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Just hung at Starting...
no idea
I really should backup my.ini. :P
Reinstalling now.
Oh, yeah! @Undo Do you use bootstrap on your website?
@hichris123 The main website is WordPress.
But Charcoal and various other projects are Bootstrap
@Undo Huh. Okay.
@hichris123 Want to put NAAs in Charcoal?
Yep, you have a good query?
I have a few. Let's start out with Super User; it's smaller.
So I'm going to make a new table called postflags
CREATE TABLE `postflags` (
  `dbid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `PostTypeId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `CreationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `Score` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Body` text,
  `OwnerUserId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `LastActivityDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `AcceptedAnswerId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `ParentId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `ViewCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `OwnerDisplayName` text,
  `LastEditorUserId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
^ postflags table format
Pin it?
Ehrm, maybe.
Now, let's make a thing so that Charcoal can show the posts.
First we shall update submit(In)Valid.php
@Undo New thingy? Like new view?
@hichris123 I think so.
Simplify things a little.
I can adapt the JS flagger thingy.
Let's leave that for later.
@hichris123 Have any idea what a simple URL scheme given the post ID is?
@Undo www.stackoverflow.com/posts/postid?
I've tried that. It doesn't seem to work for answers, methinks
Lemme check again
Wait, /a/# works for answers and /q/# for questions.
@Undo ?
@Undo q works for both
@ManishEarth I want a good way to quickly test userscripts without dragging them into Chrome://extensions every time I make a change.
copy paste to console
create an unbundled extension with only one content script (all you have to do is create a manifest file). Load it into Chrome as an unbundled extension. Refresh from the extensions page
Ok, thanks
@hichris123 @ManishEarth How's it look so far?
Ooh, shiney. :P
@Undo NAAs?
@ManishEarth Soon, yes
And whatever else we want :D
@Undo add a "link" to it
doesn't use the collect magic, right?
@ManishEarth No.
make it! :p
I probably can help with that
@ManishEarth Dumb question: how can I make those action buttons show up below the body text?
use a second row?
THey're in col tags
@ManishEarth Hmm... lemme try that
@ManishEarth col tags?
bootstrap columns
@Undo or change their class to col-xs
Ok, lemme try some stuff.
@ManishEarth Does that look better?
I liked it when they were on the same line
@ManishEarth really?
I though they were too far spread out
my screen is smaller :p
Well lemme try some things.
@Undo I did like what it was before better...
@hichris123 Then I'll change it back (cc @ManishEarth) :P
@ManishEarth SQL question
How can I get the titles of the questions the answers belong to from SEDE?
Works for answers?
Gimme the query for the answers
yes, but I need the query
@Undo done
threw in a free aliased [Post Link] too
@ManishEarth Neat, thanks!
Ugh, 8am, not slept yet, got classes and a bunch of stuff to be done for the whole day
stupid mosquitoes
Ugh, mosquitoes
@ManishEarth Today's going to be a fun day! :D
time to go to class, where ironically i have a better chance of sleeping
OK, I am two hours early for class, but I can go and sleep there
@Undo Could you do something for me?
@hichris123 Like what?
Find a question that needs closing as a recommend a tool/off-site resource, and then put the id into here and run it in the console.
var taskList=[];
var originallength=taskList.length;
POSTFlag=function (){
	console.log("Flagging question #"+(originallength - taskList.length+1) +" of "+  originallength)
		{"fkey":StackExchange.options.user.fkey,"closeReasonId":"OffTopic", "closeAsOffTopicReasonId":"8"},
(I'm curious if that will be interpreted as a VTC.)
@hichris123 Hmm... good idea
Some very efficient mod just handled 31 of my comment flags in less than 4 minutes.
@RyanCarlson The flag queue is... let's say pretty empty.
@hichris123 It was :D
@Undo Yay! Now we can do our own CV queue. :P
Like that would do any good...
@hichris123 rofl
@hichris123 Feedback on the /posts.php page?
First off, what kind of title is this?
> What is a tool that is Swiss army knife of audio as ffmpeg is Swiss army knife of video?
