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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Manish Perfecto.
the magic of JOINs
I'm thinking of adding some user based stats of how many handles total, do you think it should be in?
IMO the /cm tab is too much effort for not much gain (remember, this is a comment flagging app), but have fun
@Manish True, but what can we add to the actual app? I'm not too sure what else in terms of the user-experience we can add.
Who said we need to add something?
However, a similar app for flagging posts and finding broken links and all would be nice @Undo
@Manish Ping Undo on that.
Me likes the idea.
Basically, what we have here can be extended to more than one type of content
True, posts, answers, anything.
Next thing is machine learning - having it recognize the bad comments/posts.
@ManishEarth Tell me more about this.
I like the idea.
The problem I can see is that there are fewer posts and people do a better job keeping them cleaned up anyway.
@Undo You'd be suprised.
The problem is a lot of them are old questions, and Shog doesn't really want them to be deleted.
Many however, are totally unclear, show no minimum understanding, or are find a tool ones.
@Undo speling mistakes, link only answers, low quality answers in general, broken links (the last one is hard to SEDEify), etc
@ManishEarth So for the broken links one we would make a cronjob-ish thingy that would just run through links in posts and check for 404's and 403's and 500's and things?
Sounds network intensive.
But getting spelling mistakes and LLA's would be pretty easy.
I wish there was a way for people to OAuth with the app without me being able to do evil things with their tokens.
Then we could do things like use that edit API and the flag API.
@Undo feature request for the write API: allow finer grained permissions, like instead of write_access you just put a list of all of the endpoints allowed
@ManishEarth We probably should wait until they release it :P
@Manish But would you trust me with the ability to flag stuff as you even?
Still seems risky.
@Undo good point
Mod flags can be... destructive :P
@Undo Is the id of a user the same as the id recorded when a comment is valid/invalid?
@hichris123 Yes.
@Undo That's why we have the flag-js though. I made it for precisely that reason; it's a less drastic way out than the API or iframing with the fkey
but it's not as smooth. If we could have a quick flag link below the link-only answers, that would be a dream.
@ManishEarth I think I found some LLA's:
time for food, and then to spend some time off comp :p
@Undo You can only flag VLQ if Score <= 0
@hichris123 Ah, true.
@hichris123 My goal: have create user thing done by tomorrow.
@Undo I'm working on comments handled per user.
@hichris123 Yay!
@Undo Can you get the number to display?
@hichris123 Sure, just a minute.
Not sure.
Lemme pull it down to local and try some things.
@Undo I found some recommend me a tool to do this posts: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/revision/157104/197551
@hichris123 Are you asking for some close votes? ;)
@Undo Kind of, I just flag them since I'm not 3K. :P
@Undo Find anything?
@hichris123 For what? The closing? Yes.
The users.php and the numbers, @Undo.
Oh, no.
@Undo you guys need to get something better to do on New Year's Eve :P
I'm working on another project at the same time, too.
@Manish Do we? Then you need something better to do then to chat with us in this chatroom on NYE. :P
@hichris123 new year's eve over :p
I had my fun :)
Manish is in the future.
Meh, NYD is the same.
@Undo I'm always in the future
12:49 AM
Out of close votes.
@Undo People use all of their CV?
I need close vote privs on SO
@ManishEarth You don't have them?
We need YOU to help in the close vote queue!
I get too easily annoyed on SO
And I usually end up flagging to close when I look for qs to answer
@Undo I got the formatting a little better, still no number.
Got it, but now it's 0...
Meh, good for now.
@Undo Any way I can query the database without putting it in the code?
@hichris123 ?
@hichris123 ?
Ask him for a smaller dump
Oh, as in a test?
@Undo Yeah.
with the passwords blehblahblublerized
Or you could do it for me.
@ManishEarth They're MD5's anyway.
If you want stuff added, then just ping le Undo
@hichris123 Give me a query.
Select handledBy From stackoverflow Where handled = 1
Nope, nevermind @Undo.
I figured it out.
Oh, ok.
(FWIW, Select COUNT(*), handledBy From stackoverflow Where handled = 1 group by handledBy produces:)
@Undo Why 65 NULL?
@Undo Any thoughts as to why this outputs 2093 for all?
          $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id asc");
          $sites = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sites");

          while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
            while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sites))
                $aQuery = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM " . $row1["siteTableName"] . " WHERE handled=1
                 AND handledBy = " . $row["id"] . "");
                 $handled = mysql_fetch_assoc($aQuery);
                 $numhandled = $handled["number"];
@hichris123 Because... I dunno.
Whatever, hey, it makes it look like I flag a lot of comments. :P
@Undo found the last secret hat
Well, Gilles found it
Not sure how to get it. It may be 5x repcap but skeet doesn't have it
@ManishEarth Neato!
