00:00 - 02:0002:00 - 08:0008:00 - 15:0015:00 - 17:0017:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (33): how configure apache virtualhost for two dotnet core 3.1 project? by Vytas on
@thesecretmaster Also, I was actually looking at that code earlier and trying to figure out why my attempt at recreating the queue as a query was getting different results. I think it (the review interface itself) is missing some items, because my query appears to be returning older review items that I am eligible to review. Perhaps that query will help debug any issues.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body (69): Can we create a WIKIDATA query to get the gender of persons' names? by Macuser on
At the time I added it, it was "3077/2878/194/14 minus 12/2/10/0". Ignoring the "minus" part, as that was a additional search, the above search is currently 8232 Total / 4913 TP (59.68% TP) / 3087 FP / 98 NAA. Subtracting out the numbers from prior to the watch being added, gives: 5155 Total / 2035 TP (39.48% TP) / 2893 FP / 84 NAA, so there's certainly room for improvement.
Given that we have more data in MS now, some searches can be done to see what can be changed to improve it. The watch was originally constructed with the intent to narrow it based on the collected data. However, this watch was also intended to cast a fairly wide net, in order to catch TP posts which we were not picking up through other detections. In general, that means it's going to get a significant number of FP.
fp feedback received on [MS] Is it acceptable to use "almost" at the end of a sentence to make it sound dramatic?
fp feedback received on [MS] Is it acceptable to use "almost" at the end of a sentence to make it sound dramatic?
fp feedback received on [MS] I'm looking for a comprehensive database of all cities/towns in South Africa
fp feedback received on [MS] What does it mean to combine in-solution capture of chosen RAD tags to target sequencing reads to desired loci?
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fp feedback received on [MS] Blender 2.8 Traceback error when attempting to export animations as .FBX
fp feedback received on [MS] Project texture out of view to Selected Polygons/Surface in Blender. - Sketchfab in video doin it
fp feedback received on [MS] Как обработать форму оплаты по Ajax и перенаправить на оплату Робокасса
fp feedback received on [MS] Pesquisa Sobre acessibilidade em Dispositivos Móveis (USP), podem participar?
tp feedback received on [MS] Automatically cancel magento 2 pending orders after a specified amount of time?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (82): Question and answer preview is wrongly rendering some Markdown by Stephen Hawking on
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, potentially bad keyword in answer, repeating characters in answer, toxic answer detected (240): Galaxy Watch Active Firmware Update by Eisy Carvalho on
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in link text in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (168): We can not play tennis today because it by Stephen Hawking on
That report is also another instance of the domain below not displaying the correct amount of TP's. Here's the domain history on it.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body (1): Al intentar crea un trigger after update en la BD, me retorna error SQL Error 1064 by Jeannine on
fp feedback received on [MS] Is the ACT/ACT.AFB convention meant to supersede the ACT/ACT convention for interest rate swaps
fp feedback received on [MS] Can I use the 6 channel 5.1 usb external soundcard with guitar rig 5 software?
fp feedback received on [MS] API or code to find the current price of a ERC20 compliant token listed on Etherscan
fp feedback received on [MS] Openocd FTDI "Error: DP initialisation failed", ...missing some finetuning?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (33): Groupby time difference with level index and column name by talya on
@Rubiksmoose the short answer is that the list of ignored posts (and the list of blacklisted users, for that matter) exists only in the SmokeDetector instance, and is serialized into a pickle (Python serialization format). SD can operate independently of metasmoke, and doesn't check metasmoke before reporting to chat, so it needs the list to be stored in SD.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in title (100): Use Python Requests library to login to endclothing.com website by jalil_BM on
fp feedback received on [MS] PDO INSERT INTO with SELECT no agrega registros a la base de datos phpmyadmin
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body (99): I am trying to make sure that my text and images are clearing one another, but they are not aligning the way I would like by HBchic on
fp feedback received on [MS] Why is the event location missing from the public view of a Facebook event?
fp feedback received on [MS] What are some GUI that allow me to cut sections from a video without re-encode?
fp feedback received on [MS] Amazon let me place an order without me ever being asked for 3-D secure password
fp feedback received on [MS] у меня в моей *игре* на pygame не работает анимацыя ходьбы в левую сторону
fp feedback received on [MS] На каких сайтах it специалисту лучше всего разместить резюме (смотреть для вакансии) по удаленной работе?
fp feedback received on [MS] As large-scale sequencing projects progress do we need a new name for chromosome-scale assemblies?
tp feedback received on [MS] Is it possible to get a Google voice number without already having a phone number?
fp feedback received on [MS] How to get a Microsoft Exchange Client to work natively on elementary OS?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Connecting copper strap to grounding rod by JayH Dee on
naa feedback received on [MS] Алгоритм, как расставить знаки сложения и вычитания между числами для получения определенного числа?
