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No, I didn't flag 3 comments before UTC midnight... :P
@Undo Any other ideas? I broke my computer and it still didn't give me the answers...
Wireshark seems like a pain to use with Android and a non rooted device...
You don't have to run it on Android
you run it on any local-network connected device
@Undo But it's an Android app... that's the problem.
Oh! That's what my VM is for. :D
huh. I dunno
@Undo So using Wireshark, how do I see the data I would see in Chrome Dev tools? Like the POST data and stuff.
I don't know
I just know you can
Google it :P
Thanks for the help. :P
You're welcome!
goes to make A51 proposal for lmgtfy.stackexchange.com
A: sniff http packets for get and post requests from an application

Karl BielefeldtPut http.request.method == "POST" in the display filter of wireshark to only show POST requests. Click on the packet, then expand the Hypertext Transfer Protocol field. The POST data will be right there on top.

Yup, looks about right
@Undo lol. lmgtfy would be the answer to all of the questions.
Aha! Gottit! Thanks @Undo.
Now to figure out what this stuff actually means...
The... data sent is the same every time except for the MIME? Okay...
So weird... after I'm done with my homework I'll test it out.
2 hours later…
@Undo So does swag come via USPS?
whoops. Thought this was the TL for a minute. That's what I get for getting used to AU's orange theme.
@Seth You didn't post any TL worthy messages... :(
@hichris123 Nope ;)
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CPANEL IS NOT OPENING on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: IMPLEMENTING LDAP IN WEB APPLICATION on stackoverflow.com
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FIND UPPERCASR CHARACTERS IN USER GIVEN STRING on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: IMPLICIT PRINCIPLE BEHIND FORMING TV CHANNEL BOUQUETS on math.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: KENDO GRID AGGREGATE COLUMN on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HOW TO GET UNIQUE ARRAY OF HASHES IN PERL on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
Did you guys build this? stackapps.com/questions/4515/… Because, if so, I have a couple bug/feature requests
no, that was somebody else, I don't remember who, ask @ManishEarth
I think it was the Wobuffet
Or however you spell that.
[ SmokeDetector ] Aborted
3 hours later…
@ManishEarth Why is ManishBot dead?
Gah, that thing has made it so much harder to ping you.
@Undo Going to wipe and replace the server in a few days
So... what are we going to do without ManishBot?
@hichris123 Post spam, for one.
This will make it so much easier.
we must seize the opportunity!
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 6 mins ago, by Undo
You managed to forget that not all people have 'Segoe UI' installed on their system.
What is that?
And Segoe UI is amazing!
It's not very amazing when it doesn't show up :P
scoff Macs. :P
@hichris123 It is amazing!
scoff Microsoft apparently doesn't want converts :P
oh help. Sam is in the tavern. Is he complaining again?
He's getting ready to, I can feel it.
/me joins tavern
@Undo btw, link to that MS page? I want to see if I have the font.
@Undo Yep. I was in the room when it happened, watching. Or rather, lurking.
@Undo You posted a TL link? :P
@hichris123 Well as long as it doesn't onebox.
And you'll notice said link no longer exists >:D
Oh, @hichris123 I made my first really big mistake today :D
@Undo Lies.
Okay.. What mistake?
I jumped the gun on creating a tag synonym.
Which is slightly related to blowing up the solar system.
Mod magic... :(
yay for magic!
That's really all we do in TL, practice casting mod-spells on eachother. And waiting for the cache to invalidate so we can get more popcorn.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 1 hour ago, by Revious
you mean that my way of speaking is agitating people?
trying to decide if I should reply to that or not...
Must. Hack. In.
@Undo Say, where is the popcorn?
@Seth like... three four CMs, a dev, and three mods?
@Seth It's just offscreen in the upper right corner. There's a little cabinet with a diamond on it, which you have to open. The popcorn is cached, though :(
@Undo I mean, I understand what happened, no one else there seemed to. Especially revious.
meh, whatever.
@Undo I don't see it.. but whatever ;)
@Seth You have to scroll up and right at 0.9c to see it.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 4 hours ago, by Flyk
I need a userscript so that when I set fire to people their avatars burst into flames and fall from the user list to the bottom of the screen before rolling around in agony
wonders if Manish would be interested...
One could add so many interesting easter eggs to it >:D
@kalina ^ how much would you pay us?
Doesn't that kinda already exist? The punch script?
But it doesn't make them catch fire and roll around in agony.
Which is obviously better.
@Undo Not seeing it on mSR or chat... sigh
@Undo sorry for being dense, but .9c? Or is this some kind of joke? ;)
@Undo Try and guess what font I see...
@Seth hehe, yeah. It's supposed to be a joke.
You know $c$, right? :P
@Undo Not sure that I do.
I kinda figured it was a joke all along.. sigh.
GAH! I hate it how youtube videos auto-play like that.
ugh, youtube autoplay.
Q: Why does the Stack Overflow swag request form have six address lines?

