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@hichris123 around?
going quickly.
One sec!
*may be subject to availability limits.
I.e. I already nuked them :(
That was... 30 seconds!
@Undo The bot is back if you're wondering :P I added moar features
@Doorknob You're not controlling it, right?
I'll upload the new code in a sec
It was quite easy actually
Q: Why so teeny tiny a font for MSE?

tchristThe font used on the new look for MSE is so small compared to the one used on MSO that it almost seems an error: Was this miniaturization accidental, or did you actually intend to make us squint at MSE now? 👓 Also, because the pale blue provides far less contrast than the dark grey, it becom...

I don't know whether to upvote or downvote.
I have a rough draft of an essay due. :(
1 message moved from The bot testing room
@hichris123 What's it on?
(moved it here so that we don't freak out the bot)
@Undo Ah, okay.
@Undo Using a real life example of the Tipping Point.
So a book report-ish thing :(
Yeah, kinda.
I'm doing my essay on Android. :P
Do it on SE.
And how everyone freaked out when they changed to top bar.
^ Part of my essay right now.
@Undo Huh... I should have done that.
sigh Go away!
@Undo Would be a good idea, however it has to fit these laws, and SE doesn't have a good enough written history to see if it does fit them: the Power of Context, the Law of the Few, and the Stickiness Factor.
me is back
Oh, okay. Still doing homework. :P
I only need to write 1-2 more pages, double spaced.
I assume they are mean and specified a font/size?
... nope. :P
Though they are taking 10% off if it's not a full essay *. * Full essay not defined that well
Lol I forgot I changed my friend's ringtone so my phone suddenly went DUN DUN DUUNNNNN! in my pocket O_o
@hichris123 hi
I bet I just totally butchered that
@Undo oh cool you're blue here
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yep, this is on chat.stackexchange
... until balpha fixes it, it's still on chat.stackexchange, but on mSO theme. :P
glares at badp
... sigh I need to be able to edit stuff on mES. Typos are annoying me. O_O
@hichris Sadly me thinks me question will be closed
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about chemistry — naught101 9 mins ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just not on mSE or SO.
Q: Where is the boundary between geology and chemistry?

gerritAfter reading this question on diamond, my first thought was: is this really an Earth science question? Then I noticed that it was tagged geology. Fair enough, I don't even know enough about geology to determine what is geology and what isn't, so it's not for me to say on- or off-topic. Where ...

This question appears to be off-topic because it is about chemistry — naught101 10 mins ago
I... really don't know if it's on topic or not.
There will always be overlap between most SE sites. IMHO it's best to deal with it with a easy to follow policy that users can view, not case-by-case. — Annonomus Person 1 min ago
It seems just a little over the border of on topic vs off topic.
However, we need a policy for these types of questions.
yesterday, by Annonomus Person
@hichris123 There's nothing like a good borderline off topic question in beta to really bring focus to a problem in the scope.... it's related IMO but that's more of the scientific portion (chemical changes) where ES seems to be more nature and weather.
If I would've asked it myself, chances are most people would've ignored it more than this one is.
@hichris <sarcasm>Good job! Now my question's getting closed all because of you! :P Just kidding.</sarcasm>
Wow, now you make me look like the bad guy. Way to go! :D
Disclaimer: this is 100% sarcasm.
You are liable for your hurt feelings. They're yours!
@Annon We're... borking Doorknob's bot here, join us:

Bot testing room

For testing Doorknob's chatbot. Here's the code: github.com/Ke...
@Undo Halp!
Ownership plz?
@Undo Timeout. :P
@Undo DON'T DO IT :P
I de-timeouted it :P
@Undo Owner?
@Undo just cause?
do you promise not to annoy Doorknob?
(no) :P
@Undo Yep. * until I get a diamond
@Doorknob ^ Thoughts? :P
@Undo If he gets a diamond, then the point is moot, so okay! :P
done :P
I'm hopeful on a diamond. But meh, whatever. If it happens... it happens. :P
that's the attitude to have.
The main reason I want a diamond right now is to annoy @Doorknob. :P
plots to become mod before @hichris
@Doorknob ... on what site? :P
Code Golf!
@hichris123 I don't know, Puzzling? :P
That's going to be a while after ES. :P
@Undo Hmm, maybe that would be a good idea :P
Although I don't see us getting out of beta any time soon
@Doorknob I think your best bet might be to sabotage hichris' nomination on ES. Like nasty comments or something :P
I do remember dmckee mentioning handing back his diamond earlier, so that's always a possibility, but it would be a shame to lose him :P
Note that I do not condone such behavior.
@Undo Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
@Undo Lol, yay for being evil :P
Not that I do not encourage evil behavior.
For it is bad for the account
@Undo ... and then you suspend Doorknob, right?
@hichris123 yeah, yeah, of cours- wait, what?! :P
searches for a question to answer
Okay, so I decided to go the easy way with the rate-limiting and just have it have 5 messages max per 5 seconds. :P
18 more rep until I can fix those annyoing meta typos.
@hichris123 wut?
@Doorknob whistles
I thought you had 2k @hichris123.
oooh on ES
Like this typo:
> See also the peleontology tag
Q: When are paleontology questions on-topic?

naught101Some examples: What percentage of dinosaurs had feathers What parts of the fossil record are most lacking in specimens See also the peleontology tag Where is the dividing line between too biological and on-topic for questions like these?

