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6:00 PM
I've mentioned this already but if this was Perl it would be pretty easy: search.cpan.org/dist/Regexp-Assemble/lib/Regexp/Assemble.pm
I might take a peek at the source for that actually to see if there's anything it's doing in pure Perl that I can abuse
CD player? o.O
ya goof
@quartata When Draco's went down, henders failed over and I pulled it. That's been running since and then Draco's came back up of it's own accord.
no not that
the post scan rate
6:04 PM
Oh sorry
@Glorfindel A bit of advice from a roomba owner: Don't let it just sit there and charge. Run it frequently. The battery will die quickly otherwise. Also, if it starts to click, you'll need new parts. Mine was nice while it lasted, but then started clicking after about 4 years and would only work for a couple minutes before it thought it was caught on something. I never replaced the parts. I did replace the battery once
Roomba technical support was very helpful though.
*iRobot technical support
I forgot how ridiculously slow CPAN is at running tests
OK, turns out that Perl module uses embedded code in the regex which obviously is a Perl specific feature because we're awesome like that
still, nothing I can use for my tracking
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer: What's wrong with my code? by user40291 on arduino.SE
tpu- by Glorfindel
yeah, post scan rate of 18.2312
@Undo can you just revert all of this, it's not worth it
I'm kind of astounded at how bad it's performing
I honestly suspect something is very, very wrong in that regex module
there's nothing my code is doing that could be that bad, but if they're using DFAs then the additional groups could be causing problems
6:17 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: What's wrong with my code? by user40291 on arduino.SE
@SmokeDetector k
I already mod-flagged that answer.
@quartata Probably. Updating it probably wouldn't help, either
What exactly does it have that sre doesn't?
Sorry it's performing bad :(
Or PCRE for that matter.
6:26 PM
@bwDraco teward/Lunar Eclipse
@quartata Don't really know. @ThomasWard might?
@Undo I mean like I said I'm not very good at micro-optimizing Python but I gave it my best
So revert?
It's not that useful
6:26 PM
@quartata yeah, I don't think it's your fault
I'll leave it be - it looks like my instance is in standby.
Maybe if I did a full profile
It's possible the problem is the finditer but I kinda need that
it returns full match objects
whereas findall returns a massive list of tuples which would be ridiculous
I mean I never expected the group trick to be that fast (the way that Perl module does it is much better) but this is gross
ah well
It's going to be a pain to revert since it was across two merge commits, sorry
I've got it. No worries, I like Git tree issues
builds an ability to deal with them when production is on fire
btw you have rubocop failures on MS
6:34 PM
something something excuse me I have to go somewhere there is a style violation is happening
the easiest way to do this is probably an interactive rebase
I broke some stuff trying to use GH's interface to view blames
just pick the blacklist ones out
rebase changes the tree, though?
6:36 PM
do you not want to rewrite history?
tends to break stuff when we do
well all right
Should be able to just revert them, no?
yeah I think you can do them all in one go
git revert <hashes...> right
Yep. Have to figure out the merge commit stuff
6:50 PM
@Undo hm?
@ThomasWard Were you working on regex perf at some point?
@undo i have a headache, perf = ?
short words hurt my brain more today. >.< utters bad words about allergies
i haven't done much at all in terms of regex though
I did a thing and it turned out to suck
ah. nope I never tried to improve upon regex performance here
it's kinda hard with the scale of the regex we use
now we're all scratching our heads at the burnt remains of findspam's performance trying to figure out which of several canisters of gasoline caused it to explode
6:52 PM
@quartata well whos' been fiddling with it
not me, of course.
@ThomasWard I mean we can definitely improve by compiling the regexes only once
@ThomasWard me
whoever's been making changes (read: you) has broken things
that goes without saying
so do a git bisect between the last good revision and now
and figure out which of your changes fubar'd things.
then see what you did.
individual incremental testing, which is why TCOM exists :P
i mean, I could do a git bisect myself but... i don't have my laptop.
Undo already reverted it, it was just one big change
6:53 PM
@quartata was it a pull req from another branch?
the question is why it doesn't work, hence the several canisters of gasoline
I'm working on it. Almost there.
or rather merged from another branch.
@ThomasWard pull requests from 3
@quartata then we'd have to bisect each set of revs.
6:54 PM
I got it to work
@quartata I agree with compiling at the beginning
but that has its own headaches too.
esp. when we make revisions, and would likely cause some headaches with the Helios proposal.
extra startup time, which MS ping times would have to be adapted for.
anyways if you're interested this is the sitch:
i have a headache from sinus pressure because of the shifting between cold and warm all the damned time.
ugh, that's no fun
6:55 PM
so blah
@Undo yep
CI on 19fb004 succeeded.
now let's see if it actually improves
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 19fb004 (Undo1: Undo insulation commit) (running on teward/Lunar Eclipse)
Restart: API quota is 19304.
@Undo regex is always a headache.
meh, at least Lunar Eclipse is still working
Solar Flare died yesterday because overdue payments on one thing fubar'd everything else. But their invoices for paying never reached me so I'm yelling at the datacenter now.
