do nothing else you could expect to lose as much as bandit that in the first 30 days because it shows you exactly had a week lot of food but still lose allot white it you to purchase all these autumn separately everything will cost you 394 dole's but together not 394 dole's not 300 dole's not two...
I recently missed out on getting a big box of mozilla swag because I didn't go to an awesome meetup (where a lot of infra was being discussed , and I was a big part of it but I couldn't be there in person)
I was a speaker at a mozilla event last week. First time doing it. I got this Mozilla Reps computer case. It's extremely soft on the inside, feel like sticking my head in there ;P
@Undo you really should start doing some major open source .. not open sourcing your own code, actually participating in larger codebases like chromium and Firefox and whatnot :)
I can help you get started on Firefox if you want. Or do a degree MediaWiki (PHP!)
Plus Firefox has something amazing -- the Browser Toolbox. It's like the normal javascript debugger/console/inspector, except you can debug browser code with it :D