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There's the way where a mod adds you to the exclusive read or write list.
But if I do, Shog will manager-hammer me. Which is even worse than being mod hammered.
Much worse.
Upload faster, Glass!
current status: bored. no flags.
I haven't handled a single flag in the past ten hours.
make that 20 hours.
I haven't done anything at all on SR for 20 hours :(
@Undo Write an extension that beats mine
@ManishEarth Where's your code again?
Look at that... a wild flag...
I smell a revolution coming on on SR.SE. Just like the one on NPR.SE (which went from Not Programming Related to being Programmers). In a few months, SR will become icanhassoftwareplzkthxbye.se
Is Manish bot running on Zirak's bot?
@Undo uh, the top link on the post
@Seth No, headless, Python
Click the SmokeDetector link, there is source code to be had
@ManishEarth ok.
Like FlackBot.
@ManishEarth ... And we delete all the non-icanhassoftwareplzkthxbye questions, right?
@hichris123 I feel productive again!
@Undo Yay!
@Undo you can also try to answer a different software rec question. Maybe your own :p
I think I'm going to fork @ManishEarth's AnnoTabe and to something to it to make it better.
@Undo k, have fun :)
Note: I intend to add a checkbox for "Don't close this" (already added, really) that adds a prompt when you try to close it, and I've already written part of this
"Don't close this"? What's that do?
@Undo ^^ Is Glass. :P
@Undo adds an onbeforeunload handler
@ManishEarth ah
@hichris123 :D because it looks cool, :( because it's not on my face.
@Undo I'm wearing it right now... and WHY ARE YOU NOTIFIYING ME OF MY SHARED PHOTO 10 TIMES, Glass?
Do you think that I could write Google a nice letter and they would send me one?
@Undo For free? Doubtful. There's been some people who have gotten an invite to pay... but not for free that I know of.
Oh, Glass is getting an update from Android 4.0.4 (ICS) to Android 4.4 (Kit Kat) soon!
@ManishEarth You know something about chemistry, right?
@ManishEarth Is PH4(+) any different than PH4(1+) ?
@Undo Misuse of code formatting. -1 brownie point. :P
@ManishEarth Because my chemistry teacher seems to believe there is.
@hichris123 Nooooo my brownie points!
Wait, since when did (+) do something? PHP is weird..
@Seth rofl, this is chemistry :P
not programming
Well... is PHP == chemistry?
@Undo Whoops. My lens was set to programming. PH4 came out to PHP4 xD
@Seth What have you been coding recently? I'm scared for the users of that program... ;P
@hichris123 Luckily nothing.
breathes sigh of relief
I hope I don't need glasses.
I don't need glasses. I need Glass.
I really should be doing homework right now... ;)
I've got some I need to get back to too.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 23 hours to continue reviewing.
@Undo Why couldn't you have held off until I was done with my homework?
you should be faster at doing your homework.
I could suspend you for an hour. Would that help?
@Undo In chat? Or on SR?
@Undo cough lazy cough :P
@Undo That would just make me work on my Android app. :P So... probably wouldn't help.
Okay; 10 down. Back to homework.
I feel like running my app right now and seeing if I get any strange LogCat errors...
Why can't I use Markdown in HTML? :P
	function RenderComment(item)
		var string = '<tr><td style="vertical-align:top" class="col-md-1"><div class="score"><h4 style="color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6); pull:right; text-align:right">';
		string = string + item["score"];
		string = string + '</h4></div></td><td class=""><div class="post col-md-9">';
		string = string + '<span class="post-body" style="color:grey;">';
		string = string + item["body"];
		string = string + ' - <a href="';
		string = string + item["link"];
		string = string + '">';
Am I doing something stupid in the code above?
@Undo What's the problem?
nevermind, figured it out
I find it funny that the site my teacher is using as a blog site allows us to put in <script>'s... so I could just make it alert("Hi!"); every 1 ms. :P
@hichris123 Blaze works on comments now.
@Undo Wow, really? I think you're going to blow through your API limit someday soon... :P
working on the timestamps now
@hichris123 Timestamps work on comments now :D
> in a few seconds
@Undo ^ Uh... I don't think so. :P
I bet your local computer's clock is a few seconds out of sync with SE's clock.
@Undo Probably...
@Undo Still happens after syncing with time.nist.gov.
Then SE's servers are a little fast
Either way, it's not my fault :P
@Undo spins Wheel of Blame
And... it's Shog's fault!
is glad he's not on the wheel of blame
I think that thing is weighted toward Shog.
@Undo You are on the new one. :P
Who did that? >:(
Remember, the dynamic one that shows everyone in the Tavern?
oh, yeah
I wasn't in the Tavern >:D
@Undo The Wobuffet updated it so it shows everyone in the room now ;P
bad wobbufet >_<
hichris123 23
I'm getting closer to 40!
sigh Why do you HTML format your website so badly? historicoregoncity.org/index.php/widgetkit/oregon-trail-history/…
Okay, did my 40 reviews.
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: STATIC IP ERROR IN UBUNTU 12.04.03 LTS on askubuntu.com
5 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PRINCIPLE BEHIND FORMING TV CHANNEL BOUQUETS on math.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CAN I CHANGE MY ICS PHONE CAMERA TRIGGER? on android.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: How do I use a shit nugget? on gaming.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ------------------------------ on cstheory.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: IF EXISTS UPSERT on stackoverflow.com
@ManishBot this is not an all caps title
It's obviously a bunch of upper case _
Blaze autocompletes the site API key now :D
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ---------------- on electronics.stackexchange.com
@ManishEarth I came up with a regex that might be better than the current one for the SmokeDetector all-caps detection.
Regex: ^(?=.*[A-Z])[^a-z]*$