@Undo Sometime we do need to figure out how to do machine learning with comments and posts.
I don't know how, but it is a good idea.
We do.
It scares me, though.
What, the leaving it up to a computer to decide what to flag and such?
Or just AI in general?
Just AI in general.
And the thought of having to build machine learning :P
@Undo Coding would be immense on it...
SE once had a big ($10k and a possible job offer for the winner) contest about exactly that
@ThiefMaster They did.
@ThiefMaster Probably pre-Undo, right?
It was a thingy from the data dump, you had to build a tool to identify bad posts.
about a year ago
I didn't join til January of 2013 for all intents and purposes..
So.... bother them enough to get us a contract to make it better? :P
Good idea.
@Undo It only displays the number for you. Look at users.php.
Anything different for the userid's besides yours?
I must be specialler.
or something
Not sure.
Hmm... @Undo
Run this on the database for dev.charcoal.
Select COUNT(*), handledBy From stackoverflow Where handled = 1 group by handledBy
@hichris123 ^
No clue.
Can you just do Select id from Users? @Undo
@hichris123 It's lowercase users, if it makes any difference.
Those both on dev?
@Undo Could you do this: SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM stackoverflow WHERE handled=1 AND handledBy = 11, then the same on SF and Physics?
SO: 334
SF: 0
Phys: 49
I'll have to look at the code more, but no clue right now.
same here
I thought programming was supposed to be logical! :P
@Undo Is there any way you can do a master select of the SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM stackoverflow WHERE handled=1 AND handledBy = 1 for all sites?
@hichris123 Not sure. Maybe @ManishEarth or @ThiefMaster would know.
Well, for right now could you do it for your id 1 on your dev database (all sites)?
I dunno how :P
Just do like SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM stackoverflow WHERE handled=1 AND handledBy = 1, then SELECT COUNT(*) AS number FROM superuser WHERE handled=1 AND handledBy = 1, etc.
Ick. Sounds like work.
What exactly do you need to know?
I'm wondering if that'll add up to your supposed 2093 handled (on dev).
It will.
It sounds just about right.
(dev is just a recent copy of the main DB)
I just don't get why it would show up for you and not anyone else.
Well, let me do some. We'll see if it changes.
found it.
Sites not looping?
wait, maybe not.
@Undo What's the easiest way for something to get output to the Chrome console in PHP?
@hichris123 I don't think you can.
You can just print_r(), though.
Where's that go?
Right onto the page
makes it ugly, but it works.
Figured it out.
what was it?
I'm not sure how to fix it, though.
what's the problem?
I was doing a query, and I had a while loop on the query.
I guess the results can't be looped around?
Or something.
Like this:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id asc");
          $sites = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sites");
          while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
            $totalhandled = 0;
            while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sites))
Then I did print_r(testing)
There shouldn't be anything wrong with that.
I only got 6 testings, where there's 6 sites.
Shouldn't it be 14*6?
Should be.
I think I found it.
ergh, maybe not.
@Undo Fixed it!
@hichris123 How how how!!!
Put 2nd query inside of the 1st while loop, @Undo.
But... it shouldn't matter!
But it did. Who knows?
Look at the page!
I know!
I won't be able to sleep tonight :P
I'm removing the logging.
@Undo Apparently mods don't feel like using your system. :P
Pull to master?
@hichris123 Manish counts!
And WendiKidd's a mod.
Yeah, but besides Manish, it's x< 10
We shall teach the mods to love the system!
Does your add user thingy work?
Not sure how.
Me sees a new user...
@hichris123 No.
@hichris123 Where?
Charcoal - user15
@hichris123 My version of Community
@Undo "Hi, I'm not a real person! I just randomly flag stuff and break things!"
Used for when I write that cronjob to automagically dismiss flags on deleted comments.
We have to make a mirror of SE.
Except the actual QA part.
Charcoal Overflow is a new Question and Answer site.
I feel like I accomplished something today.
I'm not sure why it worked, though...
You have!
I wonder what's going to be next for Charcoal...
Oh, and can you make a JS thingy for post flagging @Manish
Maybe SE will buy it and you and me will get rich!
Ask someone on the dev team.
Or maybe they'll just steal the idea and make it better.
@Undo I have an idea for sometime, since I'm not sure how to implement it:
Get the text of all of the valid flags, find matches of words and such
Then get the text of all of the invalid flags, see why they were invalid
Then somehow make an algorithm from that.
Sounds hard.
But rewarding if done right.
I don't know how you would do it.
I don't either.
But somehow it should be able to be done.
I think we should do link-only answers at some point.
(also, at some point this thing is going to outgrow my hosting :P)
There we go on another hidden tab. :P
@hichris123 EC2
Free version?
@hichris123 Well, not free but still a t1.micro
We need to find a way to get SE to host it.
@Undo That's where your chat with Oded comes in. :P
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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