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Of course, it wouldn't work in chat, and you wouldn't get the tools, but still...
@hichris123 Hey!
If it works, I get all the credit, ok?
Nope, looks like it's server-side.
That would be cool
Hmm... @hichris look at this below: :/
> ERROR: Hacker identified. UID: hichris123. Reported to SE team.
> NOTICE: hichris123 put on anti-mod list.
You... misspelled my name.
@AnnonomusPerson ^
Your hack must've kinda worked... messing up the server :D
Gotta go!
Cya. - - [08/Apr/2014:22:29:18 +0000] "GET /w00tw00t.at.ISC.SANS.DFind:) HTTP/1.1" 400 525 "-" "-"
^ @Undo Mod hammer that person plz?
IP xref and see if they have an SE account? :P
But I won't be able to tell you anyway :p
but fine, I'll xref the ip
wait, I can't.
... y?
wait, yes I can
okay, done
No results?
Can't you just tell me if there's no results?
no, I can't
here, let me make an illustration.
just a second
... okay...
My queue feels... empty.
if (Undo.giveInformationToUser(sekrits, hichris))
    Shog.removeDiamond(Undo, wrath);
^ @hichris123 See the problem?
I kinda like my diamond.
But... that really only matters if it returns a result.
It's not sekrit if it doesn't return anything.
yes it is
@AnnonomusPerson Get to 3k on SO.
@hichris123 Nah... I'm fine :D
@Undo Mmm... how so?
because it is
> Stack Exchange Inc. reserves the right to terminate my privileges as a moderator at any time without warning.
If he got in the habit of telling you if there's nothing there, then when he would refuse to tell you if there was something and you would know if there was something.
^ (up two posts) :'(
@Undo Hey? Why at my post?
@AnnonomusPerson Meh, kinda true.
waits for diamond
@hichris123 Not kinda, exactly
@Undo You don't blockquote it if you said it! "me" → "any"
Oh, Earth Science is at 95%.
Say, @Annon, you should commit to it...
Meh... I don't do faith commitments.
'faith commitments' ??
I'm not really going to participate in it....
You know about Earth Science, don't you @Annon? :P
@Undo A term I (and a few others) use when they commit but don't use it.
@hichris123 I'm not gonna ask "what type of rock is this?"
@AnnonomusPerson What rare earth element is my mod hammer made of?
^ That would be a good question for you @Undo, too.
@hichris123 Wouldn't that be closed ASAP?
Not if you post it when no SE people are around (no pro-tems)
Yeah, I've planned this all out. :P
@hichris123 You do realize that in that time CMs hover over the site like Jeff Atwood does over the house of a person who posts a bug about pluralization?
Q: Do we want to delete "obsolete" comments on this site?

quidOn many SE sites it is common practice to delete comments that became "obosolete" and there is a flag reason for this. On a few other sites (especially MO) this is not done (or at least not much). What should be the common practice regarding deletion of obsolete comments on MESE? The direc...

@AnnonomusPerson Nah, they do sleep.
^ D:
grrr you snuck in a message :(
I did that, too!
@Undo Lemme guess - you flagged that comment?
28 secs ago, by Undo
grrr you snuck in a message :(
We should perform some comment cleanup there, though.
After we write up an answer.
Yeah... CW it plz.
creates Math Educators account
It doesn't seem to have a clear focus...
@AnnonomusPerson Too broad, unclear, take your pick.
@AnnonomusPerson Oh well.
Here's some advice (puts on mod cap... not literally, yet): It'll be hard to get mod on a site that you're not enthusiastic about. It's like putting you on the moderator team of Ask Different. You should want to be a moderator to help out a site, not just to get a diamond on one site that you're not enthusiastic about.
I guess you could be enthusiastic about educating people with math, but IDK :D
@AnnonomusPerson ... what does that have to do with anything?
@hichris123 You're signing up for a ME account.... I assumed that was to try to get mod.
Q: What does a downvote mean on meta?

Jim BelkThere have been several meta posts that received net downvotes, including: Would this recent MSE question be on topic on MESE? What is the definition of a "soft question" in MESE? Is it really odd to use the abbreviation "ME" for Mathematics Educators SE? When and how could special formatting a...

^ @Undo That too.
@AnnonomusPerson Nope, just to post an answer to that obsolete comments question. :P
@hichris123 Ohh sorry :D
You're fine.
Maybe I'll run for mod on Earth Science?
I dunno.
Depends how involved I get into it, if I actually know what they're discussing... :P
@hichris123 Are you enthusiastic about earth science?
@hichris123 yes you will. And if you don't, I will nominate you and ping you every day until you accept it.
Hmm you could ask something about a semiconductor :D
@Undo Make a bot and a new chatroom and change it to every minute. Make sure to superping with your mod tools!!!
@AnnonomusPerson Yeah, I love weather and the outdoors. But will I know what they're talking about? Not sure, I only know what a 13 year old knows. :P
@Undo rofl
@hichris123 True.
Wait... I thought you hated snow?
At this time, yes.
I am not liable for any damages, whether intellectual or proprietary. This messages is provided "AS-IS" without any warranties or claims of any kind. (C) 2014 @hichris123 on SE
@hichris Did it! ^
You guys still have snow? O_o
@Seth Nah, it's all gone here.
But we got 63 inches this year.
Good and wow.
... what happened to @Undo?
is writing m.MESE post
@Undo Make it CW!
I will
plans to add stuff to it
A: Do we want to delete "obsolete" comments on this site?