@hichris123 I have no idea :P
Me thinks it's good, just we need to do the collector & JS flaggy thingy now.
Yup. And we need to make the (in)valid buttons work
They don't work?
Didn't even notice. :P
Select Id, Body, Id AS [Post Link]
From Posts
Where PostTypeId = 1 AND LEN(BODY) < 250
AND Body NOT LIKE '%what book%' AND ClosedDate IS NULL
AND Body LIKE '%what tutorial%' OR Body LIKE '%what website%'
@Undo ^ What do you think?
1 hour later…
@Undo Add AskUbuntu to Charcoal.
Nevermind, I guess AU is in.
No, that's AD. :P
10 hours later…
@ManishEarth awake?
@Manish Should we make a new script.js for the posts part, or should we adapt the current script.js to tell whether it's on posts or comments?
a lot of the current scripts.js magic can work for posts as well
Use big if blocks
@ManishEarth Big if blocks - what's the condition? URL check?
I guess
See, the comment collecting JS can be reused in a simpler form, for example
@Undo ?
@Braiam Yes.
@Braiam So... I don't have a decent signup system, so I need an email address.
is that php script public?
@Braiam It's on GitHub. github.com/Charcoal-SE/Charcoal
@Undo mine? err "my nick + p @" the mail service of google aka gmail.com
@Braiam Ok, thanks ;)
@Braiam And you should get an email with creds right about now.
@Undo got em, ty :)
@Braiam np. have fun!
I've got to go, cya
@Undo sup?
@Sathya you may want to check out erwaysoftware.com/charcoal -- @hichris123 and @Undo are working on code that automatically finds low-quality or spammy comments or answers and flags them, but apparently on StackOverflow it generated up to 200 flags per hour
one of the questions would become, can the SU moderators handle this influx or would it be unwelcome (although he did mention that it's unlikely it would find this many flags on a smaller site than SO)
I think they've been coordinating with SO mods by sending them lists of comments/posts to delete or something, and having them taken care of expediently somehow... I don't know the details, but it still puts the mods in control in the end
so I read
you could start with Web Applications
I'm one of the mods there
and the queue is usually empty my time ( GMT+5.5)
Disregard. I haven't reached 10k yet :p
2 hours later…
In the dropdown on charcoal what does stackoverflow (0) mean?
1 hour later…
@DragonLord You don't need 10k ;)
@Sathya So it's not an automatic flagger, there's still a human doing the actual flagging. We get comments from SEDE and the data dumps, apply some algorithm magic, and show it in a big list. There are some tools we have to speed up the flag speed, but ultimately a human is somewhere in the process.
@allquixotic It's actually obsolete comments right now mainly, with VLQ posts in the near future. We can do 200/hr, but only for about an hour :P
@rene Which dropdown? The site chooser gizmo?
@Undo yes, I assumed it showed how much comments were left but once it reached zero I thankfully got another 25 to flags. That made me wonder what that number actually meant. I'm happy with 'it's random' :-)
@rene Oh, I'm doing some crazy stuff with that number. Lemme go fix it.
@rene Number fixed ;)
Checked, QA approved, you can promote that fix to production... ;-)
Wow, a lot happened while I was gone. :P
@Undo New users?
@hichris123 Yes.
How many/who?
@hichris123 Just Braiam IIRC
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 10 mins ago, by jadarnel27
Why do you guys (Undo and hichris) frequently, but not consistently, start sentences with "me is"? Either you're trying to use "/me"-style syntax (incorrectly), or your grammar is terrible and inconsistent.
Okay. :P
@Undo I'm already responding to it.
The first two things I do is open here, the Tavern, and then SO (three then).
Same here
Oh @hichris123 I got confirmation that the SU posts we have on the posts page are VLQ-worthy.
Really? Hmm, okay.
Did you make a JS auto flagger?
Not yet.
I'll flag one and get the magic for it.
I'll work on making the valid/invalid buttons work.
