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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@ThiefMaster If we're going to give you a list of comments that have been reviewed and should be deleted, would you prefer they're the ones that don't need any context (I edited) or can we give you ones that are like: the bar doesn't foo :check my edit : thanks, the bar now foos!?
the ones without context are better
@ThiefMaster Better = have to be that? Or can they be the second type?
they are better to bulk-delete since the chances of removing useful context is much lower with them
2 hours later…
I'm like always in here.
I just have it open in a tab.
I'm thinking something kinda like SE's page.
But without the about me and stuff.
So like what?
We can start basic - just stuff like username and handled flags.
And add stuff as we find need for it
I feel like this can be useful in one way: to get people to Charcoal more
As in how?
Charcoal just became a verb. Wow.
@Undo Heck if I know. But it gives us data.
We can have flag handling stats there.
Like what?
Per day/week/month
Like on cm/users
I was thinking of adding that to the user page, but it would seem too cluttered.
We might even be able to make pretty graphs.
So would it be the clickable thing of the user name on cm/users?
@Undo Yes!
Make it clickable everywhere.
So that all the blue goes somewhere.
That was going to be one of my UX problems.
That they weren't clickable.
Hmm, so how would we do it?
I'll start it here pretty soon, give us something to work off of.
@Undo I mean like how would the page work? We can't create 15 or so individual php's.
@hichris123 Just have it take a user id in the address bar, then $_REQUEST it.
(btw, it's a good idea to lock down the submission scripts - see here)
Hmm... you'd have to implement it. I'm not sure how to.
Ok, just a minute.
I need my diamond back ;(
@Undo Make something clickable to go to it, so we can test with new features.
Yep, doing.
works now, except it doesn't.
404's ;(
@hichris123 Ok, cm/users.php has working links now
You got it.
can someone please tell me how I managed to get only the first letter of the username to show up?
@Undo I don't know, but I fixed it.
$result[1] maybe?
Looks like mySQL returns just the row instead of one row in an array.
Let's put gravatars in there.
Just for the fun of it.
(identicons, I don't have the email addresses in the DB)
And new ones or one from SE?
Identicons. Using the hash of the username.
When we put the emails in the users table then we can grab the ones from SE
Oh, did you ever figure out how to do the Add User?
I will eventually... it just seems hard. I know it isn't, but it sure seems that way :P
Working on easier things is more fun.
@Undo How do you do it normally?
@hichris123 Open up the db in Sequel Pro :P
And manually MD5 the password and everything.
What query, though?
No idea. I just add the row.
Should just be an insert.
CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `username` text,
  `password` text,
  `isDev` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `isVerified` int(11) DEFAULT '1',
  `link` text,
  `ischarcoalmod` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `isnetworkmod` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
^ table syntax
Oh, I assume Sequel Pro is like PHPMyAdmin?
@hichris123 Kinda, but native.
Q: Sequel Pro Alternative for Windows

Mark McCookWell my macbook pro is kind of not cutting it for me anymore and I have a perfectly good Windows Laptop I would actually rather use but I cannot find a reliable replacement for my SQL client. So I am looking for a replacement for SequelPro for Windows.. Ones I have Tried and Either Didn't like ...

Sequel Pro is a dream.
fast, connects to just about anything, etc.
Me doesn't have a Mac, though.
I know.
Pooor hichris
I like my Windows 7 better.
My '09 MBP is still going strong.
And has never ever crashed.
I'm using a HP dv6-1253cl.
Hasn't really crashed.
Looks shiny
But why can't HP get their product names all straightened out?
It's nice, but only a dual core.
My machine is dual core.
@Undo Cause it's not Apple? I don't know.
I guess.
Me wants a quad-core.
You have to manually manage all four cores.
A desktop I use is a quad-core, though.
@Undo Why?
(not really. that would be kinda fun though)
for the first three minutes, then it would get old fast.
Kind of like manual shifting in a car, I would assume.
I don't know though.
Can't drive.
Nah, I'm kidding.
(I can't legally drive on roads either, but for farm use and stuff manual is the way to go)
(until you get your hands on an automatic :P)
Whoops, have to go now.
We're making amazing progress on Charcoal, TBH
Yeah, me likes it.
We will change Stack Exchange, hopefully for the better :P
@Undo We will be Stack Exchange by the time it is all over. We will prevail!
1 hour later…
so how does this work
is there a bot user that searches for obsolete comments or something?
I'm not even sure what this is :P
@Doorknob Do you want a picture?
why is this on Chemistry XD
Because Manish mods Chem.
I don't know the specific reason, but Manish wants to have control.
That's what Charcoal is.
that seems very very useful
When you flood the mods with obsolete comments, it is. :P
Actually, we got ThiefMaster to bulk delete obviously obsolete/not needed comments.
I'm going to keep this tab open, because it seems interesting, but I'm going to sleep now. this is a great idea! :D
Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?
it's some weird thing where you stop seeing bright screens and start seeing darkness. I just discovered it. very neat.
somehow the operating system on your body sets all the pixels to black.