fp feedback received on [MS] Sticky header for wordpress changes size and logo size as I scroll down
fp feedback received on [MS] Не подскажите, почему при отведении курсора рамка пропадает моментально?
fp feedback received on [MS] I want to create a question and answer form before purchase of product on cart page
fp feedback received on [MS] What are common reasons to disallow crawling on pages with unique and rank-able content?
fp feedback received on [MS] Service or way to input a table of lat long and return an output of street addresses?
fp feedback received on [MS] Watching "filmon tv" channels on my TV using chromecast and my smartphone
fp feedback received on [MS] IR Temprature MLX90614 Sensor Diffrent behavior based the I2C Scanner Checking
tp feedback received on [MS] If something like the Holocaust happened today what would be the level of evidence?
tp feedback received on [MS] Why did the Allies wait until after the war to prosecute Holocaust pereprators?
tp feedback received on [MS] If something like the Holocaust happened today what would be the level of evidence?
fp feedback received on [MS] Replacing 5-Wire Fan Capacitor with a Capacitor of Different Capacitance
fp feedback received on [MS] Unknown filesystem type 'hfsplus' when mounting HFS+ volume on Raspbian Stretch
fp feedback received on [MS] LaravelのSimple QR CODE generate(' ')のの中に example/kaiiin/show{id} のURLを入れたい
fp feedback received on [MS] VPN client on Windows 10 to connect to multiple server at the same time
fp feedback received on [MS] After exporting from blender into Mixamo, my character is transparent. I can only see the shadow
fp feedback received on [MS] Почему Safari12 MAc Mojave добавляет фон на элементы в фиксированном блоке
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer (49): What does acceleration in kilometer per hour per second mean? by tamasha khososi on
fp feedback received on [MS] Angular. Только начинаю разбираться с фреймом, не подскажете, как в Chips Autocomplete запретить повторное добавление тега
naa feedback received on [MS] Как добавить на сайт информер погоды текущего местоположения пользователя?
fp feedback received on [MS] Since installing an SSL certificate the featured images from my portfolio aren't displaying on my website homepage
fp feedback received on [MS] Programmatically generate new pages for a site based on page template and content elements accessed via DB
math: 748
stackoverflow: 492
superuser: 150
askubuntu: 129
physics: 128
unix: 87
electronics: 86
mathoverflow.net: 76
serverfault: 66
english: 58
diy: 53
rpg: 45
mathematica: 43
codegolf: 42
apple: 42
salesforce: 37
wordpress: 33
academia: 32
ell: 32
money: 32
scifi: 32
space: 30
es.stackoverflow: 27
chemistry: 26
worldbuilding: 26
emacs: 25
dba: 25
ethereum: 22
softwareengineering: 21
law: 21
meta: 20
security: 19
politics: 19
hermeneutics: 19
gis: 18
webapps: 18
judaism: 18
datascience: 17
dsp: 17
stackoverflow: 492
superuser: 150
askubuntu: 129
physics: 128
unix: 87
electronics: 86
mathoverflow.net: 76
serverfault: 66
english: 58
diy: 53
rpg: 45
mathematica: 43
codegolf: 42
apple: 42
salesforce: 37
wordpress: 33
academia: 32
ell: 32
money: 32
scifi: 32
space: 30
es.stackoverflow: 27
chemistry: 26
worldbuilding: 26
emacs: 25
dba: 25
ethereum: 22
softwareengineering: 21
law: 21
meta: 20
security: 19
politics: 19
hermeneutics: 19
gis: 18
webapps: 18
judaism: 18
datascience: 17
dsp: 17
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev
(SmokeDetector: Auto watch of screwlinux\.com
by Thomas Ward) (running on teward/Osiris, Python 3.6.9)
fp feedback received on [MS] Dynamic DNS for both IPv4 and IPv6 (using freedns.afraid.org or others)
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev
(Undo1: Merge pull request #4855 from Charcoal-SE/plan-z --autopull) (running on iBug/Coral)
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev
(Undo1: Merge pull request #4855 from Charcoal-SE/plan-z --autopull) (running on Makyen/EC2-linux)
naa feedback received on [MS] Installing Anaconda on Git Bash and trying conda activate results in repeated CommandNotFoundErrors
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev
(Undo1: plan z) (running on Makyen/EC2-num02, Python 3.6.12)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Issues Designing ER Diagram by Mika Asport on
fp feedback received on [MS] Lipo Battery Voltage Drop When Pi 3B and LCD Screen Are Both Connected to Powerboost 1000
fp feedback received on [MS] Miracast not working? TV supports, PC supports and sees TV as device, just can't project
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