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@hichris123 Works now. No ajax, but it still works.
1 hour later…
@Undo scalability+easy-to-code+thats-how-you-should-have-done-it,yes. Stack Overflow's data might clutter up the rest though, and reduce performance. Ask some dbas
@Undo Ideally a common.php containing common magic would be good. PDOifying becomes easier
but not necessary
@ManishEarth What was that post?
@Undo So can I take out the UI without functionality part?
@hichris123 Yes. I'm planning to AJAX it soon, make it prettier.
But yes.
@ManishEarth rofl
@ManishEarth Where might I find some of those?
@hichris123 Next step: Put in a destroy user button for CMs
@ManishEarth SO has ~30,000 rows - is that enough to significantly slow down everything else?
(and we should let CMs override flag rulings from the history page)
@Undo Um.... why?
So that we can destroy test users.
Oh, yeah.
(maybe just for devs, I dunno. Got tired of deleting them from the DB)
@hichris123 What do you think of moving the mod/cm menus to the right side? I thought I would model it after SE - how's it feel?
@Undo I don't know, doesn't seem too different. I'm just used to it being on the otherside.
I am too.
@Undo What would be the purpose, though?
@hichris123 For tuning the algo, and reverting obvious misclicks.
But I'm just thinking out loud.
Good idea.
13 hours later…
I think my school's going to close tomorow! Yay!
@hichris123 Hehe
@Undo Not closed yet, though.
@hichris123 Oh. Maybe it needs to snow more.
@Undo No more snow, but -20F with windchill of -40 to -50 F tomorow morning.
Yeah, me no likey.
That's, like, really really cold
The internet should slow down when it gets that cold.
I hope not.
That would be... terrible. :P
I guess it will probably speed up, the electrons can move with less resistance.
But not enough for anyone to notice.
Heck if I know.
Or the power might go out.
That would slow down the Internet.
(It actually did for some time last night)
Or at least your corner of it.
You should build a generator.
A little steam engine thing.
I don't know if I really need it, though.
I dunno how, but it would be fun.
You could build everything from scratch. Except the magnets, they might be problematic.
They would be.
Let's make that cronjob.
Maybe we should move all the flags into one table.
That would make cronjob-making easier.
We could, or we could just manually run it with each site database.
Yeah, but we want this to be scalable.
Meh, I don't care, your call.
Let's put them into a big flags db table
A: Create a new table from merging two tables with union

DevartYou can use CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement. CREATE TABLE new_table SELECT * FROM table1 UNION SELECT * FROM table2;

^ Aha!
SO is amazing.
@Undo What do you see if you go into here? chat.stackexchange.com/?tab=site&sort=active
The Space.SE room
Is it the site where you're most active?
I see SO.
It's the site where I have the most rep outside of mSO
@Undo School closed!
@hichris123 Yay!
ALTER TABLE `apple` ADD `site` TEXT  NULL  AFTER `reason`;
UPDATE `apple` SET `site`='apple';

ALTER TABLE `physics` ADD `site` TEXT  NULL  AFTER `reason`;
UPDATE `physics` SET `site`='physics';

ALTER TABLE `programmers` ADD `site` TEXT  NULL  AFTER `reason`;
UPDATE `programmers` SET `site`='programmers';

ALTER TABLE `serverfault` ADD `site` TEXT  NULL  AFTER `reason`;
UPDATE `servefault` SET `site`='serverfault';