Huh. Weird.
I'll have to try it sometime.
speaking of which, I've been meaning to write my own body OS. I can't figure out where all the hardware is :(
anyway, I'm going to go do that now. bye ;)
@Undo Bounty?
What the...?
Yes bounty.
Me randomly browsing featured android questions.
Makes connection between random upvote on answer and bounty.
Then sees Undo.
@Undo You're awesome.
I don't need all this rep, and you deserve at least edit privs. Connection? :D
Hey, you could get closer to 10K tools on SO.
one more person in the review queues is more valuable :P
Actually without this it would take me like a few days/weeks more to get to 2K.
But thank you!
No problem.
@Undo Me wants to reject/improve bad edits.
Saw your post in the Tavern with your goal to hit 2k by end of week - figured I might help a little.
@hichris123 it's fun.
@Undo At least we can't get suspended for voting irregularities. It's not voting, is it? :P
But thank you so much!
Did I say that already? :P
Not an irregularity either.
just one isolated bounty on one answer between users on different IP's...
How many bountied questions have there been of all time?
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: main & dev (no tags)
Um... it didn't get your linky markdown.
Aww, markup no worky in room description.
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/charcoal & erwaysoftware.com/charcoaldev (no tags)
There, better.
@Undo You're a pretty amazing kid.
In terms of everything, like Stack Board and Charcoal, and all the stuff you've done.
It's not like Charcoal would have happened without you and @Manish :P
But SE is an amazing place for kids, TBH
Meh, I didn't come along until practically everything was done.
It is.
Programming, also.
You don't need a job, a house, a car to code. All you need is a cheap 2 cent computer.
Well... 2 cents...
It's a figure of speach.
but $200 would probably do it.
How much is a Pi?
I think $50
but not sure.
You can hook up a monitor and a keyboard to a Pi, right?
I don't know.
because vim and ssh are all you need...
Linux stuff?
Me uses Ubuntu sometimes.
Virtual Machine, of course.
vim = command line text editor thingy! SSH = secure shell or something
so you can connect to remote boxes like you're sitting in front of them.
@hichris123 Ubuntu fun.
me likes ubuntu
^ how it's supposed to be pronounced.
Not when you run a VM of a beta Ubuntu, you upgrade, and all it gets to is GRUB. :(
@Undo Never knew.
I didn't either till some guy at a code camp heard me say youbuntoo and set me straight :P
You have code camp? me wants.
So do we have Doorknob on board?
@Undo I don't know.
I got to go.
See ya' later.
i'm going to try that sleep thing.
becausei've stopped capitalizing my i's and am relying on autocorrect :P
therefore I need to sleep.
adios, folks
Sleep is weird.
@Undo Yesterday I got a free Pi, with Mathematica installed. From Stephen Wolfram. :D
10 hours later…
@ManishEarth That's awesome.
@ManishEarth Wolfram of Wolfram Alpha?
Stephen Wolfram (born 29 August 1959) is a British scientist, known for his work in theoretical physics, as the chief designer of the Mathematica software application and the Wolfram Alpha answer engine, as well as the CEO of Wolfram Research, and the author of A New Kind of Science. Background Wolfram's parents were Jewish refugees who emigrated from Germany to England in the 1930s. Wolfram's father Hugo was a textile manufacturer and novelist (Into a Neutral Country) and his mother Sybil was a professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford. He has a younger brother, Conrad Wolfram...
@Undo Thanks.
no problem
@ManishEarth Wow. Did you actually get to meet him?
@Undo You can't imagine how much it's snowing right now.
Probably not :P
@hichris123 Moved the username and stuff into the navbar, finally :D
That was really bugging me :P
@Undo One other thing that was bothering me: it logs you out if you keep the page up after some time of inactivity.
@hichris123 I have no idea why - but it bugs me too.
I think it's a cookie thing.
@Undo ^
1 hour later…
Hey, @Doorknob
@Undo Added some stuff to the per-user page.
@Doorknob You want to be able to use Charcoal?
I guess. I really don't even know how it works yet :P
Just ping @Undo with your email. He'll grumble about not having a good add-user function (right now it's in Charcoal, UI without functionality so he has to manually do it).
@Undo I can haz Charcoal access? :D my email is in my profile, oddllamaprod [a with a circle] [google's mail service] .com
Trying to keep bots from getting your email, I see.
@Undo Do you keep track of the CreationDate for a user?
2 hours later…
@hichris123 Meet, and have a long chat. He had taken a guest lecture here, after which he wanted to hold an interactive session. Those in charge of the event were having trouble arranging a venue so I managed it and took him there with a small crowd (most of which thinned out on the way). Finally there were 20 or so people sitting in the room asking questions -- he was very patient with questions and very elaborate with answers. This went on for two hours; could have gone on for more.