UndoYes. I refer you to the commenting privilege page: Comments are temporary "Post-It" notes left on a question or answer. They can be up-voted (but not down-voted) and flagged, but do not generate reputation. There's no revision history, and when they are deleted they're gone for good. Thes...

Better @Undo?
There. Even better. :P
Your mSR post for reference:
A: Why are comments deleted?

UndoI'm the one that deleted the comments. Here's the chain: They were flagged as obsolete, and I deleted them. There's a nice short answer on mSO about obsolete comments: Comments are, by their very nature, transitional. Flagging helps keep them under control and tidied up. Basically, a co...

Q: How do I enable fancy apt colours and progress bars?

SethI've heard that apt has some a fancy colour and progress bar feature, but that I have to manually enable it. How do I do this?

Ooh, fancy @Seth.
Yeah fancy :D
@Seth Workplace elections over! jmort, jmac, Monica.
11 hours later…
works diligently on app
@Undo ... I/O? :P
nope :P
opens Eclipse
currently trying to move these high res images to a server to that I don't bust through my 50MB limit.
@Undo S3!
well I have this instance running already, so...
it's insane that I can rent a computer for three months that I know will pretty much always be up for like $40.
after WWDC I'll move it all to my main server
should I put a picture of me wearing my mod hat in the app?
wonders what happened to @hichris123
Maybe a veloceraptor ate him.
I didn't die!
@Undo Possibly. But I'm still alive. Explain that. :P
oooh yay the offloading of big images worked!
@Undo rofl. I can just see you wearing your mod hat to WWDC. :D
oh, of course I would
and my SE T-shirt.
Earth Science is at 97%!
I'd probably get mugged and have all my modly cookies stolen, though :(
I still don't have my SE/Arqade T-shirt :(
@Undo ... you mean popcorn?
well that too
but if you get my cookies then you can get the popcorn too.
> Christopher, we've made some changes‏
That's... a horrible subject.
From American Airlines, no less!
Better than my grandmother, though
she writes the entire email in the subject
That must be... interesting. :P
freaks out one of my mail clients.
I do need a good email client.
searches SR
points silently at Mailbox
but it's iOS only
(needed the link)
must be on a tablet?
Just too lazy to go into Chrome. :P
oh :P
At the end of the day I always have like 20 tabs open, Sublime, Eclipse, my Git client... tons of other stuff. :P
archives app to see how much space he saved
Ever notice how whatever the update-runner thing is on Windows always pokes you for updates right when you're doing something fun/important?
@Undo ... not really. It auto-installs them. :P
Now, Apple Software Updator on the other hand...
well for the ones that need restarts.
@hichris123 we got rid of that three years ago :P
@Undo Yeah... once I put it off for 12+ hours.
^ Once a week.
@Undo Still exists on Windows. :(
^ Me every week
Why am I getting notified of updates... when it's Wednesday?
It's called Patch Tuesday for a reason.
shaved 15MB off my app!
if only they paid me per the megabyte shaved...
@Undo So why does it take up 35 MB?
@hichris123 because lots of ginourmous PNGs :P
which now live happily on a server
okay, must take high-res screenshot of SO homepage
@Undo ... why?
for app
excerpt from AWS email:
> How to add loose coupling into your application to make it more survivable
When I think of an app that needs to be made more survivable, it's not a good app.
How... is an app survivable?
Do you send the app to the jungle and see if it survives?
I think you put a person in a room with the app and see if the person survives.
That's the best thing I can come up with.
If the person implodes... well, oops!
oh, you've heard about Heartbleed, right @hichris123?
If not, you need to be on the Interwebs more.
@Undo Yeah. I patched my OpenSSL (even though I don't use it, no cert).
it's... the scariest bug I've ever seen
... and I was one of the people watching Yahoo and yelling at them What are you doing?
@Undo Yeah. Apparently it's just because someone forgot to implement a buffer length check.
or something like that.
Q: Operation 'Split, All The Metas!' Shall Commence On April 16, 2014

Tim PostNot all of them mind you, just Meta Stack Overflow into Meta Stack Exchange. I'll have you know, factually, that we really did believe this would take place in six-to-eight weeks when it was originally announced, but we've finally got a tentative date established. If things go according to plan...

@Undo Operation Break-Into-Dev-MSE needs to start.
but me is busy trying to win things!
Oh well.
builds in failsafe for high-res image thingy
@hichris123 but then I might not get to wear my mod hat at WWDC :(
@Undo Hmm... all we need to do is spoof the cookies, right?
starts adding cookies
in theory
So, let's look at the cookies of one of the other sites I'm signed into (dev).
Or cookied-into.
@Undo around?
A: Let's get rid of the 10K flag queue

Shog9The first part of this is done: Not an Answer flags now feed into the Low Quality review queue. This was mostly implemented as described in the proposal above, but since that was written as an implementation guide here's a somewhat more readable summary of the rules: VLQ and NAA flags immediate...