@Undo So VLQ and not NAA? You may want to change that in the database.
http://superuser.com/flags/posts/168307/add/PostLowQuality is the URL
Oh, yeah
No other stuff needed. Pretty simple.
Let's make the (in)valid buttons work first, though.
@hichris123 Yup. That's the dialog sans-css
Which means we could even launch it from something (if we didn't use a auto-flagger, I don't know why we would though).
I think CORS might get us
you got beat. delete your answer out of respect. — geowa4 Jul 16 '09 at 14:37
@ManishEarth How can we distinguish between the comments list and the posts list in script.js?
How do I do that? — joshski Jul 17 '09 at 16:21
The response to it. :P
@Undo have a hardcoded variable on the page?
@ManishEarth Oooh, yeah! Thanks!
@Undo So what do you want me to work on?
@hichris123 Whatever you so desire. Making the (in)valid buttons would be really nice.
Hmm, so could we pass a variable to it, like telling it what query to run?
7 mins ago, by ManishEarth
@Undo have a hardcoded variable on the page?
I think manish did that somewhere with the root URL
@Undo Hmm?
Lemme look
<script type="text/javascript">var baseURL="<?php echo baseURL();?>"</script>
@hichris123 I think you can do something kinda like that, but a thing saying whether it's the post page or the comment page.
@Undo So then would I pass that to the POST or to the JS?
@Bob You come in here to flag stuff on SU? :P
@hichris123 Just throw it onto the page itself like here
i.e. <script type="text/javascript">var page="posts"</script>
Then reference it with a if (page=='posts'){...} or something
I mean though how would I pass that to the JS/submitvalid.php?
@hichris123 Oh, with an if in the JS
@Undo Hmm, so then pass that to the PHP file? Having another file seems like a bit much.
@hichris123 No, lemme do it for one and you can see.
So I added a thing here to hardcode that var in.
and the same thing almost on the posts page
I get that, but then how do I tell submitvalid.php that this is a post, so update it in the database as a post?
@hichris123 the submit(In)Valid.php's already have a check for that, you just need to tell them it's a post in the request.
with an isPost param
Oh, you already did that. Thanks. :P
And if I did it right, this should do it for the valid button.
@Undo You want me to check? Oh, and we don't have the posts in the flag history page now.
I somehow managed to break both post and comment marking :P
@Undo Um... how?
Not sure :P
Wait, marking as in what?
Still no worky. :(
Hmm, can we log it?
comments work now
Yep. :)
posts no worky ;(
Hiya @DarthAndroid!
I have found it
So we shall add it.
@hichris123 Want to do the invalid button?
@Undo Sure.
Should work now... want me to try it?
Check the database.
Yup, works!
So just the collector thingy now?
@hichris123 Signed up an hour ago ;)
@Undo Darn, I was too late. :P
@Undo Please pull to main. Valid button's messed up. :D
@hichris123 Done.
I want a charcoal account :P
Don't know how to get one
@ManofSnow Okay, need an email.
You can go to my website if you don't want to share it here... gimme a sec.
@hichris123 Look at my profile, please
It has my email
Encoded with X's
Anyway, you'll get an email in a few minutes.
yes :P My way of preventing spam
1194	comments flagged
1189	deemed helpful
5	declined
If you were wondering. :P
@ManofSnow Get it yet?
Oh, this is how to use it:
Jan 19 at 18:13, by hichris123
@MikePennington You actually have to click the generate button at the top thingy, which gives you some JS to put in your browser console on the site.
Yes, logged in
:D it says I'm not logged in
Ok I got it :P
Stack Overflow
2982 total flags handled
180 flags handled today
> 8 flags handled total
@hichris123 Why not just give them a 'javascript:codewhatever' for them to paste in their URL bar?
@ManofSnow What do you mean?
And another thing, only do the number of flags that you can flag per day.
@Undo I'm laughing right now because you and I both have more helpful flags than almost all of last year's mod candidates. :P
@hichris123 There's an empty line when you press 'generate' and like you can put javascript in your browser's url bar by typing 'javascript:' and some code
@ManofSnow Hmm, I don't know.

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