Later on, he was hungry so I and a friend took him nearby for a snack and we got to talk a lot :)
@hichris123 I have tons of Wolfram Alpha stickers now :p He handed out some swag to the ones who had stayed back for the session -- those foldable paper models of the wolfram logo, pens, and stickers (and Pis to a couple of the really enthusiastic ones; he had 3)
There was some left over so he just told us to distribute 'em to friends. I am part of the web/coding club of the institute, got the bulk because we can hand them out at events.
@Manish Wow, very cool!
So where do you go to college, @Manish?
I'm basically overloaded with past swag, present swag, and future swag now. The Stack Overflow swag is also coming :o, there's tons of stuff I got at our technology festival, and in the recent past I got a Google Mapmaker t shirt
@hichris123 Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
@ManishEarth You have a really fun college to attend. :P
We have a cultural and technical fest (two fests, not one) near the end of dec/beginning of jan and a lot of awesome things happen
We got all [these guys](www.techfest.org/home/event/lectures) for guest lectures
I missed the Mozilla one though :(
Me wants to be there!
You could have, but it's over. Classes start tomorrow
I might try to get them to get Jeff or Joel next year, as a technology fest Stackoverflow-y stuff is very important
...though the ones who organize the event may not know that.
@ManishEarth You're lucky you aren't here. I would take anywhere over here right now. Snowing like crazy right now.
Ick. Snow=no school though
So it looks like IIT Bombay is a very prestigious school in India.
@ManishEarth It's also going to be -20 F and 10-12 total inches of snow.
Haven't seen snow for three years now. I don't mind the cold much (I am known for going out in shorts when it is below freezing and not noticing) though snow can be a pain. In my current state I miss it :p
It is a pain right now.
I was just out for 2 hours shoveling snow.
Everytime the driveway got cleared it already had a dusting on it again/
@hichris123 ah. We used to live in an apartment building. Large apartment. No shoveling.
@ManishEarth You had it lucky then. :P
There's a trick to that, while it is still snowing spread a tarp over it and just move the snow wholesale every hour
(If you wait too long the tarp becomes immovable)
Huh. That's a good idea.
It's snowing 1 inch an hour ish right now.
ah, then two hours ought to be fine for a normal sized driveway. I think
I and a friend used this when I stayed at his place for a week
Worked wonders
Also was fun
235 power outages in my county right now.
I'm just hoping the power doesn't go out.
1 hour later…
@hichris123 Wow. Just wow.
@hichris123 No ;(
We can start now, though, and I can populate it with what info I have.
grumbles about not having a decent user-adding thingy
@Undo Called it!
4 hours ago, by hichris123
Just ping @Undo with your email. He'll grumble about not having a good add-user function (right now it's in Charcoal, UI without functionality so he has to manually do it).
I'm becoming too predictable :P
I like your user page additions.
It's okay, but me no likey having a blank creation date.
I'll probably just remove it.
No, I can add the creation dates.
I still have a kinda-record in my sent email
Ok, I must now make @DoorknobofSnow a login.
opens sql db
Up to 277 power outages in my county.
I hope you're not next :P
Then I wouldn't have anyone to work on Charcoal with me ;(
Meh, I'm more worried about my heat.
Not having heat in -10 to -20 F isn't fun.
Ouch, no space heaters or anything?
We do, but no generator.
Propane heaters?
And fire.
You could rub two sticks together really fast and make fire.
I've done that. :P
But you would have to find somewhere to put your fire, and carpet doesn't work well
Takes forever, and a lot of work.
@Undo Fireplace?
Oh, yeah!
Yep, yep.
Single digits by 11pm with 30 mph gusts
@Undo Yep.
Single digits? Whazzat?
very cold
I'm supposed to go back to school on Tuesday.
I don't think that's going to happen. :P
Probably not.
You should homeschool!
Then school follows you around and you can't get away from it.
I can't take school every single second of every single day.
Q: R: counting column data in a matrix with resets

davez0rI'm gathering data on how much my cats poop into a matrix: m <- cbind(fluffy=c(1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4),misterCuddles=c(0.9,NA,1.1,1.0)) row.names(m) <- c("2013-01-01", "2013-01-02", "2013-01-03","2013-01-04") Which gives me this: fluffy misterCuddles 2013-01-01 1.1 0.9 2013-0...

^ rofl
+1 for training your cats to poop into a matrix. — gung Dec 10 '13 at 14:27
@gung thank you for taking the time to fully understand the problem. those are the weights in deca-pennies. so 1.1 means it weighed the same as 11 pennies. — davez0r Dec 10 '13 at 14:32
sigh One close vote
I don't know if it should be closed. I saw the CV by Lance, but it seems to be on-topic, just made to make people laugh.
I'm not going to CV it.
If anything, it should be on CR
Me thinks Lance undid his CV.
Am I right?
The vote is still there.
The comment's gone.
The comment was deleted, the vote stayed.
@DoorknobofSnow sent you an email.
@Undo What else should we have on the users page?
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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