In which we discuss a better regex for the SmokeDetector's all-caps regex

31 mins ago, 16 minutes total – 27 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 2 mins ago by The Guy with The Hat

2 hours later…
@TheGuywithTheHat Hm. Could you pull request it in? I can't Git right now
thanks :)
The [ SmokeDetector ] links to the repo
@Undo Did you get a swag email from Tim?
1 hour later…
@ManishEarth When I ran desktop GitHub thingy, it said I needed an update to the .NET framework for it to work correctly. The update needs window vista or higher, though, and I'm using using some ancient technology called "XP" or something. I'm also lazy, so I haven't bothered to figure out a workaround.
Meaning sorry, but no.
@TheGuywithTheHat You can edit and pull request online, you know? :)
The edit button does that
but np
@ManishEarth No, I didn't know.
I'm lazy, remember? :)
I'll do it myself later then
Ah, I just figured out how to edit it.
There, done!
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started
I love decompiling apps! :P
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PLEASE HELP ME TO CORRECT THIS SENTENCE on english.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 Eh? Why would I have gotten one?
But yes.
@Undo SO mod election?
confused Why did I get that too?
Because you were in the election?
Yay! @hichris123 is getting swagz!
@Undo Yeah... but not even the primary. I thought it was only people in the primary...
Used to be. They must be running a swag surplus this year.
But don't, like, refuse it :P
... or the lord of the swag was confused.
A CM? Confused? Nevar!
@Undo Well... I might refuse given the fact that the email had SITE instead of SO... :P
I thought it was just for the election phase..
@hichris123 Same here :P
@Seth What I meant... whatever. :P
Rest assured that Tim knows about it :P
@hichris123 oh ok.
@Undo lol.
I'm assuming you pinged him in TL to complain about it.
@Undo Not that again... :D
<insert xkcd here>
sigh I just wanna find the API method in the decompiled app! Is that too hard to ask? :P
@hichris123 Which one?
/2.2/give-access-to-tl? That one?
@Undo No, a different app. Instagram. :P (Glassware)
Though I do like the method name... goes to check if it works
It puts your account in the delete queue.
Well, I get the giant banner if it does...
not that delete queue.
The one that Community clears out every 50ms.
Sure... :P
Is there any way to explore a private API method (i.e. find out what data you need to add with it in the POST)?
Pound it with various things until it gives you what you want?
(and Wireshark helps, too)
Why wireshark? Too noisy. Use Chrome's debugger.
@Undo Would your mod hammer work? :P
@ManishEarth But it's a native app. Right @hichris123?
oh that. yes.
@Undo Erm... doesn't really matter.
Native app... but I have the decompiled code.
@hichris123 If I let you touch my mod hammer, then SE takes it away and beats me with it. I don't want that :(
Nov 16 '13 at 19:28, by ManishEarth
takes stun gun back, puts in mod holster, and reprimands for theft of mod equipment
I may have to create an Instagram account to test this... shudder
Uh... can you access Stack Overflow?
@Undo ^
@hichris123 Yes
Huh, it went down for a few minutes for me...
@hichris123 You have a minute and thirty seconds to flag stuff on SR before UTC midnight.
@Undo Not going to happen... :P
five seconds!

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