UndoSome backstory: I ran in the Stack Overflow election, and lost. Poor me. The SE gods took pity upon me, though, and sent me a link to a form where I could give them an address and they would send me stuff. Like any sane human would, I wanted the swag. The form has six address fields: I'm in t...

@Undo Usually that's the place for 6 addresses. :P
Address line 2 = second address.
So.... I could send swag to me and five friends?
Doesn't sound right
> Street 2:
^ That is usually the format for a second address.
Oh, @Undo does swag come via USPS?
@hichris123 Lemme look, just a minute.
@hichris123 Mine did.
@Undo How big is the box? Wondering if it would be dropped off or put in the mailbox...
@hichris123 goes to get box again
@hichris123 It's big enough that I would assume any mailman to put it in the mailbox to be mentally disturbed and very strong.
but I got a rather large load of swag. I doubt the boxes are that big every time.
Ooh, okay.
@Undo Oh, what are the exact dimentions of the box?
wonders how many times I can make @Undo get the box
goes to get box
goes to find ruler
Q: How can I store information securely when I can't use crypt or a hash?

hichris123I'm creating an application for Google Glass (technically it's Glassware, but whatever). The user will do the following steps when first using this Glassware: Go to my website, redirected via the Glassware page. Get redirected to the Google OAuth page so that they can sign in. Get redirected ba...