Got to go now.
Ooh, yay, edit privs!
Q: Is "The MSO/MSE Split is soon underway" grammatically correct?

UndoWe're in the middle of a historical time. Two creatures will be separated from each other. Waffles will be torn in two. Meta Stack Overflow will be split. This banner is currently being shown on Meta Stack Overflow and on Stack Overflow itself: The MSO/MSE Split is soon underway. Please be...

It's in the Hot Questions list! :D
It'd be a real shame if someone's user account was "lost" as part of the move... — Nick Craver ♦ yesterday
Why has Shog still abandoned us here?
Wat the....
Q: do you think im pregnant? nothing rude please

user259150I had an abortion (please dont judge me). Me and my new bf had unprotected sex more than once after the abortion. cuz we were really high and didnt know what we were doing. But anyway. The day before my check up i got the depo shot. But now im having pregnancy symptoms such as: lower back pain o...

Nuked it for your @Seth.
That's... really weird.
I asked for it to be nuked as well.
@Seth Shog said we have to bug balpha to do it, that even he couldn't do it for some reason.
Funny, I saw Grace Note do it.
She moved a room from SO to Game Dev.
It's messed up since the parent site is mSO.
@Doorknob /cc @Undo Oh, I fixed that months ago
I looked into the pywebsocket source code and there was a different parameter for websockets
I just never got around to bubbling the websocket method through the wrapper API
I'll have more time once May starts
@Doorknob wait, where?
oh, on PCG
7 hours later…
@ManishEarth Yeah, he says he's already busy moderating Physics too.
8 hours later…
17 hours ago, by Seth
Wat the....
^ That, @Undo.
saw it
I wonder if those Earth Science slackers have put up their nod momination thread yet?
I need sleepz
@Undo Nope.
@Undo As do I.
oooh UPS truck
wonders if I'm receiving more swagz
I should chase the truck with a shovel!
> Fetching file 1761 of 2254 at 1202 kB/s.
lays a snare for balpha
@Undo ... TL?
sublime>v... you know
... yeah, I'm tired. :P
Ooh, almost fetched all files!
> Installing the upgrades
@hichris123 So what are the differences in 14.04 server?
@Undo I dunno.
... let's look.
Newer versions of stuff (Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc)...
ooooh new shinies.
@hichris123 What's the command again? And how long did it take you?
It's still installing!
And it's on my closet server.
Uh... command.
A: Why is "No new release found" when upgrading from a LTS to the next?

Jorge CastroAccording to Ubuntu Engineering Foundations team manager Steve Langasek: Upgrades between LTS releases are not enabled by default until the first point release, 14.04.1, scheduled for July. It is recommended that most LTS users wait until then before upgrading to 14.04. If you choose to up...

I might wait for 14.04.1
because I don't like waiting :(
do-release-upgrade -d
@Undo ... but then you're waiting for the upgrade!
$ ssh closet
... yup, we're both tired. :P
Okay, upgradifying
> Continue running under SSH?

> This session appears to be running under ssh. It is not recommended
to perform a upgrade over ssh currently because in case of failure it
is harder to recover.
... how else do you do it?
Well I have a laptop.
You know, with a built in screen and keyboard and stuff
A: What's the risk of upgrading over SSH?

Marco CeppiWhat I would recommend doing is launching a screen session on the server and running the upgrade in screen - that way if your SSH session drops (for whatever reason) the upgrade process will not halt. Screen is a program that allows for persistent terminal(s) on a machine. So you can start a sc...

So I shall go get it and set it on my desk
Ah, okay.
But first I must clear my desk
I'm sitting at the desktop right now. :P
And to clear my desk I need to empty the trashcan.
(this is the laptop, Ubuntu desktop is right next to me)
@Undo ... why?
And then I would need to go to the store and buy something to get one of those little plastic bags to put in the trash can.
@hichris123 So that I can throw stuff away.
wants to file a bug report with Ubuntu: Updating to 14.04 requires me to go to the grocery store
... this upgrade is going to take forever.
My closet server and EC2 are racing :D
... you're upgrading EC2, too?
Meh, just experimenting
I think I won't upgrade now
I'll wait until 14.04.1
I'm not upgrading until at least I know it works. :P
A: Arduino stopwatch, which board to use?

Annonomus PersonBy that photo you posted, you pretty much answered a decent part of your question. You'll need six pins for the LCD, and one or two for the button. That means that you need a total of 8 pins. That Uno pictured has 20 (analog can act as digital, too). As far as the boards, if you feel comfortable...