Shog hates the 10k queue :P
... which means I finally get to review flags! :D
Ya know that NAA flags go to the LQP queue now?
(as well as the mod queue)
Yeah... and? :P
I dunno. I'm just thinking how full the SO LQP queue is gonna be.
user image
Mods can put custom messages in review bans now :D
@Seth True.
@Undo ... since when?
looks on meta
sees no annoucement anywhere
Since yesterday UTC.
... or since 53 seconds ago. :P
Q: Could we make the review-banned-by-a-mod notice say something more descriptive?

UndoSince we got minitech as a mod (yay!), lots of people have been getting review banned (and rightfully so). Many of these people come to Meta to complain/ask about it. When they do, they seem to be thrown off by the current reason that shows up: You have failed too many recent review audits, ...

No, that's just when Shog got around to adding that tag ;P
Okay, I only knew of it 2 minutes ago since I'm not a mod. Better?
I'd say yes. It isn't an answer to the question anyhow.
That's what I was thinking.
k, flagged.
@hichris123 flagged
Some future SR mod is going to be really confused when they see this on my profile:
> Apr 9 user has been banned from review You ate a marshmallow once.
duration = 1 days by Undo
Okay, can I post that in the Tavern (the image)?
you don't have to be a mod to see it. You just have to be a mod to make it appear.
@Undo cough I have access to review on SR cough
@hichris123 you're saying...
It shows up on your permanent record, by the way.
A: Looking for OCR API on mobile platform

VitalikPay attention for products by ABBYY: ABBYY Mobile OCR Engine is highly-accurate OCR SDK. It supports Android and iOS, works on device. ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK is platform-independent OCR SDK, works in cloud.

@Undo Auto-comment plz ^?
translation: playing a game, neglecting mod duties :P
What game?
goes to flag stuff on SR
Well, what game @Undo?
2048, are there other games?
Possibly... :P
Flag the Comment is one of them.
Gah, one of my friends Yahoo accounts got hacked.
Probably from Heartbleed. :(
A: Could we make the review-banned-by-a-mod notice say something more descriptive?

Shog9The UI now prompts you for a custom message when banning a user: This is optional - but if you do enter a message, it will be displayed to the user if they try to review anything within the ban period: Please note that if you're going to take the time to do this, you should strive to be as ...

^ His example isn't as fun as mine :(
@Seth Yup, I've been reviewing a lot more today than ever before.
... and then a mod deletes it from the flag queue. :P
@Undo We need that link-only tool, since VLQ's now go into the LQP queue.
yeah, I suppose we do :P
So... get working!
I'm leaving in a few minutes.
but wwdc app!
Who cares?
It's SE vs Apple. :P
1 hour later…
@Undo So... did you make any progress?
No matter what happens, I'm bringing my giant "S"! And I'm gonna use it! — Jeff Atwood ♦ 16 mins ago
@Undo @Annon ^
@hichris123 :P
1 hour later…
wow, the image on developer.apple.com/wwdc fits into my app just perfectly! :D
like within a pixel or two
@AnnonomusPerson What seems like a dumb question?
Never mind
I almost feel like posting an answer to your question.
But I'm lazy. :P
I'm editing my question... I'll upvote you on SO if you post an answer.
I mean... uhh :D
jk lol
waits patiently for edit
25 flags so far today! :D
@Hichris ^
Okay, I'll post an answer after I eat. :P
A: SHA-256-encrypted string as directory name

user3516981requires at least 1500 reputation. Try something from the existing tags list instead

@hichris123 You know about .ssh/config, right?
@Undo ... er, sure, why?
Wait... can a SQL injection attack be launched with curley quotes?
htmlspecialchars doesn't protect against that.... :/
@AnnonomusPerson ... which is why you use PDO :P
@hichris123 You can do things with it like have a one-liner ssh closet, no passwords needed.
@Undo I'm stuck setting up the key. I setup the key with PuTTY and the file on Ubuntu, but it's not working. I'm assuming it something on the Ubuntu side.
Oh, windows
in related news, I can't see any flags to handle.
So I'm going to go review close votes.
@Undo Oh, you'll have some soon.
@Undo I'm on around 30/40.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 8 minutes to continue reviewing.
rofl I'm closing a question even though I have the same problem:
Q: Ubuntu flash display

user690131I installed flash on my ubuntu 12.04 with this commande : sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer It worked, but then the display is complety messed-up. Here a screen shot with how it displays on Windows, and then on Ubuntu : Did anybody experienced that ? I have the same messed-up display ...

(I'm going through ubuntu)
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 7 minutes to continue reviewing.
See the blue thing and the green thing?
Apple had to say that they're not providing transportation between them :P
Look at SR @Undo.
opens flag tab
oh yay, three flags that when handled will credit me one handled flag.

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