mumbles about how he can't find a ruler
^^ Wow, 70 views, 1 comment, 2 votes... and no answer
@Undo Isn't that what a hammer is for?
It's about 13x10x6.5"
@Undo Next question: how much does it weigh?
@hichris123 I can't find the mod button on the box, unfortunately. So I can't mod-hammer it :(
makes Undo get the box again
puts the box on his desk
@Undo stops asking questions
Holy crap there was a flag sitting in the SR queue for thirty minutes!
This is unacceptable!
I must check the page more!
@hichris123 With all the swag in it or not in it?
Also, with packing paper or not?
@Undo With swag and packing paper.
makes @Undo get all of the swag and packing paper
This means I have to find the flash drive, huh?
@Undo You lost it?
@hichris123 No, I just don't know where it is.
That means you lost it, no? :P
No. It's in my house somewhere
And I'll find it before I go to WWDC this year.
@Undo Ug. I wanna go to IO this year but I don't think Google will let me... :(
Apple lets minors into their conference. Google doesn't. What does this tell you? :P
I want to go to OSCON..
The box weighs 10 pounds. Using Fermi estimation.
@Undo That I haven't bothered them enough?
^ Example of Fermi estimation
@hichris123 mod election swag? It's a slim box.
@ManishEarth What's in it?
@ManishEarth One slim enough to sanely fit within a mailbox?
Where is Google IO?
@Undo Same as WWDC - Moscone.
oh, neat
@hichris123 If you ever get to go, take a minute and appreciate just how huge Presidio is.
It's far for me to get to... :(
@Undo Er, what?
Like, my entire (decent-sized) house could fit in that one room.
@hichris123 The main event room.
Where Apple holds keynotes
Oh, must be where they have the IO keynote.
It's ginourmous
5100 people, they can fit in that room.
I've only watched IO on livestream... and that was only '12. '13 was during school... :(
Watching the '13 highlights video now - it's crazy thinking, "I've been there!"
@Undo Watch the '12 highlights. '12 had the crazy skydivers with Glass. :P
^ I've participated in this.
Almost got trampled.
lol, fun? :P
Moscone West is the only place I've been where you had to actually plan how long it would take to walk across a room.
@Undo Wow.
wonders where earbuds are
Aha! Found them.
How much do they weigh?
@Undo The earbuds? Uh... checks scale
> 20 grams
sigh Why you blockquote me? :P
untangles mess of earbuds
At WWDC, Apple had four 30" monitors showing the wireless network map. That was cool.
And they had those directional router things every fifty feet or so
@Undo Cool. Picture?
At IO last year they had mini-blimps in the air.
I didn't take a picture, but I can hunt one down
Oh, @Undo did you ever see this?
Watch it. :D
I was watching the livestream when they did that video. It is pretty cool.
Did you see the part about the skydivers at IO '12?
^ There's one from two years ago.
@hichris123 nope
@Undo Cool!
yeah, they were really neat.
I'm so going to livestream IO no matter what.
Err, what?
(sorry, but that was funny :P)
Was that run through a markov chain? :P
What's almost as funny as the message is the ad directly above it.
Fitting for the room, too.
Though @ManishBot is dead.
I don't know what reminded me (probably talking with @Undo about IO) but I need to catch up on my IO talks... and the keynote.
Anyway @Undo that MS page gives me the serif font D:
@hichris123 Speaking of that, I missed UDS this year :(
@Seth UDS?
@Seth So you mean in 2013, right?
I forget you guys aren't Un*x people.
I am
More Linux, but meh
@hichris123 Wait wut
It was on earlier I thought o_O
@Seth You can't have missed it this year... it hasn't happened yet.
that is so weird.
maybe I read an old article thinking it was new.
Now my turn: wut?
ah, they hold two a year. That's right.
@hichris123 hm?
@Undo OSX is actually Unix..
@Seth Why did you think you missed it?
So yeah, you're a Un*x guy I suppose ;P
@hichris123 I figured out I missed the october 2013 one (I forgot they have 2 a year)
So I did miss one.
@hichris123 Just finished watching that video
It just happens there is another one next week
Android is a Linux OS, Windows is neither, Ubuntu is Linux... so I think I'm not a Unix person. :P
That was awesome
@Undo The skydivers one?
@hichris123 Un*x != Unix, Linux is a type of Un*x.
And now you see why I want to go to IO. :P
@Seth Okay... :P
@hichris123 Sorry, took me a while to find the link explaining it: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/2342/…
Seeing the skydivers demo Glass at IO was when I said Boy, Glass is cool!
For me, it was more like, "Wow, that's one big flat roof", but okay.
@Seth Huh, thanks.
Where'd that link go? I have to star it.
20 mins ago, by hichris123
^ That one?
Uh... pin != star. :P
is watching
@hichris123 That's totally awesome, yet kinda scary too :P
pin + star > star
and I want to be able to get to that link later :P
@Undo Heh. carves URL into Undo's face
@Undo pin == star + pin anyway. Actually, if you unpin it your star will still be there (you can use that hack to star your own messages too)
@Seth Yep. :D
Q: Is it a bad idea to take drugs?

JutschgeIn Skyrim there are a few drugs and alcoholic beverages and I couldn't really figure out whether or not there are big disadvantages. I always rely on my own potions because I'm not sure about the side effects ofthose things. Can you get addicted by certain drugs (let's say Skooma) or can the gam...

I love the out of context titles Arqade generates... :P
hehe, yeah :D

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