Never mind....
What were you asking?
What's 2+2.
That's what I was asking :D
3 mins ago, by Annonomus Person
I love cheese!
It wasn't that ^. :P
:) Sheepish smirk
Yeah that was before deletion.
"You find a flaming sphere posing as a statue." Uhhm, #nethack, how does that even work?
^ The joys of playing Nethack. :P
(Ignore the unix timestamp)
... can mods see cleared revision histories @Annon?
@3ventic 3 + 6 == 39?
@3ventic It no worky.
it's been tweaked a little
... how so?
it was made to solve a puzzle, not calculate properly :p
Oohhh, it shows the result of subtraction and addition concatenated
because there was a puzzle like that
I was linked to it
it was on tinypic (lol)
...wat. :P
a clanmate uploaded an image of it
sigh Ubuntu is still updating.
Are you golfing?
@Doorknob It is 36!
@Doorknob ... me? :P
@hichris123 Code golf
@hichris123 No, 3ventic :P
@hichris123 If if it's not purged, then yes.
I made the calculator to prove I'm right lol
Even the name sounds ominous....
@AnnonomusPerson What if it is purged?
Can you still get it?
Not that I know of... you might be able to get something through the dev team with server logs if it's going to save someone's life or uncover crime something like that....
Otherwise, only the newest "copy" of the message is viewable in the history by mods.
Huh, okay.
Random music plays And that is the end of our daily moderator tool insight message.
Suggestions: ping @AnnonomusPerson
[A SE-chat production. (C) 2014 Me]
@AnnonomusPerson Please explain how you mod abuse your users.
[Off air now]
@hichris123 Umm that will be next week's topic, okay? We don't run on weekends :D
Aww. :(
Okay want me to tell you now?
Since 'ya said so :D
> Since 'ya said so :D
Does that refresh your page? :P
I can change that value..... hmmm 400+ days like @Undo enough?
Then I'd have to get my sock back...
You know I'm just joking?
@AnnonomusPerson ... yes. (maybe) :P
Well, if/when I get a diamond... :D
Good! :P
@hichris123 Ohh....
Key word is "if"
Q: What is this large room with an assortment of monsters, a swarm of bees, and some items?

DoorknobSo, I fell down a trapdoor and then: (click image to enlarge) ...yeah, I've kind of just been staring at my screen and ;-identifying things for a few minutes. Some notable things I've found: a HUGE swarm of killer bees a peaceful gremlin (the green thing in the center) - I've never seen th...

Yeah, so Nethack is weird sometimes... :P
@Doorknob :D
"So, I fell down a trapdoor and then" Not a phrase you hear every day.
plays with vote buttons
ahem, who's playing with the vote arrows? cough @hichris cough
angry glare
@hichris123 Which question?
@AnnonomusPerson Doorknobs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
My rep tab is too green flashy >:(
I don't see it.....
Q: What is this large room with an assortment of monsters, a swarm of bees, and some items?

DoorknobSo, I fell down a trapdoor and then: (click image to enlarge) ...yeah, I've kind of just been staring at my screen and ;-identifying things for a few minutes. Some notable things I've found: a HUGE swarm of killer bees a peaceful gremlin (the green thing in the center) - I've never seen th...

The votes....
Ohh there
Stap! >:(
slaps @hichris
... doorknobs can't do that
hurls self at high speed towards @hichris
locks @hichris outside
inflicts generic action upon @hichris
... I love that button. :D
Remind me never to post one of my questions in here ever again.
Aww. :(
Ooh, Ubuntu's almost upgraded!
Bootstrap still not working for mwa
@Door Hi!
... hi there! :D :D :D
@hichris Any experience with modals in BS?
Okay, time to make my bot do something useful.
@AnnonomusPerson ... some. Code plz?
I can't figure out how to open it. The sample code doesn't even work. I have the CSS and JS imported
@AnnonomusPerson Errors in console? Wrapped in onload?
Ahh need jQuery
... restarting Ubuntu! :D
Modal works thanks @Door
If you're only using three letters of my name, @Ann, you only get three of yours! :P
Me has ♦!
@Door I edited my message; typo!!!
Fine, @Annon, diamond adds +1 to username intrinsic.
is still in Nethack mode :P
...turns out it was called a "Big Room." What a creative name... :O
The diamond overflows to the next line :(
Is that your own chat client?
Or logs?
Me likes!
I'm not sure how to get my current color settings though
@3ventic In the Stylic or whatever menu there's a edit button with the CSS
Ugg this theme has to go :D
Can't read anything
I tried with very saturated pink a few times... it was awful.
Hmmm adding it...
Yay added!
Wow it's cool.
But dark... hmm...
I like dark :p
I kinda want a little white or orange here somewhere... can you control the sidebar color?
I can add that
I got it... hmm...
it's transparent atm, you can change it tho
AHHH! Inspect element... so much white!
Theme needs a few adjustments, but working good now.
Now it looks like a scene outside.... :P
Yay, local Charcoal. :D
@hichris123 ?
@AnnonomusPerson I upgraded Ubuntu to 14.04, so Charcoal now works since it needed PHP 5.4 and I now have 5.5.
Ahh I thought you meant desktop application.

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