ALTER TABLE `stackoverflow` ADD `site` TEXT  NULL  AFTER `reason`;
UPDATE `stackoverflow` SET `site`='stackoverflow';
^ I hope this works.
You can hope.
It worked!
Unified site table schema:
CREATE TABLE `flags` (
  `dbid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `Id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `PostId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Score` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `CreationDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `UserDisplayName` text,
  `Text` text,
  `UserID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `wasObsolete` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `handled` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `handledBy` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `wasValid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `handleDate` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `reason` text,
  `site` text
Now we must fix Charcoal to work with it
I'm going to delete the individual site tables on the dev DB, so that it blows up where we haven't fixed it.
I'll do the numbers on the front page.
Ehrm... just did that :P
@hichris123 I'll fix the CM stuff, you fix the backend submitvalid/invalid/whatnot stuff
@Undo That's the base.php. Not the homepage.
I'll fix that.
I'll go fix viewuser.php
viewuser.php fixed
Front page fixed.
flagqueue.php fixed
@Undo For submit valid, should I change UPDATE " . $_SESSION["Site"] . " to UPDATE flags?
@hichris123 Yes, with a WHERE SITE='" . $_SESSION["Site"] . "'
stats.php fixed
users.php fixed
@Undo Am I doing something wrong on SubmitInvalid?
Lemme look
@hichris123 lowercase site
@Undo Fixed that.
Still isn't working.
What isn't working about it?
Not showing up in the flag history.
Right, it's not getting registered in the DB even. Hmm
That did it. You need single quotes around the site.
Oh, why?
I dunno
I just know that it works when you have them :P
@hichris Ok, what stupid thing am I doing in flagsformods.php?
Oh, it works now.
Maybe the stupid thing was not pulling it :P
I wonder why...
What else needs to be fixed?
I did all of the submits.
I did all the CM/mod stuff
@hichris123 I think we're done.
Let's push to main and see what happens.
Looks non-broken at first.
I'm deleting the individual site tables on main now.
I'm going to take out all of the Select * from sites stuff, if you don't mind.
@hichris123 Why?
We need some of it, right?
@Undo Which part?
@hichris123 What are you going to replace it with?
@Undo It doesn't need to be as for the ones I'm thinking of you fixed it with instead of siteTableRow or whatever, it's flags.
Like here:
   $sites = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sites");
    echo "<span class='small'>Created on <strong> " . $creationdate . " </strong></span>";
    echo "</br>";
    while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sites))
          $aQuery = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM flags WHERE handled=1
          AND handledBy = " . $userid . " AND site='" . $row1["siteTableName"] . "'");
          $bQuery = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM flags WHERE handled=1
          AND handledBy = " . $userid . " AND DATE(handleDate) = CURDATE() AND site='" . $row1["siteTableName"] . "'");
We need it there, right?
Or I suppose we could do a GROUP BY site
But let's leave it for now.
We should see if our last big refactorifying breaks anything :P
What's all of the stuff in login.php?
Not sure
We can nuke it.
We even use it?
Login still works without it.
@ThiefMaster Where's that link to that PDO tutorial again?
> Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
this one?
@ThiefMaster Yup, thanks.
@ThiefMaster Do you have that message on some kind of a keyboard paste shortcut or something?
in the canned comment userscript
Yay now my MySQL dbs get automagically backed up to S3!
[**Please, don't use `mysql_*` functions in new code**](bit.ly/phpmsql). They are no longer maintained [and are officially deprecated](j.mp/XqV7Lp). See the [**red box**](j.mp/Te9zIL)? Learn about [*prepared statements*](j.mp/T9hLWi) instead, and use [PDO](php.net/pdo) or [MySQLi](php.net/mysqli) - [this article](j.mp/QEx8IB) will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, [here is a good tutorial](j.mp/PoWehJ).
@Undo There's the source :P in case you need it later
Yay! Thanks @DoorknobofSnow
@Undo How?
@Undo Can we redirect the user from /cm to the login page if they're not logged in, so I don't have to remove the /cm/users out of the URL everytime I get automatically logged out?
@hichris123 If you want to, sounds good to me.
@Undo Me got it on one. Doing it on the rest.
Should be good now.
Me likes the stuff we're doing to Charcoal! :P
Me does too
@hichris123 yes
Why was all of this stuff there?
@hichris123 From experiments.
Should be a lot easier for the cronjob now.
@Undo Can we make the show context link like it's clickable instad of the text input cursor?
I looked, but it's a <p> so I don't get why it's doing that.
@hichris123 The jQuery action is tied to it.
So that's why it's clickable.
No idea how to make it underlined.
Meh, not that important.
2 hours later…
I'm trying to figure out how we can extend Charcoal to posts.
What do you mean?
I'm talking about the UI
Should we present things like they show up in the 10k flag queues?
I guess, it isn't that different from regular Charcoal, right?
Posts are longer, and thus need more room (and possibly a score indicator and whatnot)

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