the buttons already, right? :P
Well, I review banned myself for science...
that gets logged in your history :P
Yup. :P
> ... testing something. If I can't review for a day... you know why. :P
duration = 1 days by hichris123
I'm going to go edit tag wikis sometime soon...
oooh I might go suggest some
... that would work.
checks to make sure the unban worked
I should copy something straight from Wikipedia just to see if you catch it.
@Undo check TL.
@hichris123 Check review queue :P
... seems to not be copied straight from Wiki. :P
Seismology (; from Greek σεισμός "earthquake" and -λογία "study of") is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth or through other planet-like bodies. The field also includes studies of earthquake effects, such as tsunamis as well as diverse seismic sources such as volcanic, tectonic, oceanic, atmospheric, and artificial processes (such as explosions). A related field that uses geology to infer information regarding past earthquakes is paleoseismology. A recording of earth motion as a function of time is called a seismogram. A seismologi...
I usually just throw a random part of it in Google in quotes, and check for exact matches.
> Seismology (; from
It should be this:
no idea
> Seismology (/saɪzˈmɒlədʒi/; from Greek σεισμός
yay ES repz!
Vikram, you should capitalize your I at the beginning of your answer. It's more better grammar. — tux Apr 28 at 20:46
Oh, right.
^^^ Free flags!
yay flags
@hichris123 My grammar is gooder than they'res.
1 hour later…
@hichris123 from the text under the spam flag: This answer is effectively an advertisement with no disclosure. It is not useful or relevant, but promotional. Given the late addition to a very old thread with an accepted answer, and a bunch of other quality answers, an answer that says "use the is software you can buy" is most definitely spam, as defined on the SE network. — HopelessN00b 37 secs ago
^ Am I wrong, or is that not really spam?
Hard to say
It's a very bad answer nonetheless.
I'd say VLQ but not spam.
@hichris123 I'd say VLQ, not spam necessarily.

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