6:57 PM
oh I was wondering what was up with that
@quartata their messages were caught as spam
so I told them they need to fix it.
guess who's now been hired to fix it >.<
throws a 50-pound chunk of salt at @QPaysTaxes
I've been hired to fix it. Yay for extra money, boo because they use ancient software. (read: sendmail for SMTP and such)
@QPaysTaxes and when we talk about old things, we especially have to hate sendmail.
I mean that's ancient as an MTA
Postfix is far more extensible and modern lol
I mean, sendmail is still developed, but Postfix is a bit more user friendly. My opinion.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started in standby mode at rev 19fb004 (Undo1: Undo insulation commit) (running on teward/Solar Flare)
there we go
The upside to having everything in LXD containers: everything's easy to manage, you can easily move things, and snapshot things and such.
The downside to LXD containers: I have to SSH into them from the host system.
7:07 PM
that's not so bad
@quartata the 1:1 NAT for some of the host machine's IPs to individual containers is the painful part
because SOME systems you just want to have different IPs
and you first have to bring up the interfaces on the host (reboots!)
and then configure the 1:1 NAT to a private network subnet address in both directions.
and then configure the firewall on the container itself.
I've got this down to a science, mind you, but...
... it's not the kindest thing in the world to setup or maintain.
vim can load like 2GB files
that just means you haven't slathered it with enough plugins
a good rule of thumb is that if you can't play tetris in vim then you don't have enough plugins
thus speaks one who has not yet received the gospel of Emacs
I would say that stock emacs is closer to an IDE than stock vim but I don't like it like that
wait a second
@QPaysTaxes that's a bug; M-x global-unset-key C-x C-c
also disable the stupid menu and undefine the kill-emacs function
maybe I should build my own distro of Emacs
7:22 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: What are the conditions required for a territory to become part of United States? by john on politics.SE
7:34 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Como Criar um evento no Google Analytics by Pablo Cabral on pt.stackoverflow.com
7:50 PM
Restart: API quota is 18728.
8:04 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title: www.somespamsite.com by user81129 on drupal.SE
tpu by DJMcMayhem
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer: Why doesn't a neon sign seem that hot? by user176944 on physics.SE
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: How to replace existing value of ArrayList element in java by Iosif Stalin on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
8:27 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Can't load javascript in modal by user3494254 on stackoverflow.com
fp- by DJMcMayhem
@Glorfindel done
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title: www.spammyurl.com by user109437 on graphicdesign.SE
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: Re-file a Patent deemed Abandoned? by smidge on patents.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer: How can we tell a divorced friend that his ex has moved on, and appears to have a boyfriend? by Rose hodges on interpersonal.SE
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: How to add icons to React Native app by sebastian gamboa on stackoverflow.com
9:00 PM
what does !! \ notify do, how does it work? (forward slash)
!!/allnotificationsites 11540
You will get notified for these sites:
scifi.stackexchange.com, literature.stackexchange.com, puzzling.stackexchange.com, ai.stackexchange.com
!!/notify adds a site to that list ^
it means that you'll get an @ping when Smokey detects something on that site
so if you run !!/notify 11540 scifi.stackexchange.com, you'll get notified in room 11540 (this room) when Smokey detects something on Science Fiction & Fantasy
Note that you can only request notifications in rooms that smokey already posts in
Ah I see, thanks
9:15 PM
You can find a list of all rooms on the wiki
@quartata did you ever get around to finishing the watcher and delay roles for the NG refactor?
That's been done for quite a while.
You don't use a role for deletion watch though
It's like commands: watcher: True/False
although I did just notice a boo-boo: I forgot to actually check whether the room has it set, I spawn the deletion watcher regardless...
not sure how that happened
Btw I added a commit yesterday so that the bot will use rooms_custom.yml if it is present, to allow for easy development
I saw
That means I can stop stashing my different rooms.yml which is nice
9:41 PM
@SmokeDetector tpu-
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: Python What is this character like? by Sorry on stackoverflow.com
sd k
I think?
That's strange
@ArtOfCode thx
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: What is meant by "got jumped"? by MARIA MEJIA-LOPEZ on ell.SE
tpu- by Riker
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Se puede llamar un WSDL de manera local usando PHP by drmad on es.stackoverflow.com
fp- by Glorfindel
sd fp
@Riker [:41440492] That message is not a report.
sd 2- fp
10:04 PM
1. [:41440510] <skipped>
2. [:41440492] <skipped>
3. [:41440473] Registered answer as false positive.
@SmokeDetector I've protected that one ... there are already two such abusive answers there... no need for more.
10:19 PM
@Riker You can use direct replies to avoid that issue
10:34 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer: How to interact with a friend dating my ex-girlfriend when we hang out? by Bob Trusted on interpersonal.SE
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body: Apply function struggle by Olivier Damas on stackoverflow.com
tp- by J F
@SmokeDetector v
11:08 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, mostly dots in answer: What does <> mean? by rice on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by Floern
!!/watch pablocabral\.com\.br
@paper1111 You don't have code privileges, but I've created PR#1296 for you.
Restart: API quota is 16619.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, email in body: Address Proof for Tier 2 ICT Long Term Visa UK by Fakhruddin Latsaheb on travel.SE
Restart: API quota is 16543.
11:36 PM
sd - f
Restart: API quota is 16474.
11:51 PM
Restart: API quota is 16396.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer: Merging separate paths in Illustrator by WADUHEK on graphicdesign.SE

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